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Re: does God punish? [Re: Tom] #106125
12/15/08 04:41 PM
12/15/08 04:41 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Tom
I agree with Teresaq's comments very much in regards to not having all the info, so we should walk with care. Regarding leprosy, Satan invented it, not God. It is a disease which Satan invented that God permitted them to obtain.

Too bad the Bible portrays God doing things Satan actually did. No wonder there as so many skeptics. In truth, I do not agree the Bible does this. I take God at His word. Since it says God inflicted Moses and Miriam with leprosy I believe it. I feel no need to interpret it to mean something it clearly did not say.

Regarding, "So, do you believe the holy angels held incorrect views, before the cross, about destroying sinners?" you cut off my quote, so it's difficult to follow here. You're saying, "so," but not providing the context of the "so."

Do you believe the holy angels held incorrect views about destroying sinners before the cross? NOTE: I know you do, at least I know you did. I'm asking again because your hesitancy to answer my question leads me to believe you may have changed your mind.

M: You seem to have no problem with God withdrawing His protection and leaving sinners to the whims and wrath of Satan.

T: This is a weird way of putting it, but we are in the middle of a Great Controversy, and as the SOP explains . . . To answer your question, no, I don't have a problem with what Ellen White explained here.

M:So, do you think God left it up to the whims and wrath of Satan to decide how to destroy the Jews? Or, do you think God set restrictions on what Satan could and couldn't do?

T: Did Ellen White say that? No, right? So know, that's not what I'm agreeing to. As I stated, yours is a weird way of putting it, and I agree with what Ellen White said, which I quoted. Regarding if I'm implying A.D. 70 is arbitrary, no.

Which of the two questions are you saying no to? In case you're unclear as to which two questions I'm referring to, here they are again: Do you think God left it up to the whims and wrath of Satan to decide how to destroy the Jews? Or, do you think God set restrictions on what Satan could and couldn't do?

M: But please explain to me how it isn’t arbitrary. I see no natural connection, that is, not like when a person ingests lethal poison and dies (there is nothing arbitrary about dying in this case; there is a natural connection). But what is the natural connection in the way the 185,000 soldiers died, in the way the first-born of Egypt died, and in the way the 70,000 died? What is not arbitrary about these cases?

T: You asked the same thing about the destruction of Jersualem. Are you satisfied that the destruction of Jerusalem was not arbitrary?

M: It depends on how you answer my last question - "So, are you implying that what happened to the Jews in 70 AD was arbitrary?"

T: My answer is no.

What part of it was not arbitrary? The part about God handing the Jews over to Satan for rejecting Jesus? Or, the part about the Romans besieging and destroying the Jews because they rebelled against Roman occupation and rule? NOTE: Please note that I asked two opposing questions. I would appreciate it if you would address both separately. Thank you.

M: Actually, I would prefer it would you address the following questions separately: "What is the natural connection in the way the 185,000 soldiers died, in the way the first-born of Egypt died, and in the way the 70,000 died? What is not arbitrary about these cases?"

T: I don't wish to address the questions separately, as I believe the same principles are at work in these instances as with Jerusalem, that latter being something that we have a great deal of information regarding, a whole chapter of over twenty pages.

I assume by "same principles" you mean God withdrew His protection and permitted evil angels to destroy the different groups of people mentioned in my questions above. Is that right? If so, then I don't see the natural cause and effect relation in these events. That is, how did their sins cause them to die the way they did? If it was as natural as you seem to believe why, then, did it require evil angels to make it happen? Would they have died in the same way if the evil angels did nothing to make it happen?

T: Satan does things which are self-defeating. For example, he inspired the crucifixion of Christ.

M: Are you implying Jesus died because Satan inspired sinners to crucify Him?

T: From "It Is Finished": Satanic agencies confederated with evil men in leading the people to believe Christ the chief of sinners, and to make Him the object of detestation. Those who mocked Christ as He hung upon the cross were imbued with the spirit of the first great rebel....By shedding the blood of the Son of God, he had uprooted himself from the sympathies of the heavenly beings. (DA 761) If so, isn't this implying Jesus would not have paid our sin debt of death if Satan hadn't inspired sinners to crucify Him?

