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Re: Who were the 'spirits in prison'? [Re: Rick H] #150076
02/26/13 02:47 PM
02/26/13 02:47 PM
jamesonofthunder  Offline
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Elle what are you doing? Don't you believe in the Spirit of Prophecy?

"For some time the two classes remained separate. The race of Cain, spreading from their first settlement, dispersed over the plains and valleys where the children of Seth had dwelt. The latter, in order to escape their contaminating influence, withdrew to the mountains and there maintained the worship of God in its purity. But in the lapse of time they ventured to mingle with the inhabitants of the valleys. “The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair.” The children of Seth displeased the Lord by intermarrying with them. Many of the worshipers of God were beguiled into sin by the allurements constantly before them, and they lost their holy character. Mingling with the depraved, they became like them. The restrictions of the seventh commandment were disregarded, “and they took them wives of all which they chose.” The children of Seth went “in the way of Cain.” Jude 11. They fixed their minds upon worldly prosperity and enjoyment and neglected the commandments of the Lord. Sin spread abroad in the earth. {EP 44.1}

You do understand that what you are teaching is from the pharisees don't you?

The Giants are the Nephilim of those antediluvian days and they were not from angels, they are from the righteous son's of the descendants of Adam and the descendants of the wicked son's of Adam intermarrying. The two seeds. God promised to put "enmity" between them.

If you argue against this perfect truth that is being presented before you, I fear for your salvation. Because if you can get so caught up in the false assumptions of the Hebrews then what else are you wrong on, yet argue that you are right?

This is a great lesson that you are promoting the corruption of here. Have you ever went through the torment of being in love or lust with someone who does not love God? That is what is being spoken of here. Satan took advantage of this.

There were giants in the earth in those days. Genesis 6:4. {CC 33.1} The first people upon the earth received their instructions from that infinite God who created the world. Those who received their knowledge direct from infinite wisdom were not deficient in knowledge.... {CC 33.2} There are many inventions and improvements, and labor-saving machines now that the ancients did not have. They did not need them.... {CC 33.3}
Men before the flood lived many hundreds of years, and when one hundred years old were considered but youths. Those long-lived men had sound minds in sound bodies.... They came upon the stage of action from the ages of sixty to one hundred years, about the time those who now live the longest have acted their part in their little short life time, and have passed off the stage.51 {CC 33.4} There were many giants, men of great stature and strength, renowned for wisdom, skillful in devising the most cunning and wonderful works; but their guilt in giving loose rein to iniquity was in proportion to their skill and mental ability. {CC 33.5}
God bestowed upon these antediluvians many and rich gifts; but they used His bounties to glorify themselves, and turned them into a curse by fixing their affections upon the gifts instead of the Giver. They employed the gold and silver, the precious stones and the choice wood, in the construction of habitations for themselves, and endeavored to excel one another in beautifying their dwellings with the most skillful workmanship. They sought only to gratify the desires of their own proud hearts, and reveled in scenes of pleasure and wickedness.52 {CC 33.6}
They became corrupt in their imagination, because they left God out of their plans and councils. They were wise to do what God had never told them to do, wise to do evil.... They used the probation so graciously granted them in ridiculing Noah. They caricatured him and criticized him. They laughed at him for his peculiar earnestness and intense feeling in regard to the judgments which he declared God would surely fulfill. They talked of science and of the laws controlling nature. Then they held a carnival over the words of Noah, calling him a crazy fanatic.53 {CC 33.7}

"Giants Before the Flood—At the first resurrection all come forth in immortal bloom, but at the second, the marks of the curse are visible upon all. All come up as they went down into their graves. Those who lived before the Flood, come forth with their giant-like stature, more than twice as tall as men now living upon the earth, and well proportioned. The generations after the Flood were less in stature (Spiritual Gifts 3:84). {1BC 1090.1}

Search me oh God and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts, see if there is any offensive way in me and lead me to the way everlasting. Amen
Re: Who were the 'spirits in prison'? [Re: Rick H] #150078
02/26/13 03:45 PM
02/26/13 03:45 PM
kland  Offline
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I've read some of their beliefs by which I discovered that they are widely split in many differents "groups" and have a vast range of belief system too. But what was uniform is they all believed in UFOs (or Extra-terrestial being) and believe these "aliens" are angels. Also, I've read some good post explaining the different "dragons" groups and they believe also that they are descendants of some crosses with angels.

Now that's quite interesting and it does give some credence that the Nephilim where a cross of angels and man. However, I want my belief to come from the Bible....(but not)

On another post you were questioning the validity of my comment and said she was serious. I believe you may be correct in saying she is serious. But whether I believed what I was saying or merely showing what she believed, I believe it stands to be shown again if you missed the previous time she stated such things. Need I say more?

Re: Who were the 'spirits in prison'? [Re: Elle] #150084
02/26/13 04:23 PM
02/26/13 04:23 PM
Rick H  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Elle
Originally Posted By: Rick H
Now curiously, I keep coming across in non Canon and other sources pointing to the 'Nephilim'. Can anyone give us a deeper explanation for a better understanding of who the 'Nephilim' are?

