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Re: Foretelling the rejection of the Investigative Judgement? [Re: Rick H] #164090
04/07/14 12:51 PM
04/07/14 12:51 PM
dedication  Online Content
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So basically, James, you believe everyone will be saved in the end?
The world and especially the "church" (which is all Christians and believers in a supreme being) is now organizing for that glorious "leap" into a new age?
"christ" who according to you is already here, will soon manifest himself more visual and rule here on earth?

Re: Foretelling the rejection of the Investigative Judgement? [Re: dedication] #164094
04/07/14 01:38 PM
04/07/14 01:38 PM
James Peterson  Offline
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Originally Posted By: dedication
So basically, James, you believe everyone will be saved in the end?
The world and especially the "church" (which is all Christians and believers in a supreme being) is now organizing for that glorious "leap" into a new age? "christ" who according to you is already here, will soon manifest himself more visual and rule here on earth?

Rather than argue over what I didn't say, I'd prefer you answer my post to MM.

"The doctrine (of an investigative judgement) came out of an erroneous interpretation of Dan. 8:14. But the High Priest only sprinkled the blood for the "cleansing of the sanctuary". If you find otherwise, then show where he investigated the historical records of the dead."


Re: Foretelling the rejection of the Investigative Judgement? [Re: Rick H] #164096
04/07/14 04:37 PM
04/07/14 04:37 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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James, thank you for the study. I enjoy learning what other people believe.

Re: Foretelling the rejection of the Investigative Judgement? [Re: Mountain Man] #164099
04/07/14 05:37 PM
04/07/14 05:37 PM
James Peterson  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Mountain Man
James, thank you for the study. I enjoy learning what other people believe.

You're welcome thanks


Re: Foretelling the rejection of the Investigative Judgement? [Re: James Peterson] #164106
04/08/14 12:58 AM
04/08/14 12:58 AM
Rosangela  Offline
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The temple of God was, is and will ALWAYS be His people.

This is not the only interpretation and will never be.

Re: Foretelling the rejection of the Investigative Judgement? [Re: Rosangela] #164107
04/08/14 01:26 AM
04/08/14 01:26 AM
James Peterson  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Rosangela
The temple of God was, is and will ALWAYS be His people.

This is not the only interpretation and will never be.

Then, would you like to answer this what I posed to MM?

"The doctrine (of an investigative judgement) came out of an erroneous interpretation of Dan. 8:14. But the High Priest only sprinkled the blood for the "cleansing of the sanctuary". If you find otherwise, then show where he investigated the historical records of the dead."


Re: Foretelling the rejection of the Investigative Judgement? [Re: James Peterson] #164109
04/08/14 02:14 AM
04/08/14 02:14 AM
dedication  Online Content
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Originally Posted By: James Peterson

Rather than argue over what I didn't say, I'd prefer you answer my post to MM.

"The doctrine (of an investigative judgement) came out of an erroneous interpretation of Dan. 8:14. But the High Priest only sprinkled the blood for the "cleansing of the sanctuary". If you find otherwise, then show where he investigated the historical records of the dead."


Yet a conversation is not really a conversation when one person won't reveal what they believe on the point that is the very bases that under-rides the discussion.

If you believe all will be saved in the end, of course any "investigative judgement" makes no sense to you at all.

As to your question -- the significance of the priest "sprinkling the blood" is far more than the limits you have placed on that symbolic action.

Christians commonly believe that Christ's death on the cross constituted the sum total of "atonement", but as already stated, Leviticus repeatedly says after a sacrifice the priest makes an atonement for him (Lev. 5:6,10,16 and more).
It is true that the cross is the one and only all sufficient sacrifice without which there would be no atonement.

Yet the Levitical sanctuary shows the priestly mediation which prefigured Christ's ministry in the heavenly sanctuary after his Ascension. The death made provision for atonement to be carried out, but without mediation there would be no atonement.

"If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins" 1 Cor. 15:17
But Christ has been raised and is in heaven as our mediator and High Priest.

