My wifes brother is not adventist.
When he first started to have anything to do with me, he understood my request to not do any work on my property on Sabbath, but, a couple years ago, he had a stroke.
Since then, he has difficulty understanding my requests, and since my wife isn't adventist either, it makes it even more difficult to deal with it.
My wife, for the most part, understands and yields to my request, unless it has to do with her brother.
He is in a very delicate position, he suffered the stroke, and has had surgery 3 times for major blockage in his carotid arteries, making his cognitive functions shaky at best.
How do I witness to him without putting a wall batween he and I?
He was listening until after his last surgery, I think he had another stroke while on the operating table.
He is a good man, and very caring about family, he knows I can't do a lot of the things I used to because of my heart.
However, he seems to alweays pick the sabbath to do them.
Most often when I am away from home.
What can I do?
How can I do it?>
His heart is in the right place, just not his mind.
What is popular is not always right.
What is right is not always popular.
Gerry B.