I had engaged in this type of study here over 2 years ago with CG, dedication, and Kland. My understanding didn't change and I still believed that the "sons of God" were the fallen angels that Jude 1:6 refers to and the correspondant text of the "sons of God" being angels in Job.

Also I had quoted the Tenakh who had translated Gen 6:1-2 as such "When men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them, the divine beings saw how beautiful the daughters of men were and took wives from among those that pleased them."

This year I've read, chewed, and studied some more and chewed more on the subject. What's fascinating is I've been reading some new agers blogs and at times a forum because of the alternative geo-political news they were posting. I've read some of their beliefs by which I discovered that they are widely split in many differents "groups" and have a vast range of belief system too. But what was uniform is they all believed in UFOs (or Extra-terrestial being) and believe these "aliens" are angels. Also, I've read some good post explaining the different "dragons" groups and they believe also that they are descendants of some crosses with angels. Also, the luciferian (or cabals, or illuminaty group) often called "reptalians" by the new-age groups believe they are descents from the "evil" angels whereas they are descendants of "good" angels. Basically they all believe that at the beginning there was a cross-breeding between the angels and man which they refer also as Nephilim. They all take great pride to have some blood of the Nephilim. Also anciently the Royal families claims to been descendants of these angels which gives them the authority to rule on earth over other ordinary people.

Now that's quite interesting and it does give some credence that the Nephilim where a cross of angels and man. However, I want my belief to come from the Bible. So let's look more closely at what the Bible says about the Nephilim.

Because I don't have the time to type a study, I will use Stephen Jones study. I have read it a few times and have looked out his references and his study does agree with mine. However, his study is more detailed. This is the best study I came across, and Stephen is quite biblical and research historical, astrological records, ethymology of words, and etc... He checks whatever sources is available.

This is 3 studies. The one below is a general study of Gen 6. The other two study, posted seperatly, are about the Nephilim refered in the book of Deuteronomy with some history, Mt. Hebron, and other sources.

Part 1 : General Study of Genesis 6
Who Were the Angels that Sinned?
The angels that sinned back in Genesis 6:2-4 were called “sons of God” in contrast to the “daughters of men.” This term, “sons of God” refers to spiritual beings that have access to the heavens—in contrast to earth-bound fleshly creatures. Thus we see the “sons of God” standing before God in Job 1:6. In the New Testament the term is used to describe men and women who can “become the sons of God” (John 1:12) through Jesus Christ.

Genesis 6:2 also says that these sons of God took “the daughters of men” as wives and produced children by them. The Hebrew word for “men” is awdawm, or Adam, which is the usual word for men or mankind. When the Bible refers to the man Adam himself, it says ha-awdawm, or “the (man) Adam.” The article “the” makes the term specific. Dr. Bullinger points out in The Companion Bible, Appendix 14,
“Adam, without the article, denotes man or mankind in general (Gen. 1:26; 2:5; 5:1). With the article, it denotes the man, Adam....”

With this in mind, let us read Genesis 6:1, 2,
1 Now it came about, when Adam [ha-awdawm] began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them [Adam and Eve, Gen. 1:27; 5:2] 2 that the sons of God saw that the daughters of Adam [ha-awdawm] were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.

Adam and Eve had both sons and daughters. Adam’s daughters were beautiful, and these angels took them as wives. Verse 4 says that they had children by them. Ultimately, the earth was so corrupted by this genetic mixture that God sent the flood to destroy them. Only Noah was found to be “perfect in his genealogy” (Gen. 6:9, literal).

The question immediately arises: How can spiritual beings (angels) have children with physical women on earth? The answer is that all through the Bible we have examples of angels manifesting as men. In Genesis 18 we read that three “men” came to Abraham on their way to Sodom. Abraham fed them, and they prophesied that Sarah would have a child in the following year.

Two of them then continued toward Sodom, but one of the “men” stayed behind to tell Abraham of Sodom’s coming destruction.
Hence we read in Genesis 19:1 that only two of them actually arrived in Sodom:

1 Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening as Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. . .

They had manifested themselves in human flesh and were recognized as such even by the people of Sodom, as the story shows. They even ate with Lot (Gen. 19:3) as they had eaten with Abraham.

Angels are said to often appear in human flesh. Other examples include the angel that appeared to Balaam in Numbers 22:31 and another to Manoah and his wife in Judges 13. If spirits have the ability to manifest in human flesh, and if they can even eat food, then it follows that they could also have the ability to have sexual relations with women and even to produce children by them. Of course, they only had this ability after taking human flesh.

These angels (or perhaps their offspring) were called Nephilim, or “giants” in Genesis 6:4. This is the plural form of nephil, “a feller,” or one who cuts others down; hence, a bully or tyrant. The root word is naphal, “to fall.” This is probably the origin of the idea of “fallen” angels. Though Nephilim applies primarily to their actions in cutting down others, it carries this secondary meaning of having been felled by God in the flood.

