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Re: Does God Punish? (Part 3) [Re: APL] #164236
04/12/14 02:30 AM
04/12/14 02:30 AM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Originally Posted By: APL
So MM disagrees with the article Daryl. MM - we don't learn anything about the death of a sinner from the death or Christ, is that a fair summary of your position?

No. I said, "nearly null and void." There are far more dissimilarities between the two events.

Re: Does God Punish? (Part 3) [Re: Daryl] #164239
04/12/14 04:32 AM
04/12/14 04:32 AM
APL  Offline
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Originally Posted By: daryl
The above quote speaks about the love and justice of God. And God's justice punishes.

Yes, God is love, but God is also just and also hates sin and will deal with the transgressors of His law who have rejected Him and His law.
What exactly does God do? Let's look at what EGW says.

Satan works through the elements also to garner his harvest of unprepared souls. He has studied the secrets of the laboratories of nature, and he uses all his power to control the elements as far as God allows. When he was suffered to afflict Job, how quickly flocks and herds, servants, houses, children, were swept away, one trouble succeeding another as in a moment. It is God that shields His creatures and hedges them in from the power of the destroyer. But the Christian world have shown contempt for the law of Jehovah; and the Lord will do just what He has declared that He would--He will withdraw His blessings from the earth and remove His protecting care from those who are rebelling against His law and teaching and forcing others to do the same. Satan has control of all whom God does not especially guard. He will favor and prosper some in order to further his own designs, and he will bring trouble upon others and lead men to believe that it is God who is afflicting them. {GC 589.2}

While appearing to the children of men as a great physician who can heal all their maladies, he will bring disease and disaster, until populous cities are reduced to ruin and desolation. Even now he is at work. In accidents and calamities by sea and by land, in great conflagrations, in fierce tornadoes and terrific hailstorms, in tempests, floods, cyclones, tidal waves, and earthquakes, in every place and in a thousand forms, Satan is exercising his power. He sweeps away the ripening harvest, and famine and distress follow. He imparts to the air a deadly taint, and thousands perish by the pestilence. These visitations are to become more and more frequent and disastrous. Destruction will be upon both man and beast. "The earth mourneth and fadeth away," "the haughty people . . . do languish. The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant."
Isaiah 24:4-5. {GC 589.3}


We cannot know how much we owe to Christ for the peace and protection which we enjoy. It is the restraining power of God that prevents mankind from passing fully under the control of Satan. The disobedient and unthankful have great reason for gratitude for God's mercy and long-suffering in holding in check the cruel, malignant power of the evil one. But when men pass the limits of divine forbearance, that restraint is removed.
God does not stand toward the sinner as an executioner of the sentence against transgression; but He leaves the rejectors of His mercy to themselves, to reap that which they have sown. Every ray of light rejected, every warning despised or unheeded, every passion indulged, every transgression of the law of God, is a seed sown which yields its unfailing harvest. The Spirit of God, persistently resisted, is at last withdrawn from the sinner, and then there is left no power to control the evil passions of the soul, and no protection from the malice and enmity of Satan. The destruction of Jerusalem is a fearful and solemn warning to all who are trifling with the offers of divine grace and resisting the pleadings of divine mercy. Never was there given a more decisive testimony to God's hatred of sin and to the certain punishment that will fall upon the guilty. {GC 36.1}


"And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?"
The wrath of God fell upon Christ. This was the hiding of the Father's countenance. Tho innocent, Christ was treated as a sinner, that through His merits sinners, tho guilty, might be treated as the loyal and obedient children of God. Christ died with the sins of the world imputed to Him, that His righteousness might be imputed to the sinner. When the sense of the loss of His Father's favor was withdrawn, Christ had drained the last dregs in the cup of bitterness. {ST, April 14, 1898 par. 9}


It was the anguish of separation from His Father's favor that made Christ's sufferings so acute. As the agony of soul came upon Him, "He sweat as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground." His terrible suffering, caused by the thought that in this hour of need God had forsaken Him, portrays the anguish that the sinner will feel when, too late, he realizes that God's Spirit has been withdrawn from him.
{ST, August 9, 1905 par. 2}


The long-suffering of God toward Jerusalem only confirmed the Jews in their stubborn impenitence. In their hatred and cruelty toward the disciples of Jesus they rejected the last offer of mercy. Then
God withdrew His protection from them and removed His restraining power from Satan and his angels, and the nation was left to the control of the leader she had chosen. Her children had spurned the grace of Christ, which would have enabled them to subdue their evil impulses, and now these became the conquerors. Satan aroused the fiercest and most debased passions of the soul. Men did not reason; they were beyond reason--controlled by impulse and blind rage. They became satanic in their cruelty. In the family and in the nation, among the highest and the lowest classes alike, there was suspicion, envy, hatred, strife, rebellion, murder. There was no safety anywhere. Friends and kindred betrayed one another. Parents slew their children, and children their parents. The rulers of the people had no power to rule themselves. Uncontrolled passions made them tyrants. The Jews had accepted false testimony to condemn the innocent Son of God. Now false accusations made their own lives uncertain. By their actions they had long been saying: "Cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us." Isaiah 30:11. Now their desire was granted. The fear of God no longer disturbed them. Satan was at the head of the nation, and the highest civil and religious authorities were under his sway. {GC 28.1}


