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God Works In Our LIves #195075
10/17/22 09:52 AM
10/17/22 09:52 AM
Gregory  Offline OP

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Pavel Goia has recently written a small eleven chapter book that I consider to a thought-provoking discussion of God's activity in our lives today. It is full of sermon illustrations that could start off a good many sermons. The ABC has it on sale for$17. Amazon is selling it for$145. [No, that is not a typo.]
Paul Goia & Kelly Mowrer, In the Spirit & Power: God's Presence & Answers to Prayer In Pavel Goia's Journey, Safeliz, 2022,160 pages.

May God's will be done.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196060
07/20/23 10:32 AM
07/20/23 10:32 AM
Garywk  Offline
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Originally Posted by Gregory
Pavel Goia has recently written a small eleven chapter book that I consider to a thought-provoking discussion of God's activity in our lives today. It is full of sermon illustrations that could start off a good many sermons. The ABC has it on sale for$17. Amazon is selling it for$145. [No, that is not a typo.]
Paul Goia & Kelly Mowrer, In the Spirit & Power: God's Presence & Answers to Prayer In Pavel Goia's Journey, Safeliz, 2022,160 pages.

I don't get it. We need to read a book to understand that God works in our lives? The first miracle that I know of in my life happened in the 1st or 2nd grade. I was running home after school and ran directly out in front of a car. It was a 45mpn speed zone and I ran right out in front of a cherry red ford Galaxy two door hard top. I heard a screeching of tires coming from my left and looked. The driver was gripping the steering wheel with both hands and his eyes looked as big as saucers. I turned to run back the way I had come and the next thing I knew I was standing on the sidewalk where I had come from. That car skidded half way across the intersection so it would have seriously injured me if not most likely killed me.

My guardian angel spoke to me twice to save me from getting into serious accidents, but unfortunately I didn't listen either time. Another time I was driving drunk and speeding at around 3 in the morning after a full day of drinking and getting high. I went around a 90 degree corner which I thought I could make it around, but there was a plugged irrigation culvert there and when I hit that water running across the road the car hydroplaned and turned sideways. I down shifted and hit the throttle, but the car had a shift linkage problem and you couldn't go directly from 4th to 3rd gear. You had to go to neutral, move the shifter to the side and then move it to back to where it would shift back into third. We never left the road. If we had we would have hit that ditch and rolled. All I can say is my guardian angel held that car on the road. I have had multiple other miracles happen in my life too. I'm not bragging about these things because I got into all of these situations from my own stupidity. I'm talking about the unbelievable love God has for all of us.

But each of us should have stories that demonstrate how God has worked miracles in our lives for there is no greater miracle than that we were turned away from rebellion against God to becoming His servants. No miracle is greater than that kind of miracle.

Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196061
07/20/23 11:58 AM
07/20/23 11:58 AM
Daryl  Offline

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So what finally woke you up to accepting the One who literally saved you?

In His Love, Mercy & Grace,

Daryl smile

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Daryl] #196063
07/20/23 12:48 PM
07/20/23 12:48 PM
Garywk  Offline
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Originally Posted by Daryl
So what finally woke you up to accepting the One who literally saved you?

The only person who could, God. It seems we humans often think it is our job to do the work of the HS as He is the one who convicts of sin and shows us the solution to our self destructiveness as sin is self destructiveness. The very most any of us can do is present the truths of God's word to people. The rest of it is up to God. It's a bitter pill to swallow as I well know, but it's the truth.

Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196066
07/20/23 03:16 PM
07/20/23 03:16 PM
Garywk  Offline
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I have another story of a miracle in my life.

I was emotionally, sexually, and physically abused as a kid and emotionally abused until I was in my mid to late twenties. This story is how God saved the life my dog, He knew I needed him as I had no friends as one of the consequences of abuse is that you get close to no one because you're positive no one will like you if they actually get to know you. Sin is just sooo damaging.

Well someone had been pounding on the side of my house so I borrowed a Ruger Blackhawk .44 caliber magnum so if/when they came back to harass me I could go out and put a bullet through the block of their car. I lived out in the country so could do that without hurting anyone else. The next day I went down after work to play softball with a bunch of people on the Milton Freewater, Or. church property. After we had played a while we took a break and were playing fetch with my dog Toby as he was a fetching fool He just loved it. Well after a while a guy came up and asked if he could hit the ball as he could hit it further than he could throw it. I said yes without thinking and when he tossed the ball unto the air Toby jumped to catch it and he hit Toby in the head with a full swing of an aluminum bat. Toby went out like a light and stayed out for quite a while. I got to thinking during that time and figured I wouldn't let Toby wake up as I didn't think he could ever be the same after that kind of blow to the head. I had that pistol in my pickup so I went and got it. It was single action which means it must be cocked before it can be fired. I tried to cock that pistol many times and couldn't. It just couldn't be cocked. I have called Toby my miracle dog ever afterwards as God knew I needed him for emotional support as he and I were best buddies. We went everywhere together for years after that.

God is just so good to us it boggles my mind. How He can love people like you and I is beyond me.

Last edited by Garywk; 07/20/23 03:19 PM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196083
07/22/23 01:55 PM
07/22/23 01:55 PM
Garywk  Offline
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I just must tell more of the stories of how God has worked miracles in my life. Not because I am worthy of them but to praise Him.

