Apparently it didn't all fit. Here's part two.
Hey Chris, how are things going? I have completed the WGE revision (sorry, I haven't fully translated my notes to comprehensive text yet). The foundation for the entire equation is rooted from the famous energy equation. I've ironed out its simplest components and left them fully exposed for all to see. If you felt my prior work impressive then this one will really shock you. The only actual "new" component to Einstein's equation was providing the physical "root" that generates the radial distance from Earth to the light horizon. There are a multitude of "scary implications" hidden with in this thing. The new revision actually defines how much power the light horizon projects over the Earth! The inertial energy is so strong it actually counter balances the gravitational pull of Sol on the planet (from 13.73 billion ly away)! [The great secret behind planet rotation] If anyone attempted to utilize this universal power the results would probably be down right frightening.
On a softer note, I'm finding large masses of spiritual knowledge assisting my endeavor in understanding what this physics stuff has to do with end times. Here's some of what I found relating to "power".
Ex 9:16, Ecc 8:4, Ro 1:16-20, EGW Fundamentals of Christian Education p. 184-186, 375 EGW Early Writings p.258-261
In "Fundamentals" Ellen says directly that the knowledge of all sciences will serve a critical role in witnessing to the entire world just prior to Christ's return. I desperately need to finish this so others more educated than I can successfully build a lasting platform of the three angels messages on the firm foundation of God's invisible power evidenced within the very physics of nature.
liked the web page, allot of useful equations there. To answer your question, the cosmic light horizon marks the edge of the visible universe at a radial distance of 13.73 billion light years away from Earth. I've attached another pic better illustrating my newly revised WGE equation. (this time using paintbrush) I've found an excellent physics book covering nearly every area of physics I am presently working with plus allot more stuff I've never even heard of. It's called "The Road to Reality" + A complete guide to the laws of the universe + by Roger Penrose. This isn't one of those wimpy physics intro books for the masses, Penrose gets down to business and isn't afraid of explaining anything no matter how complex, and he doesn't water down complex topics either. Unlike most books, that take less than two weeks to read, I'll probably still be reading TRTR five years from now. I've decided to delay on sending my revision to Ken Caviness (at Southern) until we have worked out all the remaining errors. When this is done it will be critical that the material be illustrated in a sufficiently convincing manner that Ken will study the article carefully. (hopefully he will support it.) With Ken's support, we will have cleared a key hurtle, putting us a step closer to providing advanced scientific material to our schools that will prepare our youth for the work that directly precedes the closing scenes of Earth's history.
I've created a new visual form of algebra coined "the tile method" in an effort to better visualize the structure deeply hidden within Cosmic Torque. This new system beautifully illustrates Cosmic Torque's symmetry. I feel that this would be an excellent moment to expand on how I tested and compared WGE with the Big Bang using an expanded form of the energy equation. Cosmic Torque, as illustrated by the Tile Method, is simply (MASS * C^2) only expanded in an effort to discover its hidden physical secrets. When I imputed WGEs calculated age of the universe for time, the Photogravitics variation for C^2, and Earth's mass for M, the equation easily reduced to (M * C^2). When I tested the Big Bang model (in which measured space doesn't exist in units of squared dimension, C^2 doesn't accelerate, and T^2 has the same value of R^2) the equation bluntly fails to reduce and also states that the age of the universe to be nearly 200 quintillion years. (Uhh, like yeah right)
Beyond all of that, I searched for "cosmic torque" yesterday on the Internet and found Nassim Haramein's work on the "Resonance Project" web site. He is a self taught physicist and has a better handle on things like Kerr Newman Geometry, Dirac formalism, Minkowski space, twistor algebra, spinor calculus, and the SUn groups of the quaternionic formalism. Studying his work closely, I've discovered that his model contains the predicted "effects" resulting in my "Cosmic Torque's" cause, minus the hidden properties of measuring squared light (revealed in Photogravitics). If you want a deeper model of the universe, resultant of Cosmic Torque, Haramein is the man. Beware though, his work is tainted with false physical equalities like that C = 1 thus C^2 isn't acceleration. A couple of other things, Richard Mould on explains the acceleration of light and John Deutsch's "Golden Ratio in the Hierarchy of Time" on are highly recommended review material. Please feel free to ask questions.
For the past two years I've been working on a physics equation containing properties that lead me to naming it as cosmic torque. Out of curiosity, I searched the web on the subject and discovered this site. It would seem as if Haramein has hammered out the physical effects resulting from the same cause I've been researching. Because of the similarities I've decided to send some information on my work relating to areas that he may not yet have examined in greater detail.
Just a quick message, I've finally went back and corrected the equations on my TOE footers illustration and simply attached it. I did discover something slightly strange though. I was fitting the comment that mass increases with acceleration into my tile method values when the thought came to my mind to study the opposite (M/C^2). The result is startling. Another quick note, I found a typo on the Tile Method illustration. E #2 is (M * T^2 * C^2)/ T^2, not C^2.
P.S. I've noted that Nassim's work is heavily slanted to new age thinking, be alert if you do chose to probe his physics models.
