The reason I'm posting more frequently these days is that I'm 95% bed ridden because the cancer has spread severely in my bones and liver. Now i need a wheel chair to get around. Before I walked with great pain bc the cancer has eaten up my pelvis to the point of having a whole. I didn't see my bone scan yet, my deduction of the description of it by 3 of my physicians and when i started to deal with these assumed musclar issues; i would speculate that the cancer was already spread in my bones over 6 months ago without me knowing bc I stubbornly refused to do any scans. I had attributed my pain in my right leg and left arm as some muscular injury. Since, I have many new pain location.
This post is not about my pains and sufferings, blaming the Canadian hospital system or the big pharma mega corps, blaming myself for my lacks, or anyone else.
It is a deep reflection of what I have learned thru the fire of tribulations the Father has put me thru so to burn some"flesh" off so that my new created man conceived in me can grow to the next spiritual level.
It is also an attempt to seek a balance approach to cancer treatments available at the hospital if your situation you are in is similar to mine.
Being schooled in SDA health institute and university, working as an assistant health researcher with Dr. Sang Lee at Weimar, and from my personal research on the subject; I had many pre-conceived ideas that made me un-balanced in my approach to tackle with discernments from above the best course of action for my unique case.
I know that many brothers and sisters in our Church dies of cancer for doing what I've done and letting the cancer invade our body when it could of been prevented with surgery, radiation or chemo when caught early.
I'm not advocating these barbarian practices; however reality is that's what our hospital system currently offer. Then if you have more time than i and have the financial means to pursue alternatives are faced with a sea of confusion as to discern what is a sound approach and what is quackery that can also eat up your time availability.
The physician working at the hospital are schooled in thinking the pharma's way. Some know better but if they want to keep their job they need to submit to the hospital procedures or loose credibility and their license. So their hands are bonds. We need to understand their situation and build a good relationship using their expertise as best as they can offer. I have been very well received at the hospital and they have learned to know me and also make some compromises to meet me half way.
I have great hope that our hospital system will gradually change due to the recent fall of Mystery Babylon. But these changes will takes time. So we need to be patient and understanding supporting them to grow also in these coming changes without judging them.
Here's my two main disposition that if i would of known what i know today; i would of made the discision to work with the hospital personel and procedures.
A)My cancer is a HER-2 (Human Epidermal growth factor receptor-2) positive type of cancer. 30 years ago at Weimar doing research, I didn't learn about this gene. I don't even know if it was discovered yet. This is an overly expressed growth hormone gene that tells my cancer cells to multiply and grow fast. Meaning I don't have the luxury of time to try all kinds of alternative methods. I can still do any lifestyle changes but for my case combined with surgery to remove the lump with some anti-HER-2 drug and their recommended chemo to go with it. Again the physician is bond to use hospital allowed procedures. I need to work with him.
B)I am extremely poor. I have absolutely no means to pay for alternative methods of treatments. If I had the money the first thing I would pursue is immunotherapy. The hospital won't give me that option unless I first fail all their standard procedures.
So this is only the introduction. I will further try to share what I've have learned in more details so if it can aid one brother or sister to seek with me a better balanced approach to view their own cancer case: then it is worth while writing it.
Regardless the Lord strongly is impressing me to write this "wilderness" experience down probably for His own purpose whatever it is.
Anyway also writing things down or studying scriptures keeps my mind off my pain, restlessness and sleeplessness. So I hope you can bear all my postings these days as I forsee that my bed-ridden situation, muscular & bone degradation will continue for the next 2 to 3 months before the anti-HER-2 drug & chemo can kick in. Then probably it will take the next two years or so to rebuild my body from this near death experience.