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Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis #168634
10/04/14 01:33 AM
10/04/14 01:33 AM
Rick H  Offline OP
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I was talking to some of the nurses in the church about Ebola and whether it is a sign of the end and also mentioned to them the sickness sweeping across the country that appears to be causing paralysis in children, and they seem surprised about it. Has everyone seem the news on this..

"Enterovirus D-68 (EV-D68) is making kids sick in what appear to be unprecedented numbers. It might be causing paralysis — or maybe not. It may have infected some adults."



Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #168808
10/08/14 11:50 AM
10/08/14 11:50 AM
Elle  Offline
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I think much of it is hyped, info lacking, etc... basically another scam from Mystery Babylon.

Don't believe everything Mainstream Media tells you. They are Babylon's mouthpiece.

I'm not saying there's no disease going around, but what is said about it and what they make of it is all hyped and much of it are lies. There is a simple cure to "Ebola" -- vitamin C.

Here's what an health investigator,Jon Rappoport, has to say :

Ebola: How to Stage a Fake Epidemic

by Jon Rappoport,
October 7, 2014


Note: all my articles on Ebola can be accessed through my website, nomorefakenews.com. They provide extensive background for what I’m outlining here.

First, keep in mind that what I’m talking about is the creation of false reality.

In 1988, as I finished my first book, “AIDS INC., Scandal of the Century,” I made notes for an upcoming radio interview. Here is a relevant excerpt:

“It turns out there is absolutely no reason to say that HIV causes what is called AIDS. Once you subtract HIV from the official story, what are you left with?

“A number of people who present an array of illnesses and symptoms. But without HIV, the ‘glue’ that held them all together vanishes. So now you have sick people.

You have them in Africa, in New York, San Francisco, Haiti, and other places. Yes, they are sick and they are dying. But that doesn’t make an epidemic, because the tiny virus that was supposed to be at the bottom of all this is missing from the equation.

“This tells you how to invent a fake epidemic. You take many sick and dying people, and you claim there is one germ that is causing all the trouble.

“You promote a few diagnostic tests that ‘will confirm the presence of the germ’ and you tell people they must be tested.

“But the tests don’t really confirm the presence of the germ. They’re deceptive and useless. Of course, the test will register positive in many cases.

“These positive people are said to be victims of the one germ that is at the root of the epidemic.”

I wrote that in 1988, and it applies just as well to Ebola, as I’ve demonstrated.

The two primary diagnostic tests for Ebola—the antibody and the PCR—are completely useless for verifying the presence of millions of Ebola virus in a patient—which is what you need to begin to say that patient is an “Ebola case.”

In 1988 with AIDS, and more recently with Ebola, I’ve explained the list of factors that would make people sick and kill them—factors that have nothing to do with HIV or Ebola virus.

In essence, this is how you create a fake epidemic. Real death, false explanation.

You tie together and link together people who are sick and dying for various reasons, and you claim they’re all dying because of the One Germ.

That gives you a powerful psychological ploy, because people are always looking for the one unified thing that explains a whole host of disturbing facts.

You give them what they want.

They buy it.

In the case of “the SARS epidemic” in 2003, it was “the coronavirus.” As I’ve mentioned before, a Canadian microbiologist working for the World Health Organization, Frank Plummer, inadvertently blew the whistle on the scam when he told reporters, stunningly, that the percentage of SARS patients who actually “had the virus” was shrinking from month to month.

In fact, finally, the percentage was approaching zero.

This rank absurdity was duly reported in the press by brain-dead journalists, and everyone moved on, unaware that a bomb had just exploded.

How could these people be called “SARS cases,” when the one and only cause of SARS, “the coronavirus,” wasn’t present in their bodies?

In the case of HIV, it was even worse, because the people who were diagnosed as “HIV-positive,” as a result of useless and misleading antibody tests, were given a drug called AZT.

AZT was a failed chemotherapy drug sitting on the shelves of the US National Institutes of Health. It had been there for nearly 25 years.

It was doled out to patients with orders that they take it every day for the rest of their lives.

To say AZT is highly toxic is a vast understatement. It attacks all cells of the body, including cells of the immune system. So when patients began dying as a result, doctors blithely assured one and all that “the AIDS disease had accelerated” and the deaths had nothing to do with AZT.

This gives you a clue about how medical criminals can target specific populations.

For example, gay men in America were heavily promoted to “take the AIDS test.” The propaganda was relentless. Naturally, a percentage of the tested men showed up positive on, again, the useless and misleading antibody test.

They were dosed with what amounts to a chemical warfare agent. AZT. Many died.

In the late 1990s, I gave talk about HIV to a group of people in the community room of a park in Hollywood. I said to them:

Imagine that this park is suddenly called the epicenter of an outbreak of a virus. It’s all a fake, but there it is. Health authorities order their agents to track down everyone who has been in the park in the last three months.

These park visitors must be tested for the presence of the virus. Of course, the test is fatally flawed. It shows positive results for a few dozen reasons, none of which has anything to do with the presence of a virus.

Those people, those park visitors who “test positive,” are now given a drug which is so toxic it can kill them. It does kill many of them.

As they die, the health authorities count them as victims of the “Hollywood Park virus.”