I am need of contacting Dr. Jason Lisle in regard to research evidencing a Genesis aged universe utilizing Einstein's General theory of Relativity while maintaining lights velocity. The evidence has the potential of becoming a falsifiable proof verses the Big Bang's unverifiable theory. The consequences for such physical proof would be world wide and would forever shake the physical foundations of mankind's universe. Einstein's energy equation evidences that we (consisting of matter or M= E/C^2) incorrectly perceive light due to matter's dimensional consistency of light squared. Without delving into greater detail, my work with "Cosmic Torque" reveals a seemingly simple equation formed from physical values that both increase and decrease without limit. (The radial distance of the visible universe = est 13.73 bill LY = age of the universe squared * 365 square light years) The resulting age of the universe is less than 6134 years. (The 365 square light years relates to the frame dragging effects of the Earth's rotation within a light horizon spinning at a relativistic speed.)
The "key ratio" found in 2 Peter 3, in tandem with the time space slide ruler effect evidenced in "Simply Relativity" lead me to this never ending journey in finding God's deeply hidden secrets in physics.
If you have his e-mail address please permit me to contact him in regard to my physical research, I am in need of professional assistance in verifying and establishing my work.
Velocity of Light: Science or Fiction?
It's commonly quoted that light travels 186,282 miles per second. When it comes down to calculating the age of the universe however, the value for C is commonly reduced to 1. Quote from Roger Penrose's "The Road to Reality" p. 405: "It is a common practice in relativity theory work, to use units for which C=1." p. 434 "With more natural units with C=1, energy and mass are simply equal. However, I have explicitly exhibited the speed of light C (i.e. by not choosing space/time units so that C=1) to facilitate the translation to non-relativistic descriptions." again on p. 435, & 463.
When the value of C is reduced to 1 any multiplication or division by the same value is lost, thus C^2 =1. In doing so E=MC^2 becomes E=M * 1 * 1 or E=M. Avoiding alterations, mass actually = E/C^2 meaning we, as beings composed of matter, consist of energy existing within a framework of squared light. As a consequence of this, everything we perceive exists within the context of this squared framework including all observations of light itself. (Light is squared)
For an alternative perspective on light, suppose the entire universe is spinning at such a velocity. What effect would Earth's daily rotation have over a period of a year? (1 year * C * 365 rotations = 365 light years distance per year) [Actually 365 square LY] Using this model, how long would it take for light to travel from the Light Horizon (approximately 13,730,000,000 light years away) to Earth?
Square root (13,730,000,000 sq LY/365 sq LY) = 6133.22414 years
This time scale raises some very serious theological questions. But is this equation even sound? Basically it's stating S^2=T^2 *C^2 thus C^2=S^2/T^2. Can this be verified? Well, E=MC^2 = (M * T^2 *C^2)/ T^2 and energy is measured in joules = (Kg * Meters^2)/ Sec^2. Here is the same only simplified: (M * S^2)/ T^2. So (M *T^2 *C^2)/T^2 = (M *S^2)/T^2. Thus T^2 * C^2= S^2 meaning C^2 does in fact = S^2/T^2.
[quick key: C= velocity of light, E= energy, S= space, T= time]
This "First Flash" model proposes that (T^2 *C^2)/ T^2= S^2/ T^2 or (6133.22414y^2 * 365 sq LY)/ 6133.22414 y^2 = 13,730,000,000 sq LY/ 6133.22414 y^2
[The age of the universe is over 6000 years]
The Big Bang "Theory" proposes that (C^2= 1) thus (T^2 * C^2)/ T^2= (T^2 *1 *1)/T^2= T^2/T^2= S^2/T^2 meaning (13,730,000,000 sq LY *1^2)/ 13,730,000,000 y^2
[The age of the universe is nearly 14 billion years]
From this the question is raised, is the velocity of light a product of science or is it fiction?
I've considered some additional points in fortifying my stance. You might consider studying Richard Mould's "Acceleration of Light at Earth's Surface", Max Morriss's "Simply Relativity v2" on the topic of time space ratios as a possible unification between Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, Hawking's comments on extreme time-space curvature creating prarticles, and Nassim Haramein's works on "Cosmic Torque" found on I've already found the peices to the puzzle, it's explaining the "why" part that I routinely misrepresent. In honesty, what I've done is worked to compile many relevent physical "models" together with an extremely complex time-space ratio discovered in 2 Peter 3:8. This ratio (when fully decyphered) reveals aspects to physics impossible to see or contemplate without first knowing of its existence. The ratio also revealed that the visible universe is not billions of years old. It's taken me three years to discern the "why" aspect to its numeric values.
Heres some accessable websites containing relavent science journals.
Richard Mould's "Acceleration of Light at Earth's Surface" Max Morriss Simply Reativity v3: John Deutsch Relationship among Phenomena at a Unitary Level The verse 2 Peter 3:8 states "But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day."
I believe this verse contains symbolism relating to physics. The Lord is the source of light as is stated in Genesis 1:3 and the Lord resides in his throne in Heaven. The oldest observable source of light in the universe is the Light Horizon. The period of a day is directly linked to Earth's rotation. Following along with this line of thought, this verse reveals a differance in the rate of time between Earth and the Light Horizon by a ratio of 1 to 365,250 over the currently measured distance of 13,730,000,000 light years. With out getting into lengthy details, this is the origin to my current equations.
I appreciate your constructive criticism, it is in fact very helpful. I am admittedly having difficulty portraying my point. I'll try to clarify and correct the erronious points you've touched on.
(1) If all em waves were observed from a dimensional perspective as straight beams, it becomes eliquently clear that the fabric of time-space consists of a squared matrix of light. All forms of radiation consist of waves.
