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Re: Are we at the close of probation? [Re: Nadi] #181645
10/12/16 12:17 PM
10/12/16 12:17 PM
Nadi  Offline
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I posted this on the "What do we take to Heaven" thread, and it may help in understanding my view on probation:

Originally Posted By: dedication

Once probation closes -- either at death, or just prior to the second coming at the end of this earth's sinful history, there is no more opportunity to change our "salvation status".

Originally Posted By: Nadi
While I agree that at death there is no more opportunity to make any choices, I think the opportunity to choose Jesus will remain open until His actual appearing in the heavens. It doesn't "close" at the time of trouble, or the Sunday law, or "after the mark of the beast is implemented," or any other such arbitrary event. Now, if one can demonstrate otherwise from the Bible, I'll be happy to examine the evidence.

"Our vision is often more obstructed by what we think we know than by our lack of knowledge." K. Stendahl
Re: Are we at the close of probation? [Re: Nadi] #181649
10/13/16 02:33 AM
10/13/16 02:33 AM
dedication  Online Content
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Originally Posted By: Nadi
Therefore, if the idea of a close of probation is based on a single text, and not a very strong one at that, I will not be a strong supporter of that idea, especially in light of the many texts illustrating God's unfailing love, mercy that endures forever, etc.

Then to take a weak idea of a close in probation and start assigning dates to it is just bad religion.

I fully agree that we should not start assigning dates to the close of probation --
That's why I can't accept "His Child's" Obama interpretations.

However, there is more than one text that gives the foundational understanding that probation does close BEFORE the second coming. The plagues fall after the close of probation.

You say "God's mercy endures forever" ...
Yes, for the ones who have committed their lives to Him His mercy will never depart.
Those who trust in His name will never be left alone.

And yes, it is the desire of our loving God that all would hear His voice and turn to Him. One of the reasons probationary time lingers is because so many are still in the valley of decision.

But to believe His mercy will be forever extended to those who reject that mercy and defy His love and law, would be universalism - an everyone saved belief which is contrary to scripture.

Nor do I believe that Christ will overpower the decision of the rejecters of His mercy with His glory at the second coming thus forcing them into submission. When Christ comes the reward of eternal life or eternal death is already decided based on everyone's response during their life time to His call of mercy.

That time of mercy ends before the second coming.
scriptures also says when those plagues fall there is NO MERCY. The plagues fall unmixed with mercy. They are unmixed, undiluted "wrath".

Revelation 14:9,10.
"And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation."

This wrath is explained as what?
Rev. 15:1 "And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God."

All the judgments prior to the close of probation, have been mingled with mercy. Great is God's mercy! The pleading blood of Christ has shielded sinners from receiving the full measure of their guilt and keeps calling them to turn from their sins accept Christ and His righteousness; but in the final showdown, wrath is poured out unmixed with mercy.

When those fearful plagues will begin to fall, after the last message of Rev. 18:1-4 is given, what a terrible time for those who have despised God's word and rejected His call of mercy.

Prov. 1:27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.
1:28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me, but they shall not find me:
1:29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:
1:30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.

Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: 8:12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.

It will be too late to change, at that time --

Rev. 22:11-12 "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be."

Today we need to seek the Lord our God -- Today His mercy is poured out upon the world in loving urgency to come to Him today.

Re: Are we at the close of probation? [Re: Rick H] #181653
10/14/16 09:27 AM
10/14/16 09:27 AM
His child  Offline
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"True education means much. We have no time now to spend in speculative ideas, or in haphazard movements. The evidences that the coming of Christ is near are many and are very plain, and yet many who profess to be looking for Him are asleep. We are not half as earnest as we ought to be to gather up the important truths that are for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Unless we understand the importance of passing events, and make ready to stand in the great day of God, we shall be registered in the books of heaven as unfaithful stewards. The watchman is to know the time of the night. Everything is now clothed with a solemnity that all who believe the truth should feel and understand. They should act in reference to the great day of God." {8MR 154.3}

"Ignorance is sin, when knowledge can be obtained" (HR, September 1, 1866 par. 3). www.loudcry101.com
Re: Are we at the close of probation? [Re: dedication] #181656
10/15/16 09:16 AM
10/15/16 09:16 AM
Elle  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Nadi
Therefore, if the idea of a close of probation is based on a single text, and not a very strong one at that, I will not be a strong supporter of that idea, especially in light of the many texts illustrating God's unfailing love, mercy that endures forever, etc.

Then to take a weak idea of a close in probation and start assigning dates to it is just bad religion.

I agree.

If we look carefully at the context of the main text (Rev. 22:11-12), the angel talking to John is not even referring to the time at the fall of Babylon or "after probation" or... -- Rev 22:11-12 refers to John's time (from after Pentecost (33 AD) to the 2nd coming}. The whole revelation was completed at Rev 22:5. From v.6 to 10, the angel tells Johns that the words given in the book of revelation is sure and true. Then John does the mistake of worshiping the angel by which he tells John not to and tells John not to seal the revelation.

