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Re: substitution [Re: teresaq] #114367
06/08/09 04:21 AM
06/08/09 04:21 AM
teresaq  Offline OP
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a question has occured to me, also. does anyone know for sure how this would have played out if the israelites had stayed true to Gods intention for them.

i think that would be inline with this topic title.

Psa 64:5 ...an evil matter: they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them?

Psa 7:14 Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. 15 He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. 16 His mischief (and his violent dealing) shall return upon his own head.

Psa 7:17 I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.
Re: substitution [Re: teresaq] #114376
06/08/09 09:41 AM
06/08/09 09:41 AM
Colin  Offline
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You mean, what if the Sanhedrin had accepted Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah so many thought he was?

Tricky, but the Lamb of God would have had to be sacrificially slain for reasons other than opposing Caesar's throne - which was the Roman basis for convicting him. Whether the Jews could have sacrificed their Messiah, under Roman rule, as intended by God is unclear to me. It being under "Jewish" law, it may have been allowed, by the Romans...

Re: substitution [Re: teresaq] #114389
06/08/09 03:02 PM
06/08/09 03:02 PM
Tom  Offline
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t:I'm not quite sure how you see this. what I mean is, do you believe that Christ needed to die so I could live?

Yes. Not because of anything imposed by God, but because of the reality of the situation.

Christ died my death? not to appease a "punishing" god, or anything like that.

Yes. Christ "suffered" the death that was yours; that is, he experienced it on the cross. Were it not for Christ, you would have inevitably suffered the second death. Because of Christ's death, that need not be the case. You can choose His life instead.

just a matter-of-fact I'm going to die even if I do "turn around" and become "righteous" for the rest of my life.

I'm not following this.

I have my own understanding of how this works and am only asking because such opposition is expressed against your view, so thought I should clarify for myself what is being opposed.

What's being opposed is not what I've been asserting, but what I've been denying. That is, I don't think anyone disagrees with the points I've been making in terms of what Christ accomplished by His death. What's being opposed is my denying that *God* needed Christ to die in order to be able to legally pardon us.

Regarding how it works, I've found the following helpful:

(M)an was deceived; his mind was darkened by Satan's sophistry. The height and depth of the love of God he did not know. For him there was hope in a knowledge of God's love. By beholding His character he might be drawn back to God. (DA 762)

Actually this whole chapter ("It Is Finished" from "The Desire of Ages") I've found really helpful in trying to understand the meaning of Christ's death. That and the very first chapter in "The Desire of Ages."

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: substitution [Re: Tom] #114395
06/08/09 04:52 PM
06/08/09 04:52 PM
Colin  Offline
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Ok, I referred to the wrong post by you - 2 above not immediately above where the thread ended then. Let's try again. wink
"Subsitution" is just a word, of course, and can be used in different contexts. It means "in the place of," but what is taking the place of what (or who taking the place of whom) isn't always going to be the same thing.

Knowing you think God's doesn't need a sacrifice to meet the just demands of his law so as to save this sinful race - God merely needs to do a substitutionary demonstration of sin and agape to clarify his character, so we can realise the truth and believe God is love...: so, no legal necessities or conditions being met by our Saviour.

What, Tom, of the red and blue bolded sentences in these EGW quotes? That God is just and justifier of believers (Rom 3:26) is expressed in the blue text, isn't it, by the penalty of the law against the sinner being applied, in Christ - as the other quotes state, and the red text says the same thing, in the context of meeting the law's demands.

Why do you think that these quotes do not spell out "penal substitution" for us by Christ, and why do you think EGW isn't, in these quotes, saying God had to have his Son to die so our sins could be taken away by the Messiah? These paragraphs are unambiguous of God needing a sacrifice for justice, only then licensed to forgive us, wouldn't you say?