No. It doesn't imply any such thing. Jesus was going to pay our sin debt one way or another. And, no one killed Him. He laid down and took up His own life. This isn't Hollywood. Jesus didn't happen to get lucky and announce His death seconds before He died. The reason He died immediately after saying, It is finished, is because He laid down His life.

M: If so, isn't this implying Jesus would not have paid our sin debt of death if Satan hadn't inspired sinners to crucify Him?

T: No, I don't think so. I think evil men would have crucified Christ, even without Satan's help. By the way, it's worthy of note that the SOP says that Satan shed the blood of the Son of God. Regarding if I agree with the SOP, I do.

The SOP also says we all shed His blood on the cross. Obviously none of us were there in person, so it means something very much different. Also, no one could have laid a finger on Jesus if it hadn't been His will. Not even Satan. Especially not the Jews or Romans. Jesus could have gone home in the twinkling of an eye if He wanted to. But it was His and desire to pay our sin debt of death.

M: Here's the sentence in question: "The same destructive power exercised by holy angels when God commands, will be exercised by evil angels when He permits."

Ellen says nothing about God employing force to overcome rebellion. She is simply talking about holy angels and evil angels exercising the "same destructive power". The point is - The objectives and outcome are the same whether holy angels or evil angels exercise the same destructive power in response to God's command or permission.

T: The underlined portion has God and evil angels acting in such a way that's it's impossible to distinguish one from the other. This is something I find particular dangerous in regards to your theory, in particular given that Satan will impersonate Christ.

Her words are too clear to twist to mean the opposite of she wrote. It would be interesting to ask a hundred English teachers to explain the meaning of her words. I have no doubt they would agree with me and not you. There is no hint whatsoever of your view in this sentence or in the paragraph from which it comes.

M: You believe Jesus revealed all that we can know about God during earthly ministry . . .

T: Yes, I believe this, because this is what the SOP said in 8T 286.

M: . . . and yet it is clear Jesus never commanded holy angels to exercise destructive power.

T: So the logical conclusion is that neither has God.

Logic has nothing to do with it, Tom. Logic is not the judge of truth.


Gotta run, so I'll finish addressing this post later on:

Nor did He ever withdraw His protection and permit evil angels to exercise the same destructive power.

I disagree with this assertion. We see what happened when Jesus allowed the demons power of the pigs. When Jesus left Lazarus, he became sick and died, which is directly tied in Scripture to Jesus' actions. And there's the example of Jerusalem, where Jesus said He would gather them as a hen gathers its checks, but they didn't want that, so their house was left to them desolate. There are also dozens of examples of Jesus' healing the victims of Satan of their diseases. Whenever anyone dies of disease, which happened in Jesus' lifetime (whenever He wasn't around, as with Lazarus) this is example of the principle.

Another thing God did in the OT that Jesus never did while He was here, is He never commanded people to kill sinners. So, obviously, there are things Jesus did not reveal about God while He was here.

Here's what Ellen White wrote:

All that man needs to know or can know of God has been revealed in the life and character of His Son. (8T 286)

I agree with her and disagree with you.

Re: does God punish? [Re: Mountain Man] #106128
12/15/08 07:46 PM
12/15/08 07:46 PM
Tom  Offline
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T:I agree with Teresaq's comments very much in regards to not having all the info, so we should walk with care. Regarding leprosy, Satan invented it, not God. It is a disease which Satan invented that God permitted them to obtain.

M:Too bad the Bible portrays God doing things Satan actually did. No wonder there as so many skeptics. In truth, I do not agree the Bible does this. I take God at His word. Since it says God inflicted Moses and Miriam with leprosy I believe it. I feel no need to interpret it to mean something it clearly did not say.

Not really. There are times you don't do what you're claiming. For example:

And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.(Numbers 21:6)

Do you "take God at His word" here? Do you believe God sent fiery serpent among the people? Or do you believe that the serpents were there already, and God simply withdrew His protection?

13 So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the LORD, because he did not keep the word of the LORD, and also because he consulted a medium for guidance. 14 But he did not inquire of the LORD; therefore He killed him, and turned the kingdom over to David the son of Jesse.(1 Chron. 10)

Did God kill Saul?

1 Again the anger of the LORD was aroused against Israel, and He moved David against them to say, “Go, number Israel and Judah.”(2 Sam. 24)

1And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel. (1 Chron 21)

And here you have direct evidence that the Bible presents God as doing that which Satan does.

