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Re: Justification #11299
01/18/05 04:16 AM
01/18/05 04:16 AM
John Boskovic  Offline
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John B: As you see, sin is the antitype of righteousness and therefore it is interchangable depending on whose view it is. Judgment is the result of either. But, oh, such a different judgment depending on the nature of the righteousness.

John: I was making the point that your saying, "sin and righteousness is interchangable," is dangerous, i.e. it's not true. Sin and righteousness are polar opposites, therefore they can't be interchangeable; any more than God and Satan are interchangeable.

John B: I am not certain if I have expressed it just right. Sin is antirighteousness, in the same sense as antichrist. As antichrist takes the place of Christ, so likewise sin takes the place of righteousness in the sinner. But as those that serve antichrist do not realise it, so likewise the sinner does not recognize that his righteousness is sin.

Please, I was not saying that sin=righteousness, no more than that antichrist=Christ. What is being said is that the sinner thinks he is right, not realising that his view of right is sin, so in the sinner's mind sin has become righteousness. Therefore the law came in to reveal sin, however sin took further occasion by the law to deceive.

Perhaps the example of Paul while he was still Saul is a good example. While he stood holding Stephens garments; while he zealously persecuted the saints: he thought he was right and they were wrong. In his mind he was blameless. His righteousness was sin, and he did not know it until Christ met him on the way to Damascus.

What was the nature of his righteousness before meeting Christ? His righteousness was condemning. He went and pursued to kill and destroy, to bring suffering and sorrow. His righteousness was sin.

What did it become afterwards when he was justified of the Lord? Now he laboured to save others. Now he was willing to lay down his life that others might be saved. Now he was willing to suffer and bear sorrow that others might be saved. His righteousness was of Christ.

What is the meaning of justification in our life? The scripture says: All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There is no justification except we exchange our righteousness for his; and we need to think in practical terms whatever our station is. What truly is remarkable is Saul's zeal of his own way and yet his readiness to receive a totally new perspective; a totally new righteousness. His namesake king Saul on the other hand reveals the opposite.

Phi 3:6 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.
Phi 3:7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.
Phi 3:8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,
Phi 3:9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:

So when can a sinner be justified? When he receives God's judgment; realizes that his righteousness is sin, and receives God's righteousness: then he is justified of God. How can this transpire? It is by faith that we can receive God's judgment over ours.


Re: Justification #11300
01/20/05 07:08 PM
01/20/05 07:08 PM
Tom  Offline OP
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So when can a sinner be justified? When he receives God's judgment; realizes that his righteousness is sin, and receives God's righteousness: then he is justified of God. How can this transpire? It is by faith that we can receive God's judgment over ours.
I'm glad you explained yourself, John B. I was wondering what you meant too. This last post was very clear.

I agree with your thoughts. The way that Waggoner expressed this thougth was that faith does not create facts -- it lays hold of them. The truth was always the truth. We just didn't know it. When we are converted, we see things from a different perspective. Instead of seeing things from our old perspective, which was a lie, we see things from God's perspective, which is the truth.

Actually it would be more accurate to say that we *begin* to see things from God's perspective, since we have much to learn.

You asked how can it happen that the sinner will receive God's judgment in place of his own. You answered by faith, which is correct of course, but I would like to add that it's a revelation of the truth about God that sparks that faith. That is, when the sinner sees the truth about God, that's what sparks faith, or that's what faith latches on to. And this is a reason the cross is so important, because it reveals the truth about God as nothing else.

I like the way you expressed things in the paragraph I quoted. It's ironic that the "judgment" of the sinner condemns the sinner, while the judgment of God forgives him.

Re: Justification #11301
01/21/05 03:29 AM
01/21/05 03:29 AM
John Boskovic  Offline
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Yes indeed Tom. A revelation of truth about God sparks faith. Without it we would run and hide.
May the glory of God justify each heart.

Re: Justification #11302
01/21/05 11:57 PM
01/21/05 11:57 PM
John H.  Offline
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Thanks for clarifying John, that makes a lot more sense. [Smile]

It's like those who will "believe a lie" (2 Thess. 2:11) towards the end. Or those to whom the Lord referred when He said, "Yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service." John 16:2.

Re: Justification #11303
01/23/05 10:42 AM
01/23/05 10:42 AM
James Saptenno  Offline
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Did you read the original post to this topic? I would interested in your thoughts regarding that post.

My study regarding Justification is as follows:

God gave men his Law, the man that do it, will live (Leviticus 18:4,5).

But since the law could justify no one for their righteousness in keeping and obeying the law (Romans 3:19), which means all men who are under the law were law breakers, God send his only begotten Son to redeem them (Galatians 4:4,5), by this way those who were under the law (Israel) got their 1st Justification and Gentiles (non Israel) received the adoption of son after being justified too.

I. All men has sinned and fall short of the glory of God is justified freely by God grace through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23,24).

This justification brought life after death or resurrection from the death (1 Corinthians 15:22).

But this justification is not enough to bring man to heaven, because of their fallen nature, they are all under dominion of sin, all what they can do by default is sinning.

There is a need to transform men back in the glory of God, in order he is fit for heaven, which need a 2nd justification to enter it.

II. By the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight …………..but now the righteousness of God WITHOUT the Law is manifested………..which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all that believe (Romans 3:20-22).

This 2nd Justification is based on the faith in Jesus of a believer, whom through his faith, the Holy Spirit would work in him to release him from the dominion of sin and recreate him back in the likeness of God, in His glory and make him FIT for heaven.