Christ has made a sacrifice to satisfy the demands of justice. What a price for Heaven to pay to ransom the transgressor of the law of Jehovah. Yet that holy law could not be maintained with any smaller price. In the place of the law being abolished to meet sinful man in his fallen condition, it has been maintained in all its sacred dignity. In His Son, God gave Himself to save from eternal ruin all who would believe in Him. {UL 378.4}

Sin is disloyalty to God, and [is] deserving of punishment. Fig leaves sewed together have been employed since the days of Adam, yet the nakedness of the soul of the sinner is not covered. All the arguments pieced together by all who have interested themselves in this flimsy robe will come to nought. Sin is the transgression of the law. Christ was manifest in our world to take away transgression and sin, and to substitute for the covering of fig leaves the pure robes of His righteousness. The law of God stands vindicated by the suffering and death of the only begotten Son of the infinite God. {UL 378.5}

The transgression of God's law in a single instance, in the smallest particular, is sin. And the nonexecution of the penalty of that sin would be a crime in the divine administration. God is a judge, the Avenger of justice, which is the habitation and the foundation of His throne. He cannot dispense with His law; He cannot do away with its smallest item in order to meet and pardon sin. The rectitude, justice, and moral excellence of the law must be maintained and vindicated before the heavenly universe and the worlds unfallen.--Manuscript 145, Dec. 30, 1897, "Notes of Work." {UL 378.6}

I've highlighted the sentences here expressing the purpose and meaning of Christ's substitution in terms of justice: requirements on God to fulfill his own justice. The whole paragraphs make clear that God had to give his Son to uphold his law, not just prove Satan a liar - which no-one here ever disputed or forgot, within the great controversy theme: that theme includes God punishing transgressors for their sins, as she says quite clearly here; why do you not bring out quotes like these?? Christ's death saves us from the penalty of the law, not so: "the nonexecution of the penalty of that sin would a crime [that is, a consitutional crisis & disaster] in the divine administration. God is a judge, the Avenger of justice, which is the habitation and the foundation of his throne."

Justice is at the heart of God's character, kingdom and law. And God didn't need the pure life of the Lamb of God, as our Substitute for the law's penalty and our justification, too, to keep both his law and his children of Adam,and not lose one or t'other?! Sister White clearly says he does need Christ's sacrifice to forgive!! It's a matter of justice and the rule of law, together with mercy and grace. That's the full meaning of Christ's substitution, not so.

Re: substitution [Re: Colin] #114405
06/08/09 07:57 PM
06/08/09 07:57 PM
Tom  Offline
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Knowing you think God's doesn't need a sacrifice to meet the just demands of his law so as to save this sinful race - God merely needs to do a substitutionary demonstration of sin and agape to clarify his character, so we can realise the truth and believe God is love...: so, no legal necessities or conditions being met by our Saviour.

First of all, I didn't say "God doesn't need a sacrifice to meet the just demands of his law so as to save this sinful race." What I said was that God doesn't need a sacrifice in order to be able to pardon us. Do you see the difference?

The way Fifield put it I think is very clear:

The life of Christ was not the price paid to the father for our pardon; but the life was the price which the Father paid to so manifest his loving power as to bring us to that repentant attitude of mind where he could pardon us freely. (God is Love)

I keep quoting this because I think it's very clear. It's not an easy thing to phrase precisely. If I said, "God doesn't need a sacrifice in order to pardon us," this could be misunderstood, because there's two parts to being pardoned. One is, we need to understand we need pardon and desire this. The other is that God has to grant it. We very much need Christ for the first part, but God doesn't need Christ for the second.

What, Tom, of the red and blue bolded sentences in these EGW quotes? That God is just and justifier of believers (Rom 3:26) is expressed in the blue text, isn't it, by the penalty of the law against the sinner being applied, in Christ - as the other quotes state, and the red text says the same thing, in the context of meeting the law's demands.

I see that what I've quoted from Fifield deals with these points:

If the governor of a State should indiscriminately pardon all offenses against the law, it would absolutely abolish all restraint of law. The motive in his mind might be love, but the love would be so unwisely and imprudently manifested that it would lead to anarchy and misery. The same is true of the Governor of the universe. His love and his wisdom are one. His pardoning power must be so exercised in “wisdom and prudence” as to lead men to unity and joy, and not to anarchy and misery, else it is not love....

Sin is secession from the government of God. Satan seceded, and sought to exalt his throne above that of God. Sinners are those who have joined themselves to Satan’s forces in the secession. God, in infinite love, sens his own and only Son to put down the rebellion. He cannot pardon those who are still in rebellion, for this would but justify the rebellion and dishonor the law, and so perpetuate and multiply the misery. But through Jesus this rebellion is finally to be put down entirely. “The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent’s head.” O’er every hilltop of earth and heaven, where for a short time there has waved the black standard of the man of sin, there shall forever float the white pennon of the Prince of Peace.

