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Re: Should the Body Discipline Members for disagreeing on 28FB [Re: Elle] #176770
09/10/15 02:40 AM
09/10/15 02:40 AM
dedication  Online Content
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I guess it depends what the forum's purpose for being is?

If it's a place where people are invited to shout down Adventist beliefs -- then I suppose we need to either accept it, or move on.

But if it's to be a place where Adventist beliefs are respected and shared in a positive way, it's a different matter -- then the posters should either respect those beliefs or move on.

One thing I've noticed on most forums--

Antagonists to the Adventist beliefs will DEMAND acceptance, but they rarely give it.
They talk much of "freedom in religious beliefs" but will not extend that freedom to Adventists.

Re: Should the Body Discipline Members for disagreeing on 28FB [Re: dedication] #176776
09/10/15 02:38 PM
09/10/15 02:38 PM
Alchemy  Offline
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Originally Posted By: dedication
I guess it depends what the forum's purpose for being is?

If it's a place where people are invited to shout down Adventist beliefs -- then I suppose we need to either accept it, or move on.

But if it's to be a place where Adventist beliefs are respected and shared in a positive way, it's a different matter -- then the posters should either respect those beliefs or move on.

One thing I've noticed on most forums--

Antagonists to the Adventist beliefs will DEMAND acceptance, but they rarely give it.
They talk much of "freedom in religious beliefs" but will not extend that freedom to Adventists.


Hopefully, we can set a good example here.

But, I do agree with the thought that there has to be a limit to what we tolerate from NON-SDA's.

Re: Should the Body Discipline Members for disagreeing on 28FB [Re: dedication] #176781
09/10/15 04:56 PM
09/10/15 04:56 PM
James Peterson  Offline
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Originally Posted By: dedication
One thing I've noticed on most forums -- Antagonists to the Adventist beliefs will DEMAND acceptance, but they rarely give it. They talk much of "freedom in religious beliefs" but will not extend that freedom to Adventists.

Your "freedom of religious beliefs" is antagonistic to the Great Commission; and vice versa. In much the same way you itch to toss anything contrary to your opinions, so you who feel that right is yours ought not to be amazed and ought not to demonize others who toss you out forthwith as you begin to speak.


Re: Should the Body Discipline Members for disagreeing on 28FB [Re: Alchemy] #176782
09/10/15 05:11 PM
09/10/15 05:11 PM
James Peterson  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Alchemy
Hopefully, we can set a good example here. But, I do agree with the thought that there has to be a limit to what we tolerate from NON-SDA's.

There was a time when Jesus stood up and said unless anyone ate his flesh and drank his blood, he had no part in him. Many left at that saying and no longer walked with him. So he turned to the twelve and asked if they were going to leave too. "Simon Peter answered Him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. We have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.' Jesus answered them, 'Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is a devil?'" (John 6:68-70)

Strangely, for SDA that is, we still find Judas at the end sitting at Jesus' table, and Jesus washing his feet. There is a strange disconnect, strange I say, between the Saviour of the world and SDA who walk about in long white robes desiring to abide forever in the caves and rocks, scrubbing and washing their hands seven times a day, and listening only to the sounds of their own voices raised in "holy" unison.


Re: Should the Body Discipline Members for disagreeing on 28FB [Re: James Peterson] #176791
09/11/15 10:43 AM
09/11/15 10:43 AM
Alchemy  Offline
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Originally Posted By: James Peterson
Originally Posted By: Alchemy
Hopefully, we can set a good example here. But, I do agree with the thought that there has to be a limit to what we tolerate from NON-SDA's.

There was a time when Jesus stood up and said unless anyone ate his flesh and drank his blood, he had no part in him. Many left at that saying and no longer walked with him. So he turned to the twelve and asked if they were going to leave too. "Simon Peter answered Him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. We have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.' Jesus answered them, 'Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is a devil?'" (John 6:68-70)

Strangely, for SDA that is, we still find Judas at the end sitting at Jesus' table, and Jesus washing his feet. There is a strange disconnect, strange I say, between the Saviour of the world and SDA who walk about in long white robes desiring to abide forever in the caves and rocks, scrubbing and washing their hands seven times a day, and listening only to the sounds of their own voices raised in "holy" unison.


Interesting James Peterson, you apply Liberty of Conscience to abuse the conscience of others. You are no judge in Israel.

Re: Should the Body Discipline Members for disagreeing on 28FB [Re: Alchemy] #176793
09/11/15 12:22 PM
09/11/15 12:22 PM
Elle  Offline OP
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Originally Posted By: Alchemy
Interesting James Peterson, you apply Liberty of Conscience to abuse the conscience of others. You are no judge in Israel.