(2) The effect on light isn't from Earth's rotation, but the relative frame dragging effects on Earth from the spinning mass of the cosmos. Qoute from Brian Greene's "The Fabric of the Cosmos" p. 417: "for a shell that contains enough mass, an amount on par with that contained in the entire universe, the calculations show that it doesn't matter one bit whether you think the hollow sphere is spinning around the bucket, or the bucket is spinning within the hollow sphere. Just as Mach advocated, the only thing that matters is the relative spinning motion between the two." Touching on the frequency of rotation, I actually was refering to the effective acceleration of light. A squared light year equals 133,407.5625 square light days. Divide this by 365.25 and you have 365.25 square light day "years", the distance light travels in one year.
(3) No, space squared doesn't equal time squared. (I didn't realize I made such a remark.) What I was stating was that if time "T" squared times the speed of light "C" squared equals a distance "D" squared, then the speed of light "C" squared equals the distance "D" squared divided by time "T" squared. (you can't argue with that) Yes, I am in fact refering to acceleration, i.e. the expansion rate of the cosmos.
This model is in fact geared from Kerr-Newman geometry where the visible universe consists of inverse time-space centered within the open space of a spinning singularity ring. Using this model, the light horizon is actually a Cauchy horizon.
When descerning God's word, we need to remember that it's messages are inspired by God, not men. On that note, God is all knowing and infinite. No man knows all things, especially about the creator of all. Quite honestly I find your comment about 2 Peter to be very foolish. It is well known that God's word commonly has more than one meaning. Does Genesis chapter 1 only contain spirital content? Absolutely NOT! Study the content within the entire chapter of 2 Peter 3. The chapters focus is on the connection between the creation of the universe and day of judgement. My further studies in this area tie in with Godel's spinning universe model. By combining the "First Flash" model with Godel, an effect is revealed that after a period of complete rotation of the universe (in a time span of 7000 years using the 2 Peter ratio) the universe transisions back to the begining of creation. In Mach's arguement against Godel, that our universe has rotation, light would be observed to travel in a spiral path, not a straight line. The flaw in Mach's counter claim is that all forms of radiation moves in an helicial pattern ( an electromagnetic wave). My claim is that the origin of electromagnetic force, as we observe it, originates from cosmic rotation.
My ability to discern scripture is unimpaired. I fully agree with the many points you've made about scriptural content. I do not divide scripture. Your explaination for 2 Peter 3: 8-9 is accurate. The ratio for God's patience has been stated in such a complex fashion that it begs further investigation. It isn't simply a common saying. My proposal is that this ratio of time is evidenced within the nature of God's creation. The fact that my study on the possible sources for this ratio has lead me to consider the possiblity of a spinning universe like the one proposed by Einstein's good freind Kurt Godel and that by using his model an explanation is further revealed for the recreation of the entire universe like what's described in Revelation is beyond profound! My belief in meaning for this verse will depend on physical evidence to be proven. If I succeed in that venture the outcome would be quite glorious in evidencing the creator to mankind.
I recently came across a new article by Max Morriss and thought I'd run it by you to see what you thought of it. J.C.S.
I realize your core interest is molecular biology, which has very little to do with cosmology. My local conference has advised me to contact GRI in regard to my present research considering its possible support for creationism. Since we've met before I thought I'd run this topic by you. Perhaps you could steer me in the right direction for such a project. The basic concept behind "First Flash" is that time's rate varies with distance. An end result from this line of thought is that reality consists of four forms of dimension: cosmic rotation measured in cycles per year, the speed of light measured in light years per year, time measured in years per cycle, and curvature measured in years per light year. "First Flash" cosmology utilizes a rotating universe spinning at a relativistic speed. The combination of the four dimensional forms results in a formula of which resolves the "distant starlight problem" as exampled below:
[(365.25 cycles times 1 light year) times 6131.1248 years] times 6131.1248 years = 13,730,000,000 light years per 6131.1248 years time
13.73 billion ly is the presently measured distance from Earth to the Light Horizon.
This system also indicates that time's rate increases with the decrease of space, explaining the strange properties of QM. The spinning universe concept was debated before by Einstein's best freind Kurt Godel but was seemingly debunked with the problem that light would be observed to twist. I'm proposing that the very phenomina of light consisting as electromagnetic waves is a product of cosmic torque.
I am sorry to bore you with this stuff as I've probbably tried to explain too much.
thank you for your patience,
Here's a bit of a summary,
First Flash cosmological Model
It's premise: To successfully explain measured distances of distant starlight in harmony with the historical biblical account of creation.
(an attempt to scientifically solve the distant starlight problem)
The basic equation, being left somewhat unexplained, is as follows:
Speed of light (S) Rate of Time (T) Angular Frequency (A) Curvature (C)
light years per year years per 365.25 cycles 365.25 cycles per year years per light year
S= LYs per T T= years per A A= cycles per C C= years per S
S times T= distance light travels in 4D time-space
A times C= 4D multiplier within curved angular geometry
(S * T) * (A * C) = accelerated distance light travels within angular time-space curvature
(1LY * 6131.1248y) * (365.25 cycles * 6131.1248y) = 6131.1248LY * 2,239,393.333 cycles
= 13,730,000,000 light years (This is the currently measured distance to the light horizon.)
