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A new Global Economic Restructure in 2012 #138560
01/03/12 12:57 AM
01/03/12 12:57 AM
Elle  Offline OP
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Wow! listen to this public statement to the world from 130 Nations that has allied together to throw down Mystery Babylon (the 1% Elite) and are presently bringing them to court which was filed at the end of November 2011. The link of the detail of this court case and what has really been going on in this world since 1800s is available at the IMF Bombshell: Age of America near ends topic post #138209 - 12/17/11

Now these 130 countries wants to give the power to the people, stop debts, and make a better world.

See the first public statement of the New world Economy restructure Introduction given a video clip format in this link : http://www.cmn.tv/news/new-world-currency/

Below is part of the transcript of what is being said

---- Transcript begin ---

A New Global Economic Restructuring
Conscious Media Network has been approached by a representative of global leaders and financiers from 130 nations to broadcast a statement about a new global economic restructuring arising in 2012.

The statement will be delivered via a video-taped interview with a layperson on behalf of the consortium that has been working behind the scenes, on the problem of the unsustainable global economy for the past 8 years. The party who drafted this statement has stated, in response to conspiracy concerns, that “The usual suspects are not the suspects” and that the Global Elite also understand that the unsecured, digital money system has failed us all, including themselves.

This announcement is to serve as the introduction of a New Global Economic Structure that will begin surfacing in 2012. Those involved in this plan are calling it the “greatest humanitarian effort” in modern history. It will be for each of us to determine over time if this is a truthful statement.

CMN is serving as a neutral party for this broadcast and what it claims, as the economic consortium does not wish to break this news through mainstream media at this time. Please give this your serious attention, as it may be heralding a new way of conducting commerce on the planet that will effect us all well into our future. It will be through our understanding and acceptance that this will happen.

A portion of this plan does include a dissolution of debt in a carefully considered and planned way. The plan itself is paradigm shattering, and only hinted at in this video-taped statement.

There will be more to come throughout the year.

Thanks to a CMN viewer a German video is available with subtitles that may help to understand the changes that are being considered. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4p4pA8ivZo

Read the announcement below:
Neither banks nor public authorities (or mainstream academics, for that matter) calculated the economy’s realistic ability to pay – that is, to pay without shrinking the economy. Through their media and think tanks, they have convinced populations that the way to get rich most rapidly is to borrow money to buy real estate, stocks and bonds rising in price – being inflated by bank credit – and to reverse the past century’s progressive taxation of wealth.

To put matters bluntly, the result has been junk economics. Its aim is to disable public checks and balances, shifting planning power into the hands of high finance on the claim that this is more efficient than public regulation. Government planning and taxation is accused of being “the road to serfdom,” as if “free markets” controlled by bankers given leeway to act recklessly is not planned by special interests in ways that are oligarchic, not democratic. Governments are told to pay bailout debts taken on not to defend countries in military warfare as in times past, but to benefit the wealthiest layer of the population by shifting its losses onto taxpayers.

The failure to take the wishes of voters into consideration leaves the resulting national debts on shaky ground politically and even legally. Debts imposed by fiat, by governments or foreign financial agencies in the face of strong popular opposition may be as tenuous as those of the Habsburgs and other despots in past epochs. Lacking popular validation, they may die with the regime that contracted them. New governments may act democratically to subordinate the banking and financial sector to serve the economy, not the other way around.

MICHAEL HUDSON - a former Wall Street economist. A Distinguished Research Professor at University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC), he is the author of many books, including Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire (new ed., Pluto Press, 2002) and Trade, Development and Foreign Debt: A History of Theories of Polarization v. Convergence in the World

Taken from: http://www.counterpunch.org/2011/12/02/debt-slavery-%E2%80%93-why-it-destroyed-rome-why-it-will-destroy-us-unless-it%E2%80%99s-stopped/

Voluminous media reports of ongoing global economic carnage may lead one to take the view that our world does not understand the fundamentals of economics that ancient world leaders such as Hammurabi, Egyptian Pharoahs, and even Roman Emperors knew very well.