The circle is closed. The lies interlock.

After my book, AIDS Inc., was published in 1988, I interviewed a researcher attached to the largest HIV study ever done on gay men, the ongoing San Francisco Men’s Study.

This piece of research tracked men who had been diagnosed as HIV to see what happened to them over the course of many yerar.

Of course, all of them were taking AZT. A huge percentage of them fell ill and died.

But there was a subset of men who remained healthy for 8-10 years and were still healthy. The common denominator? They never took AZT, or they stopped taking it.

I asked the researcher why the organizers of the Study didn’t trumpet this fact.

She said they didn’t think it was very important.

Not important? According to the conventional “science,” these men should be dead. They weren’t. They were healthy. They didn’t take the drug.

This is the kind of “science” that is used to bolster fake epidemics. Real death, false reason.

A crime like no other.

Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Elle] #168820
10/08/14 01:20 PM
10/08/14 01:20 PM
Elle  Offline
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This a good comment about the WHITE HOUSE PRESS CONFERENCE ON EBOLA BREAKDOWN being very blunt about the lies while giving background of the facts of what the US has realy done and their potential real agenda behind this.

Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #168833
10/08/14 08:53 PM
10/08/14 08:53 PM
kland  Offline
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I can't believe it! I agree with Elle that it is hype. I've heard on the radio that it is not that big of a disease, there are many other current diseases much worse, but it is being hyped.

This is none other than a scare tactic to get the sheeple to do what they want. And maybe a little distraction from the increasing radiation levels across the world from Japan. And I read the EPA wants to increase the safe levels allowed. No doubt! Got to so they can claim all radiation levels are with the "safe limits". Ha, ha.

Expect to see a drive for mass vaccinations. Once they can get all the people regularly and blindly submitting to injection, they will swap the cool-aide out. If people are causing global warming, then if there are less people, less global warming. Just ask Bill Gates. Also, expect the possibility of martial-law.

No, Ebola is not to be feared. What is to be feared are the ones promoting the fear.

Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: kland] #168859
10/09/14 12:06 PM
10/09/14 12:06 PM
Elle  Offline
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Nice to be on the same page Kland.

Just read through this article this morning rather quickly. Seems very important information to post here for everyone to read and do their own research on it.

Basically the government (with the backing of NIH) is recommending the sheeple to buy Melatonin available over the counter and take 66.666 times more the safe dose. Here's a quote of their(government) recommendation :


**Key issues related to the use of melatonin probably include early intervention with a large dose (20 mg or more for a single dose; since there is no precedent for an effective melatonin dose,some upward adjustment of the dose may have greater efficacy);

this dose should be given several times per day for a prolonged period.

The treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after the infection is diagnosed; presumably it would never be too late to begin treatment.**

Here is what the comment of the guy who wrote this article has to say about it:

The 20mg recommended here is 66.6666 times the dosage recommended below for melatonin to be safe (0.3mg) and yet they say to "adjust upwards" and to give several times a day.

OVERDOSING was exactly what was responsible for killing tens of millions in 1918.

Anyway this is a worthwhile article to read. Sorry but I don't have time to format the article's text right now. Better go to the link to read it.

Melatonin Schmelatonin!!!: The Criminal NIH Sets US Public Up for Ebola-like Symptoms and Zombie-Like Behavior

NIH has been suppressing cancer and other cures for decades, allowing people to to die terrible and unnecessary deaths.

Watch this documentary to see how they were involved in suppressing a cure for childhood brain cancer, leaving parents to subject their beloved children to torturous chemotherapy that has no chance of helping them but which destroys their brains.

Here is the trailer showing how hideously toxic the industrial medical treatment is, the treatment that makes a fortune for those invested in it who control "health" in the US. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJSWWaoXfOw

But NIH did far worse. They were involved in trying to get the doctor who was curing children harmlessly, imprisoned and to steal his patents.

Here is the full movie with NIH and FDA exposed as criminals on a government plot to stop access to cancer cures for children and to profit from stealing the patents involved by putting the inventor in prison.


That criminal and heartless behavior is the NIH. Take a good * * * look.

They didn't have a sudden conversion. They are still deadly and they are still daily letting the American people, including small children, go through horrific deadly treatments and die in ignorance of full, gentle cures, as they make money in the process.

The NIH did NOT go public and reach out mass media, as they just did about melatonin, to say the following, though it was their own study:

"... unexpectedly long survivaltimes" in patients with advanced cancers who received IV vitaminC and two complete cures.

Why is the NIH silent about a cure for cancer even up to today, but suddenly encouraging melatonin?

The NIH saw in its own study that IV vitamin C produced a complete cure for advancedlymphoma.

"Patients with untreated stage III diffuse B-celllymphoma have a dismal prognosis. This case, like the preceding one, is unusual in that the patient refused chemotherapy, which might have produced a long-term remission. It appears, nonetheless, that a cure occurred in connection with intravenous vitamin Cinfusions."

So why did the NIH not make IV vitamin C a standard and highly recommended treatment forlymphoma?

Instead, the NIH recommends only piddling and thus ineffective amounts of vitamin Cto the public and does not mention its own study showing long survival times and unexpected cancer cures from IV doses (huge amounts) ofvitamin C.