This model only works under the conditions of a universe rotating at a relativistic rate, akin to Godel's universe or the dimensionality found within the Kerr-Newman metric. The problem, as was pointed out to Kurt, was that light should be observed to twist if we existed in such a universe. It's my proposal that the effect of electromagnetic radiation's helical wave like nature is in it's self caused by the angular motion of the cosmos. Due to the fact that my studies on this particular point are ongoing, I'd like to move on toward clarifying "First Flash's" four distinct dimensionally supportive pillars.
Time is typical observed to be 1 dimensional. We observe space to exist as 3 dimensions. Time and space are considered to exist in combination as time-space. When curvature is added into the mix, a 5D geometry is created. Braking down time-space curvature into its respective dimensions we have 3D for space, 1D for time, and an unknown 5th form of dimension seemingly remaining for curvature. This is an excellent moment to focus on what gravitational acceleration really is. According to the book "Physics Demystified" Earth's acceleration is 9.8067 m/s^2 which at first glance (at least for me) appears algebraically incomplete compared to the explanation of an object falling a said distance per second then multiplying said distance by the number of seconds past after each second. This really irritated me. Driving me to algebraically present gravitational acceleration in a different manner:
((d/t) * T) * T = D
plug in the dimensions for time-space curvature into this equation you get:
((3 dimensional space/unit of time) * 1 dimension of time) * 1 temporal dimension for curvature = gravitational acceleration
The value of time for curvature results from a different ratio than that for time. We measure time in cycles. The equation for curvature relates a rate of time per distance, not cycle. From this perspective, the object's motion (independent of time's rate acceleration) isn't accelerating at all. The "First Flash" equation exposes light to time-space curvature and the effects of cosmic rotation, measured in angular frequency. Because of the universe's net frame dragging effects (relative to Earth's rotation) we are unable to differentiate time's change of rate relative to the distance traveled unless the traveling object (originating from Earth) is constantly observed as it travels a sufficient distance away to permit the light emitted from said object to blue shift due to time rate acceleration (free of the Earth's motion, compounding frame dragging effects). This effect HAS BEEN OBSERVED and is presently referred to by NASA as the Pioneer anomaly.
I'm not proposing that what's been stated is absolute proof as I am quite certain my concept still contains flaws and isn't yet complete. This, and the fact that I still lack a desperately needed degree in theoretical physics, is why I've elected to contact you with the hope you may be interested in helping me out. What's been said is in no way the entirety of my work, just a bit of sample. It's my hope that this letter presents it's message in a good light.
Here's an updated summary on the First Flash cosmological Model
It's premise: To successfully explain measured distances of distant starlight in harmony with the historical biblical account of creation.
(an attempt to scientifically solve the distant starlight problem)
The basic equation, being left somewhat unexplained, is as follows:
Speed of light (S) Rate of Time (T) Angular Frequency (A) Curvature (C)
light years per year years per 365.25 cycles 365.25 cycles per year years per light year
S= LYs per T T= years per A A= cycles per C C= years per S
S times T= distance light travels in 4D time-space
A times C= 4D multiplier within curved angular geometry
(S * T) * (A * C) = accelerated distance light travels within angular time-space curvature
(1LY * 6131.1248y) * (365.25 cycles * 6131.1248y) = 6131.1248LY * 2,239,393.333 cycles
= 13,730,000,000 light years (This is the currently measured distance to the light horizon.)
(note: reverting the Light Horizon's known distance into the First Flash equation is how the estimated cosmic age of 6131.1248 years is extrapolated)
This model only works under the conditions of a universe rotating at a relativistic rate, akin to Godel's universe or the geometry found within the Kerr-Newman metric. The problem, as was pointed out to Kurt, was that light should be observed to twist if we existed in such a universe. It's my proposal that the effect of electromagnetic radiation's helical wave like nature is in it's self caused by the angular motion of the cosmos. Due to the fact that my studies on this particular point are ongoing, I'd like to move on toward clarifying "First Flash's" four distinct dimensionally supportive pillars.
Time is typically observed to be 1 dimensional. We observe space to exist as 3 dimensions. Time and space are considered to exist in combination as time-space. When curvature is added into the mix, a 5D geometry is created. Braking down time-space curvature into its respective dimensions we have 3D for space, 1D for time, and an unknown 5th form of dimension seemingly remaining for curvature. This is an excellent moment to focus on what gravitational acceleration really is. According to the book "Physics Demystified" Earth's acceleration is 9.8067 m/s^2 which at first glance (at least for me) appears algebraically incomplete compared to the explanation of an object falling a said distance per second then multiplying said distance by the number of seconds past after each second. This really irritated me. Driving me to algebraically present gravitational acceleration in a different manner:
((d/t) * T) * T = D
plug in the dimensions for time-space curvature into this equation you get:
((3 dimensional space/unit of time) * 1 dimension of time) * 1 temporal dimension for curvature = gravitational acceleration
The value of time for curvature results from a different ratio than that for time. We measure time in cycles. The equation for curvature relates a rate of time per distance, not cycle. From this perspective, the object's motion (independent of time's rate acceleration) isn't accelerating at all. The "First Flash" equation exposes light to time-space curvature and the effects of cosmic rotation, measured in angular frequency. Because of the universe's net frame dragging effects (relative to Earth's rotation) we are unable to differentiate time's change of rate relative to the distance traveled unless the traveling object (originating from Earth) is constantly observed as it travels a sufficient distance away to permit the light emitted from said object to blue shift due to time rate acceleration (free of the Earth's motion, compounding frame dragging effects). This effect has been observed and is presently referred to by NASA as the Pioneer anomaly.