The angels are thus “fallen,” but this is not to enter into the debate about whether or not angels have free will. That is a separate question. If angels do have free will, then they fell of their own free will. If not, then they were caused to fall for purposes known fully by God alone. We must limit our scope for now to the simple assertion that they are “fallen.” The nature of their “fall” in the sense of their disobedience is given in Jude 6,

6 And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day.

In other words, these angels desired to become flesh and dwell with the daughters of Adam. Why? Because angels are spirits, and they have the ability to manifest in flesh, but what they did not have was a soul. Nowhere in the Bible do we find that angels were given souls. The soul is in the blood, Leviticus 17:11 tells us. Angels do not have blood. They coveted a soul in order to gain authority over the earth, for God made man a living soul (Gen. 2:7) and gave man dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:26). In that sense, angels “fell” from heaven to earth—but then fell from earth to Tartarus.

Jude then relates the fallen angels to Sodom and Gomorrah, where the people “indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh” (Jude 7). The term “strange flesh” simply means foreign flesh—that is, in the Biblical sense, forbidden sexual relations or marriages. The angels were not allowed to marry the daughters of men, even as the men of Sodom were not allowed to marry other men in homosexual unions. This is, of course, one of the major social and moral issues facing us today. In the name of liberty we are once again going the way of Sodom.

Another intriguing question is the fact that Jesus said the last days would be “as in the days of Noah” (Matt. 24:37). We know that there were Nephilim even AFTER the flood, for Genesis 6:4 says,

4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

So we see that even after God brought correction by means of the flood, there were Nephilim who again took the daughters of men and had more children by them. The Nephilim’s children thereafter usually were called Gibbor, “mighty men,” and Rephaim, from rapha, “to heal, invigorate.” The twelve spies in Israel saw these Nephilim when they spied out the land, and this is what made the people most afraid to enter the land at that time. We read of this in Numbers 13:32, 33,

32 So they gave out to the sons of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, The land through which we have gone, in spying it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants; and all the men whom we saw in it are men of great size. 33 There also we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are part of the Gibbor); and we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.

This verse equates the Nephilim with the Gibbor. Joshua destroyed most of the Anakim in Joshua 11:21, 22,

21 Then Joshua came at that time and cut off the Anakim from the hill country, from Hebron, from Debir, from Anab and from all the hill country of Judah and from all the hill country of Israel. Joshua utterly destroyed them with their cities. 22 There were no Anakim left in the land of the sons of Israel; only in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod some remained.

Some yet remained until the time of David. Goliath of Gath came from this family of Anak, where some of these giants remained. David slew Goliath, and in a later battle Goliath’s brother was killed along with their sons (1 Chron. 20:5-8).
Yes, but you have to take into account what Spirit of Prophecy says, and that Adam and all the way up to Noah were of larger/taller build, giants to our current size.

Re: Who were the 'spirits in prison'? [Re: Rick H] #150089
02/26/13 05:15 PM
02/26/13 05:15 PM
Elle  Offline
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Died February 12, 2019

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Originally Posted By: Rick H
Originally Posted By: Elle
Originally Posted By: Rick H
Now curiously, I keep coming across in non Canon and other sources pointing to the 'Nephilim'. Can anyone give us a deeper explanation for a better understanding of who the 'Nephilim' are?

I had engaged in this type of study here over 2 years ago with CG, dedication, and Kland. My understanding didn't change and I still believed that the "sons of God" were the fallen angels that Jude 1:6 refers to and the correspondant text of the "sons of God" being angels in Job.

Also I had quoted the Tenakh who had translated Gen 6:1-2 as such "When men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them, the divine beings saw how beautiful the daughters of men were and took wives from among those that pleased them."

This year I've read, chewed, and studied some more and chewed more on the subject. What's fascinating is I've been reading some new agers blogs and at times a forum because of the alternative geo-political news they were posting. I've read some of their beliefs by which I discovered that they are widely split in many differents "groups" and have a vast range of belief system too. But what was uniform is they all believed in UFOs (or Extra-terrestial being) and believe these "aliens" are angels. Also, I've read some good post explaining the different "dragons" groups and they believe also that they are descendants of some crosses with angels. Also, the luciferian (or cabals, or illuminaty group) often called "reptalians" by the new-age groups believe they are descents from the "evil" angels whereas they are descendants of "good" angels. Basically they all believe that at the beginning there was a cross-breeding between the angels and man which they refer also as Nephilim. They all take great pride to have some blood of the Nephilim. Also anciently the Royal families claims to been descendants of these angels which gives them the authority to rule on earth over other ordinary people.

Now that's quite interesting and it does give some credence that the Nephilim where a cross of angels and man. However, I want my belief to come from the Bible. So let's look more closely at what the Bible says about the Nephilim.

Because I don't have the time to type a study, I will use Stephen Jones study. I have read it a few times and have looked out his references and his study does agree with mine. However, his study is more detailed. This is the best study I came across, and Stephen is quite biblical and research historical, astrological records, ethymology of words, and etc... He checks whatever sources is available.

This is 3 studies. The one below is a general study of Gen 6. The other two study, posted seperatly, are about the Nephilim refered in the book of Deuteronomy with some history, Mt. Hebron, and other sources.