NIH (which has a revolving door to the FDA, Pharma, NIAID, CDC, HHS, etc.) is at the heart of the Rockefeller-run medical "industry" that will do anything to protect their products and ensure that there are no cures. The Rockefellers mean oil and banking and they are polluting the world and killing millions in wars for oil, and impoverishing all its people. Not exactly the most likely people to protect anyone's health. http://naturalrevolution.org/the-rockefellers-the-fda-the-cancer-industry/

David Rockefeller started the "Good Club"http://www.engdahl.oilgeopolitics.net/Swine_Flu/Gates_Vaccines/gates_vaccines.html for billionairess who want to see a drastic (70 - 95% reduction in world population) and has been involved in vaccines that sterilize and controls the WHO which in 1974 requested an immune virus that kills T-cells and shortly after gave vaccines in Central Africa where AIDS (an immune virus that kills T-cells) first broke out. Rockefellers had 1/2 interest in IG Farben the Nazi pharmaceutical and chemical industry that put Hitler into office, ran the extermination camps, experimented on prisoners, and killed millions of people by gassing and other means, during WWII. After the war, they became the major funders of the WHO and thus control it.

The Rockefellers control the NIH, the FDA, HHS, FDA, NIAID, etc. It also controls the CIA which controls the CDC. http://exopolitics.blogs.com/ebolagate/2014/08/cdc-and-cia-a-close-and-sick-relationship.html.

Put 1 and 1 together.

The NIH, suddenly, in the midst of a government scripted ebola scare in which the CDC own the virus and is set to make a fortune off of vaccines, has announced melatonin is a cure for ebola?

Does something stink to high heaven in this, or what?

UPDATED: Bombshell NIH Ebola Treatment Announced! You Will Not Believe What The Potential Cure Is!

The article title should read - Bombshell, NIH Screws Their Pharma Masters and Offers a Natural Cure That Would Destroy Trillion Dollar Prospect from Ebola Vaccines

Click on the link to see how the whole system really works.

Remember the central laws of the pharmaceutical industry:

"The main principles governing the pharmaceutical “business with disease.” It is not in the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry to prevent common diseases – the maintenance and expansion of diseases is a precondition for the financial growth of this industry."
The pharmaceutical industry is an investment industry driven by the profits of its shareholders.Improving human health is not the driving force of this industry.

The pharmaceutical investment industry was artificially created and strategically developed over an entire century by the same investment groups that control the global petrochemical and chemical industries.

The huge profits of the pharmaceutical industry are based on the patenting of new drugs. These patents essentially allow drug manufacturers to arbitrarily define the profits for their products.

The marketplace for the pharmaceutical industry is the human body – but only for as long as the body hosts diseases. Thus, maintaining andexpanding diseases is a precondition for the growth of the pharmaceutical industry.

[Emphasis added.]

See more:

The NIH is doing two things with melatonin.

1. NIH is distracting from word getting out that that vitamin C is ABSOLUTELY a cure for ebola,and for every single virus known or concocted by US bioweapons labs, and for cancer and other diseases.

Combating Ebola: How To Fight Ebola with Vitamin C & Ascorbic Acid

Vitamin C cures ebola.

"To date, not a single virus has been tested that is not inactivated (killed) by a large enough dose of vitamin C(ascorbic acid). Many other antioxidants have similar virucidal effects, but vitaminC appears uniquely to be of greatest potency and clinical efficacy, as its simple chemical structure allows for it to be disseminated throughout the body with little restriction.

"As such, it is able to effectively address viral populations present in both the intracellular and extracellular spaces. Other antioxidants have been found to have higher ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) values – measurements which are used to quantify the antioxidant capacity of supplements (or foods). However, a virus can never be incapacitated by a potent antioxidant if the chemical structure of that antioxidant does not permit direct contact between the virus and the antioxidant.

"Vitamin C is both very potent and optimally bioavailable in accessing any viral infection."

Vitamin C is ABSOLUTELY SAFE for everyone, regardless of age and at any dose, including extremely high ones which might be needed to overcome an ebola bioattack

2. Instead the NIH is recommending melatonin, which is unsafe except at extremely low doses.

None of the advantages of vitamin C are true for melatonin which the NIH is suddenly and uncharacteristically urging on the public.

Notice that this is a public that the CDC and WHO and pharma controlled media and US government have worked overtime to frighten the public about.

So, through government and media fear mongering, the US public that has been SET UP TO OVERDOES WITH MELATONIN which the NIH is suddenly promoting.

And notice how the NIH has cleverly arranged that the public would be excited to learn about this "potential" (no evidence it helps) treatment and that they will NOT be warned about the dangers of the dosage of melatonin.

"The National Institute of Health has just announced a potential treatment for the Ebola virus, and you WILL NOT believe what it is! With those who are following these things closely quite amazed that such a simple and readily available product could be used to effectively treat such a deadly disease, there is NO reason at all that Americans and people across the world COULDN’T get this potential treatment, and from their local Wal-Mart (or preferably an alternative store) – AND OVER THE COUNTER."

And what dosage do this article recommend?

A massive overdosing. An truly insane amount.