The truth is quite simply that debt based economies – money as debt with all its’ intrinsic inequality and poverty is eternally fated for destruction. Ancient despots were anything but humanitarians. Like all despots throughout history they were driven by self interest. But did they recognize at least that a fair economic system is in everyone’s best interest?

Given our dire economic circumstance it is forgivable that we little people despair and wring our hands. The prevailing view of the little people is that we are powerless to effect great change. We may feel that we have awoken only in enough time to spectate as world leaders stare uncomprehendingly at yet another inevitable global collapse.

It is not that world leaders or financial leaders and economists too numerous to even mention have failed to notice the collapse of the current financial system.

In this regard, refer to the comments of Sir Mervyn King, Governor the Bank of England, and the comments of Stephen Green as HSBC Chairman, and the comments of the Pope, and the very recent comments of President Barack Obama plus many, many others. All of these views are from the unique perspective of each individual but there is a common thread.

The comments of Stephen Green are of particular interest. Mr. Green remarks that Milton Friedman was completely wrong (profit only – nothing else matters) but Mr. Green is still compelled to support free market economics. He quotes Sir Winston Churchill who famously stated: “The market is the worst system of economic and social development – except for all the others that have been tried from time to time.”

So the thought is that although free market capitalism is the very worst system, nothing else works either. Socialism, capitalism, communism all fail. There are no credible working “isms” then. Churchill’s comments should be acknowledged by all of us.

So what can we do? Can we only create more debt and accelerate the decline? Are we all – governments, little individuals, and institutions powerless?

The solution is the creation of a new financial system that that is endowed with the most powerful economic tools the world has ever known. It is not an “ism”. It is commerce aimed at the creation of scalable affluence for the greatest number of people within a sustainable, asset backed “bubble up” global economy.

It is an institution for the purpose of providing benevolence for all of humanity, regardless of color, worldview or place on earth. All of this without the creation of debt and without causing harm to the interests of others, no matter if they are great or small.

Although it is known today only by a handful of people throughout the world it nevertheless exists within a mighty and powerful new system that has been created and managed by little people.

It has already begun with little people. Little people are the most powerful force on earth.

Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, states “of all the many ways of organizing banking the worst is the one we have today”

Link to article:


Extract from article on speech of Stephen Green:

American free market economics guru Milton Friedman was wrong to assert that companies should focus on shareholder value above all other considerations, HSBC Chairman Stephen Green declared.

Link to full article:


Extract of article from speech of Barack Obama in Kansas:

Now, just as there was in Teddy Roosevelt’s time, there is a certain crowd in Washington who, for the last few decades, have said, let’s respond to this economic challenge with the same old tune. “The market will take care of everything,” they tell us. If we just cut more regulations and cut more taxes – especially for the wealthy – our economy will grow stronger. Sure, they say, there will be winners and losers. But if the winners do really well, then jobs and prosperity will eventually trickle down to everybody else. And, they argue, even if prosperity doesn’t trickle down, well, that’s the price of liberty.
Now, it’s a simple theory. And we have to admit, it’s one that speaks to our rugged individualism and our healthy skepticism of too much government. That’s in America’s DNA. And that theory fits well on a bumper sticker. But here’s the problem: It doesn’t work. It has never worked. It didn’t work when it was tried in the decade before the Great Depression. It’s not what led to the incredible postwar booms of the 50s and 60s. And it didn’t work when we tried it during the last decade. I mean, understand, it’s not as if we haven’t tried this theory.

Link to full text of speech:


Extract of article concerning Pope’s 2009 encyclical urging an ethical financial system

“The economy needs ethics in order to function correctly not any ethics, but an ethics which is people centered,” the pope says.

