We were struggling to find a way to keep our school going. It just had a handful of students, the library was full of 40 year old books, the rooms were tiny, the playground was the church parking lot.....need I say more.
The church had no money for improvements, to increase tuition would just put it out of reach for many students, new laws had cause insurance to rise rapidly on all aspects of running the school, the county would not allow the school to expand on the current property, and there was disagreement as to how to keep the school funded, or if we could...
So we struggled as many small private schools till the church members and school board did something that seems so simple now, but was difficult. They stepped out in faith...
The members sold the school and the church and bought a larger property, and voted to fund and build the school first, and then the church. The church board voted to find new students and ways for them to afford tuition. Then went and recruited at the churches, through hard work found educational grants, one time funding, and foundations to give equipment, books and supplies, and went to meetings on how to fund the students and implemented it, and brought in teachers who loved Gods truth and sharing it with the children along with teaching them.
Gods blessings began to roll in and the student enrollment doubled, but now there was no space and our hearts broke at the thought of having to turn some away. So the school board and members prayed and implemented faith by continuing to recruit hoping the new school could built in time and funds found to build it, and enrollment increased. There was no place to put them, but members continued seeking funding, tearing out walls and moving them to squeeze in one more child and preparing for Gods blessings, and they came in .
A educational foundation said they had a property with a partially built structure that could be converted into a school with much larger space and more classrooms, and would lease it to us if we decided to accept their offer, but it was contigent on immeadiate acceptance. The school board came together in a emergency session and after looking at the financials of the lease which was higher, more money for more teachers and insurance, and all the issues of moving, and voted to accept.
Then Gods blessings poured out on us, school enrollment doubled after we voted, and the foundation decided not only to build us the school but to give us the school when finished, and we have not stopped being amazed at Gods blessings.........