This would without question trigger many ebola-like symptoms and as well as zombie-like behavior.


**Key issues related to the use of melatonin probably include early intervention with a large dose (20 mg or more for a single dose; since there is no precedent for an effective melatonin dose,some upward adjustment of the dose may have greater efficacy);

this dose should be given several times per day for a prolonged period.

The treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after the infection is diagnosed; presumably it would never be too late to begin treatment.**

The 20mg recommended here is 66.6666 times the dosage recommended below for melatonin to be safe (0.3mg) and yet they say to "adjust upwards" and to give several times a day.

OVERDOSING wasexactly what was responsible forkilling tens of millions in 1918.

What is the NIH not telling the world that aspirinkilled millions in 1918? http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/07/09/bayer-and-death-1918-and-aspirin/

Why is the NIH not telling the country that vaccines were the actual source of the non-existent 1918 "Spanish flu"?

The government, medical groups, military and pharma all pushed aspirin without stop and people just kept dying.

To this day, the CDC and other government "health" agencies blame a virus that didn't exist when drugs and vaccines and the men lying to the public, were the killers.

Melatonin is verydangerous except at extremely low levels.

Is the NIH saying that to the public?

Is the NIH saying which groups should NOT be taking it all?

After recommending melatonin thought it is an entirely unproven treatment for ebola, is the NIH telling the public the harmful and even bizarre side effects of melatonin?

To repeat: Vitamin C is SAFE for everyone and can help every person of any age or condition, avoid or cure ebola.


Combating Ebola: How To Fight Ebola with Vitamin C & Ascorbic Acid

So the question about NIH and melatonin become:

Did the NIH recommend melatonin because it is useful to those staging this ebola attack on the US?

Does the NIH recommendation have anything to do with the fact that melatonin interacts badly with other drugs in a country where almost everyone is on drugs and has serious side-effects that look remarkably like ebola symptoms as well as produce Zombie-like behavior?

You can bet your Obamacare card on it!

Melatonin Risks & Side Effects

Last Updated: Nov 08, 2010 | By Suzanne Robin

Melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone that regulates the body's internal clock, is also used to treat sleep disorders and a number of other health issues. Synthetic melatonin supplements can help adjust sleep cycles in autistic, mentally retarded and blind people, as well as those with jet lag and may improve insomnia.Melatonin does have a number of side effects and risks, some potentially serious. Starting with a very low dose, no more than your body produces daily, or 0.3 mg, may help reduce symptoms, the University of Maryland Medical Center website advises.

Sleep Disturbances
Melatonin can cause nightmares,sleepwalking [Zombie-like behavior] or very vivid dreams. [Just what the doctor ordered for people who are being frightened already by the media and government?] Daytime sleepiness can also occur but may improve if you decrease the dose, the University of Maryland Medical Center website states. Taking too much melatonin can also disrupt your body's circadian rhythms, or internal clock. Disorientation and confusion can also occur. [Zombie-like behavior]

Mood Changes
Melatonin can cause mood changes, including irritability, worsening depression, sadness or giddiness. Psychotic signs such ashallucinations and paranoia[psychotic symptoms] can also occur, possibility as a result of an overdose of the drug, MayoClinic.com reports.

Hormonal Effects
Melatonin might interfere with both male and female fertility by interfering with normal hormone levels such as estradiol, progesterone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin, cortisol and thyroid hormone. Because of its effects on other hormones, children, particularly adolescents, should not take melatonin, which could interfere with development in adolescence. Pregnant women should also not take melatonin, due to its effects on hormone levels. The drug can disrupt ovulation in women and may also decrease sperm count and motility in males. Melatonin can also decrease sex drive and may cause gynecomastia, increase in breast size in men.

[So, melatonin is useless for children, teens and pregnant women and unhealthy for all others. Whereas vitamin C is great for pregnant women, children, teens and every age group.]

Stomach Distress
Melatonin can cause stomach problems, including nausea, vomiting or stomach cramps. Melatonin may also trigger Crohn's disease symptoms,MayoClinic.com warns. Crohn's disease, an inflammatory bowel disease, can causeabdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal pain and fever.

[Vomiting, diarrhea and fever are symptoms the government is listing characteristic of ebola.]

Medication Interactions
Melatonin can interfere with a number of medications. Taking sedative medications with melatonin may causeexcessive sleepiness or sedation. Melatonin can also reduce the effectiveness of blood pressure medications and may raise blood pressure in people taking certain medications, MedlinePlus states. Melatonin can act as an anticoagulant or blood thinner.Taking melatonin with blood thinners such as heparin or warfarin can causeexcessive bleeding or bruising. Melatonin can also decrease the effectiveness of steroids and immunosuppressant medications.

[Bleeding or excessive bleeding is another symptom the government says is characteristic of ebola.]

And more side Effects of Melatonin

Side effects of melatonin use include drowsiness, stomach cramps, irritability,dizziness and nightmares. Men may also experience low sperm count and enlarged breasts. These side effects would not relate shimmering eye sensations directly to the use of melatonin. However, melatonin may also causeheadaches, and headaches may accompany shimmering eye sensations.