Romans 5.9-10 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
Romans It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.
Heb. 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.


In Israel, following a full year of the daily ministry of the priest, came the day of Atonement.
While the ceremonial ritual repeated each year, Christ's work does not repeat in like manner, but a one year represents the entire work of Christ in reconciling people to God.

The relationship between the stages of Christ's ministry are:
1. Christ's death sufficient to cover all sin
2. Christ offers His gift of salvation to all who will come, and mediates in their behalf.
3. The question as to why some are saved and some are lost must be answered to restore perfect trust and harmony in the whole universe. After all none of us deserve to enter into a perfectly holy kingdom.

Oh, but you asked, where is there an investigation in the Mosaic Day of Atonement?

In the typical "Day of Atonement" when the sanctuary was cleansed, those who were not true followers of God were "cut off".
Lev. 23.29 For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people.

In other words, there was an investigation -- those who had not with contrite hearts sent their sins into the sanctuary to be covered by the sacrificial blood WERE CUT OFF.

In ancient Israel the Day of Atonement represented the conclusion of the judgment that began ten days earlier on the first day of the seventh month, with a massive blowing of trumpets (Feast of Trumpets).
The "Ten Days of Repentance," or the "Days of Awe." These are the ten days of introspection and preparation for the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), which falls on the tenth day of the seventh month.

The shofar beckoned the people with a solemn message of warning to repent for the time of judgment had come. It called upon the people to examine their lives, mend their ways, and experience divine cleansing.

The seventh trumpet of Revelation sounded in the 1840's as the first angel's message was announced to the world.
Rev. 14:7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

Re: Foretelling the rejection of the Investigative Judgement? [Re: Rick H] #164116
04/08/14 06:07 AM
04/08/14 06:07 AM
James Peterson  Offline
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Originally Posted By: dedication
Oh, but you asked, where is there an investigation in the Mosaic Day of Atonement?

In the typical "Day of Atonement" when the sanctuary was cleansed, those who were not true followers of God were "cut off". Lev. 23.29 For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people.

In other words, there was an investigation -- those who had not with contrite hearts sent their sins into the sanctuary to be covered by the sacrificial blood WERE CUT OFF.

In ancient Israel the Day of Atonement represented the conclusion of the judgment that began ten days earlier on the first day of the seventh month, with a massive blowing of trumpets (Feast of Trumpets). The "Ten Days of Repentance," or the "Days of Awe." These are the ten days of introspection and preparation for the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), which falls on the tenth day of the seventh month.

The shofar beckoned the people with a solemn message of warning to repent for the time of judgment had come. It called upon the people to examine their lives, mend their ways, and experience divine cleansing.

Luke 18:10-14 says ....

"Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you, this man went down to his house JUSTIFIED rather than the other."

Do you know what JUSTIFIED means?


Re: Foretelling the rejection of the Investigative Judgement? [Re: James Peterson] #164118
04/08/14 06:23 AM
04/08/14 06:23 AM
dedication  Online Content
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Here is a story of man justified (his debt of sin removed), but then a review was made that he despised his justification and his debt (of sin) was placed back upon him. (See Matt. 18:23-34)

Re: Foretelling the rejection of the Investigative Judgement? [Re: dedication] #164121
04/08/14 08:50 AM
04/08/14 08:50 AM
James Peterson  Offline
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Originally Posted By: dedication
1. Justification. Here is a story of man justified (his debt of sin removed),

2. but then a review was made that he despised his justification and his debt (of sin) was placed back upon him. (See Matt. 18:23-34)

1. Well said. Even Jesus agreed, "So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses.” Justification is forgiveness from the heart, the Divine example which we ought to follow with each other.

2. He was simply like one of the "foolish virgins": a member of the party but going forth without the oil. Time (and not review) reveals who is of God and who is not.

The sprinkling of the "blood of Christ", the gift of the Holy Spirit, is the evidence of justification (i.e. atonement); but it bears fruit only within those in whom it takes root. And time will tell.


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