Every one who lays down his arms and surrenders his opposing will to God has the promise of pardon. This pardon God can grant, and not dishonor his law. Yea, more, it is through this pardon that the mercy and love of God’s law and government are revealed, -- a love that only commanded the right way, not to be arbitrary and domineering, but that men might be happy, -- a love what when men repent of the wrong, and turn back their hearts toward the broken law, is ever willing to forgive the past and give power for future obedience. It is thus that God can be just, and still the justifier of those who believe on Jesus. It is thus that faith in Jesus exalts the law of God to the highest heavens, and established it forever.

The cross of Calvary, to the whole universe of intelligent beings, is the greatest demonstration that ever has been or ever can be given that God’s law is eternal and universal, and yet that his love is infinity; reaching down with tender, fatherly longing to life up the lowest transgressor. In fact, his love is his law, and the law is unchangeable because his love is from everlasting to everlasting. When men behold this, they are led to repent of past transgressions, and to pray for power for future obedience. It is thus that Christ is exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. It is thus that the atonement is made, and rebellious men are led back into unity with God and with one another. (God is Love)

Why do you think that these quotes do not spell out "penal substitution" for us by Christ, and why do you think EGW isn't, in these quotes, saying God had to have his Son to die so our sins could be taken away by the Messiah? These paragraphs are unambiguous of God needing a sacrifice for justice, only then licensed to forgive us, wouldn't you say?

If the point was that *God* cannot pardon sin without the death of Christ, this would apply as much in regards to His forgiving Lucifer as with man. There would be no difference in terms of the legal aspects of the case. But there's no mention of Christ's death in relation to Lucifer's case. Why not? Because Lucifer didn't need it. As to why Lucifer didn't need it, but man does:

But even as a sinner, man was in a different position from that of Satan. Lucifer in heaven had sinned in the light of God's glory. To him as to no other created being was given a revelation of God's love. Understanding the character of God, knowing His goodness, Satan chose to follow his own selfish, independent will. This choice was final. There was no more that God could do to save him. But man was deceived; his mind was darkened by Satan's sophistry. The height and depth of the love of God he did not know. For him there was hope in a knowledge of God's love. By beholding His character he might be drawn back to God. (DA 761, 762)

If it were something that God needed, it would have been mentioned. Because it's something we need, but not God (or Lucifer), it wasn't.

The conditions for pardon are the same for Lucifer as for us: repentance and submission. For us, these weren't possible apart from Christ, so Christ sacrificed Himself (in the deepest sense of the word) in order to bring us to God. Again, from Fifield above:

The life of Christ was not the price paid to the father for our pardon; but the life was the price which the Father paid to so manifest his loving power as to bring us to that repentant attitude of mind where he could pardon us freely.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: substitution [Re: Tom] #114417
06/08/09 11:19 PM
06/08/09 11:19 PM
Colin  Offline
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First of all, I didn't say "God doesn't need a sacrifice to meet the just demands of his law so as to save this sinful race." What I said was that God doesn't need a sacrifice in order to be able to pardon us. Do you see the difference?

Sorry, Tom: There is no difference. Your reasoning between us and Lucifer is philosophising, not legal reasoning, so you don't see that your position on God's requirements to save us amount to absence of the rule of law. It's quite possible you just don't see the issue, with your purely logical approach.

It remains the case that EGW wrote, "Christ has made a sacrifice to satisfy the demands of justice." She also wrote: "And the nonexecution of the penalty of that sin [that is, any sin] would be a crime in the divine administration. God is a judge, the Avenger of justice, which is the habitation and the foundation of His throne." Whatever you deduce from her comments about Lucifer, this legal requirement of punishing sins is indisputable, unless you don't understand just what it is she is saying about God.

The demands of justice is the execution of the penalty for the sin, just as Sister White herself said: that means Christ's substitutionary death involved the penalty for our sins as proactive judgement of God, the Avenging Judge, which is nothing undeserving or undue us - that is, the additional meaning of arbitrary. She taught penal substitution, as those Adventists who teach the Moral Influence Theory, concede - not looking at you for that necessarily.

Re: substitution [Re: Tom] #114420
06/09/09 12:13 AM
06/09/09 12:13 AM
teresaq  Offline OP
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Originally Posted By: Tom
t:I'm not quite sure how you see this. what I mean is, do you believe that Christ needed to die so I could live?

