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Re: Christ Desired and Lusted to Sin? [Re: teresaq] #107171
01/06/09 01:38 AM
01/06/09 01:38 AM
Tom  Offline
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Tammy, thank you for posting these quotes, but none of them seem to have any inkling whatsoever of what you seem to be concerned with, which are their theological positions. That is, the quotes you presented spoke to Jones' self-confidence and poor judgment. There is not a peep about any theological error.

Regarding your reasoning here:

But, the fact that we know they lost their way, and that we don’t know when they began to lose their way, should make us think twice when we read what they wrote, after 1888, because otherwise, how do we know that we are not picking up the very sentiments that caused them to go astray? For that reason, I think it is much safer to read the Spirit of Prophecy. We NEVER have to wonder, “Is what I just read inspired?” “Is Ellen White really on track here?” We KNOW she was inspired, and we also KNOW that the very message that Jones and Waggoner were teaching in 1888, she said, “I have been presenting it (the 1888 Message) to you for the last 45 years--the matchless charms of Christ. This is what I have been trying to present before your minds.” From this, I don’t believe that they had anything she didn’t already have, and I know if I get it from her, I don’t have to worry about going astray.

It seems similar to what she warned against here:

It is quite possible that Elder Jones or Waggoner may be overthrown by the temptations of the enemy; but if they should be, this would not prove that they had had no message from God, or that the work that they had done was all a mistake. But should this happen, how many would take this position, and enter into a fatal delusion because they are not under the control of the Spirit of God. They walk in the sparks of their own kindling, and cannot distinguish between the fire they have kindled and the light which God has given, and they walk in blindness as did the Jews. (1888 Mat. 1044, 1045)

Regarding what she said in 1888, I think you may have misunderstood her intent. She said E.J. Waggoner could teach righteousness by faith more clearly than she could, that the Lord has given him special light on that question of righteousness by faith, that she had been wanting to bring it out more clearly, but could not have brought it out as clearly as he did. But when Waggoner brought it out at Minneapolis, she recognized it.

She wasn't saying in the quote you presented that Waggoner was presenting the same thing she had been presenting, but was presenting what she had been wanting, or trying, to present. As soon as she saw the light, she recognized it, and identified it. But she wasn't saying, "You don't need this; you have my writings." She never said that!

Here's something from the 1888 session:

When Brother Waggoner brought out these ideas in the Minneapolis Conference, it was the first clear teaching of the subject from any human lips I had heard, excepting the communication between myself and my husband. I have said to myself, it is because God has presented it to me in vision that I see it so clearly, and they (the brethren at Battle Creek) cannot see it because they have not had it presented to them as I have, and when another presented it, every fiber of my heart said Amen.

If we trust God, I see no reason that we should question His judgment in sending the message He did, nor the messengers He chose. Ellen White endorsed Jones and Waggoner over a thousand times during the years of 1888 and 1896. Surely their writings would be "safe" during this time. The idea that God would send us light that was flawed, that we need to worry about, because it might be unsafe and lead us astray, seems to me to speak very poorly of God. If there were something to worry about in the message, wouldn't God have told us? Instead, God predicted the future, and advised that even if Jones and Waggoner fell away that this wouldn't mean that they didn't have a message from Him, but that this would be a "fatal delusion" that some who were not in tune with the Spirit of God would fall into.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: Christ Desired and Lusted to Sin? [Re: teresaq] #107172
01/06/09 01:56 AM
01/06/09 01:56 AM
Tom  Offline
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Tammy, regarding the criticisms of Jones in his 1895 sermons, it seems to me both Jones and Ellen White's ideas involved Christ's taking our sinful nature, bearing our sins, and confronting our temptation in that condition. It appears as if you are looking for some flaw to pick in what Jones wrote, as opposed to seeing the message he presented as Ellen White did, as light from heaven, as a message from God.

Shortly after Jones' sermons at the 1895 GC session, she wrote:

God has given Brother Jones and Brother Waggoner a message for the people. You do not believe that God has upheld them, but He has given them precious light, and their message has fed the people of God. When you reject the message borne by these men, you reject Christ, the Giver of the message. (1888 Mat. 1353)

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: Christ Desired and Lusted to Sin? [Re: teresaq] #107173
01/06/09 02:10 AM
01/06/09 02:10 AM
Tom  Offline
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Tammy, what seems to be missing in your theology is a way to life up fallen man. The SOP writes:

He humiliated himself to the lowest depths of human woe, that he might be qualified to reach man, and bring him up from the degradation in which sin had plunged him.(Redemption; or the Temptation of Christ in The Wilderness page 31)

Christ is the ladder that Jacob saw, the base resting on the earth, and the topmost round reaching to the gate of heaven, to the very threshold of glory. If that ladder had failed by a single step of reaching the earth, we should have been lost. But Christ reaches us where we are.(DA 311)

In order to bring us up where we are, Jesus had to come to us. He "humiliated himself to the lowest depths of human woe" to bring us up "from the degradation in which sin had plunged us."