“Above all, the intention to do good must not be considered incompatible with the effective capacity to produce goods,” the Associated Press quotes him saying. “Financiers must rediscover the genuinely ethical foundation of their activity so as to not abuse the sophisticated instruments which can serve to betray the interests of savers.”

Link to article:


Re: A new Global Economic Restructure in 2012 [Re: Elle] #138666
01/09/12 12:53 AM
01/09/12 12:53 AM
Daryl  Offline

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In His Love, Mercy & Grace,

Daryl smile

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Re: A new Global Economic Restructure in 2012 [Re: Daryl] #139023
01/21/12 05:57 PM
01/21/12 05:57 PM
Elle  Offline OP
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Here's a followup found in the CMN website


Important Clarification on Global Currency (new info added)
January 5, 2012

We have learned from the source of the video statement on a new global economic restructuring that there is no intention or requirement to substitute national currencies with a single new one.

They are simply saying that a new secured type of currency that does not include traditional compound interest bearing debt will be made available that is to be used for the purposes of initiating a larger plan.

The currencies that currently exist are going to succeed or fail on their own merits. Many of the major currencies have already shown signs of their lack of structural integrity.

It is said to be based on a new system of doing business that allows for the support of “the 99%” of human beings who have not had the necessary support from traditional banking institutions.

He says that the initial introduction of some elements of the plan should become visible in the near future.

We will post this and more updates as we receive them.

In the frenzy of news of such magnitude, assumptions are made and mistaken perspectives occur. After communication amongst the global alternative news community, a consensus appears to be emerging.


January 9th 2012: Announcement from Benjamin Fulford.

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120109: The Feds have sued for peace and detailed settlement negotiations have begun

In a very major development, the Federal Reserve Board faction that is in de-facto control of the Obama regime and Israel has approached the White Dragon Society to negotiate a way to unfreeze their funds. They have promised to use any released funds for humanitarian projects and to develop hitherto forbidden technology.

The 130-nation group that announced a new financial system through the Conscious Media Network on January 1st also contacted the White Dragon Society and said they will prove with action, and not words, that they represent extremely powerful interests. This writer initially, and apparently incorrectly, denounced the announcement as a psy-ops because this group was not identical to the 117 nation Monaco group previously reported about in this newsletter.

All of these major factions will now have to reach an agreement. There will some serious horse-trading over the coming weeks before any sort of agreement is reached or public announcement is made but it appears a solution to the financial crisis is now on the horizon.

Re: A new Global Economic Restructure in 2012 [Re: Elle] #139040
01/22/12 01:46 PM
01/22/12 01:46 PM
Elle  Offline OP
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January 17th 2012:

"The negotiations on a new financial system for the planet are proceeding well but due to the complexity of the situation, it will take time before any public announcements are possible, according to sources close to the negotiations. The current owners of the Federal Reserve Board System and the Washington D.C. corporate government are hoping to offer enough reforms that they can stay in power. Their money has been frozen, though, by a group that would rather see them all put in jail. The final solution to the problem will need to involve an audit of the real world and the removal of all fraudulent funds from the system. It will also involve a massive redistribution of wealth, meaning that the American people and other worldwide victims of the cabal will get their stolen funds returned to them."

posted by Benjamin on his geo-politic news website

Re: A new Global Economic Restructure in 2012 [Re: Elle] #139318
01/30/12 05:28 PM
01/30/12 05:28 PM
Elle  Offline OP
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Part of the Global financial restructure is a cleanup of the crooks in the leading positions in this world that made all kinds of frauds like the mortgage frauds that all the major banks in the US participated and ripped off the 99%. Matt Taibbi said if they go throught this investigation and prosecute these guys that over half of wall street will end up in jail.
Originally Posted By: Matt Taibbi
"If they do this for real, if they do this like an Enron-style investigation, you could have half the luminaries on Wall Street doing prison time.... They all made enormous profits from selling mismarked and over-evaluated mortgages to unsuspecting investors"

Watch this video about this start of the world cleanup. Its a short 4 minutes video(1 minute advertisement at the beginning).

