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Junk Food #129807
12/23/10 10:01 PM
12/23/10 10:01 PM
Suzanne  Offline OP
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Junk food as Addictive as Street Drugs

by David Gutierrez, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Scientists are increasingly becoming convinced that junk food can be just as physically addictive as street drugs like heroin.

Researchers at Rockefeller University have found that foods high in fat and sugar cause the brain to release many of the same pleasure chemicals that produce drug addiction, including cortisol, dopamine, galanin and serotonin. Over time, regular consumption of junk food can create imbalances in these chemicals, leading us to eat more and more in order to restore normal levels.

"They cause us to have more cravings," said Rosa Lopez, of the New York Department of Health. "There are physiological changes."

A recent study by researchers from the Scripps Research Institute confirmed this long-term effect by feeding rats either a healthy diet, a healthy diet plus limited amounts of junk food, or a healthy diet plus unlimited amounts of junk food. While rats in the first two groups remained healthy, rats in the third group binged on junk food and quickly became obese.

"You lose control. It's the hallmark of addiction," researcher Paul Kenny said.

When researchers then directly stimulated the pleasure centers in the rats' brains, they found that the obese rats needed more stimulation than the other rats to achieve the same effect. This suggests that their junk food diet had actually dulled their brain's pleasure centers, creating dependency.

"This is the most complete evidence to date that suggests obesity and drug addiction have common neuro-biological foundations," researcher Paul Johnson said.

Because ending a junk food addiction may be as difficult as quitting smoking, Lopez recommends tackling just one bad habit at first. Cutting out soda can be a good place to start.

"In some ways, you may have to view junk foods the way alcoholics anonymous views alcohol: one bite is too many, and a thousand is not enough," writes Jack Challem in his book The Food-Mood Solution.

To learn more about the importance of a healthy diet, read the free NaturalNews.com report Nutrition Can Save America! at

Sources for this story include: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/h... http://www.lcsun-news.com/las_cruce....


Re: Junk Food [Re: Suzanne] #129809
12/23/10 10:26 PM
12/23/10 10:26 PM
Suzanne  Offline OP
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Junk Food

Of the more than 11,000 new food products that came on the market in one recent year, more than two-thirds were snacks, candy, baked goods, ice creams, soft drinks and similar items. And, unfortunately, about 90% of American food dollars are spent on processed foods.(Canada most likely has similar figures). Thanks to the "better health through chemistry" mentality, food manufactures can now separate parts of it, thicken it, emulsify it, flavor it, color it, and embalm it.

Companies are tripping over each other in a race to concoct new "foods" by flavoring and coloring some combination of sugar, oil, water and refined flour with sufficient additives and preservatives to make a pretty offering. People can literally go all day without real food. --adapted from Health and Healing Wisdom, Vol. 28, No. 4.


Re: Junk Food [Re: Suzanne] #129810
12/23/10 10:36 PM
12/23/10 10:36 PM
Suzanne  Offline OP
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Junk Food, con't

From my files:

* Heart disease is surfacing in 19 and 20-year olds, etc. who have been eating junk food since they were kids

* We wouldn't put sand in our car's gas tank, yet every day people put the nutritional equivalent of sand into their bodies.

* The Terrible "C's"--cigarettes, cocktails, canapes, cakes, cookies, chips, cream, caffeine. ...highly processed, sweetened pap makes up a large part of so many folk's diet.

* National suicide--the North American public is subsisting mostly on processed foods.

* Modern North America's "mad diet"--hot dogs, greasy hamburgers, chemical preservatives and additives, etc. results in bad skin, falling, greying hair, nervousness, Road Rage and other complaints.

* Most patients want to eat all the junk food they can devour and then take a pill to cure them.

* So many in North America feast on ice cream, Twinkies, Big Macs and Doritos.

* No rancher or dog or horse breeder would think of feeding his animals pretzels, potato chips, artificial pudding and Coca Cola.

