Here's a short respond of what I see what scripture is saying about the question of evil.
-According to Is 45:7 God says He created evil
-in Lev 26 we have very explicit repeated language that The Lord is the one that brings unto us "evil" in the form of all those calamities listed in that chapter.
We need to look at all scripture (but of course we can't quote all scripture in any one post, that's the frustrating part) but
that is the only way the whole subject of the sanctuary really shines forth as truth.
As to this "evil"-- who is responsible?
How do you balance your texts with these texts?
1 John 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
1:6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
Psalms 145:17 The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. Anyone who says God works or does evil is basically saying God is not holy. Thus of course we wouldn't have any call to be holy either.
That of course is Satan's lie, so how does scripture reconcile this?
God did NOT create sin, God created perfect intelligent beings, with the capacity to love, praise, think, understand, and choose. There were no calamities, sickness, etc. etc. in the perfection of God's finished creation.
Scripture says of all God's creation:
Gen. 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.Sin challenged God's righteous government?
Sin is rebellion against God's moral law?
Sin is evil and totally messes up God's perfect creation.
The whole mess the human race is in is due to the rejection of God's righteous government which is based upon His moral law.
That is the whole controversy.
Isaiah 14 we read that -- A highly exalted created being allowed little thoughts to grow in his mind -- he began to think he was too bright and brilliant to subject himself to God's government, he would establish his form of government above God's government.
God is all powerful -- He could have wiped the rebellion out right at the start. He could stop all evil in an instant -- or allow the evil doers to exercise their will.
If you really read your scriptures you will find a God who wants people to LOVE Him and serve Him, not because they HAVE to, but because the WANT to.
Remember the verse
"IF YOU LOVE ME, keep my commandments" (John 14:15)
In other words -- the "love me" comes first, obedience joyfully follows.
But in a perfect world -- the heavenly hosts had never experienced a life outside of God's will --
-- that doubting angel began planting doubts in their perfect minds.
-- "did God tell you to do this, or not do that -- God knows that if you disobey you will be like him -- you're will be elevated to new heights!
(See Gen 3:1-5 for a sample of satan's method of placing doubts about God in unsuspecting minds)
If God had simply put an end to it then and there -- would the created beings have obeyed Him because they loved Him and loved His righteous, holy ways, or would they have served only out of duty or fear?
Earth thus became a "theater" so to speak.
God says -- OK let's just see where this "new government" (the freedom from God's law) style leads.
Thus created beings who thought they were "smarter" than God (who like Lucifer want to set their thrones above God's throne
Is 14) were allowed to show what the results would be.
What most don't realize is just how much God has RESTRAINED evil, so that life is still somewhat bearable on this earth,
where the
"prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience" (Eph 2:3)stakes out his claims.
Just read the book of Isaiah, especially the chapters 40 and onward -- how God is pleading with his people to look to Him, He alone is the source of salvation and hope, why do they turn away and go after to those stupid idols and their rebellious ways? Time and again they turned away from God, and God allowed their enemies to harass them, then they would cry unto the LORD, and He would raise up a deliverer and deliver them, but no sooner were things going well, and they turned away from God, and the cycle went on and on ever spiraling downward.
(see Psalms 106-107). People today are no different. Why can't people see the goodness of God and the deceitful poison of sin?
Instead they tend to blame God for the mess that sin has made.
The investigative judgment -- that judgment at which the entire heavenly host is a witness (See Daniel 7) is allowed to view the situation in it's true light, before God executes any final judgment. God's patient dealings working to draw people to Himself -- to LIFE! vs the workings of sin and the resulting damage to emotional, mental and physical well being which this rejection of the only One who can save, brings! All fully are opened.
God will not put an end to sin until all realize the truth of the matter-- and the justice, as well as holiness, and righteousness of God in all His works.
Those who want God's blessings and protection, just so they can continue to live a life of rebellion against God's will and moral laws -- would never be happy or even be able to live in God's presence.
Those who are saved, and cleansed by Christ's blood, will without a shadow of a doubt know and rejoice that God's ways are great, awesome, wonderful and that's the way they WANT to live, they LOVE HIM, and long to be in fellowship with HIM, forever. They will know that in Him there is NO DARKNESS at all.
The scriptures are full of texts of praise from those who contemplate God's holiness.
So yes -- the IJ is an integral part, and is both biblical as well as making sense in bringing the controversy to an end.