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Re: Christ our Vaccine #14209
06/14/05 02:42 AM
06/14/05 02:42 AM
John H.  Offline
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John B., I'd differentiate between [1] 'infusion of sin' (Catholic concept) and [2] sinful nature (Bible concept) by saying that concept [1] presupposes that sin becomes a very part of who/what we are, and is an erroneous idea.

Concept [2] says that when Adam sinned (transgressed the law), his very being changed into something that could no longer render perfect obedience to God's law; such obedience is the condition of living in harmony with our Maker. (Perfect obedience is the opposite of sin.) We have inherited that nature, which has been corrupted by sin, from Adam. But we haven't inherited sin itself; we become sinners when we actually commit sin, i.e. transgress the law of God. (And that happens only after we come to have a knowledge of that law; some call that time the 'age of accountability'.)

The sinful nature we inherit from Adam puts us at a distinct disadvantage; it pulls us dreadfully toward committing sin. Yet Jesus came to earth and took on Him that same sinful nature, to show that we can overcome, that we can obey God's law in this sinful nature -- by the power of His indwelling Spirit.

Phil -- you're pointing down a rabbit path I don't care to travel right now. There's no need to bring my personal history into this. A gracious plenty has been explained here already, in what I've posted, in Pr. Priebe's audio sermon, and Pr. Larry's and Pr. Kevin's articles, if you'll spend some time with them.

Re: Christ our Vaccine #14210
06/14/05 02:55 AM
06/14/05 02:55 AM
John H.  Offline
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Also, John B.,
And could you be misleading someone if you tell him that all that is wrong/sin is what they have done.
It's not misleading someone to tell him what God has said. And God has said that sin is the act of transgressing His law. His definition, not mine. We can't go wrong repeating what He's said so clearly.

So all they have to do is stop doing it and they will be all right. There is nothing else wrong?
No one's saying that at all. Once we sin (transgress the law) even once, we deserve to die. "The wages of sin is death." (Romans 6:23) So just ceasing from sinning doesn't make everything all right. There's past sin to be forgiven, certainly. There's a death penalty to be paid. But praise God that Jesus came to take that penalty for us!

Re: Christ our Vaccine #14211
06/14/05 04:11 AM
06/14/05 04:11 AM
John Boskovic  Offline
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John H.: that concept (1) presupposes that sin becomes a very part of who/what we are … while Concept (2) says that when Adam sinned (transgressed the law), his very being changed into something that could no longer render perfect obedience to God's law.
Sorry that did not come clear at all. If I understand your definition of sin to be strictly an action, then what you have said above in concept 1 is that Adams ‘action’ becomes a very part of who/what he and we are. While concept 2 says that Adam’s action changed his very being into something that could no longer render perfect obedience to God's law. And we inherit that changed 'very being'.

What is ‘very being’ as opposed to ‘very part of who/what we are’?

Could you perhaps differentiate between sinful flesh and sinful nature? Is there any context of your terminology with these?

Re: Christ our Vaccine #14212
06/14/05 05:13 AM
06/14/05 05:13 AM
Tom  Offline
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John B., a comment regarding "sinful flesh" and "sinful nature." As these terms are generally used in discussions of Christology, they are equivalent. That is, there is no difference between the two. If you look at texts like Rom. 8:3, 4, for example, you will see that some versions translate this "sinful flesh" and others "sinful nature." (end of note to John B.)

When referring to Christ, one needs to be very careful. If we say Christ "had" sinful flesh or "had" sinful nature, this can give an erroneous impression. Christ took our sinful nature upon His own sinless nature.

Waggoner, who fought as clearly against the Original Sin idea as anyone, used the expression that "sin is in every fiber of our being." This is from memory. I think that's what he said.

The idea is that we are enslaved by sin, and apart from the power of God we cannot be set free from it. It's clear to me that everybody agrees with this.

Where the disagreement comes across, I think, is whether sin constitutes something other than behavior. For example, can an attitude be sin? Can a thought be sin? Can sin be unconscious?

We can all agree that sin is the transgression of the law, but the law is "exceedingly broad". The Spirit of Prophesy tells us that the law records the sins we would have committed had we had the opportunity. That's broad indeed! Above all, it includes the sin of crucifying Christ. When we understand that sin, and repent of it, it will help us to understand every other sin.

Re: Christ our Vaccine #14213
06/14/05 08:32 AM
06/14/05 08:32 AM
vastergotland  Offline
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Originally posted by Tom Ewall:
Where the disagreement comes across, I think, is whether sin constitutes something other than behavior. For example, can an attitude be sin? Can a thought be sin? Can sin be unconscious?

Matt 5

21"You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.' 22But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment.

27"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' 28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Does it not here appear that a thought of lust or an atitude of anger is enough for sin?


Re: Christ our Vaccine #14214
06/14/05 12:30 PM
06/14/05 12:30 PM
Ikan  Offline OP
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I would say "Yes!", Thomas Good example. Do you have other biblical ones on this same concept?

Is this heresy or truth?:

"Thus all the sin of this world, from its origin in the world to the end of it in the world, was laid upon Him--both sin as it is in itself and sin as it is when committed by us; sin in its tendency and sin in the act: sin as it is hereditary in us, uncommitted by us; and sin as it is committed by us."

It matters not WHO said it: Is it truth as it is in Christ?

