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Re: A new Global Economic Restructure [Re: Elle] #188167
12/31/18 03:17 PM
12/31/18 03:17 PM
kland  Offline
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Elle, regarding past issues of you saying things happen on feast days and the shepherd's rod bit, here's something I found.

Looking at the pdf, I don't believe you say the same thing they say.

Also, http://www.shepherds-rod-speaks.org/2016/02/how-do-we-apply-the-feast-days-today/


Re: A new Global Economic Restructure [Re: Elle] #188215
01/07/19 11:00 PM
01/07/19 11:00 PM
Elle  Offline OP
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My comment : Is building a wall immoral. Is the Pope and others right to believe that immigration is an individual right and countries should allow unlimited immigration on the false basis of improving the economy.

An even more important question is how does God view immigration and should nations protect themselves by building a wall?

I agree with the zerohedge article below. God wants us to build a wall for the security of the nation.

Key Democrat Admits Trump Has Authority To Declare National Emergency To Build Wall

Jan 7, 2018

The wall of the New Jerusalem
Pope Francis has often come out in support of unlimited immigration into Europe and North America on the grounds that Europe needs more people to have a viable economy and that “separating families is immoral.”


President Trump’s response is that the Vatican’s own 40-foot walls are higher than the one he wants to build on the border with Mexico.


Virtually no politician of any party had ever taken a stand against border walls as a moral principle prior to the election of Donald Trump. The Clintons both took a stand advocating border security to keep out illegal immigrants. Even Obama took the same stand, although it was during his administration that he began to ignore the laws that both parties had passed to provide some measure of border security. In doing so, he said one thing and did another.

Even so, it was not until the presidency of Donald Trump that unlimited immigration without vetting has been pushed as a “human right.” Yet some treat it as if this was always a right, much like they have tried to convince us that “gay rights” have always been the norm. Only the very young believe that, because such conditions are all that they remember in their brief lifetime.

Open borders is just a single step toward one world government, because with no borders, nations are changed to regions. From the standpoint of prophecy, Babylon sees that its empire is collapsing. Donald Trump has forced the Babylonians to speed up their agenda and to make a mad dash to the finish line.

The Walls of the New Jerusalem

So what exactly does God have to say about border walls? What is a Kingdom position in this latest disagreement?

Well, first of all, both the old Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem have walls. Not many years ago, our politicians financed their border wall—which, by the way, has been very effective. Its morality is another question, of course, along with its location, but no one can doubt its effectiveness.

More important for our purposes, however, is the border wall of the New Jerusalem that is described in Revelation 21. The Pope may condemn it as immoral and unchristian, but Scripture stands firmly against him. Revelation 21:12 says, “It had a great and high wall with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels.” Further, Revelation 21:27 gives us its purpose:

27 and nothing unclean and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

In other words, only citizens of the Kingdom will be allowed access to the city, and they must come through one of the gates, where they are vetted by the twelve angels guarding the gates. The walls were not meant to keep people out of the city but to channel them through one of the twelve gates. In other words, God wants them to enter the city, but only after they have come to Christ, who is the Door. They must have biblical faith, which is expressed (James says) by conforming to the laws of God.

The Kingdom standard is not based upon race, nationality, or gender. It is based on one’s allegiance to King Jesus and his conformity to the laws of the Kingdom. The reference to those who practice “abomination and lying” is primarily a reference to idolatry and following the laws of false gods. In Hebrew thinking, an “abomination” was a euphemism for an idol.

So it is clear that the walls of the New Jerusalem were designed to keep non-Christians out of the city. To enter the city, they must go through the gates—the proper channel. The walls of a city were always designed to establish “border security.” They were designed to establish boundaries and to protect the lawful citizens from outsiders.

In a spiritual sense, walls are moral boundaries. In other words, walls symbolize the laws defining the moral principles by which the citizens live their lives. In the case of the New Jerusalem, citizens are not permitted to worship idols, for that is a violation of the second commandment. Neither are they permitted to lie, because that is a violation of the ninth commandment. By extension, the walls of the city represent the law of God as a whole.

In John 10:1-3 Jesus said,

1 Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbs up some other way, he is a thief and a robber. 2 But he who enters by the door is a shepherd of the sheep. 3 To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name, and leads them out.

