Did you read the context when Jesus used the words "tell no one"? You are misusing those texts. I think this forum needs to cut the conversation some slack, and not hold the conversation back from public discussion. If it is not to be discussed, I am done responding to everything else except what I asked to discuss..
While making this claim, you have supplied absolutely no evidence of any kind to show how I used those texts "out of context." The reason those verses are used in the correct context here is because sometimes it just isnt a good idea to debate a bunch of pointless stuff in public, and there is nothing wrong with that. The texts I supplied show Jesus asking people in various settings to NOT TELLING anyone what He had done. Daryl appears to be following the example of Jesus
The fundamental beliefs themselves, of course can be shown to the public, but when people want to endlessly "debate" the topic and disparage those who accept the belief as stated in the fundamental, then yes, its time to tuck such topics into a safe zone where the arguers wont be able to accomplish their goal.