There is a massive disconnect relative to this topic because new meanings have been poured into established terms...
...This is a classic example of such.
The Trinity Doctrine identifies
ONE God that is without parts - a Nature, Substance or essence...
...This "Substance" is beyond understanding in an infinite sense.
...There are Three distinct Persons who equally possess this ONE Substance ( Father, Son & Holy Spirit ).
In Trinitarian Theology the word "Person" identifies the relationship each member of the Trinity has with each other...
...It does not equate to "PERSONALITY" as identified by Sister White or the Pioneers.
When Sock Puppet says, '
Personality of God' that term explicitly means...
...That God has a "BODY of FLESH" and God is ONLY the Father.
...This can be demonstrated ad nauseum in all our publications throughout sock puppets' life.
...And prior to her exposure in the core grouping of those that became the Pioneers of the SDA faith.
Make no mistake in understanding that 'The Personality of God' was a fundamental Doctrine...
...For on it stand everthing distinctive within the SDA faith.
...The Sanctuary teaching / state of the dead & act of Salvation itself
ALL rest on God having a body.
Review and Herald October 8, 1903
OF late the question has repeatedly come to me, Does it make any real difference whether we believe in the personality of God, as long as we believe in God? My answer invariably is, It depends altogether upon the standpoint from which we view it. If from the Spiritualist's, -the Christian Scientist's, the Universalist's, or if from the standpoint of any other " ist" or " ism," it makes but little or no difference. But from the standpoint of Seventh-day Adventists it makes all the difference in the world. No man who is a Seventh-day Adventist can understandingly take that position; neither can 'a Seventh-day Adventist 'hold that position for a moment. In it is involved a denial of the " Father and the Son," the law of Moses, the prophets, the psalms, the holy angels, the personality of the devil, and all that is according to sound doctrine. Puppet was explicit when God said through her to Dr. Kellogg;
You are not definitely clear on the personality of God, which is everything to us as a people. You have virtually destroyed the Lord God Himself".--Letter 300, 1903. {5BIO 292.4}
Kellogg had stated that He had come to believe in the Trinity and as a requirement of that Doctrine...
...Made the theological affirmation that God was ALSO the Holy Spirit.
...This destroyed the "Personality of God".
...Because the Adventist faith taught God was a literal Person with a literal dwelling place.
Most Adventists are shocked to learn that Ellen White and EVERY Pioneer were Anthropomorhites...
...This is absolutely indisputable fact.
...Which can be confirmed by simply reading our denominational publications.
...And date checking explicit statements made by Sock Puppet.
The Pioneers were most vocal in repudiating that section of the Creeds which reject God has a body...
...And they took special care to 1st mention the Methodist Creedal statements.
...Prior to moving on in repudiating the other Denominations.
See, 'The Personality of God'. god has a body %22&view=fit god has a body %22&view=fit"Is the Soul Immortal" page 1"Moral Image and Moral Likeness" page 4"Spiritualism as it is" ( claims saying God w/out a body = spiritualism )."God has literal eyes and ears and every member, part and ORGAN of a perfect man""God is a literal Person, page 8""God is a literal Person who dwells in heaven and Christ is with God there. is a slew more I can URL link but I'm fairly sure anyone can get the idea...
...The God of the Pioneers and Ellen White was the Father.
...And they believed to the last person that the Father had a body.
Anyone who promulgated that "GOD" was a simple infinite substance that three distinct Persons possessed...
...Was promulgating "SPIRITUALISM" or "PANTHEISM", period.
...Because that belief "DESTROYED THE PERSONALITY ( body ) of God.
...Who was understood to be the ONLY WISE God.