Part 1 : General Study of Genesis 6
Who Were the Angels that Sinned?
The angels that sinned back in Genesis 6:2-4 were called “sons of God” in contrast to the “daughters of men.” This term, “sons of God” refers to spiritual beings that have access to the heavens—in contrast to earth-bound fleshly creatures. Thus we see the “sons of God” standing before God in Job 1:6. In the New Testament the term is used to describe men and women who can “become the sons of God” (John 1:12) through Jesus Christ.

Genesis 6:2 also says that these sons of God took “the daughters of men” as wives and produced children by them. The Hebrew word for “men” is awdawm, or Adam, which is the usual word for men or mankind. When the Bible refers to the man Adam himself, it says ha-awdawm, or “the (man) Adam.” The article “the” makes the term specific. Dr. Bullinger points out in The Companion Bible, Appendix 14,
“Adam, without the article, denotes man or mankind in general (Gen. 1:26; 2:5; 5:1). With the article, it denotes the man, Adam....”

With this in mind, let us read Genesis 6:1, 2,
1 Now it came about, when Adam [ha-awdawm] began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them [Adam and Eve, Gen. 1:27; 5:2] 2 that the sons of God saw that the daughters of Adam [ha-awdawm] were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.

Adam and Eve had both sons and daughters. Adam’s daughters were beautiful, and these angels took them as wives. Verse 4 says that they had children by them. Ultimately, the earth was so corrupted by this genetic mixture that God sent the flood to destroy them. Only Noah was found to be “perfect in his genealogy” (Gen. 6:9, literal).

The question immediately arises: How can spiritual beings (angels) have children with physical women on earth? The answer is that all through the Bible we have examples of angels manifesting as men. In Genesis 18 we read that three “men” came to Abraham on their way to Sodom. Abraham fed them, and they prophesied that Sarah would have a child in the following year.

Two of them then continued toward Sodom, but one of the “men” stayed behind to tell Abraham of Sodom’s coming destruction.
Hence we read in Genesis 19:1 that only two of them actually arrived in Sodom:

1 Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening as Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. . .

They had manifested themselves in human flesh and were recognized as such even by the people of Sodom, as the story shows. They even ate with Lot (Gen. 19:3) as they had eaten with Abraham.

Angels are said to often appear in human flesh. Other examples include the angel that appeared to Balaam in Numbers 22:31 and another to Manoah and his wife in Judges 13. If spirits have the ability to manifest in human flesh, and if they can even eat food, then it follows that they could also have the ability to have sexual relations with women and even to produce children by them. Of course, they only had this ability after taking human flesh.

These angels (or perhaps their offspring) were called Nephilim, or “giants” in Genesis 6:4. This is the plural form of nephil, “a feller,” or one who cuts others down; hence, a bully or tyrant. The root word is naphal, “to fall.” This is probably the origin of the idea of “fallen” angels. Though Nephilim applies primarily to their actions in cutting down others, it carries this secondary meaning of having been felled by God in the flood.

The angels are thus “fallen,” but this is not to enter into the debate about whether or not angels have free will. That is a separate question. If angels do have free will, then they fell of their own free will. If not, then they were caused to fall for purposes known fully by God alone. We must limit our scope for now to the simple assertion that they are “fallen.” The nature of their “fall” in the sense of their disobedience is given in Jude 6,

6 And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day.

In other words, these angels desired to become flesh and dwell with the daughters of Adam. Why? Because angels are spirits, and they have the ability to manifest in flesh, but what they did not have was a soul. Nowhere in the Bible do we find that angels were given souls. The soul is in the blood, Leviticus 17:11 tells us. Angels do not have blood. They coveted a soul in order to gain authority over the earth, for God made man a living soul (Gen. 2:7) and gave man dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:26). In that sense, angels “fell” from heaven to earth—but then fell from earth to Tartarus.

Jude then relates the fallen angels to Sodom and Gomorrah, where the people “indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh” (Jude 7). The term “strange flesh” simply means foreign flesh—that is, in the Biblical sense, forbidden sexual relations or marriages. The angels were not allowed to marry the daughters of men, even as the men of Sodom were not allowed to marry other men in homosexual unions. This is, of course, one of the major social and moral issues facing us today. In the name of liberty we are once again going the way of Sodom.

Another intriguing question is the fact that Jesus said the last days would be “as in the days of Noah” (Matt. 24:37). We know that there were Nephilim even AFTER the flood, for Genesis 6:4 says,

4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

So we see that even after God brought correction by means of the flood, there were Nephilim who again took the daughters of men and had more children by them. The Nephilim’s children thereafter usually were called Gibbor, “mighty men,” and Rephaim, from rapha, “to heal, invigorate.” The twelve spies in Israel saw these Nephilim when they spied out the land, and this is what made the people most afraid to enter the land at that time. We read of this in Numbers 13:32, 33,

32 So they gave out to the sons of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, The land through which we have gone, in spying it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants; and all the men whom we saw in it are men of great size. 33 There also we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are part of the Gibbor); and we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.

