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A Super Jubilee #177002
09/21/15 10:01 AM
09/21/15 10:01 AM
Charity  Offline OP
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I shared some of this earlier but I have some additional thoughts:

Early one morning at the end of this past April I had a five second dream: A voice simply said to me: “In yet five months I will purify the sons of Levi.” That’s all I heard. There was no visual image, only those words. It was about 4:00AM so I got up and decided I should spend some time studying it. I looked up Malachi 3:3 and read the quoted phrase “purify the sons of Levi” in the surrounding context. Then I did a time calculation and found that five biblical months from the day I had the dream, April 30, is the Day of Atonement this year, September 23/24. That captured my attention.

Eight weeks later, the Supreme Court issued it's decision annulling the biblical definition of marriage.

In the Jewish sacred calendar the Day of Atonement known as Yom Kippur stands for the fixing of one's eternal destiny, the day of judgment for people and nations. This day is being fulfilled. America and the rest of humanity is facing a final reckoning of truth. We are at the crossroads of grace and judgment.

In the last several months a number of bible students and scholars have identified 2015-2016 as a biblical Jubilee year. The Jubilee is directly linked to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. The Jubilee began anciently with a trumpet blast on the Day of Atonement. In scripture, the Jubilee is the year of liberty when slaves are freed and lost inheritances restored. It occurs at the end of a 50 year cycle after the seventh Sabbatical or Shemitah which just passed us recently, September 2014 to September 2015.

The link between the Day of Atonement and the Jubilee is explained in a vision of Ezekiel. The prophet Ezekiel was shown a new temple where the Day of Atonement is replaced by a dual atonement service that spans a week rather than one day, a super Atonement. And with the super Atonement comes a renewal of all inheritances, a super Jubilee.

Ezekiel's temple vision is a type of the climax of the most comprehensive promise and greatest mystery in scripture: Christ in you, His church, the hope of glory. This mystery is the final sealing and establishment of the New Covenant. The prophet Isaiah identifies this super Jubilee as the “acceptable year of the Lord”; the year of full and complete liberty from sin under the power of the Holy Spirit.

But Isaish also calls it the “day of vengeance of our God”. Isaiah 61:1-2. Likewise, the temple vision of Ezekiel warns of the consequences of being unprepared for God's next big move – the outpouring of the latter rain that ripens the gospel harvest.

In scripture the prophets Daniel and John both warn that at the very time God pours out the blessings of the Spirit there will also be a false latter rain. And it will be a masterpiece of satanic deception. It will be so subtle that it will entrap the great majority of this world's citizens. “All the world wondered after the Beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” Rev. 13:3-4.

So is this year, 2015-2016, the year of the super Jubilee and the year of the latter rain? Maybe. No one knows for sure. But one thing we do know: All of the signs of the times point us to the nearness of it. It's time to put our house in order and turn with all our hearts to the Lord so that we're ready. Preparedness for that event is key. Through Christ, the Lord offers us complete liberty from our slavery to sin. Let's accept the offer to meet our loving Father, Savior and Lord in peace.

Re: A Super Jubilee [Re: Charity] #177003
09/21/15 10:38 AM
09/21/15 10:38 AM
Charity  Offline OP
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The post above is from the introduction to my updated ebook, America Under Judgment which I'm giving away free for the next two days on Amazon.

Re: A Super Jubilee [Re: Charity] #177005
09/21/15 02:13 PM
09/21/15 02:13 PM
kland  Offline
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I didn't follow how 2015 could be the super Jubilee of Ezekiel? Ezekiel's vision was for a time that is not ours.

Re: A Super Jubilee [Re: Charity] #177014
09/22/15 03:16 PM
09/22/15 03:16 PM
APL  Offline
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Mark - you believe that 457BC was a Sabbathical year. Thus 34AD and 1798AD are Sabbatical years. I'm basing this on your book on the prophetic calendar. How can 2015 possibly be a Jubilee or even a Sabbatical year? The math does not work.

Oh, that men might open their minds to know God as he is revealed in his Son! {ST, January 20, 1890}
Re: A Super Jubilee [Re: APL] #177076
09/25/15 01:31 PM
09/25/15 01:31 PM
glenm  Offline
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Originally Posted By: APL
Mark - you believe that 457BC was a Sabbathical year. Thus 34AD and 1798AD are Sabbatical years. I'm basing this on your book on the prophetic calendar. How can 2015 possibly be a Jubilee or even a Sabbatical year? The math does not work.

It's possible to find web sites that say that 9/2014 - 9/2015 was a sabbatical year. I have no idea if they are accurate.

With regard to the jubilee, if you look in the "Words of the Adventist Pioneers" database, there was a Millerite theory about a "jubilee of jubilees" stretching 2450 years from 607 B.C. to 1843 A.D. (this period is actually 2449 years). 457 B.C. is mentioned in this connection. 2520 also shows up in this model, and I'm not an advocate of the theory.

I don't know if 457 was a jubilee year, but if so, then we are 2471 years removed, and 2471 is not a multiple of 49 or 50.

I myself have never been able to figure out whether the jubilee period is 49 or 50 years.

Re: A Super Jubilee [Re: Charity] #177077
09/25/15 01:50 PM
09/25/15 01:50 PM
glenm  Offline
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It might be useful to say something about the Jewish calendar in 1844 and 2015.

In the late summer of 1844, when the "seventh month movement" kicked in, the Millerites needed to determine the beginning of the seventh month. One choice was September 14, as found on the standard Jewish calendar. The other choice was the new moon a month later.

The Millerites made the latter choice, and Damsteegt's book in the "Words of the Adventist Pioneers" database gives the details. This choice is the basis for the October 22 1844 date for the Day of Atonement.