Men cannot with impunity reject the warning which God in mercy sends them. A message was sent from heaven to the world in Noah's day, and their salvation depended upon the manner in which they treated that message. Because they rejected the warning,
the Spirit of God was withdrawn from the sinful race, and they perished in the waters of the Flood. In the time of Abraham, mercy ceased to plead with the guilty inhabitants of Sodom, and all but Lot with his wife and two daughters were consumed by the fire sent down from heaven. So in the days of Christ. The Son of God declared to the unbelieving Jews of that generation: "Your house is left unto you desolate." Matthew 23:38. Looking down to the last days, the same Infinite Power declares, concerning those who "received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved": "For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12. As they reject the teachings of His word, God withdraws His Spirit and leaves them to the deceptions which they love. {GC 431.1}


The Saviour cannot withdraw from the soul that clings to Him, pleading its great need.
{DA 198.5}


Hearts that respond to the influence of the Holy Spirit are the channels through which God's blessing flows.
Were those who serve God removed from the earth, and His Spirit withdrawn from among men, this world would be left to desolation and destruction, the fruit of Satan's dominion. Though the wicked know it not, they owe even the blessings of this life to the presence, in the world, of God's people whom they despise and oppress. But if Christians are such in name only, they are like the salt that has lost its savor. They have no influence for good in the world. Through their misrepresentation of God they are worse than unbelievers. {DA 306.4}


All heaven and the unfallen worlds had been witnesses to the controversy. With what intense interest did they follow the closing scenes of the conflict. They beheld the Saviour enter the garden of Gethsemane, His soul bowed down with the horror of a great darkness. They heard His bitter cry, "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me."
Matthew 26:39. As the Father's presence was withdrawn, they saw Him sorrowful with a bitterness of sorrow exceeding that of the last great struggle with death. The bloody sweat was forced from His pores, and fell in drops upon the ground. Thrice the prayer for deliverance was wrung from His lips. Heaven could no longer endure the sight, and a messenger of comfort was sent to the Son of God. {DA 759.5} [The Father did not execute the son]

Oh, that men might open their minds to know God as he is revealed in his Son! {ST, January 20, 1890}
Re: Does God Punish? (Part 3) [Re: Daryl] #164246
04/12/14 05:04 PM
04/12/14 05:04 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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The fruit of believing Jesus does not punish and destroy is worldliness. It comes as a package. They are soft on sin. The truth about retributive justice serves a purpose - "the judgments of God pronounced against sin, the inevitable retribution, the degradation of our character, and the final destruction, are presented in God's word to warn us against the service of Satan." {SC 21.4}

The fruit of focusing on the fact Jesus does indeed punish and destroy is unloveliness. It comes as a package. They are hard on sinners. The truth about love, mercy, pardon, grace serves a purpose - "the exceeding rewards for right-doing, the enjoyment of heaven, the society of the angels, the communion and love of God and His Son, the elevation and extension of all our powers throughout eternal ages--are these not mighty incentives and encouragements to urge us to give the heart's loving service to our Creator and Redeemer?" {SC 21.3}

We need the beautiful balance - "Christ in you, the hope of glory."

Re: Does God Punish? (Part 3) [Re: Daryl] #164248
04/12/14 08:35 PM
04/12/14 08:35 PM
APL  Offline
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The judgments God declares about sin is that sin is destructive. God destroys no man. God will do as He has said He would - He will withdraw His blessings from the earth and remove His protecting care from those who are rebelling against His law and teaching and forcing others to do the same.

Teaching that God is the destroyer is worldliness. Satan is the destroyer, God is the restorer.

Oh, that men might open their minds to know God as he is revealed in his Son! {ST, January 20, 1890}
Re: Does God Punish? (Part 3) [Re: Daryl] #164253
04/13/14 01:47 AM
04/13/14 01:47 AM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Do you really believe a loving heavenly Father will withdraw His hand and permit death and destruction? If so, then you serve a cruel God. Look and live. Search the Scriptures - nowhere does it say Jesus, while here in the flesh, withdrew His hand and permitted death and destruction.

