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Why are Christians embracing Evolution?
01/26/19 11:25 AM
01/26/19 11:25 AM
Group: Admin Team
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Florida, USA
Its called theistic evolution and its just another way to get around Gods truth of Creation, and substituted it with mans ideas and theories. Here is a good explanation: "Believing that God used evolution to create annuls numerous Bible teachings... As some Christian scholars and leaders are increasingly advocating theistic evolution to explain creation, two scholars.. say Adventists cannot accept theistic evolution unless they annul many of their Bible-based fundamental beliefs. Theistic evolution, the belief that God used processes of evolution to create, implies at least believing “an account of origins at odds with the biblical record of history,” said Geoscience Research Institute scientist Timothy Standish. It also implies, he added, introducing the presence of death before sin, or at least defining death in different ways before sin and after sin. Thus, “Seventh-day Adventists cannot embrace theistic evolution without exhibiting extraordinary duplicity and naiveté,” Standish said. Southern Adventist University professor Greg A. King seconded the notion. “Because of the unresolvable contradictions between theistic evolution and Scripture … and because of the profound way in which theistic evolution would alter or modify key doctrines of the Bible, it seems clear that there is no middle ground between theistic evolution and biblical creation.” The questions may be asked, why do many confessed Christians not see a conflict between the work of a Creator God and evolution? Why are they embracing evolution without a second thought? And why can Adventists not accept it? ..First, believing in theistic evolution affects our view of Scripture, King said. It undermines the authority of Scripture itself, which tells us a different story of origins than is portrayed by evolution. It also affects the doctrine of God; according to the Bible, He created by the power of His word. “The God of theistic evolution is a diminished divinity,” King said. King also explained how theistic evolution affects the doctrine of salvation. “Why do humans need to be saved, if they are simply following God’s plan for how to get to higher forms of life?” he asked. And “from what do we need to be saved” in the first place? In theistic evolution, said King, human beings are also diminished. They fall short of being God’s crown of creation and become mere beings emerging at the end of a long, slow process of development. “The biblical doctrine of man is severely altered in such a scenario,” he said. Sabbath is also affected, he pointed out, because in theistic evolution there is no creation week. Sabbath stops being a memorial of creation and becomes a human invention. And theistic evolution affects marriage. As the marriage covenant loses God’s imprimatur, King believes “theistic evolution helps pave the road for some … unbiblical permutations of marriage.”
Last edited by Rick H; 01/26/19 11:26 AM.
Re: Why are Christians embracing Evolution?
[Re: Rick H]
01/28/19 05:27 PM
01/28/19 05:27 PM
SDA Active Member 2024
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So I thought you were going to suggest, "why".
Re: Why are Christians embracing Evolution?
[Re: Rick H]
02/09/19 12:07 AM
02/09/19 12:07 AM
SDA Active Member 2021
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Florida. USA
I think it is supposed to be an intellectual thing. I know several folk are surprised when you tell them you believe in Creation.
I think it is folly to believe in macroevolution.I just cannot imagine the mathematical probability that life would occur, and not only that, many different forms of it, and further, a male AND a female for the higher forms?
At what point would God step in and say that this life form is evolved enough for the blood of Christ to save him? If Adam and Eve were the first true human parents, does that mean that their parent, grandparents, etc, aren't saved because they were not human enough? How sad for them!
Someone said of Gen 1:1 that God created time (in the beginning) space(heavens) and matter (earth) and that this had to have been simultaneous because (and I love this explanation!) if you had time and space, but no matter, what would you put? If you had matter and space but no time, when would you put it? If you had matter and time but no space, where would you put it?
Last edited by Theophilus; 02/09/19 12:18 AM.
I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which Thou hast shewed unto Thy servant;... Gen 32:10
Re: Why are Christians embracing Evolution?
[Re: Theophilus]
02/15/19 02:56 PM
02/15/19 02:56 PM
SDA Active Member 2020
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I think it is supposed to be an intellectual thing. I know several folk are surprised when you tell them you believe in Creation.