Video link : http://current.com/shows/countdown/video...ing-wall-street

Short description of the video provided on the site :

"Countdown” contributor Matt Taibbi discusses the impact of populist enthusiasm and President Obama’s adoption of the 99 percent message in terms of a breaking news story about a possible settlement in the ongoing investigation of allegations that some of the largest American banks engaged in foreclosure fraud. Taibbi says the settlement being discussed would leave major banks exposed to criminal investigations. Taibbi speculates as to the potential repercussions of the ruling, saying, “If they do this for real, if they do this like a real, Enron-style investigation, you know, you could have half the luminaries on Wall Street doing prison time.”

Re: A new Global Economic Restructure in 2012 [Re: Elle] #140075
02/25/12 11:57 PM
02/25/12 11:57 PM
Elle  Offline OP
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I'm sure you have been hearing on the news of many top positioned bankers or government people resigning or being arrested. There are thousands that has already taken place and much more to come. Most is not made public. This is the most important step prior to the coming New Global Economic Restructure in 2012 that was announce on Jan 1st on CNM.

Here are some highlights of some of the cleanup steps that has recently taken place :

- Former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi to five years in prison on charges of paying British lawyer David Mills a $600,000 bribe to lie about Berlusconi's business interests.

- The group(Illuminati) that claims to have started the American, French and Russian revolutions state they have issued a March 31st deadline to the committee of 300(Head by queen Elizabeth), according to their spokesman “Alexander Romanoff.”

- Prince Harry has been in touch with the group and has agreed to take over control of the British Royal family from Queen Elizabeth.

- There are signs, such as the resignation of over a dozen senior bankers and the announcement of a $15 trillion fraud in the UK and a $6 trillion fraud in Italy, that these warnings have been taken seriously.

- Ireland, Portugal, Greece and Spain have all told the banks they are not going to pay back any of their loans because the loans were made illegally… these countries are going to “default,” and for a change it will be the bankers
and not the average citizens, who will pay the price.

- The resignation of the heads of the World Bank, Credit Suisse, the Bank of India and “planned resignation” of the head of Goldman Sachs is just the beginning of a complete dismantling of the Khazarian banking monopoly.

- The $6 trillion fraud case in Italy is noteworthy because it is the one of the first such cases major corporate propaganda media outlets have reported worldwide.

- This means that people who were hitherto above the law and above institutions like the Vatican and the UN are no longer immune from arrest.

- The announcement in the UK Upper House by Lord Blackheath that $15 trillion had been stolen from a member of the “Indian-Chinese” royal family by [FRB's] Bernanke… Geithner and “Yusuke Horiguchi”… is a another sign of big change. You can hear Lord Blackhearth speech to the parliament at this link : http://www.parliamentlive.tv/Main/Player.aspx?meetingId=10093&wfs=true&player=smooth and here’s a transcript and a good analysis of his speech here : http://sirratatap.com/category/banking/2-19-12-corrupt-banking-at-the-highest-levels/

- …“Lord Sassoon.” The Sassoons are one of the families that profited from both the Opium wars and the colonization of Japan… He is expected to be arrested and questioned soon.

- Particular attention is going to be directed at the Pharmaceutical and chemical companies as well as satanic corporations like Microsoft and Monsanto, according to the Pentagon sources.

- Rahm Emmanuel, Karl Rove, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, J. Rockefeller, the Bushes and the various “Neocons,” are also due for arrest, according to
multiple sources.

- The top power brokers in Japan have decided that a revolution will take place… This will not be allowed to happen.

- There is much more this writer(a Canadian named Benjamin Fulford) knows but has been asked to remain silent about. To read more go to His Weekly Geo-Political news at http://benjaminfulford.net/

Bankers Resignation
Here's a few links to news coverage on recent found Bankers resignation. There’s many more but it is labor intensive to list them all that I found. This is only a small tip of the iceberg. Thousands has resigned or been arrested and many more to come.

