Maritime 2nd Advent Believers OnLine Christian Family Fellowship Forums (formerly Maritime SDA OnLine)
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I guess I could call those not of this world, "aliens".
Re 15:6 And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles.
Re: Who Are The 24 Elders of Revelation 4:4?
[Re: kland]
#148946 01/11/1302:42 PM01/11/1302:42 PM
Johann SDA Active Member 2014 Retired Pastor
3000+ Member
Are all references to sons of God the same or could they apply differently?
Not sure what you meant by Hosea 2:1...
No wonder. In our authorized version Hosea 2:1 is 1:10 in the KJV.
Hosea 1:10
King James Version (KJV)
10 Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God.
"Here is a last piece of advice. If you believe in goodness and if you value the approval of God, fix your minds on the things which are holy and right and pure and beautiful and good. Model your conduct on what you have learned from me, on what I have told you and shown you, and you will find the God of peace will be with you."
Re: Who Are The 24 Elders of Revelation 4:4?
[Re: Johann]
#148949 01/11/1309:08 PM01/11/1309:08 PM
He says what he says about the 24 elders at the very end of the above embeded presentation and states he will focus on this in the next presentation, which I will also place here when I find it.
In His Love, Mercy & Grace,
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
When I try to play this video a sign appears stating it is private. Has he changed his mind since the production?
"Here is a last piece of advice. If you believe in goodness and if you value the approval of God, fix your minds on the things which are holy and right and pure and beautiful and good. Model your conduct on what you have learned from me, on what I have told you and shown you, and you will find the God of peace will be with you."
Re: Who Are The 24 Elders of Revelation 4:4?
[Re: Johann]
#149230 01/27/1312:12 AM01/27/1312:12 AM
Are all references to sons of God the same or could they apply differently?
There are sons of God by creation (see Luke 3:38) and There are sons of God by adoption. (see Romans 1:15, Romans 9:4 Gal. 4:5 Eph. 1:5)
The idea Steve Bohr presents is that the 24 elders are "sons by creation" -- that is the first created of each world who is given the dominion of the world --
Adam was the "son of God" by creation for this world, but he forfeited that position when he sold out to Satan. Thus Satan appears at the heavenly counsel meeting with the other "sons of God" from other worlds, (see Job 1:6 and 2:1)
Job also lets us know there were "Sons of God" rejoicing when this world was created! (see Job 38:7)
Re: Who Are The 24 Elders of Revelation 4:4?
[Re: dedication]
#149234 01/27/1305:58 AM01/27/1305:58 AM
dedication Global Moderator Supporting Member 2022
5500+ Member
This quote I didn't see which I know was in his original:
There is the throne (Rev 4:2), and around it the rainbow of promise (Rev 4:3). There are cherubim and seraphim (Rev 4:6-8). The commanders of the angel hosts, the sons of God, the representatives of the unfallen worlds, are assembled (Rev 4:4, 10). The heavenly council before which Lucifer had accused God and His Son, therepresentatives of those sinless realms over which Satan had thought to establish his dominion,—all are there to welcome the Redeemer. They are eager to celebrate His triumph and to glorify their King. {DA 832.15}
LEGAL NOTICE: The views expressed in this forum are those of individuals and do not necessarily represent those of Maritime 2nd Advent Believers OnLine, as well as the Seventh-day Adventist Church from the local church level to the General Conference level.
Maritime 2nd Advent Believers OnLine (formerly Maritime SDA OnLine) is also a self-supporting ministry and is not part of, or affiliated with, or endorsed by The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland or any of its subsidiaries.
"And He saith unto them, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matt. 4:19