Another example would be Jerusalem in AD 70. The Bible says God destroyed Jerusalem, yet the SOP says:

Their sufferings are often represented as a punishment visited upon them by the direct decree of God. It is thus that the great deceiver seeks to conceal his own work. By stubborn rejection of divine love and mercy, the Jews had caused the protection of God to be withdrawn from them, and Satan was permitted to rule them according to his will. (GC 35)

I know you said "too bad" in a sarcastic way, but in a sense it *is* too bad Scripture has to be this way. But, if you think about it, there's no way around it. God is Sovereign of the Universe, so in some sense He is responsible for all that happens in it, since without Him there would be no Universe. So this is one factor.

Another factor is that Satan is very clever. He has fooled all of us at one time or another with his impersonations of God, and many of us don't even recognize this fact!

If you think about how the GC started, Satan presented himself as being reasonable, simply honestly questioning whether God's ways were right or not, if they were reasonable, if there wasn't a better path to follow. But he had an ulterior motive, which was the exaltation of self.

Satan said that God didn't have the best interests of His creatures at heart, that He was a sever and harsh dictator who would punish anyone who in the least defied His will, that He was selfish and sought His own glory.

How was God to answer these charges? If He said, "No, you are the one who is selfish. You are the one with ulterior motives. You are the one seeking to exalt himself. You are the one who doesn't have the best interest of others in mind. You are the severe and harsh dictator who punishes anyone who defies your will in the least way." what good would it have done? No good at all.

The only way to resolve the conflict was to allow the two governments to develop, so the principles of the two protagonists could be clearly seen. So clever was Satan, that it wasn't until the cross that Satan's true character was made clear:

"And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night." Rev. 12:10.

Satan saw that his disguise was torn away. His administration was laid open before the unfallen angels and before the heavenly universe. He had revealed himself as a murderer. By shedding the blood of the Son of God, he had uprooted himself from the sympathies of the heavenly beings. Henceforth his work was restricted. Whatever attitude he might assume, he could no longer await the angels as they came from the heavenly courts, and before them accuse Christ's brethren of being clothed with the garments of blackness and the defilement of sin. The last link of sympathy between Satan and the heavenly world was broken. (DA 761)

Satan is such a clever antagonist, it's not a simple thing to determine who is doing what. There was great misunderstanding regarding God's character, so God sent His Son:

The earth was dark through misapprehension of God. That the gloomy shadows might be lightened, that the world might be brought back to God, Satan's deceptive power was to be broken. This could not be done by force. The exercise of force is contrary to the principles of God's government; He desires only the service of love; and love cannot be commanded; it cannot be won by force or authority. Only by love is love awakened. To know God is to love Him; His character must be manifested in contrast to the character of Satan. This work only one Being in all the universe could do. Only He who knew the height and depth of the love of God could make it known. Upon the world's dark night the Sun of Righteousness must rise, "with healing in His wings." Mal. 4:2. (DA 22)

The "whole purpose" of Christ's earthly mission was the revelation of God, to set men right.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: does God punish? [Re: Tom] #106130
12/15/08 09:42 PM
12/15/08 09:42 PM
Tom  Offline
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T:Regarding, "So, do you believe the holy angels held incorrect views, before the cross, about destroying sinners?" you cut off my quote, so it's difficult to follow here. You're saying, "so," but not providing the context of the "so."

M:Do you believe the holy angels held incorrect views about destroying sinners before the cross? NOTE: I know you do, at least I know you did. I'm asking again because your hesitancy to answer my question leads me to believe you may have changed your mind.

No, I haven't changed my mind. I still believe the EGW quotes I have been using to reply to this question are true.

M: You seem to have no problem with God withdrawing His protection and leaving sinners to the whims and wrath of Satan.

T: This is a weird way of putting it, but we are in the middle of a Great Controversy, and as the SOP explains . . . To answer your question, no, I don't have a problem with what Ellen White explained here.

M:So, do you think God left it up to the whims and wrath of Satan to decide how to destroy the Jews? Or, do you think God set restrictions on what Satan could and couldn't do?

T: Did Ellen White say that? No, right? So know, that's not what I'm agreeing to. As I stated, yours is a weird way of putting it, and I agree with what Ellen White said, which I quoted. Regarding if I'm implying A.D. 70 is arbitrary, no.