So a close of the book of revelation is done and we are back to John's current time frame. My understanding of verse 11-12 is to let us know what to expect from John's time on -- that things will continue as it were..."He that is unjust, let him be unjust still...". Because from the time of the fulfillment of Pentecost to Jesus 2nd coming is a "Pentecost ERA" where SOME(few) people will be refined by the "fire" of the Holy Spirit however MOST will back away from this "fire" (voice of the Holy Spirit) like it was establish with the 1st Pentecost time (the TYPE) in Ex 20:19 "And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die.") when the people only could bear hearing the 10Cs, the introduction of the covenant. They refused to hear anything further for they were afraid to die. Hearing the Holy Spirit does [spiritually] kill us [the "old man"] by "burning the flesh"[man's words & false notions of the Lord]. As we know, hearing the Lord via His Holy Spirit does not physically kill the person or burn his physical flesh.

So we have taken Rev 22:11-12 out of context including time context, and we have added the probation spin to it that the text doesn't say or imply.
Originally Posted By: dedication
However, there is more than one text that gives the foundational understanding that probation does close BEFORE the second coming. The plagues fall after the close of probation.

The same comments to all of dedication other supposively supporting texts. None holds water.

This is call taking scriptures to fit our "pre-conceived idea" by which Ezekiel 14 calls "heart idols" by which the Lord warns us that if we hold on to them then the Lord will MULTIPLY or amplify them(Ezk 14:4). Notice Ez 14:4 doesn't say that the Lord will correct them. No, but HE will MULTIPLY them.

The Lord is not asking us to destroy these idols. Pre-conceived ideas are only destroyed as we come to learn the truth. And how to learn the truth?....1Jn 2:27 from hearing & being taught by the Holy Spirit personally.

So, what we need to learn to do is to put aside these pre-conceived notions -- meaning don't treat these as TRUTH while knowing that these needs to be tested and refined by the Holy Spirit.

However, if we come to the Lord treating these untested pre conceived idea as TRUTH which in actuality are only man's flesh (words, thoughts, & interpretations).....then in your action you are saying that you prefer eating man's flesh(words) than Jesus' flesh(words). In respond to this, the Lord will send you more of your favorite food(man's flesh) until you get sick of it. This respond from the Lord is not to forsake you, but rather it is His way of correcting our perverted appetite. By getting continually sick, we will come to desire better food.

The Lord knows how to change all of our fleshy appetite in His good timing.

Re: Are we at the close of probation? [Re: Elle] #181660
10/16/16 11:12 AM
10/16/16 11:12 AM
His child  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Elle
The Lord knows how to change all of our fleshy appetite in His good timing.

There are those who believe in the rapture. If probation closes before Christ Comes there is no possibility for those who are not raptured to ever be in Heaven.

The fleshly ideas is that there will be a second chance for those who are not ready when Jesus comes.

Dedication does some wonderful studies (though she does not have everything in the proper context). The Holy Spirit blesses God's people with discernment. The devil is the accuser of the brethren (and sisters) and he is working to to keep us satisfied in our partial understanding until it is too late to get ready for Jesus to come.

The parable of the Ten Virgins is Christ's most authoritative statement that say that when the Bridegroom comes, probation has ended. And those who did not have the Holy Spirit's oil of grace and discernment will go into everlasting darkness--they do not go into Heaven's feast.

Time better spent would be to be sure we are ready for Jesus to come and getting the right message of warning to the world before it is upon us.

"Ignorance is sin, when knowledge can be obtained" (HR, September 1, 1866 par. 3). www.loudcry101.com
Re: Are we at the close of probation? [Re: His child] #181715
10/24/16 04:42 PM
10/24/16 04:42 PM
kland  Offline
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Originally Posted By: His child
Originally Posted By: APL
You are right...
What happens when Obama is out of office? Will you then back peddle and come up with a different interpretation? The end events will be rapid ones. There is a work to be done now of putting off of sin and knowing God as He is. This is not dependent on Obama being in or out of office. It is not dependent on he being number 44.

Let me ask: What happens when Obama is still in office? When you see him implement the Mark of the Beast? Will you then back peddle and believe the interpretation? Will you then support the work that you have doubted and not spoken of very highly? The end events will be rapid ones. There is a work to be done now of putting off of sin and knowing God as He is and believing His word by faith. This is going to shake the faith of those who doubted that Obama is remaining in office. It is not dependent on him being number 44, but that is an interesting coincidence.

back peddle 3. (intransitive, idiomatic) To distance oneself from an earlier claim or statement; back off from an idea.

Though initially adopting a hard-line stance, the politician soon started to backpedal.

APL is not making a claim or statement about Obama remaining in office. He would not be backpedaling. He may accept "new light". You are the one going out on a limb. Time will see if you start backpedaling and changing your stance.

Originally Posted By: His child
No one has proved it to be in error from the Bible. So the Bible wins.

It is a matter of FAITH and thus rightly dividing the word.