Yes. Not because of anything imposed by God, but because of the reality of the situation.

Christ died my death? not to appease a "punishing" god, or anything like that.

Yes. Christ "suffered" the death that was yours; that is, he experienced it on the cross. Were it not for Christ, you would have inevitably suffered the second death. Because of Christ's death, that need not be the case. You can choose His life instead.

[qutoe]just a matter-of-fact I'm going to die even if I do "turn around" and become "righteous" for the rest of my life.

I'm not following this.

I have my own understanding of how this works and am only asking because such opposition is expressed against your view, so thought I should clarify for myself what is being opposed.

What's being opposed is not what I've been asserting, but what I've been denying. That is, I don't think anyone disagrees with the points I've been making in terms of what Christ accomplished by His death. What's being opposed is my denying that *God* needed Christ to die in order to be able to legally pardon us.
Regarding how it works, I've found the following helpful:

(M)an was deceived; his mind was darkened by Satan's sophistry. The height and depth of the love of God he did not know. For him there was hope in a knowledge of God's love. By beholding His character he might be drawn back to God. (DA 762)

Actually this whole chapter ("It Is Finished" from "The Desire of Ages") I've found really helpful in trying to understand the meaning of Christ's death. That and the very first chapter in "The Desire of Ages." [/quote]

ok. i guess i see it as the same thing, in a sense. it looks like there are two ways to look at it, both possibly being true. one is that God said, "if you sin i cant let you live". the other is God saying, "if you sin you will cause death to happen to you".

their happy estate could be retained only on condition of fidelity to the Creator's law. They could obey and live, or disobey and perish. God had made them the recipients of rich blessings; but should they disregard His will, He who spared not the angels that sinned, could not spare them; transgression would forfeit His gifts and bring upon them misery and ruin. {PP 53.1}

But should they once yield to temptation, their nature would become so depraved that in themselves they would have no power and no disposition to resist Satan. {PP 53.2}

we cant be allowed to live eternally in misery, pain and suffering. which i dont think would happen because i believe we dont know how many times God has saved us from annihilation. just let someone in charge of those "buttons" have a bad day and .......

i cant see any "punishing" idea in these thoughts........

Last edited by teresaq; 06/09/09 12:28 AM. Reason: to clarify where my post begins.

Psa 64:5 ...an evil matter: they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them?

Psa 7:14 Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. 15 He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. 16 His mischief (and his violent dealing) shall return upon his own head.

Psa 7:17 I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.
Re: substitution [Re: Colin] #114423
06/09/09 12:42 AM
06/09/09 12:42 AM
teresaq  Offline OP
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Originally Posted By: Colin
Originally Posted By: teresaq
Originally Posted By: Green Cochoa
But then there are these...

[quote=Ellen White]The only hope of any man lies through Jesus Christ, who brought the robe of His righteousness to put upon the sinner who would lay off his filthy garments. . . . The pure and holy garments are not prepared to be put on by any one after he has entered the gate of the city. All who enter will have on the robe of Christ's righteousness. . . . There will be no covering up of sins and faults to hide the deformity of character; no robes will be half washed; but all will be pure and spotless. {SD 66.4}

Christ loves His church. He will give all needed help to those who call upon Him for strength for the development of Christlike character. But His love is not weakness. He will not serve with their sins or give them prosperity while they continue to follow a wrong course of action. Only by faithful repentance will their sins be forgiven; for God will not cover evil with the robe of His righteousness. He will honor faithful service. He will abundantly bless those who reveal to their fellowmen His justice, mercy, and love. Let those who are engaged in His service walk before Him in true humility, following faithfully in His footsteps, cherishing the holy principles which will live through the eternal ages. Let them in word and action show that they obey the laws which are obeyed in heaven. {SD 13.3}


Green Cochoa.

i assumed the quote in my post referred to both the imparted righteousness of Christ as well as the imputed, based on her other writings.

both the imputed and imparted have to be our substitute, one covers while the other is inside. something like that anyway. smile

That imparted righteousness is part of our gospel experience, without which we are not practically or actually saved from sin in our lives of faith, was summed up beautifully by the General Conference at Palmdale, CA, 1976, in discussing what is righteousness by faith. Basically leading voices in Australia at the time were teaching that justification is all there is to the gospel for us, that we are saved by it and not by sanctification at all. The "consensus statement", published afterward in the Review and Herald (as it was till end of that decade, then the Adventist Review), was:
We believe that when the word righteousness is linked with faith by "by" or "of" in Scripture, the meaning is the experience of justification.