Eye Migraine
Doctors have a few different names for a shimmering eye sensation. They may refer to this as an eye migraine or a visual migraine. In some cases, your doctor may tell you that you have amigraine with an aura. In these instances you may notice colorful lights that appear to dance in your side vision, or you may have a white light that seems to zigzag in your vision.

[Imagine these strange eye symptoms if you are already paranoid from the melatonin, and having hallucinations, and are dizzy, vomiting and havefever and diarrhea.]

And the CDC just changed it's guidelines.


The NIH is not being helpful and now inclusive of natural supplements to treat ebola, as the country is supposed to think. It is a murderous agency promoting melatonin to increase the impression of ebola in the US and thus to lead to martial law, quarantines and forced weaponized ebola vaccines.

Here is the plan. http://exopolitics.blogs.com/ebolagate/2014/09/first-911-then-guillotines.html

Thank you, NIH for showing how life-threatening it would be to take ANYTHING you or the CDC or the government agencies may recommend.

[Ed Note: All articles on EbolaGate are written by qualified journalists in this field]

Last edited by Green Cochoa; 10/21/14 07:42 AM. Reason: Removed expletive

Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #168865
10/10/14 12:54 AM
10/10/14 12:54 AM
dedication  Online Content
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Time to get out the EGW books and take our health message seriously.

Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #168876
10/10/14 03:18 PM
10/10/14 03:18 PM
Johann  Offline
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Suggesting our Sabbath School adopts a child in one of our SDA schools in Sierra Leone. These children still need assistance to gain an aducation for life.

We have an SDA private institute in Denmark arranging private adoptions around the world for children in SDA schools.

Faith, prayer and action is the subject of our Sabbath School.

"Here is a last piece of advice. If you believe in goodness and if you value the approval of God, fix your minds on the things which are holy and right and pure and beautiful and good. Model your conduct on what you have learned from me, on what I have told you and shown you, and you will find the God of peace will be with you."
Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #168877
10/10/14 03:22 PM
10/10/14 03:22 PM
Johann  Offline
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Ted Wilson is calling for prayer tomorrow, Sabbath October 11 - during the GC Autumn counsel - for victims of eBola in West Africa, while the GC is discussiong the future of the ordination of women.

"Here is a last piece of advice. If you believe in goodness and if you value the approval of God, fix your minds on the things which are holy and right and pure and beautiful and good. Model your conduct on what you have learned from me, on what I have told you and shown you, and you will find the God of peace will be with you."
Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #168880
10/10/14 06:22 PM
10/10/14 06:22 PM
Johann  Offline
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just now we hear that there might be a vaccination agianst eBola. Is that an answer to prayers?

"Here is a last piece of advice. If you believe in goodness and if you value the approval of God, fix your minds on the things which are holy and right and pure and beautiful and good. Model your conduct on what you have learned from me, on what I have told you and shown you, and you will find the God of peace will be with you."
Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #168990
10/13/14 06:44 PM
10/13/14 06:44 PM
kland  Offline
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Johann, no!!!!

The vaccination is a planned plot. They tried it with SARS. They tried it with the regular flu, They tried it with Swine flu. Now they have manufactured a panic with Ebola. They are wanting 100% of the population to blindly submit to vaccinations. I'm not disagreeing that people die of SARS, flu, Ebola. I'm just saying that vaccines are not helping. The whole purpose is to create panic and implement martial law.

I read Massachusetts has a law that even if it is "uncertain" you have been exposed or suffering from Ebola, they can take you away and fine you if you refuse and still take you away and dispose of your property.

Everything is being put in place.

Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #168994
10/13/14 09:36 PM
10/13/14 09:36 PM
Johann  Offline
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No wonder we need to pray, and I trust there are some here who believe in prayer more that in Mammon.

Last edited by Johann; 10/13/14 09:36 PM.

"Here is a last piece of advice. If you believe in goodness and if you value the approval of God, fix your minds on the things which are holy and right and pure and beautiful and good. Model your conduct on what you have learned from me, on what I have told you and shown you, and you will find the God of peace will be with you."
Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: dedication] #169099
10/17/14 11:56 AM
10/17/14 11:56 AM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Originally Posted By: dedication
Time to get out the EGW books and take our health message seriously.


Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #169105
10/17/14 04:00 PM
10/17/14 04:00 PM
APL  Offline
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Oh, that men might open their minds to know God as he is revealed in his Son! {ST, January 20, 1890}
Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Elle] #169135
10/18/14 09:51 PM
10/18/14 09:51 PM
Rick H  Offline OP
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Originally Posted By: Elle
I think much of it is hyped, info lacking, etc... basically another scam from Mystery Babylon.

Don't believe everything Mainstream Media tells you. They are Babylon's mouthpiece.

I'm not saying there's no disease going around, but what is said about it and what they make of it is all hyped and much of it are lies. There is a simple cure to "Ebola" -- vitamin C.

Here's what an health investigator,Jon Rappoport, has to say :

Ebola: How to Stage a Fake Epidemic

by Jon Rappoport,
October 7, 2014


Note: all my articles on Ebola can be accessed through my website, nomorefakenews.com. They provide extensive background for what I’m outlining here.

First, keep in mind that what I’m talking about is the creation of false reality.