And no one has proved it to be in error from the Bible that martians will invade the earth. So the Bible wins.

Not sure lack of evidence is support for something.
No where does the Bible speak about Obama.

So you're saying Pius VI was the 5th head who received the deadly wound. Pius XII would be the 7th head. Why are you persisting otherwise?

5, 6, 7.

Count them.

Re: Are we at the close of probation? [Re: kland] #181732
10/26/16 12:10 AM
10/26/16 12:10 AM
His child  Offline
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Originally Posted By: kland

APL is not making a claim or statement about Obama remaining in office. He would not be backpedaling. He may accept "new light". You are the one going out on a limb. Time will see if you start backpedaling and changing your stance.

If APL or anyone waits until it happens it might be too late as it was in the day of Noah

Originally Posted By: kland

No where does the Bible speak about Obama.

So you're saying Pius VI was the 5th head who received the deadly wound. Pius XII would be the 7th head. Why are you persisting otherwise?

The deadly wound was inflicted on the Pius head when PIUS VI lost his power over all the churches and over the global secular government. The papacy was dead.

When the deadly wound was healed the PIUS head was healed by Mussolini restoring secular authority to PIUS XI.

The seven post 1929 popes that ruled as kings after the wound was healed in 1929 were:

Pius XI & XII
Paul VI
John-Paul I & II
Benedict XVI

Benedict XVI reigned for a short space. The prophecy in Revelation 13 transitioned from the papal beast to the earth beast (America) during Benedict XVI reign. Bush II was President at the beginning of Benedict XVI reign and Obama was president at the end of it.

The American earth beast only has 2 horns. Obama is the last President identified in this prophecy. He will be in office when Christ comes.

“The United States is the power represented by the beast with lamblike horns…”(GC 578.3)

To identify Obama in the prophecy, it requires following the symbolism.

"Ignorance is sin, when knowledge can be obtained" (HR, September 1, 1866 par. 3). www.loudcry101.com
Re: Are we at the close of probation? [Re: His child] #181743
10/26/16 02:39 AM
10/26/16 02:39 AM
Alchemy  Offline
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Originally Posted By: His child
Originally Posted By: kland

APL is not making a claim or statement about Obama remaining in office. He would not be backpedaling. He may accept "new light". You are the one going out on a limb. Time will see if you start backpedaling and changing your stance.

If APL or anyone waits until it happens it might be too late as it was in the day of Noah

Originally Posted By: kland

No where does the Bible speak about Obama.

So you're saying Pius VI was the 5th head who received the deadly wound. Pius XII would be the 7th head. Why are you persisting otherwise?

The deadly wound was inflicted on the Pius head when PIUS VI lost his power over all the churches and over the global secular government. The papacy was dead.

When the deadly wound was healed the PIUS head was healed by Mussolini restoring secular authority to PIUS XI.

The seven post 1929 popes that ruled as kings after the wound was healed in 1929 were:

Pius XI & XII
Paul VI
John-Paul I & II
Benedict XVI

Benedict XVI reigned for a short space. The prophecy in Revelation 13 transitioned from the papal beast to the earth beast (America) during Benedict XVI reign. Bush II was President at the beginning of Benedict XVI reign and Obama was president at the end of it.

The American earth beast only has 2 horns. Obama is the last President identified in this prophecy. He will be in office when Christ comes.

“The United States is the power represented by the beast with lamblike horns…”(GC 578.3)

To identify Obama in the prophecy, it requires following the symbolism.

But, how can Pope Francis I be the last Pope when he nothing like the seven? 1) He is a Jesuit. 2) Francis I reigns with Pope Benedict still alive and present.

On both of these points Francis I fails the prophetic earmarks!

Re: Are we at the close of probation? [Re: His child] #181745
10/26/16 04:54 PM
10/26/16 04:54 PM
Nadi  Offline
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Originally Posted By: His child
The fleshly ideas is that there will be a second chance for those who are not ready when Jesus comes.


...it is too late to get ready for Jesus to come.

Herein lies the fault-- WE do not get ready for Jesus to come. JESUS gets US ready.

Phil. 1:6 "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (NIV)

Phil. 2:13 "for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."(NIV)

This is the beauty of the gospel. I can NEVER get myself ready, but Jesus has ALREADY made me ready.

"Our vision is often more obstructed by what we think we know than by our lack of knowledge." K. Stendahl
Re: Are we at the close of probation? [Re: Nadi] #181748
10/27/16 10:30 AM
10/27/16 10:30 AM
Alchemy  Offline
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Originally Posted By: Nadi
Originally Posted By: His child
The fleshly ideas is that there will be a second chance for those who are not ready when Jesus comes.


...it is too late to get ready for Jesus to come.

Herein lies the fault-- WE do not get ready for Jesus to come. JESUS gets US ready.

Phil. 1:6 "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (NIV)

Phil. 2:13 "for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."(NIV)

This is the beauty of the gospel. I can NEVER get myself ready, but Jesus has ALREADY made me ready.

But, we have to let Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, do that work of preparation in us.

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