Which of the two questions are you saying no to? In case you're unclear as to which two questions I'm referring to, here they are again: Do you think God left it up to the whims and wrath of Satan to decide how to destroy the Jews? Or, do you think God set restrictions on what Satan could and couldn't do?

You asked a question. I answered it. You asked it again. I answered it again. I'm referring to the question which you asked, which I said was a weird way of putting it. As I stated, I agree with what Ellen White wrote about it, which I think was well put. For example:

In their hatred and cruelty toward the disciples of Jesus they rejected the last offer of mercy. Then God withdrew His protection from them and removed His restraining power from Satan and his angels, and the nation was left to the control of the leader she had chosen. Her children had spurned the grace of Christ, which would have enabled them to subdue their evil impulses, and now these became the conquerors. Satan aroused the fiercest and most debased passions of the soul. Men did not reason; they were beyond reason--controlled by impulse and blind rage. They became satanic in their cruelty.(GC 28)

What part of it was not arbitrary? The part about God handing the Jews over to Satan for rejecting Jesus? Or, the part about the Romans besieging and destroying the Jews because they rebelled against Roman occupation and rule? NOTE: Please note that I asked two opposing questions. I would appreciate it if you would address both separately. Thank you.

I don't know what you're asking. The point I have made is that God is not arbitrary. God did not do something arbitrary to punish the Jews. God allowed the Jews to have their choice of leader, and all the bad things that happened resulted from that choice. This is what I'm saying is not arbitrary.

Regarding the same principles question and evil angels, the same principle is that God withdraws His protection, and then bad things happen. There may be different agents which cause the bad things (nature, evil angels, people), but it's the same general principle involved.

More later.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: does God punish? [Re: Tom] #106132
12/15/08 10:26 PM
12/15/08 10:26 PM
Tom  Offline
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T: Satan does things which are self-defeating. For example, he inspired the crucifixion of Christ.

M: Are you implying Jesus died because Satan inspired sinners to crucify Him?

T: From "It Is Finished": Satanic agencies confederated with evil men in leading the people to believe Christ the chief of sinners, and to make Him the object of detestation. Those who mocked Christ as He hung upon the cross were imbued with the spirit of the first great rebel....By shedding the blood of the Son of God, he had uprooted himself from the sympathies of the heavenly beings. (DA 761) If so, isn't this implying Jesus would not have paid our sin debt of death if Satan hadn't inspired sinners to crucify Him?

M:No. It doesn't imply any such thing. Jesus was going to pay our sin debt one way or another. And, no one killed Him. He laid down and took up His own life. This isn't Hollywood. Jesus didn't happen to get lucky and announce His death seconds before He died. The reason He died immediately after saying, It is finished, is because He laid down His life.

This get messed up. You asked the question, "If so, isn't this implying Jesus would not have paid our sin debt of death if Satan hadn't inspired sinners to crucify Him?" not me, as it looks like from the quote. And then you answered your own question.

Here's how I answered your question:

No, I don't think so. I think evil men would have crucified Christ, even without Satan's help. By the way, it's worthy of note that the SOP says that Satan shed the blood of the Son of God.

It's interesting that you say "no one killed him" but Scripture says that evil men "put him to death" and the SOP says that Satan "shed the blood of the Son of God." Your statement that no one could have harmed Jesus had He not permitted is correct, and this was Jesus' point in saying that He laid down His life, that no one took it from Him against His will. He was a willing sacrifice.

T: The underlined portion has God and evil angels acting in such a way that's it's impossible to distinguish one from the other. This is something I find particular dangerous in regards to your theory, in particular given that Satan will impersonate Christ.

Her words are too clear to twist to mean the opposite of she wrote. It would be interesting to ask a hundred English teachers to explain the meaning of her words. I have no doubt they would agree with me and not you. There is no hint whatsoever of your view in this sentence or in the paragraph from which it comes.

Apparently her words are not too clear to twist to mean the opposite of what she wrote when she writes, "Satan shed the blood of the Son of God."

Here are some other examples of her words not being too clear to twist:

Time and time again Lucifer was offered pardon on condition of repentance.

MM: The words “pardon” and “repentance” in this singular case do not mean the same thing it does in our cases.