Jesus continued, saying in John 10:7, “I am the door of the sheep.” The wall is the law of God, which keeps out those who are unwilling to enter through the gate, or Door, which is Jesus Christ. To climb over the wall is to bypass the Door. One cannot enter the Kingdom in a lawless manner. The New Jerusalem does not have “open borders” until the Kingdom fills the whole earth, as prophesied in Daniel 2:35.

The Borderless Kingdom

The expansion of the Kingdom is clearly progressive over time. In the Tabernacles Age to come, the Stone Kingdom will start out relatively small and will then grow until it fills the whole earth. In other words, the border wall of the Kingdom will move outward as other nations are won to Christ and proclaim Jesus Christ as King.

At the end of the thousand years, however, there will still be certain nations (called “Gog and Magog” in Revelation 20:8) that will be outside the borders of the Kingdom. These will be inspired to declare war on the Kingdom of God, and this will give God legal cause to conquer them and to take their land. That will complete the Kingdom’s takeover of the earth, for then all who live in Kingdom territory—that is, the entire earth—will be required to swear allegiance to King Jesus and to conform to His laws.

The Final Phase of Kingdom Expansion

That will be the point where the Kingdom enters a new phase in its march toward universal reconciliation. Once all of the living have become Kingdom citizens, the focus turns toward the dead, that is, the past generations who have died without Christ. The Great White Throne is set up at that point, and all of the dead are summoned for judgment. Then every knee will bow and every tongue will confess (profess) Christ to the glory of God, as Isaiah and Paul tell us. They will become citizens of the Kingdom, but yet they will have to learn righteousness through the judgments of the fiery law (Isaiah 26:9). They will need to grow to spiritual maturity, even as all of us have had to grow through the Holy Spirit’s baptism of fire.

So those new believers at the Great White Throne will be placed under “tutors and governors” (Galatians 4:2 KJV) who will teach them the laws of God by personal example. The “river of fire” in Daniel 7:10 is the decree of divine judgment coming from the throne of God. The “lake of fire” in Revelation 20:14, 15 is the aftermath of the “river.” That is, the lake is the state in which these former unbelievers learn to conform to the laws of God while under the authority of the sons of God. It is “the fiery law” of Deuteronomy 33:2 KJV, which is the expression of the nature of God Himself. So Deuteronomy 4:24 says,

24 For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.

The Hebrew word for jealous is qanna, whose root word is qana, “to be zealous.” It is the word used in the prophecy in Psalm 69:9, “For zeal for Thy house has consumed me.” This was quoted in John 2:17 after Jesus cast the money changers from the temple. John used this incident to explain the first of eight signs in the book of John at the marriage feast of Cana (qana).

Qana pictures God being provoked to jealousy and anger, and His response is to cleanse His house (temple). That is what the fire of God does. He works to cleanse the earth until all have conformed to His image. When all have been subdued to Christ and there are no more enemies to reconcile, then God will be “all in all” (1 Corinthians 15:26, 27, 28), and the divine purpose for creation will be complete.

What Does This Teach Us?

Once we understand the divine plan and the law of God, we can begin to apply those principles to the present time. As Kingdom citizens and children of God, we work to establish the authority of Jesus Christ in the earth. The USA was founded originally under God, who is said to be the author of all natural rights, according to the Declaration of Independence. In other words, there are no rights unless one can find them in Scripture.

Further, the law itself is largely about defining the rights of God and men. As Creator, God has the ultimate right over all that He labored to create. Man has rights under God according to his level of authority. But no one has the right to sin, i.e., violate the law (1 John 3:4). Sin is a matter of violating the rights of others (God or man).

America was founded during the reign of “Saul,” and so it was too soon for it to succeed in its lofty goal of manifesting the Kingdom of God. There were certain fatal flaws inherent in the constitution, particularly in its continuance of kidnapping and human trafficking (slavery). But the most important factor was that it was too soon to see the manifestation of the sons of God through the fulfillment of the feast of Tabernacles.

Without a perfect government to teach and enforce the laws of God, and to extend natural rights to all races, the nation violated the laws of the impartial God of Scripture. God judged the nation by subjecting it to Mystery Babylon in 1913-1914, and the Babylonians then imposed their “values” upon the nation and encouraged immorality in the name of “freedom.”

