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Re: Zehariah chapter four [Re: dedication] #171401
01/19/15 09:39 AM
01/19/15 09:39 AM
dedication  Online Content OP
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While I do believe God sends prophets to guide us, yet, they must be tested by scripture, not the other way around. They are never to block direct access to scripture, but rather point us to scripture to see if these things are so.

Indeed prophets need to be tested, for many false prophets will arise and will have messages designed to deceive the very elect.

To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." (Isaiah 8:20)

Re: Zehariah chapter four [Re: dedication] #171408
01/19/15 09:42 PM
01/19/15 09:42 PM
APL  Offline
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APL- Oh - has God's character changed? Nope. What did the cross show?

gll - Yes,and amen to those Inspired words of God you quoted.

However, we must balance those with such as--

"For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries."(Hebrews 10:26-27)

EGW - God destroys no man. Everyone who is destroyed will have destroyed himself. Everyone who stifles the admonitions of conscience is sowing the seeds of unbelief, and these will produce a sure harvest.

Oh, that men might open their minds to know God as he is revealed in his Son! {ST, January 20, 1890}
Re: Zehariah chapter four [Re: dedication] #171411
01/20/15 05:23 AM
01/20/15 05:23 AM
dedication  Online Content OP
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The Two Olive Trees are seen again in Revelation 11.

Rev. 11:3-4 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.” These are the two olive trees

The power which trod the people of God under foot for twelve hundred and sixty years was the papacy. (538-1798)
For twelve hundred and sixty day/years the life giving truths of God's Words was hidden as beneath a covering, of sackcloth.

The "two witnesses" are the Old and the New Testaments.
The Old Testament told of God our Creator and His salvation was revealed through symbols and types; the New Testament told of God, who had come (Immanuel, God with us) he lived in the human form, He, the One to whom the of the testimony of the OT pointed, is the reality in the NT, and the two witnesses agree.

The same mystery is revealed to each individual heart of those who seek to know God through His Word. Christ, the God-man, sat beside Jacob's well one day, when the Samaritan woman came to draw water. Likewise the holy Spirit drew the woman of Samaria to the well at the very hour when the Son of man was there. These two witnesses agree. For the OT was written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit and Christ was filled with the Holy Spirit and taught the truths of the kingdom of heaven.

They, the Holy Spirit and Christ, are the "two olive branches through which the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves."


Life flows from the Old as well as the New Testament to those whose hearts are open channels for the Spirit. When connection with the living trees is severed, spiritual death is the result.

As John 15 reveals -- abide in Christ he is the living vine, a branch severed will soon wither and is bound for destruction, abide in Christ, and one is fruitful and blessed!

If the connecting pipes coming from the scripture (trees) is severed, meaning; if our relationship with Christ and our depending upon the guidance by the Holy Spirit, is severed, then we run out oil. The bowl will soon be empty.

Without the Spirit of God a knowledge of His word is of no avail. The theory of truth, unaccompanied by the Holy Spirit, cannot quicken the soul or sanctify the heart. One may be familiar with the commands and promises of the Bible; but unless the Spirit of God sets the truth home, the character will not be transformed. Without the enlightenment of the Spirit, men will not be able to distinguish truth from error,

Re: Zehariah chapter four [Re: dedication] #171418
01/20/15 04:00 PM
01/20/15 04:00 PM
kland  Offline
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Don't know if this was already presented
Concerning the two witnesses the prophet declares further: "These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth." "Thy word," said the psalmist, "is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Revelation 11:4; Psalm 119:105. The two witnesses represent the Scriptures of the Old and the New Testament. Both are important testimonies to the origin and perpetuity of the law of God. Both are witnesses also to the plan of salvation. The types, sacrifices, and prophecies of the Old Testament point forward to a Saviour to come. The Gospels and Epistles of the New Testament tell of a Saviour who has come in the exact manner foretold by type and prophecy. {GC 267.1}

Re: Zehariah chapter four [Re: dedication] #171425
01/21/15 12:41 AM
01/21/15 12:41 AM
dedication  Online Content OP
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Yes, there is agreement on the two trees being the Old and New Testament.
And that is a good quote! For it shows the two trees themselves are the "witnesses" and the lamp and light to show us the path.

The disagreement comes, when GLL says the two tubes taking oil from the two trees and placing it in the bowl which then supplies the oil to the lampstand represents primarily Houteff and to a much lesser degree EGW.

