There is no uncertainty whatsoever that the Flood changed the surface of the earth. That has never been in question here. You may wish to go back and see what the question and the uncertainty was. The uncertainty had to do with where the ark might be found.
Green, why did you say this? Did I suggest that? Where?
And no, I wasn't addressing where the ark might be found but your incorrect assertion,
However, the earth has undergone tremendous geological changes since the Flood, including, as I understand, the lifting of Mount Everest through tectonic shifting, great earthquakes that separated out the continents, and similar "adjustments" to earth's terrain.
...Even before the ark opened to release its occupants, God Himself caused a wind that changed the terrain in order to bury the dead.
Wind blown deposits, could or does that make up Mount Everest or Ararat?
At that point, the ark no longer required shelter from the rough sea. Those mountains that sheltered it may have been moved or changed.
Huh? Is this another thing you didn't think through? As in do you think the ark was still floating but not needing protection when the mountain disappeared? What are you really trying to say here?
Further changes have taken place even since the flood, as I already pointed out.
So why did you start your post as you did when this is what I was addressing?
Ellen White speaks of some.
But doesn't speak of what you do.
There are some things that are certain, it is true. It is certain there was a flood. It is certain the flood changed the terrain tremendously.
It is certain that after the flood many more changes have occurred.
But not true what you're suggesting.
It is UNcertain precisely where those changes may have occurred, and whether or not the mountains of Ararat have changed.
Any evidence that could be true? I don't think so. Feel free to present such. Hint: wind blown.