Since it is all by grace as God’s gift (Ephesians 2:8,9), to have the 2nd Justification, what a man need is first to believe what God had done for him through Jesus Christ, and then cooperate with the Spirit to resist the desires of the flesh and of the world, which through the Spirit he would be empowered to do what is good, which is to love his fellow man as he loves himself. Having this love in his heart, the believer deeds would be in harmony with the Law, without coming and being under its jurisdiction and judgment, which would only lead to condemnation (Romans 3:19; 2 Corinthians 3:6-9; Galatians 3:10), because those who come under the law’s jurisdiction would be dominated by sin (Romans 6:14; 1 Corinthians 15:56).

Therefore, there is no need whatsoever for the Law to supervise us (Galatians 3:24,25), or to organize our life, we don’t need the law to come under its jurisdiction which the obligation to keep and obey it. We are free to live our life and our faith is tested whether we live for God or we live for self.

We are not under the judgment of the law (Romans 2:12), for we are not under its jurisdiction. We could live a life that is in harmony with the law through a walk after the Spirit with faith in Christ (Romans 8:4; 13:8-10).

The Law serve only as a mirror, to remind us of the sin of coveting (Romans 3:20; 8:7). But when we are free from “self”, and Christ lived in us (Galatians 2:20), we would be justified by our faith in him (Galatians 2:16).

I think, a believer of Christ should not come under the law’s jurisdiction, which only raise “self” to control his own life (since the law ordered him “to do and not to do”) and be under dominion of sin again, which is contrary with the work of the Spirit, that wants to control his life, and fulfill the righteousness of the law through his work supported by the will of the believer.

The will of a believer here is not to be in harmony with the law, but to be Christ’ like, a likeness in his love towards men, his fellowmen and loving himself, which many men failed.

I hope I have given my view of Justification quite well that you and others might show me my errors if any.

In His love

James S.

Re: Justification #11304
01/23/05 10:44 AM
01/23/05 10:44 AM
James Saptenno  Offline
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Mike wrote:

James, please explain these inspired insights:

"Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only." James 2:24.

"That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Rom 8:4.


A believer “works” in this matter is his effort to resist temptation of the flesh and of the world, which only through faith in Christ, he would be a winner, for through the Spirit he is empowered to resist it and do the right thing. But all winnings and over comings are not his but the Spirit, meanwhile if he failed, the failure is his.

What is the righteousness of the law? It is the intent of the law – LOVE agape – which is also “the righteousness of God”, a contradiction to our nature, which is “self love.” This LOVE could be our nature, when we walk after the Spirit through faith in Christ.

Works of love, which is fruit of the Spirit, would be the deeds of those who live by faith in Christ and walk after the Spirit. God would justify him for his “good works”, which is also a justification by faith.

This what I think.

In His love

James S

Re: Justification #11305
01/23/05 07:16 PM
01/23/05 07:16 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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James, thank you. Do you believe the "intent" of the law was abolished at the cross? That is, how can the intent of the law exist apart from the law itself?

Re: Justification #11306
01/24/05 09:59 AM
01/24/05 09:59 AM
James Saptenno  Offline
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The intent of the law is love agape, God nature, it is not abolish at the cross but remain for eternity.

Do we need the law in order we might live righteously as according to the law demands? If so, what is then the function of the Spirit?Does the Spirit need the law to make us do what the law says?

In Eden there is no Ten Comandments, what exist is the intent of the law, where Adam & Eve and their descendants have in their hearts if there is no sin.

So, now, being reconcile to God, we should live the way Adam & Eve live with the love of God in our hearts and that is surely enough to live righteously because it is not "I" that live but Christ that lives in me.

We have a ministry which is superior to the law, the ministry of the Spirit.

In His love

James S

Re: Justification #11307
01/25/05 04:33 AM
01/25/05 04:33 AM
Mountain Man  Offline
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James, I do not see or read in the Bible where Law and Love are contrary the one to the other. The law is an expression of God's love, and love is an expression of God's law. The two cannot be separated. The Holy Spirit empowers born again believers to walk in harmony with the law and love. Sinning is not the law's fault. We sin, or transgress the law, when we refuse to trust in Jesus.

You and I both agree that the Holy Spirit empowers us to live in such a way that our thoughts, words and deeds fulfill the righteous requirements of the law. The law demands that we experience the love of God in every detail. And, it is the law that describes those details. Without the law we would not know sin and righteousness.

The law doesn't become unnecessary, or obsolete, once we learn everything there is to know about sin and righteousness. The law serves as one of God's unbiased witnesses, either to condone our righteousness or to condemn our unrighteousness. Without the law God has no unbiased means to reward us in judgment. The law is the standard of right and wrong. And, God abides accordingly.

Re: Justification #11308
01/24/05 10:38 PM
01/24/05 10:38 PM
Tom  Offline OP
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The law is an expression of God's love, and love is an expression of God's law. The two cannot be separated. The Holy Spirit empowers born again believers to walk in harmony with the law and love. Sinning is not the law's fault. We sin, or transgress the law, when we refuse to trust in Jesus.
Nicely said, Mike!

I'm a little curious about this: "Without the law God has no unbiased means to reward us in judgment."

God could judge us by His character, and that would be an unbiased means, wouldn't it? Isn't the law something helpful to us, for us to see what God is doing? God doesn't need it, does He?

I'm not understanding what you mean.

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