And thus he has told us only they have any authority to interpret scripture.

Re: Zehariah chapter four [Re: dedication] #171426
01/21/15 02:06 AM
01/21/15 02:06 AM
dedication  Online Content OP
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A depiction of Zechariah chapter four

Zechariah Four


Re: Zehariah chapter four [Re: dedication] #171433
01/22/15 05:58 AM
01/22/15 05:58 AM
Godsloveandlaw  Offline
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Ded- He invites everyone who thirsts to come to the water, and partake of His Word with the aid of His Holy Spirit.
No human has the authority to set themselves up as the sole interpreter of scripture.

Yes this is certainly true. However, and this is the part of the lesson which I think you miss-- the Inspired Interpreters are the ones that go into the trees (OT NT &SOP) to prophesie events to come.

SOP is clear about new truth to be revealed and found --

"Let no one come to the conclusion that there is no more truth to be revealed. The diligent, prayerful seeker for truth will find precious rays of light yet to shine forth from the word of God." (Counsels on Sabbath school Work, p.34)

But this is not the same as--

"Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7)

Notice the "doing" of the Lord is first done by revealing it to His prophets. Not private people, who try and engage in private interpretations for self exaltation. Kind of like "hey everybody see how smart I am" type of self imaging. You predicting that there is to be a Satan kingdom in Israel in the time of the Loud Cry is a perfect example. that is not spoken of by any of "His Prophets". Yes, there is to be a kingdom in the world that will be run by Satan and his henchmen, yes, but it WILL NOT be based in Israel.

Ded-Turn to the Lord, open His Word, pray for His Holy Spirit, and He will lead you into all truth.
(See John 16:13)

Again this is true IF we do it. But as one who continually does not do what you tell others I suggest you do some mirror studies.

For example, God still has on record your false witnesses and character impugning of a group of people know as "Davidians".Is the "Holy Spirit" guiding her to slander and make up falsehood or is it another spirit?

We did a post to help those, who may see that Dedication cannot produce any statements from the writings of brother Houteff even REMOTELY suggesting an awful belief she has spoken in front of God and the world (Davidians will rise up and perform the Ezekiel 9 like slaughter in the SDA church someday soon)

"Who Really is a Davidian Seventh-day Adventist"

Last edited by Godsloveandlaw; 01/22/15 07:24 AM.
Re: Zehariah chapter four [Re: dedication] #171452
01/23/15 07:31 AM
01/23/15 07:31 AM
dedication  Online Content OP
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Are these SRod interpretations leading me to the Bible and to Christ, or are they trying to lead me to Houteff?

That is the BOTTOM line of the SRod interpretation of Zechariah 4. The final conclusion to the study is that in our day Houteff as the sole authorized interpreter of scriptures (and of EGW who is only regarded as inspired when she agrees with Houteff).

I do not agree with that. Yes, my thirst is for Biblical truth, not for Houteff interpretations.

And yes, two obvious points as to why I can not agree to Houteff's interpretations are mentioned.

1. The focus of SRod writings is on an earthly pre-second coming kingdom in Palestine. And yes, having been exposed to various prophetic movements, I've seen they tend to have a common goal -- a kingdom in Palestine. Houteff's biblical "proofs" for this kingdom are nothing new. Seventh-day Adventists have been refuting them since ever there was an Adventist.

And yes, that kingdom will come to a bitter end for it is not Christ's kingdom. Christ's kingdom is not of this world, He is preparing a people through His "kingdom of grace" which is to take place "within" us, for His eternal kingdom is in the NEW Jerusalem which is in heaven.

Also I did not say Satan's kingdom would be in Israel. Israel in the New Testament prophecy refers to GOD'S PEOPLE, the followers of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Biblical New Testament Israel is not to a place.

Gal 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. AND
Heb 11:10 [Abraham} looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God

But Satan, in his final attempt to receive worship as if he were God, will attempt to set up a righteous sounding kingdom in Palestine -- using influential leaders who appear in the eyes of the people to be restoring peace and good principles, this will give the illusion needed that they are restoring "God's will" upon the world and moving humanity to better things -- and yes, they are expecting Christ to come to this kingdom -- but we are told Satan will impersonate Christ, and the world will shout "Christ has come" when it isn't Christ at all. Yes -- on the sides of the north -- on the glorious mountain, between the seas, but it will come to its end and none will help him.