* Junk food may be cheap, but you pay a high price in bad health.

* Rebellious teens, eating too much junk food. Sets them off, makes them nervous and aggressive.

* Withdrawal symptoms when getting off junk food.

* Fast food--fast fade.

* Yes, it's time to cut way down on this type of food for your health's sake.


Re: Junk Food [Re: Suzanne] #129811
12/23/10 10:44 PM
12/23/10 10:44 PM
Suzanne  Offline OP
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A Startling Cause of Overeating!

Prelininary laboratory data indicates that using artificial sweeteners may throw off the body's natural ability to monitor how many calories are consumed! Why? In a nutshell, Purdue University researchers explain that taking in a lot of artificial sweeteners diminishes the body's ability to gauge how many calories it takes in, so when you do eat treats sweetened with sugar, you're more likely to go overboard!


Re: Junk Food [Re: Suzanne] #129812
12/23/10 10:53 PM
12/23/10 10:53 PM
Suzanne  Offline OP
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Registered dietitian, Elizabeth Somer has some words of advice: "It's almost trite, but we wouldn't put sand in our car's gas tank, yet every day people put the nutritional equivalent of sand into their body. The quality of your nutritional fuel throughout your life is essential to your emotional well-being, your ability to think and be creative, to problem solve, and to have the energy to want to."

She makes the point that everyone needs lots of the basics: veggies and fruit, whole grains legumes,etc. which should compose a large share of our daily bill of fare. Missing out on these can undermine health and energy--and set your aging clock on fast forward. And remember to cut way back on processed foods; as they are typically lower in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and higher in fat and sugar, than wholesome, minimally processed foods. Yes, select the oatmeal, not the granola bar,; the potato, not the chips, the whole wheat bread, not the white bread; and the fresh fruit, not the fruit punch. --Prevention, July 1999.


Re: Junk Food [Re: Suzanne] #129813
12/23/10 11:10 PM
12/23/10 11:10 PM
Suzanne  Offline OP
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Why You Can't Eat Just One

Have you noticed that healthful foods rarely leave you yearning for seconds, but you can scarf down a lot of potato chips, ice cream, and cookies and still want more. Science is beginning to understand why the more you eat junk food, the more you want it. The answer lies in part with an unusual effect these foods have on the body's appetite-regulating system.

Swedish researchers examined the complex system of signals that govern hunger and satiety, or fullness. Under normal circumstances, a low supply of calories stimulates the release of "hunger hormones," such as ghrelin, that tell the brain it's time to dine. As you eat, the intestines and other organs begin to secrete "satiety hormones," including insulin and leptin, to signal that you're getting full and ready to stop eating.

But those yummy sugar- and fat-laden foods seem to disrupt this finely tuned system, stimulating a false sensation of hunger. Furthermore, because the taste experience of such treats is far more intense than that of other foods, it leads to increased secretion of feel-good chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin. Food intake becomes driven by those chemical "rewards" rather than by hunger. So while moderate amounts of healthful fats, such as nuts and olive oil, can help in weight control by keeping you feeling full longer than simple carbs, overdoing it has the opposite effect.

The unique ability of junk food to thwart your appetite-regulating system makes it important to consciously limit consumption of these foods. Save sugary and fat-laden foods for special occasions; and even then, enjoy them in small portions. Individually wrapped sweets are available, removing the temptation (somewhat) to eat the whole bag or box. Of course, enlightened restraint can always help and should certainly be implemented. --adapted from Consumer Reports on Health, March 2006.


Re: Junk Food [Re: Suzanne] #129814
12/23/10 11:21 PM
12/23/10 11:21 PM
Suzanne  Offline OP
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Junk Food Additives Stop Nerve Cell Growth

Mixing the common food additives aspartame, an artificial sweetener, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) causes nerve cell damage, according to researchers at the University of Liverpool. The results from a two-year study were published in the journal Toxicological Sciences.

