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Re: Some signs will happen again? [Re: James Peterson] #161620
02/12/14 04:11 AM
02/12/14 04:11 AM
Alchemy  Offline OP
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Originally Posted By: James Peterson
Originally Posted By: Alchemy
Originally Posted By: James Peterson
[quote=Godsloveandlaw]This he did, of course, with the implicit understanding that at the time of the "unrolling of the scroll" (Testimonies, Vol.6, p.17), when the writings of Daniel and of John the Revelator would be illuminated, the reader should exchange his "thoughts," if erroneous, for the truth, as the humble follower of Christ ever does.

That's a strange thing to say. The book of Daniel was understood well among the leaders of the Apostolic Church. It says so in Mat. 23:15 ("When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand)") and in 2 Thes. 2:3 ("Let no man deceive you by any means:for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition").

Why, in heaven's name, do SDA fill themselves up with lies; instead of reading the Bible for themselves?


I understand your confusion with the Book of Daniel, James.

Much of Daniel was understood. Such as the four kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Pesia, Greece and Rome. These kingdoms are called out by name so this much was known.

But, the part of Daniel that has to do with the last days was not understood. Daniel admits to this at the end of Daniel 8. Even in Daniel 9 when the angel comes to help Daniel, the angel only explained the beginning of the prophecy, not the part about the last days.

I hope I was clear.

Daniel was not part of the Apostolic era of the Church. His book was understood in that era. As I said, it was written to them of old, "whosoever reads, let him understand."

/// [/quote]

Blessings James,

Not all of it "was written to them of old" as you put it. Part of the Book of Daniel was clearly sealed until the time of the end. (Daniel 12:9)

Re: Some signs will happen again? [Re: Alchemy] #161621
02/12/14 04:16 AM
02/12/14 04:16 AM
Alchemy  Offline OP
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When we read the end of chapter 8 of Daniel and Daniel 12:8, we know Daniel did not understand all that he wrote about. Just a fascinating idea!

Now, as the part Daniel didn't understand unfolds before us in these last days, Christ and His truth is magnified more and more.

We find the truth of the judgment as well as the close of the judgment which is when Jesus will return the second time.

I pray we will all be ready.

Re: Some signs will happen again? [Re: Charity] #161636
02/12/14 07:02 AM
02/12/14 07:02 AM
Godsloveandlaw  Offline
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Here's some comments on the trumpets. Not showing this to change your mind only food for thought.

The Trumpets themselves are shown to be in two divisions, four in the Old Testament time, and three in the New, that is, the last three are "woe" Trumpets. The first of the woe Trumpets introduces the descending of the heavenly Star to Whom the key of the bottomless pit was given.

Obviously the Star is symbolical of the Angel who at the commencement of the millennium shuts Satan into the bottomless pit, for He, the Angel of Revelation 20:1, is the Angel Who has the key of the bottomless pit. He could not possibly have the key if it had been given to some other.

As Christ is the one who secures Satan's captivity, thereby ushering in the millennium, He alone can be fittingly symbolized by the "angel...having the key of the bottomless pit," and by the "star" to whom the "key" was given.

And as the "giving" of a thing to any certain one must precede the "having" of it by that one, the verbs "given" (Rev. 9:1) and "having" (Rev. 20:1; 1:18) point, of course, to two different times. Obviously, therefore, Christ received the "key" at the sounding of the fifth trumpet -- sometime before the millennium. Hence at the commencement of the millennium He already has it.

Christ's mission being to bring deliverance from the prison house of sin and of death (the bottomless pit), and to do so through the preaching of the gospel, the key, therefore, must be figurative of the gospel, the only power that is able to set free those who are imprisoned in "the bottomless pit".

Since the "bottomless pit" of Revelation 20:3 is symbolical of the earth as a prison house during the millennium, then the "bottomless pit" of Revelation 9:1, being identical, must likewise be symbolical of the earth as a prison house at another time.

This implicitly Biblical interpretation of the "star," the "key," and the "bottomless pit," reveals that the earth, at Christ's first advent, had become a prison house (a pit) for God's people and that Christ came to open it in order to save them.

Re: Some signs will happen again? [Re: Alchemy] #161653
02/12/14 02:49 PM
02/12/14 02:49 PM
James Peterson  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Alchemy
Not all of it "was written to them of old" as you put it. Part of the Book of Daniel was clearly sealed until the time of the end. (Daniel 12:9)

The time of the end was the Apostolic era. The Angel was referring to the time of the end OF THE KINGDOM OF JUDAH (i.e. the period just prior to the fall of Jerusalem). Read Heb. 1:1-2, "God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son."


Re: Some signs will happen again? [Re: Alchemy] #161654
02/12/14 02:53 PM
02/12/14 02:53 PM
James Peterson  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Alchemy
When we read the end of chapter 8 of Daniel and Daniel 12:8, we know Daniel did not understand all that he wrote about. Just a fascinating idea!

Now, as the part Daniel didn't understand unfolds before us in these last days, Christ and His truth is magnified more and more.

We find the truth of the judgment as well as the close of the judgment which is when Jesus will return the second time.

I pray we will all be ready.