Re: Christ our Vaccine #14215
06/15/05 03:03 AM
06/15/05 03:03 AM
Rosangela  Offline
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You are discussing something much more complicated than it seems at first sight.
Does God condemn us for our sinful, selfish nature as He condemns us for our sinful acts? If He does, Christ had to die for our sinful nature; if He doesn’t, Christ died only for our sinful acts.
But if God condemns us for our sinful nature, then Christ couldn’t have assumed a sinful, selfish nature (BTW, I don’t think He did), otherwise He would have needed a savior Himself.
On the other hand, if God doesn’t condemn us for our sinful nature, why do babies die (since they don’t commit sinful acts)? The Bible says, “Through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned”.

Re: Christ our Vaccine #14216
06/14/05 11:47 PM
06/14/05 11:47 PM
John Boskovic  Offline
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Tom: a comment regarding "sinful flesh" and "sinful nature." As these terms are generally used in discussions of Christology, they are equivalent. That is, there is no difference between the two. If you look at texts like Rom. 8:3, 4, for example, you will see that some versions translate this "sinful flesh" and others "sinful nature."
Thanks Tom for your note. I agree that many (including translators) use these terms without discrimination. But I find a difference based on the message of scripture and salvation.

‘Sinful flesh’ is easy, simply put, inherited and cultivated tendencies residing in the body. It is our physical condition or circumstance. This part is a non-issue in salvation. This will be dealt with at resurrection or translation. God can zap this physical change without any effort.

‘Sinful nature’ on the other hand, would be the chosen and cultivated tendencies, position, principles, and values residing in the spirit. This is the problem; the disease; the sin master.

The reason why this is more difficult to discern is because in the sinner, the spirit is subject to the flesh (carnal mind), and so the two appear as one. Nevertheless the difference is vital and the division must occur if one will be saved.

‘Sinful nature’ needs to be understood as the opposite of ‘divine nature’ as spoken in 2Pe 1:4
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

And in context of Rom 1:3-4
Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; and declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:

What is important here is that difference which is seen in Christ. He inherited our sinful flesh as any of us do, but he did not inherit our sinful nature (spirit), rather he retained his spirit (divine nature), for he was declared to be the son of God according to spirit. It is this that he gives us (divine nature, spirit) so that we may be sons and daughters of God, and live not according to the flesh but according to the spirit.

It is this that is spoken in Romans 8:3-9
For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

This is what is meant in John 1:12-13
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Sinful nature therefore is the state of the spirit of man, which is subject to the sinful flesh, and minds the flesh. Here spirit is servant to the flesh. It is a conundrum for the sinner because he thinks he is free, and does what he wants. That is because he wants to do the things of the flesh. However, when he tries not to do something of the flesh; that is when he will discover his slavery. That is what Romans 7 is about.

Divine nature is the Spirit of God in Christ, in which our spirit is to dwell and he in us. Thus our spirit is set free from being subject to the flesh, to live the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Our flesh then takes its proper place of being servant to spirit. Our spirit is united with God’s spirit, and we are a new creature in Christ. Here there is power and victory over every temptation and sin

Re: Christ our Vaccine #14217
06/15/05 02:44 AM
06/15/05 02:44 AM
Tom  Offline
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R: You are discussing something much more complicated than it seems at first sight.
Does God condemn us for our sinful, selfish nature as He condemns us for our sinful acts?

T: No.

R: If He does, Christ had to die for our sinful nature; if He doesn’t, Christ died only for our sinful acts.

T: Christ died to bring us to God. The purpose of His ministry was to reveal God to us, in order to set us and keep us right.

R: But if God condemns us for our sinful nature, then Christ couldn’t have assumed a sinful, selfish nature (BTW, I don’t think He did), otherwise He would have needed a savior Himself.

T: Christ took upon His sinless nature our sinful nature. "That which He has not assumed, He has not healed."

R: On the other hand, if God doesn’t condemn us for our sinful nature, why do babies die (since they don’t commit sinful acts)?

T: Babies die for the same reason animals die and other humans die, and plants and single-celled organisms too.

R: The Bible says, “Through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned”.

T: Yup, that the reason.

Re: Christ our Vaccine #14218
06/15/05 03:14 AM
06/15/05 03:14 AM
Tom  Offline
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John B.: Thanks Tom for your note. I agree that many (including translators) use these terms without discrimination. But I find a difference based on the message of scripture and salvation.

Tom: There's no difference based on the Scriptural words. sarko;ß aJmartivaß -- boy, that looks wierd. Looks better from where I copied it from. Anyway it's "sarkos hamarias" transliterated, which can be translated literally "flesh of sin". This is usually translated "sinful flesh" or "sinful nature".

John B: ‘Sinful flesh’ is easy, simply put, inherited and cultivated tendencies residing in the body. It is our physical condition or circumstance. This part is a non-issue in salvation. This will be dealt with at resurrection or translation. God can zap this physical change without any effort.

‘Sinful nature’ on the other hand, would be the chosen and cultivated tendencies, position, principles, and values residing in the spirit. This is the problem; the disease; the sin master.

Tom: This isn't right, John, as I'm familiar with seeing the terms used. "Sinful nature" is the same thing as "sinful flesh." There's no difference. What you're thinking of is "carnal nature." "Carnal nature" implies a participation of sin. "Sinful nature" is just "sinful flesh" or "sarkos hamartias". If you look at how EGW uses these terms, you will see that she does not distinguish between "sinful nature" and "sinful flesh," and her usage is standard in discussions of this sort.

I snipped the rest of what you wrote. I read it, and agree with the idea, but what you have referred to "sinful nature" is better referred to as "carnal nature," for the reasons I gave above.

I'd be happy to discuss this further if you wish.

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