For example, I presented this quote:

The fall of our first parents, with all the woe that has resulted, he charges upon the Creator, leading men to look upon God as the author of sin, and suffering, and death. (DA 24)

to show you were wrong to consider God to be the author of sin, and you simply responded that EGW had a different idea of "author of sin" than you did.

In this current dialog, you have a different idea of what "repentance" and "pardon" means. Why wouldn't you have a different idea of what "sin" means?

MM:The SOP quote you are referring to employs the word “sin” in a different sense.

When it suits you, you have no qualms about "twisting" her words (to use your word). This is really a case of the pot calling the kettle black!

Back to the subject at hand. Here's what I said:

M:The point is - The objectives and outcome are the same whether holy angels or evil angels exercise the same destructive power in response to God's command or permission.

T: The underlined portion has God and evil angels acting in such a way that's it's impossible to distinguish one from the other. This is something I find particular dangerous in regards to your theory, in particular given that Satan will impersonate Christ.

You didn't respond to the point being made. If your view of things were correct, then you would have God and evil angels working in a way that is indistinguishable from one to the other. You would have God acting like a dictator. This is the same point that kland has been making on another thread.

But God and Satan are different. Their characters are different, and they have different objectives and outcomes, as well as different principles, and different methodologies to bring about their objectives.

For example, force is not a principle of God's government. The SOP says this. You agree with this, since EGW said it, but you define "force" in such away to exclude anything God does. So in your view, God can do something which would be force if anyone else were doing it, but because it is God doing it, it is not force. This makes her statement of no force.

M: You believe Jesus revealed all that we can know about God during earthly ministry . . .

T: Yes, I believe this, because this is what the SOP said in 8T 286.

M: . . . and yet it is clear Jesus never commanded holy angels to exercise destructive power.

T: So the logical conclusion is that neither has God.

Logic has nothing to do with it, Tom. Logic is not the judge of truth.


Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: does God punish? [Re: Tom] #106142
12/16/08 01:18 AM
12/16/08 01:18 AM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Tom
God is Sovereign of the Universe, so in some sense He is responsible for all that happens in it, since without Him there would be no Universe. So this is one factor.

Another "factor" is the fact God can start and stop anything, that is, nothing happens without His consent. Satan is not at liberty to do as he pleases. He is bound by the rules of engagement as set forth and upheld by God.

Re: does God punish? [Re: Mountain Man] #106146
12/16/08 01:34 AM
12/16/08 01:34 AM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Tom
M: Nor did [Jesus, while here], ever withdraw His protection and permit evil angels to exercise the same destructive power [that God commanded holy angels to exercise].

T: I disagree with this assertion. We see what happened when Jesus allowed the demons power of the pigs. When Jesus left Lazarus, he became sick and died, which is directly tied in Scripture to Jesus' actions. And there's the example of Jerusalem, where Jesus said He would gather them as a hen gathers its checks, but they didn't want that, so their house was left to them desolate. There are also dozens of examples of Jesus' healing the victims of Satan of their diseases. Whenever anyone dies of disease, which happened in Jesus' lifetime (whenever He wasn't around, as with Lazarus) this is example of the principle.

You are stretching it, Tom. Did the Bible or the SOP ever draw the same conclusion you have regarding the events you named, namely, that these events demonstrate the one and only principle of destruction you are advocating?

Originally Posted By: Tom
M: Another thing God did in the OT that Jesus never did while He was here, is He never commanded people to kill sinners. So, obviously, there are things Jesus did not reveal about God while He was here.

T: Here's what Ellen White wrote: "All that man needs to know or can know of God has been revealed in the life and character of His Son. (8T 286) I agree with her and disagree with you.

Wh....er! There you go again. You are implying it wasn't God who commanded Moses to kill the Sabbath-breaker and the blasphemer. What is about the following commands that make you think it wasn't God who commanded them?

24:13, 14, 24 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Bring forth him that hath cursed without the camp; and let all that heard [him] lay their hands upon his head, and let all the congregation stone him. And the children of Israel did as the LORD commanded Moses.

15:35, 36 And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp. And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died; as the LORD commanded Moses.

Re: does God punish? [Re: Mountain Man] #106149
12/16/08 02:56 AM
12/16/08 02:56 AM
Tom  Offline
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You are stretching it, Tom. Did the Bible or the SOP ever draw the same conclusion you have regarding the events you named, namely, that these events demonstrate the one and only principle of destruction you are advocating?