"Experience of justification" includes a change of heart with the "mind of Christ", so being born again and other analogies the Bible uses, and JBF isn't just a paper record in heaven of our forgiveness once we confess our sins to Jesus. That's the start of the new life, and it's recreated within: therefrom comes the very ability to live wth more and more imparted righteousness, day by day.[/quote]
was that position based on what ellen white claimed was the message by jones and waggoner? and where does beholding Christ and studying Him come into all this? how are we supposed to get the "mind of Christ"?

i see a lot of "formulas" but i dont see anywhere where it is stressed that, and we are urged to, study Christ, rely on christ, except from ellen white and very few others.

Psa 64:5 ...an evil matter: they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them?

Psa 7:14 Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. 15 He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. 16 His mischief (and his violent dealing) shall return upon his own head.

Psa 7:17 I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.
Re: substitution [Re: Colin] #114424
06/09/09 12:53 AM
06/09/09 12:53 AM
teresaq  Offline OP
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Originally Posted By: Colin
You mean, what if the Sanhedrin had accepted Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah so many thought he was?

Tricky, but the Lamb of God would have had to be sacrificially slain for reasons other than opposing Caesar's throne - which was the Roman basis for convicting him. Whether the Jews could have sacrificed their Messiah, under Roman rule, as intended by God is unclear to me. It being under "Jewish" law, it may have been allowed, by the Romans...

no, before it got to that. when Christ instituted israel as a nation. if they had continued in His will and rest...

Psa 64:5 ...an evil matter: they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them?

Psa 7:14 Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. 15 He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. 16 His mischief (and his violent dealing) shall return upon his own head.

Psa 7:17 I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.
Re: substitution [Re: Colin] #114425
06/09/09 01:13 AM
06/09/09 01:13 AM
teresaq  Offline OP
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Originally Posted By: Colin
"Subsitution" is just a word, of course, and can be used in different contexts. It means "in the place of," but what is taking the place of what (or who taking the place of whom) isn't always going to be the same thing.

Knowing you think God's doesn't need a sacrifice to meet the just demands of his law so as to save this sinful race - God merely needs to do a substitutionary demonstration of sin and agape to clarify his character, so we can realise the truth and believe God is love...: so, no legal necessities or conditions being met by our Saviour.

Sin is disloyalty to God, and [is] deserving of punishment. Fig leaves sewed together have been employed since the days of Adam, yet the nakedness of the soul of the sinner is not covered. All the arguments pieced together by all who have interested themselves in this flimsy robe will come to nought. Sin is the transgression of the law. Christ was manifest in our world to take away transgression and sin, and to substitute for the covering of fig leaves the pure robes of His righteousness. The law of God stands vindicated by the suffering and death of the only begotten Son of the infinite God. {UL 378.5}

hey colin,
did you read the rest of the paragraph? what is the point the messenger of the Lord is trying to get through to us here?

i have another question for you, if you dont mind. smile
Rom 2:6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds:
it is believed by some that the lost will burn according to their deeds, "burntime" is dependent on what they did, right? some shorter time, some longer...

my question, since God is a God of justice, is how does that play out in heaven? lets say you work harder and longer than i do, does that mean you get more goodies in heaven than i will, or do you get to live longer? just how does the justice thing play out in heaven? smile

Psa 64:5 ...an evil matter: they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them?

Psa 7:14 Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. 15 He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. 16 His mischief (and his violent dealing) shall return upon his own head.

Psa 7:17 I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.
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Copyright 2000-Present
Maritime 2nd Advent Believers OnLine (formerly Maritime SDA OnLine).

The views expressed in this forum are those of individuals
and do not necessarily represent those of Maritime 2nd Advent Believers OnLine,
as well as the Seventh-day Adventist Church
from the local church level to the General Conference level.

Maritime 2nd Advent Believers OnLine (formerly Maritime SDA OnLine) is also a self-supporting ministry
and is not part of, or affiliated with, or endorsed by
The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland
or any of its subsidiaries.

"And He saith unto them, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matt. 4:19
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