The researchers found the additives were much more potent in combination with each other than on their own. Laboratory animals were exposed to concentrations of MSG and aspartame relative to what a child would receive in an average snack and drink. The researchers were surprised to see the additives interfered with nerve signaling systems and actually stopped the nerve cells from growing. Aspartame is commonly found in diet drinks, candies and flavored medicines, while MSG is frequently added to chips, processed cheese and various other processed foods. --Well Being Journal, May/June 2006.


Re: Junk Food [Re: Suzanne] #129816
12/23/10 11:33 PM
12/23/10 11:33 PM
Suzanne  Offline OP
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Eating Junk Food During Pregrancy Raises Newborn's Risk of Diabetes, Obesity

Eating junk food during pregnancy raises the chance of having obese children who are more susceptible to diabetes, according to a Royal Veterinary College, London study. Here researchers found that eating donuts, potato chips, cookies, candy, and various other white sugar and white flour products, during pregnancy can be a major factor in causing obesity and diabetes in children.

"In Western society, the proportion of obese children is increasing," said researcher professor Neil Stickland. "Childhood obesity is associated with a range of disorders, including heart disease, arthritis and the increasingly earlier onset of type 2 diabetes, which have important consequences on an individual's quality of life."

Stickland added that, while efforts to improve food in schools are positive steps, it is also important to educate mothers on the consequences of indulging in sugary and fatty foods during pregnancy. "Eating large quantities of junk food when pregnant and breastfeeding could be causing irreversible damage to their unborn children and could send their offspring on the road to obesity and early onset of diabetes," he warned.

The study was published in The Journal of Physiology,... Now Stickland and colleagu Dr. Stephanie Bayol are studying the long-term effects of poor diet during pregnancy, as well as the possible effects on promoting hyperactive behavior.

"Eating junk food during pregnancy is extremely harmful to a developing fetus," said Mike Adams, author of Grocery Warning and proponent of prenatal nutrition. "To maximize the health of the child, all food adulterations and additives should be avoided, including hydrogenated oils, refined sugars, chemical sweeteners and preservatives. Failure to avoid these ingredients will greatly increase the child's future risk of diabetes, heart disease, learning disabilities, cancer and even schizophrenia." --NewsTarget.com


Re: Junk Food [Re: Suzanne] #129817
12/23/10 11:47 PM
12/23/10 11:47 PM
Suzanne  Offline OP
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Limiting Junk Food Ads!

Childhood obesity has tripled among U.S. teens since 1980, while doubling among younger American kids. "A serious approach to childhood obesity would not allow corporations to appeal directly to children and convince them to eat foods that harm their health," declares Michael F. Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI).

Ten of the country's largest food manufacturers--including Campbell Soup Co., Coca-Cola Co., General Mills Inc., Hershey Co., Kellogg Co., Kraft Foods Inc., McDonald's Corp., and PepsiCo Inc.--recently agreed to rein in their junk food ads on TV and video games. But "while the council of Better Business Bureaus labored like an elephant, it came forth with a mouse," Jacobson noted of these voluntary guidelines.

"The only changes from the status quo in these guidelines occur at the fringes," he explains. "If a 'healthy lifestyle message' means that Ronald McDonald is pedaling a bike while peddling junk food, that message still does more harm than good."

Bottom line? Parents have the responsibility of continuing to monitor their children's viewing habits, discussing the differences between healthy, whole foods and junk. And resist kids' requests for high-calorie, nutrient-light foods. --Taste for Life, January 2007.


Re: Junk Food [Re: Suzanne] #129820
12/24/10 07:14 AM
12/24/10 07:14 AM
vastergotland  Offline
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How do you define "Junk Food" here?

Galatians 2
21 I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

It is so hazardous to take here a little and there a little. If you put the right little's together you can make the bible teach anything you wish. //Graham Maxwell
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