This verse equates the Nephilim with the Gibbor. Joshua destroyed most of the Anakim in Joshua 11:21, 22,

21 Then Joshua came at that time and cut off the Anakim from the hill country, from Hebron, from Debir, from Anab and from all the hill country of Judah and from all the hill country of Israel. Joshua utterly destroyed them with their cities. 22 There were no Anakim left in the land of the sons of Israel; only in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod some remained.

Some yet remained until the time of David. Goliath of Gath came from this family of Anak, where some of these giants remained. David slew Goliath, and in a later battle Goliath’s brother was killed along with their sons (1 Chron. 20:5-8).
Yes, but you have to take into account what Spirit of Prophecy says, and that Adam and all the way up to Noah were of larger/taller build, giants to our current size.

I do believe that people before the flood were larger in statue and this fact was relative to their lifespan. As the lifespan decreases, the average height of man decreased also. This is what I believe and it is not something you can prove without proper archeologist work.

Now regardless of that fact, before the flood this crossing of the "sons of God" with the "daughters of Adam" created Nephilim which were characterized as being giants. They were bigger in statue than the other people in the days before the flood.

Now, after the flood there were more crossings of the "sons of God" with the "daughters of Adam" according to Gen 6:4. We have lots of accounts in the Bible of these giants (Nephilim, Arnak, Rephaim, and Emin). Again, scriptures specifies that these men were bigger in statue than the ordinary people in those days.

The logic that the “sons of God” were Cain’s children doesn’t justify how the offsprings became giants. Cain’s genetic makeup was the same as the children of Adam’s since he was also a son of Adam.

Re: Who were the 'spirits in prison'? [Re: kland] #150091
02/26/13 05:31 PM
02/26/13 05:31 PM
Elle  Offline
Active Member 2019
Died February 12, 2019

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Originally Posted By: kland
I've read some of their beliefs by which I discovered that they are widely split in many differents "groups" and have a vast range of belief system too. But what was uniform is they all believed in UFOs (or Extra-terrestial being) and believe these "aliens" are angels. Also, I've read some good post explaining the different "dragons" groups and they believe also that they are descendants of some crosses with angels.

Now that's quite interesting and it does give some credence that the Nephilim where a cross of angels and man. However, I want my belief to come from the Bible....(but not)

On another post you were questioning the validity of my comment and said she was serious. I believe you may be correct in saying she is serious. But whether I believed what I was saying or merely showing what she believed, I believe it stands to be shown again if you missed the previous time she stated such things. Need I say more?
Kland, you are at it again. The problem is not what I believe, but it is your condescending remarks and not sticking to the discussion but instead you like to belittle me. You need to try to withframe from that bad habit whatever reason you have to justify in doing this to me.

If you have something you disagree about anything I say, then bring it on with your biblical support to why you differ with some care for the other party. Isn't this the way to maintain a good brotherly discussion without reproach?

Re: Who were the 'spirits in prison'? [Re: Elle] #150095
02/26/13 07:46 PM
02/26/13 07:46 PM
Rick H  Offline
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Florida, USA
Originally Posted By: Elle
Originally Posted By: Rick H
Originally Posted By: Elle
[quote=Rick H]Now curiously, I keep coming across in non Canon and other sources pointing to the 'Nephilim'. Can anyone give us a deeper explanation for a better understanding of who the 'Nephilim' are?

I had engaged in this type of study here over 2 years ago with CG, dedication, and Kland. My understanding didn't change and I still believed that the "sons of God" were the fallen angels that Jude 1:6 refers to and the correspondant text of the "sons of God" being angels in Job.

Also I had quoted the Tenakh who had translated Gen 6:1-2 as such "When men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them, the divine beings saw how beautiful the daughters of men were and took wives from among those that pleased them."

This year I've read, chewed, and studied some more and chewed more on the subject. What's fascinating is I've been reading some new agers blogs and at times a forum because of the alternative geo-political news they were posting. I've read some of their beliefs by which I discovered that they are widely split in many differents "groups" and have a vast range of belief system too. But what was uniform is they all believed in UFOs (or Extra-terrestial being) and believe these "aliens" are angels. Also, I've read some good post explaining the different "dragons" groups and they believe also that they are descendants of some crosses with angels. Also, the luciferian (or cabals, or illuminaty group) often called "reptalians" by the new-age groups believe they are descents from the "evil" angels whereas they are descendants of "good" angels. Basically they all believe that at the beginning there was a cross-breeding between the angels and man which they refer also as Nephilim. They all take great pride to have some blood of the Nephilim. Also anciently the Royal families claims to been descendants of these angels which gives them the authority to rule on earth over other ordinary people.

Now that's quite interesting and it does give some credence that the Nephilim where a cross of angels and man. However, I want my belief to come from the Bible. So let's look more closely at what the Bible says about the Nephilim.

Because I don't have the time to type a study, I will use Stephen Jones study. I have read it a few times and have looked out his references and his study does agree with mine. However, his study is more detailed. This is the best study I came across, and Stephen is quite biblical and research historical, astrological records, ethymology of words, and etc... He checks whatever sources is available.

This is 3 studies. The one below is a general study of Gen 6. The other two study, posted seperatly, are about the Nephilim refered in the book of Deuteronomy with some history, Mt. Hebron, and other sources.