It would seem our areas of study has crossed paths. As a result, I'm finding your website incredibly useful. Here's a taste of my own personal research on the First Flash cosmological Model
It's premise: To successfully explain measured distances of distant starlight in harmony with the historical biblical account of creation.
(an attempt to scientifically solve the distant starlight problem)
The basic equation, being left somewhat unexplained, is as follows:
Speed of light (S) Rate of Time (T) Angular Frequency (A) Curvature (C)
light years per year years per 365.25 cycles 365.25 cycles per year years per light year
S= LYs per T T= years per A A= cycles per C C= years per S
S times T= distance light travels in 4D time-space
A times C= 4D multiplier within curved angular geometry
(S * T) * (A * C) = accelerated distance light travels within angular time-space curvature
(1LY * 6131.1248y) * (365.25 cycles * 6131.1248y) = 6131.1248LY * 2,239,393.333 cycles
= 13,730,000,000 light years (This is the currently measured distance to the light horizon.)
(note: reverting the Light Horizon's known distance into the First Flash equation is how the estimated cosmic age of 6131.1248 years is extrapolated)
This model only works under the conditions of a universe rotating at a relativistic rate, akin to Godel's universe or the geometry found within the Kerr-Newman metric. The problem, as was pointed out to Kurt, was that light should be observed to twist if we existed in such a universe. It's my proposal that the effect of electromagnetic radiation's helical wave like nature is in it's self caused by the angular motion of the cosmos. Due to the fact that my studies on this particular point are ongoing, I'd like to move on toward clarifying "First Flash's" four distinct dimensionally supportive pillars.
Time is typically observed to be 1 dimensional. We observe space to exist as 3 dimensions. Time and space are considered to exist in combination as time-space. When curvature is added into the mix, a 5D geometry is created. Braking down time-space curvature into its respective dimensions we have 3D for space, 1D for time, and an unknown 5th form of dimension seemingly remaining for curvature. This is an excellent moment to focus on what gravitational acceleration really is. According to the book "Physics Demystified" Earth's acceleration is 9.8067 m/s^2 which at first glance (at least for me) appears algebraically incomplete compared to the explanation of an object falling a said distance per second then multiplying said distance by the number of seconds past after each second. This really irritated me. Driving me to algebraically present gravitational acceleration in a different manner:
((d/t) * T) * T = D
plug in the dimensions for time-space curvature into this equation you get:
((3 dimensional space/unit of time) * 1 dimension of time) * 1 temporal dimension for curvature = gravitational acceleration
The value of time for curvature results from a different ratio than that for time. We measure time in cycles. The equation for curvature relates a rate of time per distance, not cycle. From this perspective, the object's motion (independent of time's rate acceleration) isn't accelerating at all. The "First Flash" equation exposes light to time-space curvature and the effects of cosmic rotation, measured in angular frequency. Because of the universe's net frame dragging effects (relative to Earth's rotation) we are unable to differentiate time's change of rate relative to the distance traveled unless the traveling object (originating from Earth) is constantly observed as it travels a sufficient distance away to permit the light emitted from said object to blue shift due to time rate acceleration (free of the Earth's motion, compounding frame dragging effects). This effect has been observed and is presently referred to by NASA as the Pioneer anomaly.
Here's some interesting points of similarity I discovered in my work and yours.
I deduced that the C^2 component of the energy equation equals time-space curvature times angular frequency squared. In your work E = MC^2 equals E = M (A * Z)^2.
A= Expansion Acceleration (same as time-space curvature/ gravitational acceleration)
Z= Orbit time (same as angular frequency)
What led me to your site was my search for any works that would aid my research on the predicted helical motion of EMR resulting from universal rotation.
Moving on to your questions,
1. The First Flash model is of my own creation. It stands for the first visible flash of light at the beginning of creation.
2. Weirdly enough, I considered comparing notes with you about orbit time and angular frequency but I instead sent the previous email describing the First Flash.
3. The Light Horizon is the earliest source of light within the visible universe. If the speed or acceleration rate can be determined, in combination with the measured distance, the age of the universe can be deduced if that light corresponds with cosmic origin. Unlike Big Bang cosmology, First Flash cosmology includes the relative effects of time-space curvature and universal rotation on observed light to accurately calculate cosmic age.
This particular study seems to reach into every foundational property of physics presently known, making things altogether even more difficult. I recently discerned the need to reduce my four ratios into unit rates in order to simplify. Here was the result:
Speed (speed of light) 1 light day per cyclic day
Time (cyclic time) 1 cyclic day per Earth rotation
Acceleration (angular frequency) 1 Earth rotation per curved day
Curvature (curved time) 1 curved day per light day
All four unit rates have a one to one ratio. When speed and time are combined the value for the time-space constant reveals itself. When acceleration and curvature and combined we have an equal result. The first two ratios represent constant rates but the second set of ratios relate to two forms of acceleration. The four ratios in combination are in fact:
C times C = C^2
This is the same C^2 value found within the popular energy equation. Those who are unwilling to look beyond the box constructed by the scientific community of the present day will never view the endless horizons outside it.