The problem with the idea that Christ did not come all the way down to where we are, but just most of the way, is how do we get from where are to where Christ stopped?

This is a bit off topic in regards to the subject of this particular post, but since I quoted the Jacob's ladder statement, and since the following has bearing on our discussion as a whole, I'll mention it here.

Regarding the second quote, btw, Haskell wrote:

This is fallen humanity with all its hereditary inclinations. He who was as spotless while on earth as when in heaven took our nature, that he might lift man to the exaltation of himself by his righteousness.

That is, Haskell read out loud what I quoted above, and then comment as cited, which was published in The Review and Herald. So there can be no doubt how Ellen White's words were understood by her contemporaries, nor of the fact that she herself was aware of how her words were understood by others. If she were being misunderstood on such a vital point, she would have corrected the misunderstanding. The Baker letter is proof of this.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: Christ Desired and Lusted to Sin? [Re: Tammy Roesch] #107209
01/06/09 06:06 PM
01/06/09 06:06 PM
Rick H  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Tammy Roesch
I posted all these quotes, quite some time ago, Tom...and I'll post them again. This is Ellen White talking....not me...

Brother Jones, I have a message for you. In many respects you are a weak man. If I were to write out all that has been revealed to me of your weakness, and of the developments of your work that have not been in accordance with the course of a true Christian, the representation would not be pleasing. This may have to be done if you continue to justify yourself in a course of apostasy. Until your mind is cleared of the mist of perplexity, silence is eloquence on your part. {KC 36.3}
I am so sorry that you are spoiling your record. Since the Berrien Springs meeting, you have received many warnings, but you have not heeded these. The fact, that while you were considered sound in the faith, you have done things that you were warned not to do, shows that you are not a safe leader. {KC 36.4} You have gone farther than most of our people have supposed in strengthening Dr. Kellogg to continue in transactions against which the Lord has warned him. You are following in a false track. You are placing yourself in a position from which it will be difficult for you to recover yourself. {KC 36.5}
When in 1901 you came to the Pacific Coast, I hoped that the weight of responsibilities as president of the California conference would lead you to distrust your ability, and to take counsel with your brethren regarding the work to be done. But there was a growth of self-confidence, a rashness of spirit, and an abruptness of speech, which increased the existing lack of confidence in your judgment. {KC 36.6}

Clearly, from this quote alone, by 1901, there was serious trouble with Jones.

I am sorry for A. T. Jones, who has been warned over and over again. Notwithstanding these warnings, he has allowed the enemy to fill his mind with thoughts of self-importance. Heed not his words, for he has rejected the plainest light and has chosen darkness instead. The Holy One hath given us messages clear and distinct, but some poor souls have been blinded by the falsehoods and the deceptive influences of satanic agencies, and have turned from truth and righteousness to follow these fallacies of satanic origin. {20MR 14.5} (1906)

I have read your letters, but have not had time to answer them. I have been permitted to view the case of Elder A. T. Jones. His bitterness is as gall, though he has been warned. At Washington, during the General Conference, I conversed with him for about three hours, but he would not receive my warnings. He seemed very self-confident, and when he spoke of his work at Battle Creek, his boastings were a surprise to many. All that I could say to him at Washington, seemed to make no impression on his mind. {PC 125.1}
A. T. Jones has had precious opportunities to see and feel the power of the messages of warning sent by the Lord to His people. He himself has been admonished to be constantly on guard, else the power of other minds would be exercised on his mind, and he was cautioned regarding the subtle working of spiritual science upon human minds. He had eyes, but he saw not; ears, but he heard not, and he has done the very work that he was warned to avoid doing. I am very sorry for the man, for all these chapters in his experience are bringing him over a road that will have to be retraced step by step, if he ever comes to an understanding of the work he is now doing, and turns his feet to follow the precious Saviour, our Leader. {PC 125.2} (1906)

I feel intensely sorrowful when I see some of our brethren in Battle Creek taking a course that is leading them away from the truth: for I have had a presentation of the first apostasy in the heavenly courts. The warnings of the Holy Spirit have been disregarded, and there has been persistent work of deception. A. T. Jones has permitted himself to be used as the voice of Dr. J. H. Kellogg. {PC 331.1} (1906)

So, the question should not be, “Did Jones and Waggoner lose their way?” Rather, it should be “When did they lose their way?” And that is pretty hard to know exactly, because as we all know, no one goes from light to darkness over night….it is a gradual process.

