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Re: God's Strange Act: What is it, when does it happen? [Re: Mountain Man] #128489
10/28/10 09:55 PM
10/28/10 09:55 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Tom, I still don't understand how your responses in 128442 address my comments and questions. Please elaborate. Thank you.

Re: God's Strange Act: What is it, when does it happen? [Re: Mountain Man] #128502
10/29/10 04:23 PM
10/29/10 04:23 PM
kland  Offline OP
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Tom, while MM takes some time to consider why he himself considers "the act of punishment is a strange act", I hadn't heard your thoughts on when God's strange act is.

When she says,

When Christ ceases His intercession in the sanctuary, the unmingled wrath threatened against those who worship the beast and his image and receive his mark (Revelation 14:9, 10), will be poured out.
Protestantism shall give the hand of fellowship to the Roman power. Then there will be a law against the Sabbath of God's creation, and then it is that God will do His "strange work" in the earth.--7BC 910 (1886). {LDE 130.1}
Men are prone to abuse the long-suffering of God, and to presume on His forbearance. But there is a point in human iniquity when it is time for God to interfere; and terrible are the issues. "The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked" (Nahum 1:3). The long-suffering of God is wonderful, because He
puts constraint on His own attributes; but punishment is nonetheless certain. Every century of profligacy has treasured up wrath against the day of wrath; and when the time comes, and the iniquity is full, then God will do His strange work. It will be found a terrible thing to have worn out the divine patience; for the wrath of God will fall so signally and strongly that it is presented as being unmixed with mercy; and the very earth will be desolated. It is at the time of the national apostasy, when, acting on the policy of Satan, the rulers of the land will rank themselves on the side of the man of sin--it is then the measure of guilt is full; the national apostasy is the signal for national ruin. {2SM 372.3}

Does she mean that is only one of many times of His strange act, an example of His strange act, and it is a general principle or does she mean the strange act? Or is Work and Act different?

Re: God's Strange Act: What is it, when does it happen? [Re: Mountain Man] #128503
10/29/10 06:37 PM
10/29/10 06:37 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Kland, I have nothing further to add.

Re: God's Strange Act: What is it, when does it happen? [Re: Mountain Man] #128507
10/29/10 07:22 PM
10/29/10 07:22 PM
Tom  Offline
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Originally Posted By: kland
Does she mean that is only one of many times of His strange act, an example of His strange act, and it is a general principle or does she mean the strange act? Or is Work and Act different?

I think the strange act is described here:

(W)hen men pass the limits of divine forbearance, that restraint is removed. God does not stand toward the sinner as an executioner of the sentence against transgression; but He leaves the rejectors of His mercy to themselves, to reap that which they have sown.(GC 36)

I think when Christ leaves the sanctuary is a particularly fine example of this, as this is when the angels stop their work of holding, and the seven last plagues start.

As the fulfillment of the Isaiah quote, I think your comments are correct. I think it can also be applied as a general principle, as the GC 36 quote articulates.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: God's Strange Act: What is it, when does it happen? [Re: Tom] #128508
10/29/10 07:25 PM
10/29/10 07:25 PM
Tom  Offline
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Originally Posted By: MM
Tom, I still don't understand how your responses in 128442 address my comments and questions. Please elaborate. Thank you.

I responded to your post, and asked you questions. I asked the questions as a means of elaborating, but this depends upon your involvement. I suggest responding to my post which responds to your post.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: God's Strange Act: What is it, when does it happen? [Re: Mountain Man] #128509
10/29/10 08:13 PM
10/29/10 08:13 PM
Tom  Offline
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Tom, symbols and hyperbole are different. I don't think God used hyperbole.

There are lots of examples of this. For example, consider how Christ treated the woman who approached Him to be healed, and He made the comment about dogs.