I think it is folly to believe in macroevolution.I just cannot imagine the mathematical probability that life would occur, and not only that, many different forms of it, and further, a male AND a female for the higher forms?
At what point would God step in and say that this life form is evolved enough for the blood of Christ to save him? If Adam and Eve were the first true human parents, does that mean that their parent, grandparents, etc, aren't saved because they were not human enough? How sad for them!
Someone said of Gen 1:1 that God created time (in the beginning) space(heavens) and matter (earth) and that this had to have been simultaneous because (and I love this explanation!) if you had time and space, but no matter, what would you put? If you had matter and space but no time, when would you put it? If you had matter and time but no space, where would you put it? Faith verses sight. Too often we believe what we think we see and don't take more than a superficial glance. When we dig a little deeper, there is so much more under the surface.
"Ignorance is sin, when knowledge can be obtained" (HR, September 1, 1866 par. 3).
Re: Why are Christians embracing Evolution?
[Re: kland]
05/08/23 05:08 AM
05/08/23 05:08 AM
Group: Admin Team
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Florida, USA
So I thought you were going to suggest, "why". Well with everything that is coming with JWT evidence, Christians should not be coming up with evolution at any level.
Re: Why are Christians embracing Evolution?
[Re: Rick H]
05/09/23 02:18 AM
05/09/23 02:18 AM
Global Moderator Supporting Member 2022
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Christian's should NOT be embracing evolution.
As to why it's sweeping the world .... It's a crucial theory for Satan's counterfeit religion.
Creation | ... | Evolution |
God created a perfect world |
God created matter and set in motion the laws of natural selection and development |
The noble, perfect humans, were given intelligent minds and free choice |
| Mankind developed with robotic, instinct minds |
God warned them the enemy was lurking in the tree, they were not to eat of it, if they did they would surely die |
The serpent claims he opened their eyes and gave mankind the fire of self conscious and independent individual selfhood. Liberating them from a controlling authoritarian. Awakening the divine faculties of the intellect for man. |
Before the fall, there was no sin, no death, no violence or misery, all was love and harmony in a perfect beautiful world |
| Matter developed through survival of the fittest, death of the weaker means to bring forth the better and encourage change, there is no such thing as sin, It's all about ascension into higher realms mentally and spiritually. |
Trouble and violence covered the earth because of sin. It's the result of casting off God's law, and provisions for repentance and forgiveness |
... |
God was accused of being unfair locking them out of Eden, and away from the tree of life. |
Mankind degenerated, sickness, death came because God's laws were flaunted, and mankind cut himself off from the Life Giver. |
... | mankind, it is claimed, was just advancing from very primitive ages to more intellectual and progressive |
Jesus, the Son of God, who with God, is God, came to earth to redeem mankind from sin and offer them LIFE! |
... |
Jesus, it is claimed was just another ascending master, incarnated to help mankind ascend to a higher level. Jesus supposedly was incarnated several times during earth's history, and is one of the masters working to bring mankind to the next "age". |
Jesus died to save the weak as well as the strong, all are precious in His sight |
... |
For mankind to ascend to the next level, the old, weak, decisive ways must be wiped out. Even human reproduction to be tailored to producing quality and intelligence in the offspring
The way to eternal life is through Jesus, His death and resurrection offers forgives, cleanses and empowers for holy living.
| | The bait is a promise to reach certain levels in the ascendency ladder, after which there is no more need for reincarnation, and they become masters. Remember, in this paradigm of thought, there is no such thing as sin, but to achieve this new level for humanity as a whole there must be a merging of spiritual consciousness which can only be achieved by chaos and tearing down of established civilization, through war and pain. |
Jesus will give eternal life to all who overcome sin by the blood of the Lamb of God, through faith and commitment to Him. They receive glorious, new bodies. He will make a new heaven and a new earth. Peace and harmony, love and joy will reign forever. Sin will never again plague the inhabitants. | | So many lives ruined, death reigns, misery, violence and despair the only fruit, till finally sin is wiped out forever.
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