The Lord is the judge of Israel and He will set as judge those that can hear His voice and follow it. For it will be only those that will be able to bring the Lord's judgment and not man's faulty & lacking judgment.

I agree with James' discernment that there is abuse of the conscience of members in the Church. It always has been like that not only in our Church but in all Churches. To deny it will not change the fact that it is the pattern the Lord has establish in scriptures and history via Ishmael persecuting Isaac, Saul ... David, and the RCC Church ... its members.

James is not the only one that perceives this spirit is not of the Lord. Asygo and I has also express that it was the same spirit as the little horn which led to this discussion here(see OP).

Yesterday I read this study which pertains well to this discussion and exposes this little horn spirit in the Church and the Lord's purpose behind it. The Lord works purposes in all things for "all things worked TOGETHER" Let us deligently seek the Lord's purpose and understand His plan in establishing the little horn persecuting spirit in the Church.

The bold and underlined text are my emphasis. I have removed section that doesn't pertain to this discussion. [In Red in brackets are my comments.]

========================= Persecuting Study =================
Daniel 12: Purifying the overcomers
Sep 09, 2015
by Steven Jones

The two cycles of 1,260 years (2,520 total) are coming to an end from 2014-2017. The midpoint was 754 A.D. when the little horn was given power to rule the Papal States.

When we recall that which was written about the little horn in Daniel 7:8 and the angelic interpretation of this in Daniel 7:21, 24, 25, we see that his main work was in “waging war with the saints and overpowering them.” He was given power over the saints for “a time, times, and half a time,” that is, 1,260 years.

Hence, when the angel says in Daniel 12:7 that this same time period ends when “they finish shattering the power of the holy people,” it is clear that this little horn’s “shattering” power extends from 754-2014. In other words, it ends when the full 2,520 year cycle of tribulation comes to an end with the transfer of authority to the saints of the Most High.


Daniel wanted to know the outcome of these events (Daniel 12:8), but the angel told him that it was not for him to know. These were things that were reserved for John, whose revelation was to uncover the secrets of the second 1,260 year cycle (754-2014).


The Purification of the Saints

Daniel 12:10 says,

10 Many will be purged, purified and refined; but the wicked will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.

Those who are “purged, purified and refined” are obviously the saints of the Most High during the time that the little horn wages war against them. While there have been martyrs since the beginning when Cain killed Abel, the angel was speaking primarily of the little horn who was to “overcome” the saints for 1,260 years.

History shows how the Roman Church persecuted any and all dissenters in the attempt to unify the Church under one creed. This policy obviously was lacking love, often being devoid of even the most basic elements of common decency. Torture, burning “heretics” at the stake, and forced confessions are not part of the character of Christ, nor does such behavior manifest any fruit of the Spirit. It is merely the exercise of raw power.

Yet these things were foretold in the story of King Saul and his persecution of David. Saul was a type of the Church during the Pentecostal Age, and for this reason, Saul was crowned on the day of wheat harvest (1 Samuel 12:17), which is the Old Testament term for Pentecost. Saul’s 40-year reign prophesied of a 40-Jubilee reign of the Church from the day Pentecost was fulfilled in Acts 2:1 until Pentecost of 1993.

During this time period, the little horn was manifested as an extension of the Roman Empire. The Church thus took on many characteristics of pagan (carnal) Rome in its quest for power. Each year in the life of Saul represented a Jubilee cycle (49 years) in history. In fact, this is the key to understanding Church history.

Saul was disqualified after the war against Amalek (1 Samuel 15), which occurred in his eighteenth year. We know this because this was 414 years after Amalek had been cursed by God for attacking Israel shortly after they had left Egypt (Exodus 17:16). Amalek was put on Cursed Time, and then given a grace period (time to repent) for the next 414 years. When they did not repent, Saul was called to execute judgment upon Amalek. But because he too had a rebellious heart, God rejected him and his dynasty (1 Samuel 15:23) from ruling perpetually, replacing him with David.

The eighteenth year of Saul correlates to the eighteenth jubilee cycle of Church history. Dating from 33 A.D., seventeen jubilees brings us to 866 A.D., and the eighteenth Jubilee cycle was from 866-915 A.D. During this time, the papacy reached its lowest point of morality and decency. Church historians refer to this time period as “the golden age of pornocracy,” a term coined by Liudprand, bishop of Cremona, who lived from 920-972. The term was later used by Cardinal Baronius in the sixteenth century.