God has no choice but to meet us where we are. He has to communicate to us in language we can understand. This is why it's so important to study the life of Christ, because that's where we see God revealed in His fullness. Otherwise there's all sorts of false conclusions one could wrongly come to. For example, the idea that God will mock or laugh at those in distress. This is obviously out of harmony with what Christ revealed. Rather than mock those who mistreated Him, He died the most excruciating death for them.

Originally Posted By: MM
There is no reason to think Ellen felt these words of God should be taken any other way than literally.

Sure there is. Consider the pathos in Ellen White's "voice" (or pen). She writes:

My brother, my sister, if these precious moments of mercy are not improved, you will be left without excuse. If you make no special effort to arouse, if you will not manifest zeal in repenting, these golden moments will soon pass, and you will be weighed in the balance and found wanting.

This is a warning! This is the same warning that God is expressing. God expresses His warning according to the character of the recipient of the message, so that person will take heed.

MM, if you think God mocks, that this is in harmony with His character, IMO you are seriously misunderstanding Him. Where do you see that Christ ever mocked anyone?

Here EGW uses the same quote, and her explanation is precisely how I interpreted the phrase:

"Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; but ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof; I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; when your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you: then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me; for that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord; they would none of my counsel; they despised all my reproof. Therefore they shall eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil." {ST, August 18, 1881 par. 11}

God speaks to us today, in the warnings, counsels, and reproofs given to ancient Israel. If we depart from him, our condemnation will be greater than theirs; for we have their experience as a warning, and all the instruction which God has given since their time. Many and varied are the idols which we cherish; idols that engross the mind and harden the heart, so that sacred things are not rightly valued. Oh that the lessons given to ancient Israel might so impress our hearts and affect our lives that we would fully turn from idols, to serve the living God. {ST, August 18, 1881 par. 12}

We must not trifle with our present privileges and opportunities, and expect that when lost they will be restored whenever we desire. It is impossible to abuse the powers with which our Creator has endowed us, and yet find them clear and vigorous, to call to our aid whenever we wish to devote them to a nobler, better purpose. The chains of habit, like ropes of steel, are not easily broken. Then how careful should we be to cherish only those traits which we would have to form the texture of character. {ST, August 18, 1881 par. 13;emphasis mine}

It's not that God changes, first being Christ-like and kind, offering help, but if that help is spurned He becomes unChrist-like and laughs and mocks instead. The problem is with *us*, not God. *We* are not able to just change our ways, once habits have been set. It is this that God is warning us against (please see the underlined portion above).

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: God's Strange Act: What is it, when does it happen? [Re: Mountain Man] #128518
10/30/10 04:53 PM
10/30/10 04:53 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Readdressing 128442:

Originally Posted By: Tom
M: Tom, in the past you said God works to supernaturally prevent sinners from immediately reaping what they sow. Do you still believe this is true?

T: This was in regards to DA 764: “By a life of rebellion, Satan and all who unite with him place themselves so out of harmony with God that His very presence is to them a consuming fire. The glory of Him who is love will destroy them. At the beginning of the great controversy, the angels did not understand this. Had Satan and his host then been left to reap the full result of their sin, they would have perished; but it would not have been apparent to heavenly beings that this was the inevitable result of sin. A doubt of God's goodness would have remained in their minds as evil seed, to produce its deadly fruit of sin and woe.” I understand this to be saying that God supernaturally prevents the wicked from being destroyed by not leaving them to reap the full result of their sin.

M: By "full result of their sin" do you mean the results suffered here and now or do you mean the results they will suffer at the end of time?

T: You mean, what did Ellen White mean? (whom I quoted) The context seems clear to be speaking of the destruction of the wicked after the second resurrection, doesn't it?