Re: Does God Punish? (Part 3) [Re: Mountain Man] #164255
04/13/14 02:35 AM
04/13/14 02:35 AM
APL  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Mountain Man
Do you really believe a loving heavenly Father will withdraw His hand and permit death and destruction? If so, then you serve a cruel God. Look and live. Search the Scriptures - nowhere does it say Jesus, while here in the flesh, withdrew His hand and permitted death and destruction.
Then you missed it! For we have seen it clearly!!! Look again.

Oh, that men might open their minds to know God as he is revealed in his Son! {ST, January 20, 1890}
Re: Does God Punish? (Part 3) [Re: Daryl] #164256
04/13/14 03:26 AM
04/13/14 03:26 AM
dedication  Online Content
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At the second coming --
Christ IS COMING, not withdrawing.
The brightness of His coming destroys everyone who is not clothed with the garments of His righteousness.

So -- it is not a "withdrawing" --
It is His very presence that causes their death.

Those who accepted His offer of life, salvation and His deliverance from sin are enabled to "stand" in His presence, and join Him in the clouds in gladness.

Those who have not accepted His offer of life, will not be enabled to stand and they are consumed by the brightness of His coming.

It's rather difficult to see the rational behind what APL claims.
Obviously Christ's coming is death to the unsaved, something that would not have happened to them at that time had Christ not come at that time.

It's obvious that the unsaved will lose life -- a life that Christ could give them if He chose to do so and if He chose to allow sin to continue as He has for the past 6000 years. He could veil His glory so they won't die at that time, but because of their own choice in rejecting His ways, they die, life is no longer granted to them. They can't stand in the brightness of His glory and righteousness, it consumes them.

When God says, enough of this sin and misery, and steps in to end it, He will end it.

Re: Does God Punish? (Part 3) [Re: Daryl] #164259
04/13/14 04:36 AM
04/13/14 04:36 AM
APL  Offline
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dedication - is the second coming "the" end? Nope.

Is God a consuming fire? Yep! What do the unrighteous do when Christ comes? Revelation 6:15-16 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every slave, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

Does the death of Christ say anything to you about the death of a sinner? It does not to MM, what about you?

Satan is the destroyer, not God. But yet, most here say God is the biggest destroyer ever. Oh that's right, green says God is not "the" destroyer, God in only "a" destroyer. That over is not true also.

Dedication - do you not have any answer to the quotations of EGW? Why do you ignore the plainest statements? When EGW says "God destroys no man", WHY do you say that God does destroy sinners? Sinners die, but WHY???? Not by execution. Chris died, HOW, WHY? Was Christ executed by God? God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Oh, that men might open their minds to know God as he is revealed in his Son! {ST, January 20, 1890}
Re: Does God Punish? (Part 3) [Re: Daryl] #164260
04/13/14 04:39 AM
04/13/14 04:39 AM
APL  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Dedication
So -- it is not a "withdrawing" --
It is His very presence that causes their death.
Originally Posted By: EGW
Satan works through the elements also to garner his harvest of unprepared souls. He has studied the secrets of the laboratories of nature, and he uses all his power to control the elements as far as God allows. When he was suffered to afflict Job, how quickly flocks and herds, servants, houses, children, were swept away, one trouble succeeding another as in a moment. It is God that shields His creatures and hedges them in from the power of the destroyer. But the Christian world have shown contempt for the law of Jehovah; and the Lord will do just what He has declared that He would--He will withdraw His blessings from the earth and remove His protecting care from those who are rebelling against His law and teaching and forcing others to do the same. Satan has control of all whom God does not especially guard. He will favor and prosper some in order to further his own designs, and he will bring trouble upon others and lead men to believe that it is God who is afflicting them. {GC 589.2}
What is removed? What is given over? Bonus question - WHO causes the last plagues? God or Satan?

Oh, that men might open their minds to know God as he is revealed in his Son! {ST, January 20, 1890}
Re: Does God Punish? (Part 3) [Re: APL] #164262
04/13/14 05:35 AM
04/13/14 05:35 AM
dedication  Online Content
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Originally Posted By: APL
dedication - is the second coming "the" end? Nope.

Is God a consuming fire? Yep! What do the unrighteous do when Christ comes? Revelation 6:15-16 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every slave, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

It is the end of this world as it presently stands, and the unsaved do more than run to hide, they are consumed by the brightness of His coming. 2 Thess. 2
And Revelation 19 says they are slain.

Are you suggesting those who reach the caves keep on living? No, they don't, and most of them never reach any caves. There are still great multitudes of people living to see Christ coming, they don't all die in the plagues, they are consumed by the brightness of His coming.

You simply jump around the obvious, of what I stated as if it won't happen.

All the unsaved will die, because of Christ's coming.
They won't be able to stand in the brightness of his coming.
The saved are enabled to stand, because they have accepted the forgiveness and righteousness of Christ, but the unsaved can't stand, they are consumed.

It's because of His coming that they die.

No human unsaved human will be left alive during those 1000 years.

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