There is much history that could be mentioned, but it is enough for our purposes to show the connection between Saul’s disqualification and the immorality and violence that prevailed in the Roman Church during its eighteenth Jubilee cycle.

In 1184 the Medieval Inquisitions began, which included the policy of torturing dissenters and “heretics.” Up to that time, it was normal to impose the death penalty upon such people. In 1229 this became official papal policy, headed by a Grand Inquisitor, and in 1252 torture was officially authorized by Pope Innocent IV in his papal bull, Ad Extirpanda.


The Spanish Inquisition came later in response to the Protestant Reformation.

This lasted until 1815 after the Holy Alliance was established, but it survived in the Roman Curia until 1904. It was then given a new name, "Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office". In 1965 it evolved into the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. To my knowledge, although the policy has changed to a more benign form of inquisition, the Roman Church has never officially repented of its sin of torturing dissenters.

During those centuries, millions of people were tortured and killed. It is likely that only a small percentage of them were overcomers, or “saints of the Most High,” but certainly there were many saints (in the sight of God) who suffered martyrdom during that time.

The main point to see is that when the angel foretold that “many will be purified, be purged and purified,” he was speaking directly of the little horn’s war against the saints. The Roman Church fulfilled this, as it waged war against the saints. It was not about heretics waging war against the Roman Church. The divine purpose in this portion of tribulation was to purify the saints. All of this was prophesied in the earlier pattern where King Saul persecuted David.

The Temporary Authority of the Church

The Roman Church falsely claims that its power will never end, based on its claim to being “the true church.”[The SDA Church claim the same] But Scripture shows us that King Saul’s reign, however legitimate, was ultimately to end on account of his rebellion, which is as the sin of witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23 KJV).

Like King Saul, the Roman Church was disqualified during its eighteenth Jubilee cycle. Saul was of the tribe of Benjamin—not Judah—and so when he was crowned king, it was inevitable that his descendants would not sit on the throne forever. So also, we see that Jesus’ disciples, who were mostly from Galilee (i.e., Benjamin), represented the first year of King Saul. Saul did well in his first year, and then began to rebel in his second year (1 Samuel 13:1 KJV). This correlates with the early Church, which did well during the lifetime of the apostles, but then began to deviate from the mind of Christ thereafter.

Saul, of the tribe of Benjamin, was a transition king until such time as David, of the tribe of Judah, was old enough to take the throne. So also the Church under Pentecost was called to exercise spiritual power as a transition to the Church under Tabernacles.

God used Saul to train David and to purify his heart. Likewise, God also used the Roman Church to train the overcomers and to purify their hearts. [The Lord uses the SDA Church and other Churches to purify His Saints that are in those Churches.]


- See more at: http://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.net/d...h.VKFcZhCG.dpuf

Re: Should the Body Discipline Members for disagreeing on 28FB [Re: dedication] #176803
09/12/15 06:28 AM
09/12/15 06:28 AM
ProdigalOne  Offline
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Originally Posted By: dedication
I guess it depends what the forum's purpose for being is?

If it's a place where people are invited to shout down Adventist beliefs -- then I suppose we need to either accept it, or move on.

But if it's to be a place where Adventist beliefs are respected and shared in a positive way, it's a different matter -- then the posters should either respect those beliefs or move on.

One thing I've noticed on most forums--

Antagonists to the Adventist beliefs will DEMAND acceptance, but they rarely give it.
They talk much of "freedom in religious beliefs" but will not extend that freedom to Adventists.

Dedication, I truely hope and pray that this wonderful forum does not degrade into yet another "place where people are invited to shout down Adventist beliefs".

It took many false starts, and painfull experiences in other, supposedly, SDA forums before I was blessed to find (or be guided to) this remarkable place. The members here may not always agree, but for the most part, we are all Seventh Day Adventists or friends of the SDA Church, as the conditions of forum membership clearly state.

In my short time here, this has invariably felt like a safe place, somewhere that I can be among brothers and sisters without having to be constantly on the defensive, as is usually the case elsewhere. In spite of the occasional disagreements over biblical interpretation, I have felt myself to be among friends. This has been a safer place to be than with my own unbelieving family...

Places of endless conflict may be necessary; however, there seems to be an endless supply of such sites. This Forum is special, I might even say it is sanctified: set apart as a sanctuary for battle weary souls.

I pray that it is allowed to remain.

"...I will not forget you.
Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands..."

Isaiah 49:15-16
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