Here’s the context of the passage you quoted:

Then the end will come. God will vindicate His law and deliver His people. Satan and all who have joined him in rebellion will be cut off. Sin and sinners will perish, root and branch, (Malachi 4:1),--Satan the root, and his followers the branches. The word will be fulfilled to the prince of evil, "Because thou hast set thine heart as the heart of God; . . . I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. . . . Thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more." Then "the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be;" "they shall be as though they had not been." Ezekiel 28:6-19; Psalm 37:10; Obadiah 16. {DA 763.4}

This is not an act of arbitrary power on the part of God. The rejecters of His mercy reap that which they have sown. God is the fountain of life; and when one chooses the service of sin, he separates from God, and thus cuts himself off from life. He is "alienated from the life of God." Christ says, "All they that hate Me love death." Ephesians 4:18; Proverbs 8:36. God gives them existence for a time that they may develop their character and reveal their principles. This accomplished, they receive the results of their own choice. By a life of rebellion, Satan and all who unite with him place themselves so out of harmony with God that His very presence is to them a consuming fire. The glory of Him who is love will destroy them. {DA 764.1}

At the beginning of the great controversy, the angels did not understand this. Had Satan and his host then been left to reap the full result of their sin, they would have perished; but it would not have been apparent to heavenly beings that this was the inevitable result of sin. A doubt of God's goodness would have remained in their minds as evil seed, to produce its deadly fruit of sin and woe. {DA 764.2}

But not so when the great controversy shall be ended. Then, the plan of redemption having been completed, the character of God is revealed to all created intelligences. The precepts of His law are seen to be perfect and immutable. Then sin has made manifest its nature, Satan his character. Then the extermination of sin will vindicate God's love and establish His honor before a universe of beings who delight to do His will, and in whose heart is His law. {DA 764.3}

So, yes, she is speaking about sinners reaping what they have sown after the second resurrection. By the way, what is the full result of sinning? What would happen if God allowed sinners to reap what they have sown the instant they sin? Would “His very presence” be “to them a consuming fire”? Would “the glory of Him who is love” “destroy them”? Does the full result of sin vary in duration and intensity depending on how many times a person sins?

M: For example, all those sinners I named above who were burned alive, do you believe they reaped what they had sown? If not, why were they burned alive? Or, will they reap what they have sown when the "glory of Him who is love will destroy them", when "His very presence is to them a consuming fire"? If so, how did God prevent it from happening the moment they sinned? Did He purposely work to prevent them from knowing Him?

T: We've discussed this. What did I say before?

I don’t know what you believe about each of the questions asked above. Regarding burning sinners alive you believe evil angels were allowed to kill them. But did it count as reaping what they sowed? If not, what purpose did it serve? How and why will the "glory of Him who is love will destroy them"? And, how and why is "His very presence is to them a consuming fire"? In what sense is it a consuming fire?

M: Also, who and what will the holy angels praise and thank when evil men, women, and children suffer and die during the outpouring the seven last plagues? And, will the plagues count as sinners reaping what they have sown? Or, will it only count as preliminary punishment? If so, what purpose will it serve? Also, how will it not be arbitrary, that is, not a direct, natural consequence of sinning (like smoking results in cancer)?

T: Look at GC 36 please. Regarding what attitude the angels will have, consider how Christ felt when Jerusalem was being destroyed. The principles are all there, in the destruction of Jerusalem.

I don’t understand how your response answers the questions. Here they are again:

1. Who and what will the holy angels praise and thank when evil men, women, and children suffer and die during the outpouring the seven last plagues?

2. Will the plagues count as sinners reaping what they have sown?

3. If not, what purpose will it serve? In fact, what purpose does any of the suffering we experience in this lifetime serve if it doesn’t count as the real result of sinning?

4. Also, how will the plagues not be arbitrary? That is, since they are not a direct, natural consequence of sinning (like smoking results in cancer) they are obviously arbitrarily imposed.

M: If God didn't mean for us to understand He will laugh at and mock evil men, women, and children when they are suffering and dying during the outpouring of the seven last plagues, why, then, did He say so?

T: Why did Jesus treat the woman who asked to be healed the way that He did? (i.e., the woman, not Jewish, who asked to be healed, and Christ treated her coldly, saying, "It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs."