Beyond this conclusion, I started comparing FF values with SR in Minkowski geometry and discovered that the Minkowskian metric was insufficient in representing curvature (thus the need for GR). I attempted to graphically represent time-space curvature within a two dimensional projection of a three dimensional graph. After studying it closely I determined the representation was ill equipped for FF and created a four dimensional graph that in fact represents eight dimensions:
3D cyclic space (speed)
1D cyclic time (time)
3D curved space (acceleration)
1D curved time (curvature)
The First Flash model predicts a relative graphical bell curve to exist when comparing any of the four ratios. So I compared this with GR and found the following proofs:
1. Time is a ratio of changes in energy density. Time on an atom passes much faster than time at the Earth scale.
2. Distance decreases with an increase of gravitational acceleration.
3. Rate of time slows with acceleration.
4. Length decreases with acceleration.
5. Gravitational attraction (caused by mass) opposes centrifugal force (caused by angular momentum).
6. Time dilation is caused by Gravitation.
Compiling this data together reveals an eight dimensional "pit" ascribing an apparent surface to an ever expanding eight dimensional sphere. When symmetry and negative axis are deduced, a complex "flower" emerges containing a total of six individual pits each ascribing a separate sphere. I would suspect that each pit and sphere represents a separate and distinct universe and that there is an ongoing infinite pattern of cosmic creation. God is truly marvelous!
I found three errors in my last message and thought it best to point them out. The geometric shape evidenced by FF is a concave rhombic decahedron, as opposed to the octahedral form I described. On the 4D graph, "cycular" should be "cyclic". Finally, on the curved time-space pic, the green time-space bell curve is oriented incorrectly. The curved time-space coordinate should be located above the Planck zero coordinate.
I'm sending you this email to reveal a cosmological model I've created called the "First Flash". This model has the scientific potential of being tested and even proven to be true. Using laws observed in nature in tandem with observed physical data, I've laid the foundation to a possible theory evidencing the age of the visible universe to be 6132 years. I will now endeavor to explain.
dl min: minimum unit of distance (1light day)
I've coined dl as "cyclical space" and 1 light day as "relativistic space".
dt min: minimum cosmic time (1 day)
dt = cyclical time
1 day = relativistic time
Einstein arbitrarily set the minimum time unit for light as one second. Due to the seemingly universal speed of light, this minimum unit was also locked in as a maximum. This view point is slowly being unraveled by new evidence to the contrary at distances exceeding one light day. Lacking further explanation (other than the measured relationship between a light day and one rotation of Earth), God created light with the period of a day for its minimum unit of time.
dTH min: minimum angular displacement (1.158 x10^-48 rotations)
dTH = curved space
1.158 x10^-48 rotations = Planck length
ds min: minimum proper time (1.158 x10^-48 curved days)
ds = curved time
1.158 x 10^-48 curved days = Planck time
Conventional space breaks down at Planck length. Conventional time breaks down at the scale of Planck time.
The value for dl = dt and dTH = ds. If dl = or is greater than 1 and if dt = or is greater than 1 then the numeric values for dl = dTH and dt = ds.
Here are proofs for a one to one relationship at the 1 day scale.
Light travels 1 light day per day. One day passes per Earth rotation. A curved day exists per Earth rotation. A curved day passes per 1 light day. Light travels 1 light day per Earth rotation. One day passes per 1 curved day.
When the distance light travels exceeds 1 light day, a phase transition occurs. Evidence supporting this is found in the "Pioneer Anomaly." Light emitted from Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, and Voyager 2 blue shifted after probes had traveled significant fractions of a light day from Earth. Pioneer 10 has exceeded this distance by 3 light minutes as of October 8, 2005.
dl/dt = c: speed of light
dTH/ds = w: angular velocity
dl/dt x ds = gravitational acceleration
dl/dt x dTH = angular acceleration
dl/dt x dTH/ds = resultant distance/resultant time = angular gravitational acceleration =c^2
I will now explain the simplified light distance method.
time^2 x 365.25 = distance in light years, sq rt (distance/365.25) = time in years
In 2003 the distance to the Light Horizon was estimated to be 13,690,000,000 light years away. Using my method, an age of 6122.19 years was calculated. In 2008 a greatly refined measurement was established at 13,730,000,000 light years. The age for this measurement was 6131.1248 years since creation. Believing this new measurement to be accurate, a corrected age and distance for 2003 resulted to be 6126.1248 years time (a difference of only four years) and 13,707,615,200 light years distance ( 17,615,200 Ly difference). This was well within their range of error of + or - 120,000,000 light years.
Showing how these times and distances are actually calculated requires more in depth work as is shown.
6131.1248 years x 365.25 = 2,239,393.333 days
(2,239,393.333 LD/ 2,239,393.333 D) x (2,239,393.333 rotations/2,239,393.333 CD)=
5,014,882,500,000 resultant light days / 5,014,882,500,000 resultant days =
13,730,000,000 resultant light years / 13,730,000,000 resultant years
A quick note, we observe the universe in cosmic time in relation to resultant distance. Thus light traveled 13,730,000,000 light years in 6131.1248 years time. Big Bang theorists incorrectly refer to resultant time as cosmic time. The time period of 6131.1248 years since creation on 2008 agrees with Anstey's 4124 B.C. creation date.