There's a whole chapter of over 20 pages in the SOP which explains exactly this description of the principle.

M: Another thing God did in the OT that Jesus never did while He was here, is He never commanded people to kill sinners. So, obviously, there are things Jesus did not reveal about God while He was here.

T: Here's what Ellen White wrote: "All that man needs to know or can know of God has been revealed in the life and character of His Son. (8T 286) I agree with her and disagree with you.


This looks like a swear word that cut off.

There you go again. You are implying it wasn't God who commanded Moses to kill the Sabbath-breaker and the blasphemer. What is about the following commands that make you think it wasn't God who commanded them?

MM, we're going at this two ways. I am saying:

1.Christ revealed all man can know about God.
2.If you see something in the OT, or elsewhere, which does not agree with what Christ revealed, then what you see isn't right.

You are saying:

1.Christ didn't reveal man can know about God.
2.The proof of this is (you give different examples here).

If you have the conviction that "something is wrong" with your understanding, you will, of yourself, come up with an explanation which makes sense, which harmonizes with what Christ revealed of God. You don't need me to do this.

OTOH if you are convinced that there is nothing wrong with your understanding, you would reject any explanation I could possibly give, so what's the point?

We've been over and over these things. We have different convictions. My conviction is that Christ revealed all man can know of God.

Greg Boyd wrote something nice about this. I'll see if I can find it.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: does God punish? [Re: Tom] #106158
12/16/08 01:55 PM
12/16/08 01:55 PM
kland  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Tom
OTOH if you are convinced that there is nothing wrong with your understanding, you would reject any explanation I could possibly give, so what's the point?

I keep having Deja-vu. So I thought I would share what I heard from a Creation-Evolution talk.

Data are facts. Everyone can look at the data. It is not up for dispute. However, everyone has underlying base assumptions. They use these assumptions to interpret the facts and come to different conclusions.


There have been cases of people changing their underlying base assumptions. But it is very difficult for them. It requires them to admit they were wrong. To themselves. But, it is possible. Some evolutionists have become, if not a believer in God, at least open to the idea of an intelligent designer. But there are many who ignore the facts, then attribute creationists to ignoring the facts. It all has to do with how one fits those facts into their base assumptions.

With evolutionists, their base assumptions permit them to not feel accountable to anyone besides themselves. However, as I have failed to find out, I do not know why someone would reject a "nice" view of God (I realize the words "loving and kind" has been rejected, but nothing has been suggested in it's place).

The only thing I can come up with is similar to when I was in grade school and some kids would be mean to me. I took great pleasure in the satisfaction of thinking God would make them suffer. I realize now, that is not a kind and loving thought.

Re: does God punish? [Re: kland] #106170
12/16/08 07:43 PM
12/16/08 07:43 PM
teresaq  Offline OP
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Originally Posted By: kland
Originally Posted By: Tom
OTOH if you are convinced that there is nothing wrong with your understanding, you would reject any explanation I could possibly give, so what's the point?

I keep having Deja-vu. So I thought I would share what I heard from a Creation-Evolution talk.

Data are facts. Everyone can look at the data. It is not up for dispute. However, everyone has underlying base assumptions. They use these assumptions to interpret the facts and come to different conclusions.



The only thing I can come up with is similar to when I was in grade school and some kids would be mean to me. I took great pleasure in the satisfaction of thinking God would make them suffer. I realize now, that is not a kind and loving thought.

been there, done that, until very recently. it has been dawning on me more and more that God is into saving everyone He can, including those that hurt me. which means He is not into "vengence". so that means my job is to figure out how to help Him.....

Psa 64:5 ...an evil matter: they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them?

Psa 7:14 Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. 15 He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. 16 His mischief (and his violent dealing) shall return upon his own head.

Psa 7:17 I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.
Re: does God punish? [Re: teresaq] #106178
12/16/08 10:59 PM
12/16/08 10:59 PM
Tom  Offline
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Lawrence, Kansas
Amen, teresaq. Here's one of my favorite texts on vengeance:

18If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

19Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

20Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.

21Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.(Romans 12)

How does God get His vengeance? By turning the other cheek, walking the second mile, giving His shirt; in short, by loving His enemies. In so doing He "heaps coals of fire on his head," and God calls on us to do the same. We participate in His vengeance by loving our enemies, by overcoming evil with good.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
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