He created a situation that allowed her to testify to her faith in Jesus. How do you apply this principle to Jesus saying, “I also will laugh at your calamity, I will mock when your fear cometh.”

M: Was He being factious? Also, is there anything else God has said that we cannot take literally?

T: Why did Jesus curse the fig tree? Often God communicates to us in a way that we might learn something. Something to take in mind is that God must meet us in the paradigm that we have. If we think selfishly, then God must communicate to us according to that paradigm. There are many examples of this in Scripture. For example, there was the servant in the story who buried his talent because he viewed God to be severe. Christ answered him according to the paradigm that He had (as opposed to correcting him, that God, in reality, is not severe). You appear to me to view God as extremely severe.

You are dead wrong about how I view God. I don’t think God pretends to be something He isn’t in order to reach people steeped in darkness, which, by the way, is nothing more than a lie. I especially don’t believe God commands His chosen people to “utterly kill” everyone when in reality it is totally out of character for him to do so. As an evangelist in training I learned - “What you win people with is what you win them to.” Also, all your fancy attempts at paraphrasing what God said reminds me of politicians backpedaling after they’ve inadvertently expressed a belief they didn’t want people to know they believe.

M: What about the promise Jesus will return and resurrect the righteous and take them along with the 144,000 to heaven?

T: You don't see the difference here?

Yes, I do. However, what about all those Christians who dismiss the majority of the Bible because it doesn’t fit their view of God? They deny the miracles, they deny the resurrection, and they deny Jesus’ promise to return and take us home. Which means they refuse to take God at His word. But instead of paraphrasing what God meant, they simply throw it out as uninspired. At least they are consistent. You, on the other hand, attempt to dissect the Bible and divide it into passages we can take at face value and passages we cannot take at face value. The problem is – Who decides which passages belong is which category?

Re: God's Strange Act: What is it, when does it happen? [Re: Mountain Man] #128519
10/30/10 05:03 PM
10/30/10 05:03 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Tom
MM, if you think God mocks, that this is in harmony with His character, IMO you are seriously misunderstanding Him. Where do you see that Christ ever mocked anyone?

Where do you see that the glory of Christ ever destroyed anyone? "The glory of Him who is love will destroy them." Or, where do you see that His very presence was to anyone a consuming fire? "His very presence is to them a consuming fire."

Re: God's Strange Act: What is it, when does it happen? [Re: Mountain Man] #128531
11/01/10 06:27 AM
11/01/10 06:27 AM
Tom  Offline
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In the cleansing of the temple we see the principles you speak of at work.

Let's consider these things at a higher level. The revelation of God's glory, or Christ's glory, is a passive act. It's simply God being who He is. The glory of God is His character. God shrouds His character, for a time, so His creatures can make intelligent decisions about Him. No one, being dead, could make such decisions.

Mocking someone, or laughing at their distress, is an active act (that sounds redundant, but I'm contrasting with "passive act.") What in *anything* Christ did would even lead to you consider it remotely possible that Christ would laugh at people's distress or mock someone? It's this sort of "color blindness," so to speak, in regards to God's character that I find upsetting. To laugh or mock is a very mean-spirited thing to do. God is not mean-spirited. As 1 Cor. 13 stated: "Love is kind." And we know that "God is love." Therefore God is kind. He is not mean-spirited. He doesn't mock people, nor laugh at people in distress. Instead, He sacrifices His life for such people.

It's important that we understand these things, because it impacts how we treat others. If we think that God is One who mocks and laughs at others in distress, this will lead us to act in a similar manner.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: God's Strange Act: What is it, when does it happen? [Re: Tom] #128538
11/01/10 05:52 PM
11/01/10 05:52 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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How and why do the righteous traits and attributes of God's character cause sinners to suffer and die? And, how does God prevent them from causing sinners to suffer and die the instant they sin?

Where do you see that the glory of Christ ever destroyed anyone? "The glory of Him who is love will destroy them." Or, where do you see that His very presence was to anyone a consuming fire? "His very presence is to them a consuming fire."

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