But, the fact that we know they lost their way, and that we don’t know when they began to lose their way, should make us think twice when we read what they wrote, after 1888, because otherwise, how do we know that we are not picking up the very sentiments that caused them to go astray? For that reason, I think it is much safer to read the Spirit of Prophecy. We NEVER have to wonder, “Is what I just read inspired?” “Is Ellen White really on track here?” We KNOW she was inspired, and we also KNOW that the very message that Jones and Waggoner were teaching in 1888, she said, “I have been presenting it (the 1888 Message) to you for the last 45 years--the matchless charms of Christ. This is what I have been trying to present before your minds.” From this, I don’t believe that they had anything she didn’t already have, and I know if I get it from her, I don’t have to worry about going astray.

Tammy, the context of those quotes was that Jones had decided to go work under John Kellogg and Ellen White was urgently trying to change his mind and pull him away from the man that was picking up pantheism and drifting away from the truth and taking others with him. Ellen White saw what Kellogg was doing in using charm and praise to sway others, and what was going to happen to Jones and did everything she could to keep him from falling under Kelloggs spell, to no avail..

Last edited by Richard; 01/06/09 06:09 PM.
Re: Christ Desired and Lusted to Sin? [Re: Tammy Roesch] #107270
01/07/09 11:20 PM
01/07/09 11:20 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Tammy Roesch
This is such a serious point. Most of you have the wrong understanding that in order to be tempted, you must find the temptation "tempting". That couldn't be further from the truth. Just think about it. Are you tempted to murder someone, to rape someone, or think of the many other horrendous things people do... Most of you would say, no, you are not tempted to do those things...but yet, you want to interpret the verse that says that Jesus was "in all points" tempted like as we are to mean that He was! Do you think you are a better Christian than Jesus? How is it that you are not tempted to do these horrendous things, yet you think that Jesus was????? Can't you see, it is your wrong understanding of temptation that makes you try to make Jesus have the same desires as the unconverted man. And unfortunately, there are many, especially men, who want to think that Jesus had the same lustful desires they have......and that that is part of the normal, Christian, victorious experience. It couldn't be further from the truth.

Everybody I know has been tempted at least once or twice in their lifetime to do the very things you named - "to murder someone, to rape someone, or [any of] the many other horrendous things people do." But please bear in mind, it is not a sin to be tempted to do any of the "horrendous things" you named. No one is contaminated because they were tempted.

For example, I know a guy who, when he was a boy, the school bully beat his little brother to a pulp. He was on life support for nearly a year. He died several times and had to be revived. Although he was raised as a Christian, he was tempted to kill the bully. Visions of what he was capable of doing flashed across his mind. But he dismissed them as evil and unChristlike.

I hear you saying he was guilty of sinning. Is that what you believe?

Another example. I guy shared this with me recently. When he was a boy there was a girl in school who was very beautiful and shapely, and, unfortunately, less than virtuous. One day a terrible scene played itself out in his mind. It portrayed him forcing himself on her. He was shocked and disgusted, and rejected it as evil and unChristlike.

Again, I hear you saying he was guilty of sinning. Is that what you believe?

Re: Christ Desired and Lusted to Sin? [Re: Mountain Man] #107271
01/07/09 11:21 PM
01/07/09 11:21 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Originally Posted By: teresaq
but since we have never had unfallen nature we wouldnt really know if adam and eve did, or did not, feel hunger at any time.

