I’ve been reading about Japan nuclear plant disaster. It looks like it’s major which we won’t experiement the effect emmediatly since nuclear exposure is a slow killer that has it’s effect in a timespan of 30 years.

Here’s an great opportunity and incentive for all of us to get in sync with God’s simple and healthful way of living. If we have a NEWSTART every day with Jesus, these radiation will have a minimum effect.

Here’s some main headers with a quote from the links provided in chronological order.

May 2011 : Japan's Government lied about its nuclear situation
The Japanese government admitted it kept in secret at least 5000 radiation radiation measurements and assessments after the nuclear event which struck the Fukushima Daiichi NPP in March.

Aug 5 : 1000x the atomic bomb peak in 1963

Fukushima nuclear power plant radiation recordings of external gamma radiation have been so high this week, they went off scale said veteran nuclear expert Arnie Gunderson on Thursday after the famous physicist, Dr. Chris Busby told the Japanese people this week that radioactive air contamination there is now 300 times that of Chernobyl and 1000 times the atomic bomb peak in 1963, inferring that hundreds of millions of people are now dying from Fukushima radiation, including people in the United States. [Most of these people do not yet know that they are dying, since this may take decades.]

If noticing unusual amounts of hair falling out, confusion, nose bleeds or other odd symptoms typical of radiation sickness, it might be due to the United States record high levels of radiation, now multiple times acceptable safety limits not only on the west coast, but also in other locations around the nation.

Aug 7 : High radiation levels measured in Oklahoma rain water a few weeks ago:

On Saturday August 6 2011, Oklahoma received their first rainfall in weeks, but this was not the type of rain that they had been looking for. A youtuber by the name of “Firebynight” decided to test the rain water for signs of radiation. What did his tests find? Well, a staggering 1.62 microsieverts per hour! This is very dangerous and to know this is falling into our soil makes you wonder how much Radiation we really are consuming.

Aug 19 : China is also worried about radioactive pollution in the Pacific Ocean.
It is reporting that the problem is far greater than reported by the government of Japan.
China’s State Oceanic Administration said the tests shown that the polluted area is far wider than the areas released by the Japanese government.

According to the study the radiation survey found over 252,000 kilometers, or just shy of 100,000 square miles, of Pacific ocean waters was contaminated by the time the study was completed on July 4th.

The study found the radiation has spread to distances up to 800 kilometers from the coast of the Fukushima prefecture.

According to the article, cesium radiation was found at levels up to 300 times higher than concentration levels detected in water off the coast of China.

The study also found Strontium-90 radiation levels up to 100 times higher than those found in Chinese waters.

The report quotes China’s Ocean Administration as saying “”One cannot rule out the possibility that radioactive contaminants have entered waters under China’s jurisdiction.”

China’s Department of Environmental Protection also warned “Cesium-137 and strontium-90 both have half-lives of about 30 years, making it more likely they will eventually enter the food chain and affect the health of consumers.