2-15-12: World Bank President Zoellick Resigns

2-16-12: CFO of ANZ Bank Resigns Amid Turmoil

2-14-12: Nicaragua Central Bank Head Quits Amid Row

2-17-12: Credit Suisse’s Private Bank Chief Asian Economist Tan Resigns

2-18-12: Embarrassment for Merkel as German president resigns in disgrace after trying to bag the press (okay, not a bank president, but a president, noetheless)

2-16-12: Andrew Chick to lead Royal Bank of Scotland’s Australian arm

2-13-12: Kuwait central bank chief resigns amid political tensions

2-15-12: Slovenia’s Two Biggest Banks’ CEOs Step Down as Woes Mount

2-06-12: Dhanlaxmi Bank CEO Amitabh Chaturvedi quits

2-10-12: Tamilnad Mercantile Bank MD resigns

2-17-12: Blankfein out as Goldman Sachs CEO by summer? (not an actual resignation, but a possible pending one)

2-16-12: 7 Arrests in Olympus Scandal Point to Widening Inquiry Into a Cover-Up

2-16-12 : Swiss National Bank chairman’s resignation—A pointer to all regulators in India
2-17-12 : UPDATE: SNB Council President To Leave Central Bank

2-16-12World Bank President Robert Zoellick announces resignation

Re: A new Global Economic Restructure in 2012 [Re: Elle] #140078
02/26/12 01:51 AM
02/26/12 01:51 AM
Daryl  Offline

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Originally Posted By: Elle
- Prince Harry has been in touch with the group and has agreed to take over control of the British Royal family from Queen Elizabeth.

How will he be able to do that when he isn't even next in the line of succession?

In His Love, Mercy & Grace,

Daryl smile

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Re: A new Global Economic Restructure in 2012 [Re: Daryl] #140091
02/26/12 04:12 AM
02/26/12 04:12 AM
Colin  Offline
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Elle: sorry, but it's all a little wishful. smile

Some facts, but far too much interpretation and guessing. Some of the links provided are someone's fanciful opinion, nothing more. cool

Whatever Obama is up to, the Queen is a good lady, and Prince Harry is a good career officer, a Captain by now. smile

As for more money to the poorer people, there's more money in some hands, now, simply because the 1st world countries have been making money for longer than 3rd world countries. Re-inventing money for anyone in particular won't make it flow faster...! Hard work and thinking well of your neighbour is the secret.

Welfare - making money and giving it to the less well off, will never create lasting properity, any prosperity!

The less well off, materially - poorer countries, need to work harder a little longer - every millionaire began small!

Btw, the alternative agendas, whether good or bad, don't tend to happen anymore: while we wait for the kingdom of heaven, by grace through faith, achieving better conditions in this world takes patience and hard work, not trying to rewrite the recipe for happiness, generally. I shan't go into specifics. smile

Re: A new Global Economic Restructure in 2012 [Re: Daryl] #140100
02/26/12 11:48 AM
02/26/12 11:48 AM
Elle  Offline OP
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Originally Posted By: Daryl F
Originally Posted By: Elle
- Prince Harry has been in touch with the group and has agreed to take over control of the British Royal family from Queen Elizabeth.

How will he be able to do that when he isn't even next in the line of succession?

I don't know the specifics Daryl. This is what is reported by Benjamin Fulford who is working for the 130 countries alliances and is involved in the specifics in gettings the evidences and filing court cases.

Prince Harry is the third in line and still a very close blood relative of the Royal Family. Probably Charles and William has participated in illegal activities like the Queen and because of their hands being dirty and their unwillingness to change, they have resign to take up the throne knowing that the truth would get expose and loose it anyway.