Once we reached the apex of immorality through “gay rights,” we reached the bottom and became like Sodom and Gomorrah, as prophesied in Isaiah 1:9 KJV. Yet Isaiah also makes it clear that the “remnant” (KJV term), that is, the sons of God, would make a difference and prevent us from experiencing the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah.

That is where we come in, for we are called to make a difference. That is why we have conducted spiritual warfare on behalf of America and the world. We will win in the end.

But recently, we have seen a final push by the falling Babylonian empire to complete their takeover of the world and to unite the world through open borders. Their plan is also to destroy Christianity itself by importing Muslims and by then supporting Sharia law wherever possible in order to replace the remaining laws of God that are still on the books.

God is showing us plainly what our future would be without the laws of the Kingdom. God’s goal, as I have already shown, is to bring all immigrants into the Kingdom of God. However, the wall of the New Jerusalem is necessary to vet those who want to enter. This basic principle is President Trump’s stated position. He is not against immigration. He just wants to keep out the criminals among them, and the only way to do this is to build a wall and force every immigrant to come in through one of the gates, where they can be vetted.

Even this plan has its flaws, because many criminals have never been caught, so there is no record of bad behavior. Even good border guards are not as capable as the angels of God. Even so, this system as a whole is biblical. When the Pope calls the border wall “immoral” and “unchristian,” he shows his lawless nature, for the wall represents the law itself.

The Pope is either totally blind or he is working actively to destroy the Christian foundations of the Western countries and the Church itself. Has someone infiltrated the Roman Church with the purpose of destroying it? Is Pope Francis the final pope in the prophecies of St. Malachi? Is he the one who is overseeing the destruction of the Roman Church?

Time will tell.

Re: A new Global Economic Restructure [Re: Elle] #188223
01/09/19 04:44 AM
01/09/19 04:44 AM
Elle  Offline OP
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My comment : Very encouraging development in Europe, primary France, with the yellow vest protesters.

Yellow Vest protesters call for bank runs

Jan 08, 2019
The US mainstream news seems to have put a moratorium on the Yellow Vest protests in France. That, of course, is a clear indicator that these protests run contrary to the Rothschild-controlled European governments and are not being instigated by them.

The protests have not died down, as the media would like us to think. In fact, the protests have increased, and now there are reports of police beating protesters, kicking them, and dragging them off by the hair.

So now the protesters are planning to hit them where it hurts the most—the banks. If all of the protesters withdraw their money from the banks, the banks will collapse very quickly.


PARIS, France – The “Gilet Jaunes” protesters, fed up with increasing control from the French government including tyrannical policing of peaceful protesters and new “Martial Law” rules enacted to hamstring the protesters (which includes a leaked plan to confiscate ALL firearms from French citizens, as reported by the Clover Chronicle), are now planning a “bank run” which would see most French civilians withdrawing all of their funding from France’s banks.

French banks, which already run on a “Fractional Reserve” system, are estimated to have less than 1/4th of the funds on hand needed to satisfy a bank run conducted by citizens in the city of Paris alone – let alone the entire French nation. This has the potential to completely tank the Euro if the protesters manage to pull it off.

The speculation has led to widespread panic among the Zionist Elites who run Europe’s central banks.

I am quite sure that a bank run like this would simply close the banks and allow them to steal the money with the blessing of Macon’s government. That would simply make people angrier than they already are, escalating the crisis. But meanwhile, this could also push the euro into a downward spiral and threaten a lot of banks that are already teetering on the brink.

This idea could easily spread to other European countries like Germany and the UK, and this would affect the whole world. We need to watch this situation closely, especially since the mainstream media wants us to look the other way.

Re: A new Global Economic Restructure [Re: Elle] #188227
01/09/19 05:57 PM
01/09/19 05:57 PM
Elle  Offline OP
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My comment : Here's the latest news about Ruth Ginsburg, supreme court judge.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, her purpose and legacy

Jan 8th, 2019

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the 85-year-old Supreme Court Justice who was appointed by President Clinton in 1993, is in very poor health and is widely expected to step down soon. The Supreme Court has been hearing cases this week, but Ginsburg has not been present.


