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Re: A New Creationist Cosmological Model "The First Flash"
[Re: JCS]
05/28/10 11:19 AM
05/28/10 11:19 AM
SDA Active Member 2024
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I recently discovered a wonderful book called "THE GREATEST STANDING ERRORS IN PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS" by Miles Mathis. strongly recomend this site. I actually found evidence supporting my First Flash model and my new inverse square law in his book. Thanks for the link. I haven't had time to read very much, but some I picked out were most fascinating. I looked at the rainbow and the double slit experiment. I vaguely recall the explanation of the past of light bouncing around in the raindrop to give the color and it never made sense to me. Which is probably why I dismissed it and accepted it as a must be so story. The double slit was another one that bothered me and even a few months ago was thinking about it and wondering if an individual could duplicate the experiment. His explanation seems more far fetched than the rainbow, but he was rather convincing. I never understood if he carried out the experiment on a reflective wall by implication or if he only suggested it be carried out. Glancing at the other topics are disturbing to me. It seems there are a number of things that everyone repeats but which are not necessarily true. This has been an eye opening experience to me that assumptions should not be assumed. Kind of makes the global warming believers more silly than ever with their science by vote and not really that but only reading it in the media.
Re: A New Creationist Cosmological Model "The First Flash"
[Re: kland]
06/01/10 02:56 PM
06/01/10 02:56 PM
Active Member 2012
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Colorado, USA
Here's a wake up call. FF predicts that light from the heavens will start to disappear. (the most distant objects first) I've found multiple sources indicating that the most distant visible galaxies have started to disappear as they cross the cosmic horizon. (Also the original count for dwarf galaxies has started to drop off since the measurement made in 1996) Combine this with the building evidence that the universe's rate of expansion is accelerating plus FF's evidence of how quickly this acceleration really is, we end up looking at an extremely serious situation approaching.
Be forewarned.
Re: A New Creationist Cosmological Model "The First Flash"
[Re: JCS]
06/08/10 02:40 PM
06/08/10 02:40 PM
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Due to overwhelming insistence by contacted theoretical physicists, I've started to convert my First Flash model into an eight dimensional metric tensor. This matrix will allow physicists to test my mathematical notion that the resultant rate of time of light changes with distance, relative to the combined dimensions of linear and curved time-space.
I hope this goes well.
Re: A New Creationist Cosmological Model "The First Flash"
[Re: JCS]
06/08/10 03:05 PM
06/08/10 03:05 PM
Seeing that God is ultimately in control of everything, what kind of a serious situation is approaching?Here's a wake up call. FF predicts that light from the heavens will start to disappear. (the most distant objects first) I've found multiple sources indicating that the most distant visible galaxies have started to disappear as they cross the cosmic horizon. (Also the original count for dwarf galaxies has started to drop off since the measurement made in 1996) Combine this with the building evidence that the universe's rate of expansion is accelerating plus FF's evidence of how quickly this acceleration really is, we end up looking at an extremely serious situation approaching.
Be forewarned.
Re: A New Creationist Cosmological Model "The First Flash"
[Re: Daryl]
06/08/10 07:57 PM
06/08/10 07:57 PM
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If my understanding of prophecy is correct, when the light of the heavens disappears the time of probation will have already ended. The serious situation is that that time is very near. The other physical effects are clearly described in scripture itself.
I do not know exactly when this will happen due to the fact that there are unknown variables regarding how quickly this effect is accelerating toward us. The calculation involves (A) knowing when the light horizon reached the cosmic horizon, (B) knowing when dwarf galaxies first reached the cosmic horizon, (C) calculating our visible universe's resultant acceleration toward this effect(of which was first emitted when dwarf galaxies started crossing the cosmic horizon), (D) calculating the effect's acceleration rate towards Earth, (E) and finally using all of this information to calculate when this effect will actually reach Earth.
I do not know what the values for C or D is thus I can not determine the true value for E. If the light horizon reached the cosmic horizon in 1844, and dwarf galaxies started disappearing in 2008, the total acceleration multiplier will range between 15 and 16. If it were 17 it would've already reached Earth this year. At 16 the year 2025 comes up. 15 would indicate the year 2037 with a very strange age of 6161.6 years for the visible universe.
A value of 14 is too slow as it completely fails to work with the available data that light from dwarf galaxies started to diminish in 2008 thus the estimated time before the light of the heavens disappears is in between 2025 and 2037. (Unless of course the acceleration multiplier isn't a whole number value which would be very strange.)
I am speculating that there is a connection with this astronomical effect and Christ's work of cleansing "heavenly things."
Re: A New Creationist Cosmological Model "The First Flash"
[Re: JCS]
06/08/10 08:06 PM
06/08/10 08:06 PM
How does the Black Hole scenario and Orion fit into all of this?