You are imposing your own private interpretation on the scriptures in order to suite SDA doctrine. As I said in the previous post:

The time of the end was the Apostolic era. The Angel was referring to the time of the end OF THE KINGDOM OF JUDAH (i.e. the period just prior to the fall of Jerusalem). Read Heb. 1:1-2, "God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these LAST DAYS spoken to us by His Son."


Re: Some signs will happen again? [Re: Alchemy] #161681
02/12/14 11:00 PM
02/12/14 11:00 PM
kland  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Alchemy
When we read the end of chapter 8 of Daniel and Daniel 12:8, we know Daniel did not understand all that he wrote about. Just a fascinating idea!

Now, as the part Daniel didn't understand unfolds before us in these last days, Christ and His truth is magnified more and more.

We find the truth of the judgment as well as the close of the judgment which is when Jesus will return the second time.

I pray we will all be ready.

Da 9:22 And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding.

About what?

Da 10:1 ¶ In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed unto Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar; and the thing was true, but the time appointed was long: and he understood the thing, and had understanding of the vision.

Last edited by Daryl; 02/13/14 01:58 AM. Reason: Post restored.
Re: Some signs will happen again? [Re: Godsloveandlaw] #161698
02/13/14 02:01 AM
02/13/14 02:01 AM
Charity  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Godsloveandlaw
Not showing this to change your mind only food for thought.

Thank you GLL.

In the same spirit of freedom and to stimulate thought - ->

Miller's interpretation of the smoke rising from the abyss in the fifth trumpet as being symbolic of religious falsehood is sound (it can't be literal smoke because it issues from hell) but the greatest satanic falsehood at the end of time that obscures the light of truth for many inhabitants of Earth is the sorcery of spiritualism. How many are deceived by this “smoke screen”? Further on in the trumpet's description we have a clue: The locusts that emerge from the smoke are commanded to hurt only those who are not sealed. And who are the unsealed? They would be every living person at that time except the sealed, and the sealed are a small remnant. The smoke therefore is the doctrines of all false religions, but especially of Babylon.

When the barriers against the occult are broken down by near universal fascination with Spiritualism, Satan is released from his abyss and goes forth under the guise of a false prophet. Spiritualism and the occult are the twin abysmal forces that take the world captive, causing it to erect an image to the beast. It is this miracle working power from beneath that denies the authority of God, His Son and His law. It thinks to trample on Christ in the person of His saints and His word. But will the world be left without a fair warning before taking these steps?

Re: Some signs will happen again? [Re: Charity] #161699
02/13/14 02:03 AM
02/13/14 02:03 AM
Charity  Offline
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In Revelation 8:13 God in mercy sends the following warning message:
And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!

As the nations prepare to erect an image to the beast they are cautioned in the strongest possible terms of the consequences of following through with their planned course of action. Like the messages of the three angels of Revelation 14, this message is also given with a loud voice and is also global in it's reach. It becomes a present truth message during the interlude between the fourth and fifth trumpets. It complements the first angel's message and anticipates the second, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, pleading with Christendom not to take this plunge into the abyss by making the second angel's message of Revelation 14 a reality. The message is a warning and a plea not to force a false system of worship upon all nations bringing upon the world the judgment of of God. Tragically as with the ancient Pharaoh, this plea goes unheeded.

Not very many years ago Adventists in their corporate logo portrayed the messages of the three angel's of Revelation 14 as three angels sounding trumpets. Prior to 1997 when the logo was changed, the logo inadvertently linked the trumpet-woes of Revelation 8:13 to the three angels messages of Revelation 14. Was that a major mistake or a divine providence? To my mind there is no doubt – it was an important providence. I grew up with the man who designed the new logo, Brian Gray, and his brother, Chris, another small providence of it's own. I didn't know Brian well because he was a couple years younger, but Chris and I were school mates in academy and college.

Re: Some signs will happen again? [Re: Charity] #161701
02/13/14 02:14 AM
02/13/14 02:14 AM
Charity  Offline
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The message of warning in Rev. 8:13 is sounded just before the first of the three woes. It continues throughout the woes explaining to any who have ears to hear why the woes have befallen Babylon and those allied with her.

The announcement of the first angel of Revelation 14 that the judgment hour has arrived has been present truth since the 1840's. But the judgment hour message takes center stage when the first four trumpets sound in quick succession. The first four trumpets are sent in mercy to herald to the world the nearness of Christ's return. Through the trumpets, God pleads with humanity by fire (I make some comments on the fire of trumpets 1 to 4 earlier in the thread.) and sword:

For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many. Isa 66:15 and 16.

But rather than repent, the nations of the world seek a human solution to a global crises. As the image of the beast is erected and given the powers of economic coercion so no one can buy or sell who resists its authority, the woe message shifts in emphasis to the second angel's message during the fifth trumpet. Finally, during the sixth trumpet when worship of the image is enforced on the pain of death the message of woe swells with the Loud Cry of the fourth angel.

Re: Some signs will happen again? [Re: Charity] #161724
02/13/14 05:27 PM
02/13/14 05:27 PM
Charity  Offline
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By the way, the old logo I mentioned in post 161699 above is at the top of every forum page between the Canadian and US flags.

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