Here is yet another possible confirmation. The First Flash model predicts extreme time dilation at extreme distances. Astronomers have concluded that distant supernovae explosions experience a time rate equaling only 60% of what's thought to be normal. The vast majority of nearby superclusters lie within the range of 200,000,000 to 400,000,000 light years distance. These superclusters include Hydra, Pavo-Indus, Perseus-Pisces, Coma, and Hurcules. At the edge of the neighboring group of superclusters, (measuring a distance of 1,000,000,000 light years) we observe superclusters such as Horologium and Corona Borealis. According to First Flash calculations, a 60% relative time dilation rate exists between light measured 360,000,000 light years away and light measured at a distance of 1,000,000,000 light years.
Here I've included an equation revealing how the dimensional components of the First Flash model fit within the famous matter energy equation.
M[(dl/dt) (dTH/ds)/3] = W = rest mass energy
dl/dt[(M) (dTH/ds)/3] = T = kinetic energy
dTH/ds[(M) (dl/dt)/3] = V = potential energy
W+T+V = E = total energy
(dl/dt) (dTH/ds) = angular gravitational acceleration = speed of light squared = c^2
E/c^2 = M = rest mass
E = M c^2 = mass energy equation
In order to fortify my position on the universal effects of inertia, as is required for the First Flash model to work, I've added two quotes on the subject.
(Quoted from "A Gentleman's guide to Modern Physics")
Acceleration must be acceleration relative to the center mass of the universe. Universal inertia force behaves practically as if all the masses of the universe would sit on a spherical shell within the Hubble Radius. (where the speed of expansion equals the speed of light.) Any mass inside this shell would feel the universal inertia force as if it was in a state of accelerated motion relative to the shell.
(Quoted from "The Fabric of the Cosmos")
For a shell that contains enough mass, an amount on par with that contained in the entire universe, the calculations show that it doesn't matter whether one thinks of the hollow sphere to be spinning around an object inside or that the object inside is spinning within the hollow sphere. The only thing that matters is the relative spinning motion between the two. A sufficiently massive rotating sphere is able to completely block the usual influence of the space beyond it.
On the topic of twisting force, or torque, an increasing radius increases the amount of possible torque to be exerted on the central object.
I would finally like to comment on six critical points of which the General Theory of Relativity and First Flash agree on.
time : space 1. The ratio of time changes with distance. (energy density)
space : curvature 2. Increased distance reduces curvature.
time : rotation 3. Rate of time slows with acceleration.
space : rotation 4. Length decreases with acceleration.
curvature : rotation 5. Gravitational attraction (curvature) opposes angular momentum.
time : curvature 6. Time dilation is caused by gravitation (curvature).
Comments are invited and I personally consider constructive criticism to be helpful.
In my last email I posted this statement:
"The value for dl = dt and dTH = ds. If dl = or is greater than 1 and if dt = or is greater than 1 then the numeric values for dl = dTH and dt = ds."
I meant to state that:
"The value for dl = dt and dTH = ds. If dTH = or is greater than 1 and if ds = or is greater than 1 then the numeric values for dTH = dl and ds = dt."
Hopefully that makes better sense. I pondered the accedental error I made all night and started refreshing my mind on the subject of spinors and twistors in String Theory. Then the facts started to hit me. Penrose reduces the value for c in quantum physics to 1. In quantum physics, the vector of light represents linear motion. All subatomic particles have angular motion, or "spin". The quanta for spin is the spinor. My value (dTH min/ ds min) represents a spinor. A graviton is looked apon as the quanta of twister space (of which is the combination of spin and linear motion.) In the First Flash model, [(dl min/ dt min) x (dTH min/ ds min)] equals a graviton. The differance between String Theory and the First Flash model is that the minimum value for c = 1 light day (not 1 light second) and that light phase transitions when dTH/ds equals or exceeds the value of 1.
I seriously doubt you will ever find another creationist model more profound and unifying than this one.
I'm guessing you'll have a bit of skepticism on the topic and will, above all, want to know if what I'm proposing is theologically sound. For this reason I'm going to start off by simply providing relevant quotes and references from scripture and Ellen White without narration. Then I'm going to actually dig into the subject as simply as I possible.
Genesis 1:1-5, 14-19 Genesis 2:1, 4 Psalms 11:4
AG chapter 357
"Heaven is a school; its field of study, the universe; its teacher, the Infinite One."
GC p. 678
"With undimmed vision they gaze upon the glory of creation- suns and stars and systems, all in their appointed order circling the throne of Deity."
Ev chapter 6
"There is far more being done by the universe of Heaven than we have any idea of."
Ed p. 21
"Adam and Eve were made but "little lower than angels," that they might not only discern the wonders of the visible universe, but comprehend moral responsibilities and obligations."
Ed p. 186
"A knowledge of science of all kinds is power, and it is the purpose of God that advanced science shall be taught in our schools as a preparation for the work that is to precede the closing scenes of earth's history. The truth is to go to the remotest bounds of the earth, through agents trained for the work."
Ed p. 375
"The laws obeyed by the earth reveal the fact that it is under the masterly power of an infinite God. The same principles run through the spiritual and natural world."
Ed p. 409
"The machinery of earth and heaven needs many faces to every wheel in order to see the Hand beneath the wheels, bringing perfect order from confusion."
Ed p. 536
"It is the word of God alone that gives us an authentic account of the creation of our world."
In creationist cosmology, a problem seems apparent when studying light from distant stars. If the universe was created 6000 years ago then light shouldn't be visible from distances greater than 6000 light years. As of 2008, the furthest visible light has been measured at 13,730,000,000 light years. As a result, Big Bang theorists claim that the visible universe is 13,730,000,000 years old. This is false and I'll endeavor to explain why.