Part 1 : General Study of Genesis 6
Who Were the Angels that Sinned?
The angels that sinned back in Genesis 6:2-4 were called “sons of God” in contrast to the “daughters of men.” This term, “sons of God” refers to spiritual beings that have access to the heavens—in contrast to earth-bound fleshly creatures. Thus we see the “sons of God” standing before God in Job 1:6. In the New Testament the term is used to describe men and women who can “become the sons of God” (John 1:12) through Jesus Christ.

Genesis 6:2 also says that these sons of God took “the daughters of men” as wives and produced children by them. The Hebrew word for “men” is awdawm, or Adam, which is the usual word for men or mankind. When the Bible refers to the man Adam himself, it says ha-awdawm, or “the (man) Adam.” The article “the” makes the term specific. Dr. Bullinger points out in The Companion Bible, Appendix 14,
“Adam, without the article, denotes man or mankind in general (Gen. 1:26; 2:5; 5:1). With the article, it denotes the man, Adam....”

With this in mind, let us read Genesis 6:1, 2,
1 Now it came about, when Adam [ha-awdawm] began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them [Adam and Eve, Gen. 1:27; 5:2] 2 that the sons of God saw that the daughters of Adam [ha-awdawm] were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.

Adam and Eve had both sons and daughters. Adam’s daughters were beautiful, and these angels took them as wives. Verse 4 says that they had children by them. Ultimately, the earth was so corrupted by this genetic mixture that God sent the flood to destroy them. Only Noah was found to be “perfect in his genealogy” (Gen. 6:9, literal).

The question immediately arises: How can spiritual beings (angels) have children with physical women on earth? The answer is that all through the Bible we have examples of angels manifesting as men. In Genesis 18 we read that three “men” came to Abraham on their way to Sodom. Abraham fed them, and they prophesied that Sarah would have a child in the following year.

Two of them then continued toward Sodom, but one of the “men” stayed behind to tell Abraham of Sodom’s coming destruction.
Hence we read in Genesis 19:1 that only two of them actually arrived in Sodom:

1 Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening as Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. . .

They had manifested themselves in human flesh and were recognized as such even by the people of Sodom, as the story shows. They even ate with Lot (Gen. 19:3) as they had eaten with Abraham.

Angels are said to often appear in human flesh. Other examples include the angel that appeared to Balaam in Numbers 22:31 and another to Manoah and his wife in Judges 13. If spirits have the ability to manifest in human flesh, and if they can even eat food, then it follows that they could also have the ability to have sexual relations with women and even to produce children by them. Of course, they only had this ability after taking human flesh.

These angels (or perhaps their offspring) were called Nephilim, or “giants” in Genesis 6:4. This is the plural form of nephil, “a feller,” or one who cuts others down; hence, a bully or tyrant. The root word is naphal, “to fall.” This is probably the origin of the idea of “fallen” angels. Though Nephilim applies primarily to their actions in cutting down others, it carries this secondary meaning of having been felled by God in the flood.

The angels are thus “fallen,” but this is not to enter into the debate about whether or not angels have free will. That is a separate question. If angels do have free will, then they fell of their own free will. If not, then they were caused to fall for purposes known fully by God alone. We must limit our scope for now to the simple assertion that they are “fallen.” The nature of their “fall” in the sense of their disobedience is given in Jude 6,

6 And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day.

In other words, these angels desired to become flesh and dwell with the daughters of Adam. Why? Because angels are spirits, and they have the ability to manifest in flesh, but what they did not have was a soul. Nowhere in the Bible do we find that angels were given souls. The soul is in the blood, Leviticus 17:11 tells us. Angels do not have blood. They coveted a soul in order to gain authority over the earth, for God made man a living soul (Gen. 2:7) and gave man dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:26). In that sense, angels “fell” from heaven to earth—but then fell from earth to Tartarus.

Jude then relates the fallen angels to Sodom and Gomorrah, where the people “indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh” (Jude 7). The term “strange flesh” simply means foreign flesh—that is, in the Biblical sense, forbidden sexual relations or marriages. The angels were not allowed to marry the daughters of men, even as the men of Sodom were not allowed to marry other men in homosexual unions. This is, of course, one of the major social and moral issues facing us today. In the name of liberty we are once again going the way of Sodom.

Another intriguing question is the fact that Jesus said the last days would be “as in the days of Noah” (Matt. 24:37). We know that there were Nephilim even AFTER the flood, for Genesis 6:4 says,

4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

So we see that even after God brought correction by means of the flood, there were Nephilim who again took the daughters of men and had more children by them. The Nephilim’s children thereafter usually were called Gibbor, “mighty men,” and Rephaim, from rapha, “to heal, invigorate.” The twelve spies in Israel saw these Nephilim when they spied out the land, and this is what made the people most afraid to enter the land at that time. We read of this in Numbers 13:32, 33,

32 So they gave out to the sons of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, The land through which we have gone, in spying it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants; and all the men whom we saw in it are men of great size. 33 There also we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are part of the Gibbor); and we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.