In 1988, as I finished my first book, “AIDS INC., Scandal of the Century,” I made notes for an upcoming radio interview. Here is a relevant excerpt:

“It turns out there is absolutely no reason to say that HIV causes what is called AIDS. Once you subtract HIV from the official story, what are you left with?

“A number of people who present an array of illnesses and symptoms. But without HIV, the ‘glue’ that held them all together vanishes. So now you have sick people.

You have them in Africa, in New York, San Francisco, Haiti, and other places. Yes, they are sick and they are dying. But that doesn’t make an epidemic, because the tiny virus that was supposed to be at the bottom of all this is missing from the equation.

“This tells you how to invent a fake epidemic. You take many sick and dying people, and you claim there is one germ that is causing all the trouble.

“You promote a few diagnostic tests that ‘will confirm the presence of the germ’ and you tell people they must be tested.

“But the tests don’t really confirm the presence of the germ. They’re deceptive and useless. Of course, the test will register positive in many cases.

“These positive people are said to be victims of the one germ that is at the root of the epidemic.”

I wrote that in 1988, and it applies just as well to Ebola, as I’ve demonstrated.

The two primary diagnostic tests for Ebola—the antibody and the PCR—are completely useless for verifying the presence of millions of Ebola virus in a patient—which is what you need to begin to say that patient is an “Ebola case.”

In 1988 with AIDS, and more recently with Ebola, I’ve explained the list of factors that would make people sick and kill them—factors that have nothing to do with HIV or Ebola virus.

In essence, this is how you create a fake epidemic. Real death, false explanation.

You tie together and link together people who are sick and dying for various reasons, and you claim they’re all dying because of the One Germ.

That gives you a powerful psychological ploy, because people are always looking for the one unified thing that explains a whole host of disturbing facts.

You give them what they want.

They buy it.

In the case of “the SARS epidemic” in 2003, it was “the coronavirus.” As I’ve mentioned before, a Canadian microbiologist working for the World Health Organization, Frank Plummer, inadvertently blew the whistle on the scam when he told reporters, stunningly, that the percentage of SARS patients who actually “had the virus” was shrinking from month to month.

In fact, finally, the percentage was approaching zero.

This rank absurdity was duly reported in the press by brain-dead journalists, and everyone moved on, unaware that a bomb had just exploded.

How could these people be called “SARS cases,” when the one and only cause of SARS, “the coronavirus,” wasn’t present in their bodies?

In the case of HIV, it was even worse, because the people who were diagnosed as “HIV-positive,” as a result of useless and misleading antibody tests, were given a drug called AZT.

AZT was a failed chemotherapy drug sitting on the shelves of the US National Institutes of Health. It had been there for nearly 25 years.

It was doled out to patients with orders that they take it every day for the rest of their lives.

To say AZT is highly toxic is a vast understatement. It attacks all cells of the body, including cells of the immune system. So when patients began dying as a result, doctors blithely assured one and all that “the AIDS disease had accelerated” and the deaths had nothing to do with AZT.

This gives you a clue about how medical criminals can target specific populations.

For example, gay men in America were heavily promoted to “take the AIDS test.” The propaganda was relentless. Naturally, a percentage of the tested men showed up positive on, again, the useless and misleading antibody test.

They were dosed with what amounts to a chemical warfare agent. AZT. Many died.

In the late 1990s, I gave talk about HIV to a group of people in the community room of a park in Hollywood. I said to them:

Imagine that this park is suddenly called the epicenter of an outbreak of a virus. It’s all a fake, but there it is. Health authorities order their agents to track down everyone who has been in the park in the last three months.

These park visitors must be tested for the presence of the virus. Of course, the test is fatally flawed. It shows positive results for a few dozen reasons, none of which has anything to do with the presence of a virus.

Those people, those park visitors who “test positive,” are now given a drug which is so toxic it can kill them. It does kill many of them.

As they die, the health authorities count them as victims of the “Hollywood Park virus.”

The circle is closed. The lies interlock.

After my book, AIDS Inc., was published in 1988, I interviewed a researcher attached to the largest HIV study ever done on gay men, the ongoing San Francisco Men’s Study.

This piece of research tracked men who had been diagnosed as HIV to see what happened to them over the course of many yerar.

Of course, all of them were taking AZT. A huge percentage of them fell ill and died.

But there was a subset of men who remained healthy for 8-10 years and were still healthy. The common denominator? They never took AZT, or they stopped taking it.

I asked the researcher why the organizers of the Study didn’t trumpet this fact.

She said they didn’t think it was very important.

Not important? According to the conventional “science,” these men should be dead. They weren’t. They were healthy. They didn’t take the drug.

This is the kind of “science” that is used to bolster fake epidemics. Real death, false reason.

A crime like no other.

I don't think there is anything fake about this weeks news of how easily Ebola was transferred. Seems pretty real...

Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #169170
10/20/14 04:30 PM
10/20/14 04:30 PM
kland  Offline
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Rick, is everything in the news, real? Is everything publicized really what is happening. In recent years, I hear about pandemics, epidemics, etc., and come to find out there were a dozen people who got sick. So maybe Ebola was easily transferred to one person who was already sick. Maybe several people. How does one know what the truth is?