Meanwhile, the mainstream press is ever hopeful that she will recuperate and live forever.


Appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, Ginsburg rebuffed suggestions from some liberals that she should step down in the first two years of President Barack Obama's second term, when Democrats controlled the Senate and would have been likely to confirm her successor.

She already has hired clerks for the term that extends into 2020, indicating she has no plans to retire.

Actually, this is causing panic in the Deep State, because Trump is sure to replace her with someone that is utterly different. Perhaps the most likely candidate is Amy Coney Barrett, who was on the short list along with Brett Kavanaugh last year.

I believe that Judge Amy Barrett was saved to be Ginsburg’s replacement. When this happens, the Supreme Court changes will affect the next generation, with or without Donald Trump.


Meanwhile, Q has focused a lot of attention on Ginsburg, suggesting that she is not as well as is being reported in public. He has drawn our attention to her 230-page book entitled, Sex Bias in the U.S. Code, published in 1977 by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. This book has been the model for the Babylonian Deep State in the destruction of the biblical family. It was for this purpose, in fact, that Bill Clinton appointed her in 1993.


Ginsburg has advocated reducing the age of sexual consent to the age of 12, probably using the old Roman law code as her model (p. 102). Roman law established 12 as the minimum age for a girl to marry, but in practice, by age 11, ten percent of girls were already married and 44 percent by the age of 14.

On page 101, she advocated abolishing all single-sex institutions, including prisons, unless they integrated male and female inmates—supposedly to prepare inmates for life in the real world. What could possibly go wrong there?

She advocated merging the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts because they “perpetuate stereotyped sex roles” (p. 145). First, they were pressured into allowing gay boys and then gay scout leaders in 2013. In the end, lawsuits have brought them to bankruptcy. In December 2019 they hired a firm to help them prepare Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and I heard last night on the news that they had actually filed for bankruptcy.


Ginsburg played a significant role in the destruction of a once-great organization in the name of obliterating the lines between boys and girls. She claims that equality will be achieved by destroying the distinctions between male and female. In reality, both are destroyed.

Ginsburg even wants to make Mother’s Day and Father’s Day illegal (p. 146).

She advocates legalizing bigamy and prostitution (p. 197) and takes offence at the Mann Act, which punishes those who engage in interstate sex traffic of women and girls (p. 98). She is thus a big advocate of sex trafficking, something that Bill Clinton could certainly appreciate. Bill Clinton is known to have traveled on the “Lolita Express” 26 times to visit Jeffrey Epstein’s “Orgy Island.” Even Hillary Clinton visited his island 5 times. Many wealthy pedophiles and pedovores have gone there to do unmentionable things at Epstein’s temple.

To enculturate her views into Babylonian society, Ginsburg listed hundreds of “sexist” words that must be eliminated from all statutes, such as: man, woman, manmade, mankind, husband, wife, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, etc. (p. 15, 16).

She even wanted to change the English language, dropping pronouns such as: he, she, him, her, his, and hers (p.52, 53).

Of course, she advocates that taxpayer-funded abortions should be a constitutional right. She obviously does not believe the Declaration of Independence, which states that all rights come from God alone. Our Constitution was written under the authority of the Declaration.

Q then raises some interesting questions about her health care:

Who are the doctors 'currently' treating [RBG]?
What other political [former/current] sr. political heads are they affiliated w/?
What 'off-market' drugs are being provided to [RBG] in order to sustain minimum daily function?
What is the real medical diagnosis of [RBG]?
Who is managing her care?
Who is 'really' managing her care?
The clock is ticking.

By asking about the “off-market drugs” that are sustaining “minimum daily function,” Q is letting us know that Ginsburg is secretly on life-support. Normally, when Q asks two questions in a row, such as “Who is… and “Who is REALLY…” he generally suggests that the CIA is secretly involved in the background. It appears that the Deep State is trying to postpone her death or retirement, trying to find a way to hold on to power in the Supreme Court.

National Emergency Declaration

Recall that the government was partially shut down two weeks ago, due to a dispute over funding for the border wall. Q has been telling us (or strongly suggesting) that President Trump intends to declare national emergency at some point, and that “border security” will be the excuse to do this. On January 6 he tweeted: “I may declare a national emergency, dependent on what’s going to happen on the next few days.”