This verse equates the Nephilim with the Gibbor. Joshua destroyed most of the Anakim in Joshua 11:21, 22,

21 Then Joshua came at that time and cut off the Anakim from the hill country, from Hebron, from Debir, from Anab and from all the hill country of Judah and from all the hill country of Israel. Joshua utterly destroyed them with their cities. 22 There were no Anakim left in the land of the sons of Israel; only in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod some remained.

Some yet remained until the time of David. Goliath of Gath came from this family of Anak, where some of these giants remained. David slew Goliath, and in a later battle Goliath’s brother was killed along with their sons (1 Chron. 20:5-8).
Yes, but you have to take into account what Spirit of Prophecy says, and that Adam and all the way up to Noah were of larger/taller build, giants to our current size.

Originally Posted By: Elle
I do believe that people before the flood were larger in statue and this fact was relative to their lifespan. As the lifespan decreases, the average height of man decreased also. This is what I believe and it is not something you can prove without proper archeologist work.

Now regardless of that fact, before the flood this crossing of the "sons of God" with the "daughters of Adam" created Nephilim which were characterized as being giants. They were bigger in statue than the other people in the days before the flood.

Now, after the flood there were more crossings of the "sons of God" with the "daughters of Adam" according to Gen 6:4. We have lots of accounts in the Bible of these giants (Nephilim, Arnak, Rephaim, and Emin). Again, scriptures specifies that these men were bigger in statue than the ordinary people in those days.

The logic that the “sons of God” were Cain’s children doesn’t justify how the offsprings became giants. Cain’s genetic makeup was the same as the children of Adam’s since he was also a son of Adam.
I think you meant "Seth's children", but as Adventist we have to take Spirit of Prophecy into account and also I would like to stick with King James and Strongs to keep it on standard we all can agree on.

I remember reading that the 'spirits in prison' was taken from a Christian song that was sang in the early church, and Peter put it in word for word, and thus the problems in putting it up against other verses in scripture. Have you come across that, as I cannot seem to find it in my notes.


Last edited by Rick H; 02/26/13 07:47 PM.
Re: Who were the 'spirits in prison'? [Re: Green Cochoa] #150096
02/26/13 07:56 PM
02/26/13 07:56 PM
Elle  Offline
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Elle has a special fascination for the topics of "nephilim" and "fallen angels," and has much to say on them. But the Bible has a different focus. We are instructed not to parley with the devil and to focus on things which are "of good report." While it is right to recognize truth and to distinguish error from it, it is wise to focus on Jesus and to ignore the rest. If the devil can take our focus off of Christ, he has us. At least for the moment.

Are you saying I'm parleying with the devil? I have brought a Bible study about the Nephilim...have you read it? Do you consider studying anything in scripture about the devil a parley with him? The Lord created evil and darkness for a reason and it is there for our growth into maturity.

To properly understand what actually happened before and after the flood is valuable for our admonition and to conquer the end times giants of our time before entering the promise land.

The Lord requires us to have an intelligent understanding of what we are up against, so to "stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth". If not then the giants will conquer us.

Re: Who were the 'spirits in prison'? [Re: Rick H] #150097
02/26/13 08:41 PM
02/26/13 08:41 PM
Elle  Offline
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I think you meant "Seth's children", but as Adventist we have to take Spirit of Prophecy into account and also I would like to stick with King James and Strongs to keep it on standard we all can agree on.
I understand Rick and respect your position.

Personally, I believe we are to test all things, including all of EGW's writings and our denomination doctrines.

NJK Project sent me a very good link of a sermon by a renown SDA Historian, George R. Knight, which shed light how our doctrines came into the church and EGW role and the place of her writings today. If you haven't viewed this, I recommend it.

FP782 - The Great Gulf Joseph Smith vs. Ellen White on the Relation of the Gift of Prophecy


I remember reading that the 'spirits in prison' was taken from a Christian song that was sang in the early church, and Peter put it in word for word, and thus the problems in putting it up against other verses in scripture. Have you come across that, as I cannot seem to find it in my notes.

I don't know about it, but maybe someone else here does.

Re: Who were the 'spirits in prison'? [Re: Elle] #150103
02/26/13 11:25 PM
02/26/13 11:25 PM
Green Cochoa  Offline
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With all due respect, I was not saying you were parleying with the devil, I was only pointing out that we are instructed not to do so as one example of de-focusing the devil. The Bible spends almost no time speaking of the devil or in glorifying his victories. Certainly the devil has had many victories on earth, but the Bible does not focus on them. Why? I believe that our focus should also not be upon the devil nor upon his strengths, his victories, etc.