This is how people get the opportunity to resign instead of going to jail. The reality are that the illegal deals, fraud, theft, murdering, and etc... are all being known with enough evidence to put lots of people to jail.

There is lots of corruptions in the upper level because they have been able to get away with it for so many years thinking they would never be able to get touch. However, the wind has changed and nobody is immune anymore.

Whoever has contributed in oppressing the people has two choices, i)either they change their ways, or ii)resign. If they continue in their illegal activities, they will get arrested and procecuted by the interpol and jailed. So resignation is a better option for many then going to jail.

Re: A new Global Economic Restructure in 2012 [Re: Colin] #140102
02/26/12 01:09 PM
02/26/12 01:09 PM
Elle  Offline OP
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I appreciate the reply Colin.
Originally Posted By: Colin
Elle: sorry, but it's all a little wishful. smile

Some facts, but far too much interpretation and guessing. Some of the links provided are someone's fanciful opinion, nothing more. cool
Most of the links are actual news report. There's no interpretation in all the resignations and the Silvio arrest. Those are all facts. The only two links that you may be referring as interpretation and guessing is Benjamin Fulford's geo-political news and the commitee of 300.

I had never heard of the committee of 300 until I read that link. Just because I never heard of it, it doesn't mean it is not true. And concerning Benjamin Fulford's cases that I have posted at the beginning of this discussion, the case is real and in court.

Originally Posted By: Colin
Whatever Obama is up to, the Queen is a good lady, and Prince Harry is a good career officer, a Captain by now. smile
You know the Queen personally?

Originally Posted By: Colin
As for more money to the poorer people, there's more money in some hands, now, simply because the 1st world countries have been making money for longer than 3rd world countries. Re-inventing money for anyone in particular won't make it flow faster...! Hard work and thinking well of your neighbour is the secret.
I do agree that hard work and doing good to your neighbor is a very important key. But there is such things as having people's spirit depressed and bringing on demorilization when they often experience corruption and hopelessness. There's a lot of corruption at the upper level that their actions and decisions oppresses the mass even of the 1st world countries. Did you hear about 99% protesting all over the world? Do you think they are complaining for nothing?

Maybe it is not like that in England with the "good lady", but many other countries are not in your shoes. Maybe you have a high paying job and don't realize others might have different circumstances than you.

There is oppression and suppression by those in power. There was massive illegal foreclosers in properties in the US, high taxes, high prices, high interest, media brainwashing, manipulation, etc... in many countries.

Did you know that 26 Trillions US dollars was passed from 2007 to 2010 supposively help the economy. Do you know where largely the money went? To the Banks/Bankers. If the Fed had extended $26 trillion in credit to the American people instead of Wall Street, would there be 24 million Americans today who can’t find a full-time job?

Originally Posted By: Colin
Welfare - making money and giving it to the less well off, will never create lasting properity, any prosperity!

The less well off, materially - poorer countries, need to work harder a little longer - every millionaire began small!
There is such things as an unfavorable environment that limits the chances for an enterpreneur to make that million let alone to cover their cost to stay in business.

Originally Posted By: colin
Btw, the alternative agendas, whether good or bad, don't tend to happen anymore: while we wait for the kingdom of heaven, by grace through faith, achieving better conditions in this world takes patience and hard work, not trying to rewrite the recipe for happiness, generally. I shan't go into specifics. smile
Well, maybe we have it wrong thinking the coming kingdom of G-d is in heaven. Maybe that's why we became so indifferent and we sit in the pews waiting.

Tell me, the stone that struck the feet of the statue, did it grow to fill all heaven or the earth?

Dan 2:35 "Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. "

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as well as the Seventh-day Adventist Church
from the local church level to the General Conference level.

Maritime 2nd Advent Believers OnLine (formerly Maritime SDA OnLine) is also a self-supporting ministry
and is not part of, or affiliated with, or endorsed by
The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland
or any of its subsidiaries.

"And He saith unto them, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matt. 4:19
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