This is big, a number of big businesses and government agencies have a lot at stake in Ebola being "THE" disease everyone has been hoping for. They won't give up easily. Propaganda will fly.

Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: APL] #169171
10/20/14 04:45 PM
10/20/14 04:45 PM
kland  Offline
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"The molecule promises to speed up the discovery of universal anti-Ebola drugs. "

Don't know why there needs to be a discovery of drugs. Looks to me the properties as found naturally in honeysuckle have already been discovered. Not sure why the molecule needs to be extracted. Might miss out on some other factor.

Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #169173
10/20/14 05:23 PM
10/20/14 05:23 PM
APL  Offline
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What you say is true for many things, such as vitamin supplements.

Oh, that men might open their minds to know God as he is revealed in his Son! {ST, January 20, 1890}
Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #169191
10/21/14 04:17 PM
10/21/14 04:17 PM
kland  Offline
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I would agree!

Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #169300
10/25/14 09:48 PM
10/25/14 09:48 PM
Charity  Offline
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I don't doubt it is real. I have several friends who see conspiracies behind many, even most, of the headlines. The may be right in some cases but we should think the best of our leaders and pray for them.

Regarding the Spanish Flue this is the first I've heard it was caused by overdosing? Overdosing what? But that's probably not a fruitful line of investigation. Conspiracies take on a life of their own drawing together pieces of often unrelated evidence that only suspicious, irrational minds are able to connect. I'm not promoting naivety but pleading for common courtesy and good will before judging our leaders' motives.

One of the reasons we are going to see more draconian laws on the books is precisely because there is little respect for law makers. In the Old Testament we see several examples of enemy armies turning on themselves and self-destructing. Why? Every man suspected his fellow soldier to be the enemy in disguise.

Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #169329
10/26/14 09:42 PM
10/26/14 09:42 PM
dedication  Online Content
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There is no question about it being real. It is real.
The questions people have is in it's "use".

GC 589
"While appearing to the children of men as a great physician who can heal all their maladies, he will bring disease and disaster, until populous cities are reduced to ruin and desolation. Even now he is at work."

The above is referring to satan, and it is his work -- however, satan also works through people. There is always the question whether disease is being manufactured and spread for political supposed advantage of some misguided agenda.

For example there is a movement to bring populations down by 75% to a "sustainable" number. The argument is that the earth cannot sustain the population and its present rate of growth, and must be GREATLY reduced.


Originally Posted By: worldwatch
...As a consequence of this modern-day "Malthusian dilemma," it is past time to think boldly about the midrange future and to consider alternatives that go beyond merely slowing or stopping the growth of global population. The human species must develop and quickly implement a well-conceived, clearly articulated, flexible, equitable, and internationally coordinated program focused on bringing about a very significant reduction in human numbers over the next two or more centuries. This effort will likely require a global population shrinkage of at least two-thirds to three-fourths, from a probable mid-to-late 21st century peak in the 9 to 10 billion range to a future (23rd century and beyond) "population optimum" of not more than 2 to 3 billion.

Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: dedication] #169337
10/27/14 01:14 PM
10/27/14 01:14 PM
Elle  Offline
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Yes I agree with dedication's post. The ebola virus is real and is manufactured by the USA & CDC who have several patents on it claiming they have created it. Below is only one article you can find on this; there are many out there.


The real question is how did the people contacted Ebola in the past? And where does it really come from? I have seen some witness report that the people who contacted Ebola are the ones that received some sort of "treatment" or were part of an experimentation.

We have professionals insiders in Africa in the field who
claims the West is respondible for the outbreak of Ebola in Africa. Here's one claim :

Dr. Cyril Broderick, A Liberian scientist and a former professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry says the West, particularly the U.S. is responsible for the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Dr. Broderick claims the following in an exclusive article published in the Daily Observer based in Monrovia, Liberia. He wrote the following:

The US Department of Defense (DoD) is funding Ebola trials on humans, trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone. The reports continue and state that the DoD gave a contract worth $140 million dollars to Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company, to conduct Ebola research. This research work involved injecting and infusing healthy humans with the deadly Ebola virus. Hence, the DoD is listed as a collaborator in a “First in Human” Ebola clinical trial (NCT02041715, which started in January 2014 shortly before an Ebola epidemic was declared in West Africa in March.


In the same article, Global Research show the case when "the U.S. government has been experimenting with deadly diseases on human beings for a long time, history tells us so. One example is Guatemala. Between 1946 and 1948, the United States government under President Harry S. Truman in collaboration with Guatemalan President Juan José Arévalo and his health officials deliberately infected more than 1500 soldiers, prostitutes, prisoners and even mental patients with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and chancroid (a bacterial sexual infection) out of more than 5500 Guatemalan people who participated in the experiments. The worst part of it is that none of the test subjects infected with the diseases ever gave informed consent. The Boston Globe published the discovery made by Medical historian and professor at Wellesley College, Susan M. Reverby in 2010 called ‘Wellesley professor unearths a horror: Syphilis experiments in Guatemala.’ "

Concerning the number of population they want to reach is really half a billion so they are planning to depopulate the world by over 90%. Their(Mystery Bablylon) intention and plan has been made public in the first of their 10 Commandments displayed in the Georgia Guidestones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” The Georgia Guidestone was built in 1979. It is 4 large rectangles listing their 10 Commandments in 8 different languages. Why isn't the Christian have investigated this and protested against at least its first commandment which is a blunt statement to murder 90% of the population?