EGW writes: " Then I was pointed to some who are in the great error of believing that it is their duty to go to Old Jerusalem, and think they have a work to do there before the Lord comes." EW 75

2. Another error
The timing of the special resurrection mentioned in Daniel 12:1
This resurrection takes place during seventh last plague well after probation has closed for the whole world and God steps in to deliver His people.
SRod place it before the LOUD CRY and maintain that the dead are raised to help in this work.
Since we are told that in the last days SPIRITUALISM will reach unprecedented heights in the efforts to deceive -- that Satan and his angels will appear as deceased people and even as Christ, such a misplacement of the "special resurrection" simply bypasses the doctrine of the "state of the dead" and opens the door wide to be deceived.

3. The last part of Ezekiel nine also takes place during the seventh plague, after God delivers His people from the death degree, and the lost realize they are lost. See GC 656 for the details.

SRod, maintain this execution takes place before the Sunday laws are passed, before the loud cry is given, and gets rid of all the Adventists who refuse Houteff. This, in their teachings must take place before they set up the kingdom and give the loud cry to the world.

I read GLL's depiction on his blog (solemn half hour silence part two)of Adventists going to church and sitting expectantly waiting for the pastor to begin his sermon, ALL THE DOORS mysteriously WERE LOCKED so they couldn't leave, and a how a big wind starts to blow and they all get killed (by supposedly angels), except for one or two who were reserved for a worse fate.

On the same blog-- someone sent in a question asking if this begins in the eastern states, then the people in the west would hear about it and not go to church (thus escaping the destruction)-- The answer given, was the doors could remain locked so the news wouldn't get out.
THIS (in a much longer story form) WAS ON GODSLOVEANDLAW blog.

Yes, after reading that I did write on the "counterfeit kingdom" thread, that such a depiction convinces me that SRod followers may well take things in their own hands.

GLL now presents those words as if I said it was definite that they would, but that was not the case.

Saying I am convinced they may well take things into their own hands is not the same as saying they definitely will -- I sincerely hope they won't.

Yet, the sense remains -- especially since Houteff teaches a special resurrection BEFORE the loud cry, and some SRod believe Houteff will resurrect and lead them. I asked GLL, what a SRod follower would do if a being, that looked like Houteff, talked like Houteff, and shared experiences unique to Houteff, appeared and told them it was God's will to do the cleansing, just as God had commanded Joshua of old? What would they do?

There was never an answer to that question.

Why would anyone write a scenario like that????
That sort of thing has been done by PEOPLE in various countries where religious intolerance has been practiced.

Re: Zehariah chapter four [Re: dedication] #171453
01/23/15 09:20 AM
01/23/15 09:20 AM
dedication  Online Content OP
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The appeal the SRod message has for some Adventists is it's "reform" part. The fact that worldliness has crept into the church and Adventist truths are being watered down, discourages many in the church and they long for reform.

Yet, we don't have to turn to SRod to find out what type of life we are to live --
We have plenty of counsel on those things.

We don't have to accept a movement with serious errors in their doctrine, in order to have reform. All we need to do is follow the counsel we already have, and make sure our connection, faith and trust in Christ is a vital connection.

The purification of the church will come by TESTING each person's commitment to truth. It will reveal him who serves and trusts God and him that serves him not. For everyone in the church will be faced with a choice -- join the popular ecumenical movement, or stand fast on truths having a deep faith in Christ and "following the Lamb" in obedience, trust and love.

Christ is not waiting to appear to you over in Palestine on the hill called Zion in old Jerusalem. He wants to meet us where ever we are, by His Spirit transforming our lives with His grace, and have us follow Him to the heavenly Zion.

Re: Zehariah chapter four [Re: dedication] #171460
01/23/15 03:58 PM
01/23/15 03:58 PM
kland  Offline
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That's what I'm finding with the promoters of error. It's almost as if they key in on problems and then offer their "solution". It's almost as if they go through the commentary, and everywhere there is any statement which states that they aren't sure, or it is unclear, the error promoters jump at offering "the truth". If Adventists have interpreted scripture wrong in places, then they grab hold of it and offer what they say is correct. So the unsuspecting realizes the errors and problems with the church and then become deceived into something much worse and sinister.

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