You hold an unbiblical view of the Nephilim. I have not chosen to address it in this thread, because I have already addressed it with you in discussions we had many months ago. I did notice that you supported some of your views in this thread with the "Book of Jasher." That the book of Jasher is mentioned in the Bible is well-established fact. The modern day "Book of Jasher," however, was "translated" by Mormons in the 1800s. Remember, they are the ones that translated the Egyptian funeral messages into the "Book of Abraham," etc. with their "Urim and Thummim." No one really knows where they got their source manuscripts. I don't know how to say this gently, so I'll just say it: the "Book of Jasher" which we have today is a fraud. It is certainly not inspired, and I have personally found it to be in direct contradiction of the Bible in multiple places, including dates, events, and the spirit in which it is written. It is a novel which, perhaps, was hoped to bring in some money for someone. Like the Book of Mormon, it follows an old-English style of writing calculated to make the reader sense its ancient authenticity. The "Book of Jasher" reads much like the KJV, except that it has more of a "superman" comic style of recounting the events of history. If another thread does not already exist on this fraudulent book, perhaps we could create one to evaluate it objectively. In any case, it is not Scripture, it is not the same book that we find mentioned in the Bible, and anyone who puts his or her trust in it is placing confidence in quicksand.

(If an archeologist ever discovers the true book of Jasher, I'm open to seeing it and accepting it, provided that it is verified to agree with the Bible.)

More to the subject, the "nephilim" were simply those of large stature, like Adam and Eve were, and perhaps even larger. They were 100% human, and there is no such thing as a reproductive angel. Angels are not gifted with genitals, do not marry, and cannot procreate. They are not made of flesh as we are. We know this from both the Bible and from the writings of Mrs. White.

Think about it. In all of the inspired writings we have at our disposal, when have you ever heard of an "angelette" or a "baby angel?" When have we ever heard about "immature angels" or "angel families?" When have we heard about "mother angels" or "daddy angels?" We have not heard of these because they simply do not exist, nor have they ever existed.

Our planet has received a special gift. The ability to procreate, a symbol of God's own creative ability, is a gift which we have been given. "The prince of evil, though possessing all the wisdom and might of an angel fallen, has not power to create, or to give life" (EGW). "The words of Christ are too plain to be misunderstood. They should forever settle the question of marriages and births in the new earth. Neither those who shall be raised from the dead, nor those who shall be translated without seeing death, will marry or be given in marriage. They will be as the angels of God, members of the royal family." {MM 99.4}


Green Cochoa.

We can receive of heaven's light only as we are willing to be emptied of self. We can discern the character of God, and accept Christ by faith, only as we consent to the bringing into captivity of every thought to the obedience of Christ. And to all who do this, the Holy Spirit is given without measure. In Christ "dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in Him." [Colossians 2:9, 10.] {GW 57.1} -- Ellen White.
Re: Who were the 'spirits in prison'? [Re: Green Cochoa] #150110
02/27/13 02:31 AM
02/27/13 02:31 AM
APL  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Green
They are not made of flesh as we are. We know this from both the Bible and from the writings of Mrs. White.
Originally Posted By: EGW
His eyes were cunning, sly, and showed great penetration. His frame was large, but the flesh hung loosely about his hands and face.{1SG 27.2}
Originally Posted By: EGW
I was informed that those who lived in the days of Noah and Abraham were more like the angels in form, in comeliness and strength. But every generation has been growing weaker, and more subject to disease, and their lives of shorter duration. Satan has been learning how to annoy men, and to enfeeble the race. {1SG 69.2}
I have no argument about the nephilim, nor Satan's ability to create life or procreate life. BUT - as EGW said above Satan has eyes, a frame, and flesh. Also, men of old had the appearence more like angels. But we have grown weaker? Why? And how is that transmitted to our offspring? "Satan has been learning how to annoy men, and enfeeble the race." Gen_3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.

What is the curse? Did God instigate it? NOPE! Why is a snake, a snake? God's design? No. Gen_3:14 And the LORD God said to the serpent, Because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; on your belly shall you go, and dust shall you eat all the days of your life: A snake is a snake because of "the curse". So why is a snake a snake? Well, and interesting paper from our "evolutionary friends". "Changes in Hox genes’ structure and function during the evolution of the squamate body plan." Nature 464:99-103. This paper is behind a paywall. So to summarize, a snake is a snake because of mobile genetic elements in the HOX genes. The HOX clusters define a body plan of an organism. Our genomes are made up with at least 50% mobile genetic elements, and a recent paper suggests over 90%. But what is interesting is the HOX clusters are almost devoid of mobile genetic element invasion. The snake is not so lucky. See one of our kind evolutionists speak about this article with pictures HERE. Gen_3:16 To the woman he said, I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in sorrow you shall bring forth children; It is clear from science that mammalian reproduction has been greatly altered by mobile genetic elements. How about this verse? Gen_3:17-18 And to Adam he said, Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree, of which I commanded you, saying, You shall not eat of it: cursed is the ground for your sake; in sorrow shall you eat of it all the days of your life; 18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to you; and you shall eat the herb of the field; Where did the thorn and thistle come from?
Originally Posted By: EGW
All tares are sown by the evil one. Every noxious herb is of his sowing, and by his ingenious methods of amalgamation he has corrupted the earth with tares. {16MR 247.2}
Originally Posted By: EGW
Satan has the power of disease and death, and in every age the curse has been more visible, and the power of Satan more plainly seen. {1SG 69.2}
One example from our time, AIDS. What a "curse" to the human population. Viruses are a form of mobile genetic element. Did God create the viruses? Nope. They are the seed of Satan.

Oh, that men might open their minds to know God as he is revealed in his Son! {ST, January 20, 1890}
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