An US Government source website Deagel.com show a forecast of depopulation of countries. It shows that the USA population will decrease by 78.2% by 2025.


Then we have in 2006 Dr Eric R. Pianka, An award-winning Texas scientist was given a standing ovation after he advocated the extermination of 90 per cent of the Earth's population by an airborne Ebola virus.


Scientist calls for death to humanity

News Weekly, April 15, 2006
A Texas scientist advocates killing nine-tenths of the world's population by an airborne Ebola virus, writes John Ballantyne.

An award-winning Texas scientist was given a standing ovation after he advocated the extermination of 90 per cent of the Earth's population by an airborne Ebola virus.

The University of Texas evolutionary ecologist, Dr Eric R. Pianka, was addressing the 109th meeting of the Texas Academy of Science at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, in early March, after the academy had named him 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist.

Present at Pianka's speech was Forrest M. Mim III, a popular science writer and editor of the bi-weekly journal, The Citizen Scientist. He reported:

"Something curious occurred a minute before Pianka began speaking. An official of the Academy approached a video camera operator at the front of the auditorium and engaged him in animated conversation. The camera operator did not look pleased as he pointed the lens of the big camera to the ceiling and slowly walked away.

"This curious incident came to mind a few minutes later when Professor Pianka began his speech by explaining that the general public is not yet ready to hear what he was about to tell us. Because of many years of experience as a writer and editor, Pianka's strange introduction and the TV camera incident raised a red flag in my mind ... I grabbed a notepad ..." ("Meeting Doctor Doom", The Citizen Scientist, March 31, 2006).

Pianka began his speech by condemning anthropocentrism, or the idea that the human race occupies a privileged position in nature. He exclaimed, "We're no better than bacteria!"

He argued that the sharp increase in the human population since the onset of industrialisation was destroying the planet. He warned that Earth would not survive unless its human population was reduced to a tenth of its present number.

He then offered drastic solutions, accompanying his remarks with a slide depicting the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

War and famine were insufficient for solving global overpopulation, he explained. Instead, disease was far more efficient and swift. At this point, Pianka displayed a slide showing rows of human skulls.

AIDS took too long to kill people off, he explained. His preferred method of exterminating over five billion human beings was via airborne Ebola (Ebola Reston), because it is both highly lethal and kills its victims in days rather than years.

However, as Mim observed: "Professor Pianka did not mention that Ebola victims die a slow and torturous death as the virus initiates a cascade of biological calamities inside the victim that eventually liquefy the internal organs.

"After praising the Ebola virus for its efficiency at killing, Pianka paused, leaned over the lectern, looked at us and carefully said, 'We've got airborne 90 percent mortality in humans. Killing humans. Think about that.' "

After he finished his address, the audience burst into applause.

Mim reported: "It wasn't merely a smattering of polite clapping that audiences diplomatically reserve for poor or boring speakers. It was a loud, vigorous and enthusiastic applause. ...

During a question-and-answer session, Pianka praised communist China's draconian one-child policy, and suggested that IQs are falling because only "uncaring people" (i.e., people with below-average intelligence) have large families.

Mim recalls how, once the questioning was over:

Dr Eric R. Pianka (left), with an
appreciative member of the audience.

"I watched in amazement as a few hundred members of the Texas Academy of Science rose to their feet and gave a standing ovation to a speech that enthusiastically advocated the elimination of 90 percent of Earth's population by airborne Ebola. ..."

"Some even cheered. Dozens then mobbed the professor at the lectern. ..."

A few hours later, the Texas Academy of Science presented Pianka with a plaque in recognition of his being named 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist.


Executive director of the Society for Amateur Scientists, Dr Shawn Carlson, later warned in The Citizen Scientist (April 2, 2006):

"I believe, with the terrible experience of the bloodiest century in human history behind us, that all men and women of conscious in the 21st century must be proactive in our opposition to genocidal or apocalyptic philosophies, before they have the chance to inspire some new champion with the will to take their conclusions to the next step.

"When the professional scientists have lost their sense of moral outrage at such ideologies, then it falls to America's great community of citizen scientists to be the conscious of science."

It's amazing that many people are for the depopulation of the world. I have once seen quotes from a long list of leaders,scientists and other influential individual that support this plan.

Re: Ebola, and children suffering from sickness/paralysis [Re: Rick H] #169687
11/07/14 03:36 PM
11/07/14 03:36 PM
kland  Offline
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Well, reading this again, this might be old news. It looks like a repeat of Elle's.

At least one in Liberia sees the U.S. as testing and spreading Ebola. Trials "which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone".

Isn't it interesting that the "outbreaks" occur where there are research centers "conveniently" located?

"a viral fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Kenema, a town at the epicentre of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa"

On a related note, has anyone seen vehicles in the U.S. or Canada labeled with "UN" on them?

I'm kind of wondering if the St. Louis incident was orchestrated...

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