The years 1844 and 2015 have identical dates on the standard Jewish calendar for the beginning of the seventh month, like this:

9/14/1844 Rosh Hashana 5605

9/14/2015 Rosh Hashana 5776

The reason why the dates are identical is because 2015 is 171 years removed from 1844, and 171 is a multiple of 19, and the Jewish calendar is known to run in a 19-year cycle.

The 19-year cycle is based on the fact that a period of 19 solar years is almost identical to 235 lunar months. The 235 lunar months is based on allocating 12 lunar months for each of the 19 years, for a total of 228 lunar months, and then intercalating an additional 7 lunar months, to make 235 lunar months. The intercalation is required to keep the Jewish holidays from drifting with the seasons, for example Passover in the fall or Tabernacles in the spring.

I don't know if specific dates in any year after 1844 will ever be important prophetically. GC 399.4 makes the argument that the fall types must have antitypical fulfillments at some point, and this was the reasoning for the specific date in 1844.

Whether this applies to the antitypical Trumpets and Tabernacles I can't say.

However, it seems to me that we should keep in mind the calendar choice that the Millerites made in 1844, and ask why they did things this way.

Re: A Super Jubilee [Re: APL] #177081
09/25/15 02:25 PM
09/25/15 02:25 PM
kland  Offline
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Originally Posted By: APL
Mark - you believe that 457BC was a Sabbathical year. Thus 34AD and 1798AD are Sabbatical years. I'm basing this on your book on the prophetic calendar. How can 2015 possibly be a Jubilee or even a Sabbatical year? The math does not work.
Well, someone needs to help me with math. Because I can't get things to add up. And not just with an off-by-one error. And as glenm asks, is it 50 or 49? That is, do you start counting the 50th as the next cycle or with the 51st?

Re: A Super Jubilee [Re: Charity] #177082
09/25/15 02:33 PM
09/25/15 02:33 PM
kland  Offline
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Or is 2015 being a Jubilee more along the lines of the blood moon "tetrad". Marketing. Even though this spring's wasn't a total eclipse, even though few, if anyone, could even see the maximum of the partial eclipse, and even though it in no way appeared to be "blood", "red", or anything other than a faded hint of a shadow, most everyone blindly believes it was a blood moon and therefore there were 4 of them.

Re: A Super Jubilee [Re: kland] #177083
09/25/15 05:15 PM
09/25/15 05:15 PM
glenm  Offline
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Originally Posted By: kland
Originally Posted By: APL
Mark - you believe that 457BC was a Sabbathical year. Thus 34AD and 1798AD are Sabbatical years. I'm basing this on your book on the prophetic calendar. How can 2015 possibly be a Jubilee or even a Sabbatical year? The math does not work.
Well, someone needs to help me with math. Because I can't get things to add up. And not just with an off-by-one error. And as glenm asks, is it 50 or 49? That is, do you start counting the 50th as the next cycle or with the 51st?

If you have a starting date X B.C. and an ending date Y A.D., then the number of years between them is "Y-(-X)-1", which is equivalent to "Y+X-1". The -1 is required because there is no zero year.

So from 457 B.C. to 34 A.D. is 490 years ("seventy weeks"), and from 457 B.C. to 1798 A.D. is 2254 years.

490 and 2254 are both multiples of 49, and thus must be multiples of 7 as well.

This calculation says nothing about whether any of these years was a sabbatical or jubilee year.

Re: A Super Jubilee [Re: Charity] #177086
09/25/15 07:49 PM
09/25/15 07:49 PM
APL  Offline
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IF 34AD was a sabbatical year, then 2015 would be a sabbatical year. 69AD would be a sabbatical year. IF the Jubilee was 702BC and 457BC, then 2015 can not be a Jubilee.

Originally Posted By: Mark Shipowick - Prophetic Calendar
The main biblical sources for identifying the timing of the Jubilee and Sabbatical years are the 70 week prophecy in Daniel 9 and the story of the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem under Hezekiah in Isaiah 37:30. The text in Isaiah describes Sabbatical and Jubilee years where no crops are planted. Historians have been able to pinpooint both the teturn date of the Jews described in Daniel 9 and Ezra 6 and 7, and Assyrian iege of Isaiah 37. As we've seen above, the start of the 70 weeks is 457BCE. The siege occurred in 701. These two dates synchronize with each other. The time span fromone year after the siege, 702 to 457BCE is a multiple of 49 wich tells us that 701 was a Sabbatical and 702 a Jubilee. In addition there are other extra biblical sources confirming the Sabbatical cycles. For example, one ancient historian noted that Jerusalem was destroyed one year after a Sabbatical year. This further confirms that above; if a Sabbatical ended in the fall of 69AD, then a Sabbatical also ended and a Jubilee began in the fall of 457BC. And it confirms 2015 as a Sabbatical.

If 701BC and 456BC was a Jubilee, then where were the other Jubilees?
Jubilee years based on Mark's reckoning. 
  702BC  653BC  604BC  555BC  506BC  457BC  408BC
  359BC  310BC  261BC  212BC  163BC  114BC   65BC
   16BC   34AD   83AD  132AD  181AD  230AD  279AD
  328AD  377AD  426AD  475AD  524AD  573AD  622AD
  671AD  720AD  769AD  818AD  867AD  916AD  965AD
 1014AD 1063AD 1112AD 1161AD 1210AD 1259AD 1308AD
 1357AD 1406AD 1455AD 1504AD 1553AD 1602AD 1651AD
 1700AD 1749AD 1798AD 1847AD 1896AD 1945AD 1994AD
2015 can not be a Jubilee. Can it be a Sabbatical years? 1994+21 = 2015. Yes based on Mark's reckoning, but not a Jubilee.

Oh, that men might open their minds to know God as he is revealed in his Son! {ST, January 20, 1890}
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