I think we can count on him doing this. Q comments on this, saying: “Anons knew?” Those who follow Q have understood for months that this is the plan. There is enough money in the military budget that was passed months ago to pay for the wall, but Trump gave Congress opportunity to fund it first.

Q has also told us that the wall was not primarily to stop illegal immigrants or even criminals from entering but to stop human trafficking and drug smuggling, which is a far worse problem than most people realize.

If you want to learn many secrets from behind the scenes, you can get a lot by listening to what Kevin Shipp has to say. As an ex-CIA officer, now turned whistle-blower, he has a lot of first-hand knowledge of secret programs that the Deep State has been doing to us over the years.


Re: A new Global Economic Restructure [Re: Elle] #188234
01/11/19 06:58 PM
01/11/19 06:58 PM
Elle  Offline OP
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My comment : Greg Hunter's Jan 11 weekly wrapped up is very good. Behind the scenes the word is they are about to make the next major step in the process of the Global Economic Restructure. Greg's sources (Jim Sinclair & Greg Marrino), the same with Jim @ goldenJackass, says there's many steps that will be taken to cancel some of the countries debts (==Jubilee).

This morning Jim Sinclair said to Greg this morning :"The reset has begun. The last man standing will be gold and silver only. Currencies will survive for commerce but gold and silver will be your only storehouses of value. THIS IS WATERSHED EVENTS THAT WILL BE HERALDING THE BIRTH OF THE FIRST RESET."

8 Major world leaders(US, China, Russia,...) has recently met addressing the above. The second you-tube video(IPOT) also confirms this.

and many other weekly geopolitical news is covered in theses two videos.

Re: A new Global Economic Restructure [Re: Elle] #188275
01/17/19 06:12 PM
01/17/19 06:12 PM
Elle  Offline OP
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News of Interest
Jan 17, 2019


The Pope says The US needs to be under world government “for its own good.”


President Trump’s shutdown of the government may be designed to trap the Deep State. After 30 days (January 20) he can fire the SES (Senior Executive Service) that was formed decades ago to rule America. They are the true “Deep State,” or secret government. Otherwise, the SES cannot be fired.


Did you know that the CIA has a “venture fund” which has covertly financed certain corporations such as Google and Facebook in order to spy on American citizens?


This was even mentioned by Business Insider.


Did you know that Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, which has pushed Christlam, is a “Notable Member” of the Council on Foreign Relations? You have to scroll down a long way to the Notable Members list here:


Re: A new Global Economic Restructure [Re: Elle] #188284
01/19/19 10:33 AM
01/19/19 10:33 AM
Elle  Offline OP
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The Christlam Movement


Jan 18, 2019

This article is not in English, but it shows the pope’s logo near the top, and the Christlam logo can be seen later in the article. This suggests that the pope is actually the motivating force behind the Christlam movement that attempts to unite Islam with Christianity.


More details about the Christlam movement : https://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.net/...rn-counterfeit/

Re: A new Global Economic Restructure [Re: Elle] #188307
01/21/19 03:26 PM
01/21/19 03:26 PM
kland  Offline
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Did you know that the CIA has a “venture fund” which has covertly financed certain corporations such as Google and Facebook in order to spy on American citizens?

And everyone was amazed at the start that Google, which had no real worth, kept soaring.

Re: A new Global Economic Restructure [Re: kland] #188330
01/24/19 07:18 PM
01/24/19 07:18 PM
Elle  Offline OP
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The major social media are loosing credibility to customers in the Western countries. I would imagine that many Eastern countries doesn't trust it either.

Now Google via the CIA moved to China. I don't believe those with the deep state of China will be successful as Trump's indictment will take control over these American compagnies and make them a public owned domaine with no spying. Another word... it will change.

As all other component of the corrupt Mystery Babylon Debt system; first the mass needs to be aware of the corruptness; second bring to justice this corruptness; and third gradually implement the changes to a better new multinational economic system.

Re: A new Global Economic Restructure [Re: Elle] #188353
01/26/19 03:36 PM
01/26/19 03:36 PM
Elle  Offline OP
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My comment : two videos about the recent crumbling down of MSM because of fake news and spreading false defamation.

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