Re: A New Creationist Cosmological Model "The First Flash"
[Re: Daryl]
06/08/10 10:10 PM
06/08/10 10:10 PM
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Black holes have an "event horizon" which doesn't factor into what I'm talking about.
The "cosmic horizon"(also known as the particle horizon) is the maximum distance from which particles could have traveled to the observer in the age of the universe. It represents the boundary between the observable and the unobservable regions of the universe.
The "light horizon" marks the edge of the visible universe.
I'm assuming your question about Orion is related to Ellen White's reference to the open space in Orion. If I am correct that God's throne is in a neighboring universe "Heaven", the effects described earlier would be caused by a collision of expansion between the two eight dimensional time-spacial spheres (universes).
If both "universes" have angular momentum and electrical charge, an effect similar to a "worm hole" may occur between the two. It is my speculation that this dimensional "opening" is what we will observe in Orion. A careful study of Revelation 19:17 reveals an angel standing IN the sun after Christ's second coming. I suspect that the opening in Orion will also project directly through the Sun to Earth.
If this is the case, there is only one possible time in the year for such an event which would coincidentally be the exact same time of year as when the investigative judgment started, late October.
Re: A New Creationist Cosmological Model "The First Flash"
[Re: JCS]
06/08/10 10:32 PM
06/08/10 10:32 PM
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I just found this very interesting quote from Ellen White on the "angel standing in the sun". This angel is Christ himself. This is the mystery of godliness. This picture is of the highest value to be placed in every discourse, to be hung in memory's hall, to be uttered by human lips, to be traced by human beings who have tasted and known that the Lord is good, to be meditated upon, to be the groundwork of every discourse. There have been dry theories presented and precious souls are starving for the bread of life. This is not the preaching that is required or that the God of heaven will accept, for it is Christless. The divine picture of Christ must be kept before the people. He is that Angel standing in the sun of heaven. He reflects no shadows. Clothed in the attributes of Deity, shrouded in the glories of Deity, and in the likeness of the infinite God, He is to be lifted up before men. When this is kept before the people, creature merit sinks into insignificance. {8MR 182.2}
Re: A New Creationist Cosmological Model "The First Flash"
[Re: JCS]
06/14/10 02:27 AM
06/14/10 02:27 AM
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I found a new insight on the First Flash model. I've been working on a metric tensor for the model and as a result, I've been plotting out coordinate points. As I was doing this I noticed an oddity between day 0 and day one. Without this oddity, a perfect identity matrix results.
Expanding on this, I started plotting out linear, curved, and resultant graphs. What I discovered is that the First Flash model is a perfect identity matrix. The problem is that when we measure the speed of light over distances less than a light day, we do not correctly measure light's path between two points. We simply calculate the speed based upon the time variable between two points. Like a car on a curvy road, calculating speed based only on the shortest distance between the points and the time expended will result in an incorrect answer.
Doing this, light appears to have a constant, never changing resultant speed relative to curved time space curvature. (But this isn't the genuine truth. Considering this and considering that my model relies on scientists larger measurements to be the correct resultant distances for light, I deduced that there must be two entirely different methods of measure depending on distance, and that at a light day's distance the two methods would start to conflict.
The conflict is evidenced in the Pioneer anomaly. The second form of measure is redshift. Here's how it works. Subtract a rest wavelength from the observed wavelength and then divide this by the rest wavelength and you get your red shift value. Multiply this value by the speed of light and you have velocity. To calculate distance, divide the velocity by Hubble's constant which is typically 70 kilometers per second per megaparsec. I say typically because the Hubble constant is really a fudge factor.
Anyway, I put this little equation into Wolfram Alpha and it simplified to (speed of light/Hubble's constant times observed wavelength/rest wavelength) - Hubble's constant = distance.
My equation is (linear space/linear time times curved space/curved time)= resultant distance.
The speed of light is linear space/linear time. Curved time-space has a proportional relationship with observed wavelength/rest wavelength.
I wish I could show my graph here, I'll just have to put a new pic in my G.A.U. group in Facebook.
Last edited by JCS; 06/14/10 04:58 AM.
Re: A New Creationist Cosmological Model "The First Flash"
[Re: JCS]
06/14/10 02:10 PM
06/14/10 02:10 PM
Active Member 2012
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Colorado, USA
I've succeeded in braking this down further. Observed wavelength - rest wavelength = curved space. Hubble's constant times rest wavelength = curved time. Therefore:
(L space/L time) * [(O wave-R wave)/(H * R wave)]= resultant dist.
If I can just get ONE theoretical physicist to support my work now, the rain of the Big Bang Theory is OVER!
Here is the link to this week's Sabbath School Lesson Study and Discussion Material: Click Here