We have the same appetites and passions they did. They had to use reason and conscience, just like we do, not to indulge their appetites and passions in an unhealthy or unholy way. Feeling hungry is a normal part of the digestion system. There is nothing evil or sinful about it. Listen:

Often Satan conquers us by our natural inclinations and appetites. These were divinely appointed, and when given to man, were pure and holy. It was God’s design that reason should rule the appetites, and that they should minister to our happiness. And when they are regulated and controlled by a sanctified reason, they are holiness unto the Lord. (14 MR 294)

You are of that age when the will, the appetite, and the passions clamor for indulgence. God has implanted these in your nature for high and holy purposes. It is not necessary that they should become a curse to you by being debased. They will become this only when you refuse to submit to the control of reason and conscience. (3T 84)

Christ came to bring to man moral power that he may be victorious in overcoming temptations on the point of appetite, and break the chain of the slavery of habit and indulgence of perverted appetite and stand forth in moral power as a man, and the record of heaven accredits him in its books as a man in the sight of God. (TE 264)

Re: Christ Desired and Lusted to Sin? [Re: teresaq] #107274
01/07/09 11:39 PM
01/07/09 11:39 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Tom
"The great work of redemption could be carried out only by the Redeemer taking the place of fallen man. Burdened with the sins of the world, he must go over the ground where Adam stumbled. He must take up the work just where Adam failed, and endure a test of the same character, but infinitely more severe than that which had vanquished him. It is impossible for man to fully comprehend the strength of Satan's temptations to our Saviour. Every enticement to evil, which men find so difficult to resist, was brought to bear upon the Son of God in as much greater degree as his character was superior to that of fallen man. (2SP 88) End Quote.

If a temptation is not tempting, then it's not difficult to resist. If temptations were not tempting to Christ, then the were easy for Him to resist. Why wouldn't they be? What else is there to a temptation that makes it difficult if it's not that it's tempting.

In the above quote we are told that men cannot comprehend the strength of the temptations Christ had to endure. This means His temptations were more tempting than ours, not less. So much more, in fact, that we cannot comprehend it.

Tom, I'm afraid your words here could be misconstrued to mean the reason it was hard for Jesus to be tempted like we are is because He found them enticing or alluring. I know you don't believe this, but someone could take it that way.

You and I agree that Jesus' fallen flesh craved and clamored for sinful expression, and that these sinful cravings and clamorings were repulsive and disgusting to Him. Not for one moment did He ever waver between iniquity and righteousness. He resolutely resisted expressing the unholy thoughts and feelings that tempted Him from within. It is in this sense that Jesus "suffered being tempted" (Heb 2:18). And so it may be with born again believers. Listen:

1 Peter
4:1 Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin;
4:2 That he no longer should live the rest of [his] time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.

Re: Christ Desired and Lusted to Sin? [Re: teresaq] #107277
01/08/09 12:33 AM
01/08/09 12:33 AM
Daryl  Offline
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Yes, the hunger was a legitimate hungry, however, the temptation to turn stones into bread wasn't, which is why Christ rejected the temptation to do so.
Originally Posted By: teresaq
thank you, i did leave that out. but it was still a legitimate hunger as opposed to ours, would you agree? or do you see it differently?

In His Love, Mercy & Grace,

Daryl smile

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Re: Christ Desired and Lusted to Sin? [Re: Daryl] #107285
01/08/09 04:27 AM
01/08/09 04:27 AM
Tom  Offline
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Tom, I'm afraid your words here could be misconstrued to mean the reason it was hard for Jesus to be tempted like we are is because He found them enticing or alluring.

I was trying to see what words you were talking about. It seemed to me it must be these:

If temptations were not tempting to Christ, then the were easy for Him to resist. Why wouldn't they be? What else is there to a temptation that makes it difficult if it's not that it's tempting.

Is this what you were speaking of?

In regards to temptation being alluring for Christ, Ellen White said that. It's not present in what I wrote, although I agree with what she said. She also said that one is tempted when one experiences a powerful influence to do a wrong action, which is the ordeal that Christ passed through. I think we do our soul's a wrong if we make Christ afar from us, as opposed to One close at hand, who experienced our sorrows and temptations, yet overcame by faith. Do you agree?

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: Christ Desired and Lusted to Sin? [Re: Daryl] #107293
01/08/09 05:47 AM
01/08/09 05:47 AM
teresaq  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Daryl Fawcett
Yes, the hunger was a legitimate hungry, however, the temptation to turn stones into bread wasn't, which is why Christ rejected the temptation to do so.
Originally Posted By: teresaq
thank you, i did leave that out. but it was still a legitimate hunger as opposed to ours, would you agree? or do you see it differently?

completely agreed!

could you elaborate on what you are thinking?

Psa 64:5 ...an evil matter: they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them?

Psa 7:14 Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. 15 He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. 16 His mischief (and his violent dealing) shall return upon his own head.

Psa 7:17 I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.
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