First, the speed of light is calculated by a measured distance divided by time.
The "speed" that the Earth rotates or "spins" is divided by "curved time."
The "speed" an object falls is calculated by distance divided by time, times "curved time."
(D/T) x C
In String Theory, the speed of light is arbitrarily given a minimum value of 1 light second, (thanks to Einstein energy equation being geared in seconds.) All things have spin. The smallest (or minimum) spin is called a spinor. If the minimum speed of light is multiplied by the minimum spin, the minimum value for gravity is described.
(D min/T min) x (S min/C min)
In my First Flash model, the minimum value for light is NOT 1 second, it's 1 day. (refer to Genesis 1:1-5) Spin is more appropriately measured in fractions or multiples of a day. When the value for spin equals or exceeds 1 the value for light will equal the value for spin.
Let me illustrate:
Lets say we observe light travel for 12 hours, (half of a day) here's what happens.
(1light day min/1 day min) x (0.5 spin/0.5 curved days) = .5 resultant LD/.5 resultant days
0.5 light days per 0.5 days
We actually observe distance by resultant distance and time by curved time.
If we observe light for one day this is what happens.
(1 light day/1 day) x (1 spin/1 curved day) = 1 resultant light day/1 resultant day
1 light day per 1 day
When spin exceeds 1 something very interesting happens.
(1.01 LD/1.01 D) x (1.01 spin/1.01 curved days) = 1.0201 resultant LD/1.0201 resultant D
1.0201 light days per 1.01 days (acceleration begins to occur)
This effect is actually observed in nature and is coined as the "Pioneer Anomaly."
So, back to the universe age question. What does this equation do with a resultant distance of 13,730,000,000 light years? A simple short cut method works like this:
Divide the resultant light year distance by the number of rotations per year (365.25). Then find the square root.
sq rt (dist/365.25)
The answer is 6131.1248 years. The measurement was made in 2008, dating the year of creation at 4124.1248 B.C. (don't forget to add 1 for the lack of a year zero) Coincidentally or not, Anstey arrived at the same conclusion of 4124 B.C.
I've established an equation that successfully explains the temporal conflict between Big Bang cosmology and creationism. I've endeavored to find physicists before, who can assist me, with poor results. It is my sincere hope to find a way to test my cosmological model and to find a way to explain it, in a simple manner, to the masses. If you have any interest in what I'm working on, I have attempted to clearly explain the First Flash model (without excessive detail) as follows:
In creationist cosmology, a problem seems apparent when studying light from distant stars. If the universe was created 6000 years ago then light shouldn't be visible from distances greater than 6000 light years. As of 2008, the furthest visible light has been measured at 13,730,000,000 light years. As a result, Big Bang theorists claim that the visible universe is 13,730,000,000 years old. This is false and I'll endeavor to explain why.
First, the speed of light is calculated by a measured distance divided by time.
The "speed" that the Earth rotates or "spins" is divided by "curved time."
The "speed" an object falls is calculated by distance divided by time, times "curved time."
(D/T) x C
In String Theory, the speed of light is arbitrarily given a minimum value of 1 light second, (thanks to Einstein's energy equation being geared in seconds.) All things have spin. The smallest (or minimum) spin is called a spinor. If the minimum speed of light is multiplied by the minimum spin, the minimum value for gravity (a graviton) is described.
(D min/T min) x (S min/C min)
In my First Flash model, the minimum value for light is NOT 1 second, it's 1 day. (refer to Genesis 1:1-5) Spin is more appropriately measured in fractions or multiples of a day. When the value for spin equals or exceeds 1 the value for light will equal the value for spin.
Let me illustrate:
Lets say we observe light travel for 12 hours, (half of a day) here's what happens.
(1light day min/1 day min) x (0.5 spin/0.5 curved days) = .5 resultant LD/.5 resultant days
0.5 light days per 0.5 days
We actually observe distance by resultant distance and time by curved time.
If we observe light for one day this is what happens.
(1 light day/1 day) x (1 spin/1 curved day) = 1 resultant light day/1 resultant day
1 light day per 1 day
When spin exceeds 1 a phase transition occurs.
(1.01 LD/1.01 D) x (1.01 spin/1.01 curved days) = 1.0201 resultant LD/1.0201 resultant D
1.0201 light days per 1.01 days (acceleration begins to occur)
This effect is actually observed in nature and is coined as the "Pioneer Anomaly."
So, back to the universe age question. What is the actual travel time for light with a resultant distance of 13,730,000,000 light years? A simple short cut method works like this:
Divide the resultant light year distance by the number of rotations per year (365.25). Then find the square root.
sq rt (dist/365.25)
The answer is 6131.1248 years. The measurement was in 2008, dating the year of creation at 4124.1248 B.C. Coincidentally or not, Anstey arrived at the same conclusion of 4124 B.C.
A new component to the First Flash model reveals a significant event relating to the first Sabbath of creation. If all of the stars and galaxies were created on the fourth day, the light from the closest stars (outside the solar system) are first visible at the end of the sixth day at twilight. Light from objects furthest away can not be seen until the very end of the seventh day at twilight. Jewish tradition states that the Sabbath begins at the appearance of the first three stars and Ellen White claims that all of the stars "sang together" on the first Sabbath of creation. These points do not prove anything but are very interesting none the less.