Four of five years ago I was sitting and thinking about why my old man hated me so much and it was really hurting me. I started praying about it and the HS revealed the reasons to me. When he was pretty small his dad died in a boating accident. He and a friend were fishing and drinking, or probably should say drinking and fishing, on Lake Superior. They got so drunk they failed to see a thunder storm coming until it hit them. On Superior waves can hit 20 feet high in a very short time during a storm. Much too short a time to row back to shore in a row boat. My old man was born in 1921 so that tells us what kind of technology was available back then.

His dad was thrown out of the boat somehow and his friend barely made it out alive. My dad was convinced it was murder. I asked him one time why he thought it was murder and his answer was two men go out fishing and only one comes back it can't be anything but murder. This from someone who grew up very close to Lake Superior.

To make matters worse his friend married his mother later and his hobby when coming home drunk at night was to beat up his wife. When my dad was high school age he'd had all of that he could stand so one night when Grandpa came home drunk one night he met him on the stairs with his hunting rifle and told him that beating his mother up was going to stop,. Grandpa started to come up the stairs towards him and he jacked a shell into the rifle. He said Grandpa looked at him for a little while and turned around and went back down the stairs. Grandpa never beat up his mother again.

I come along and no one tells me the story until I am in my teens and Grandpa and I became buddies because he really nice to me.

I have to interrupt the narrative for a bit to explain something about the old man. He was a very talented musician as he could play the accordian and by ear. I have flashes of memory of him playing the accordian when I was really young. He was up front on a home made dais playing his accordian for a song service. By the time I was in the first grade he no longer had it and I suspect this was one of the reasons he walked away from his relationship with God as he needed that musical release to be whole.

Now back to the narrative. By the time I was in the first grade he was always mad at me for something. He whipped me several times on night because I told him I didn't want to play Parchesi with a spinner, He had been reading the SOP and read where Ellen White said it was sinful to play dice. He had only gotten an 8th grade education and had only spoken Finnish until he started school. This caused him to misunderstand some things he read. He had light blue eyes and when he got mad they turned white. After he had whipped me several times with his favorite instrument of punishment, a thin belt made of some metallic substance that was very flexible and pretty heavy he asked me one last time if I was going to play and when I said no he shoved me out the door of the trailer we lived i and told me I was going to spend the night outside. I stood outside sobbing in my rage and began screaming at him I hate you. I hate you. That trailer door had a window of wrinkled glass that allowed light to pass through it but you couldn't distinguish anyone standing between it and a light source so I could see him standing there listening. He opens the door a couple of minutes after he shoved me out the door and said, what did you say? I realized right then if I continued I was going to get beaten half to death and mumbled, nothing. He laughed and shut the door. It was that night that I realized that the old man hated me.

Now back to my prayer for help in understanding why he had hated me. It hit me like a ton of bricks and it made sense out of my entire life as the old man had been really cruel to me until I was in my later 20's. Even after I had been rebaptised and God had given my victory over my drug addiction he was both physically and emotionally abusive to me. One of his favorite pastimes was to run me down in front of my friends and girlfriends.

I sat there that day and it was mike my life was laid out l9iike jigsaw puzzle on a portable card and it had been shaken and my life just came together like puzzle in a matter of seconds and I was able to form close friendships for the first time in my life.

God is just so good His love is way beyond our understanding. I owe Him everything I am.

Last edited by Garywk; 07/22/23 02:02 PM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196174
08/06/23 11:34 AM
08/06/23 11:34 AM
Garywk  Offline
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I have to say I don't understand the lack of interest in this thread, If we love Jesus He will be working in our lives on a daily basis and we will be excited to talk about what he is doing for us and in us. If nothing is happening in our lives daily if should worry us because it shows the devil has been able to distract us in some manner away from working on our relationship with Him.

I have not said much here as I'm afraid it will be seen as boasting but I will say this. God has been working miracles in my life for a little more than a year now. Some have been physical miracles, but the most important ones are how He has been changing my heart. He has brought me so much closer to Him over that time that there is no comparison to my previous spiritual condition.

Time is running short to get right with God and we need to be daily drawing nearer to Him or we will never make it to heaven. I'm worried about you, my brothers and sisters in Jesus.

Last edited by Garywk; 08/06/23 11:35 AM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196188
08/09/23 10:49 AM
08/09/23 10:49 AM
Garywk  Offline
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I have a quote here on witnessing because the love of God is in our hearts.

No sooner does one come to Christ, than there is born in his heart a desire to make known to others what a precious friend he has found in Jesus; the saving and sanctifying truth cannot be shut up in his heart. If we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ, and are filled with the joy of His indwelling Spirit, we shall not be able to hold our peace. If we have tasted and seen that the Lord is good, we shall have something to tell....

And the effort to bless others will react in blessings upon ourselves. This was the purpose of God in giving us a part to act in the plan of redemption....

If you will go to work as Christ designs that His disciples shall, and win souls for Him, you will feel the need of a deeper experience and a greater knowledge in divine things, and will hunger and thirst after righteousness. You will plead with God, and your faith will be strengthened, and your soul will drink deeper drafts at the well of salvation. Encountering opposition and trials will drive you to the Bible and prayer. You will grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ, and will develop a rich experience.
This is found in God's Amazing Grace the reading for October 24

Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196208
08/12/23 06:32 AM
08/12/23 06:32 AM
Daryl  Offline

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I find your stories encouraging, therefore, please continue sharing them.

I also found that quote to be so true and revealing that the church is in need of revival, and that revival needs to begin with me and so many others.

In His Love, Mercy & Grace,

Daryl smile

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196210
08/12/23 01:50 PM
08/12/23 01:50 PM
daylily  Online Content
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Gary, I agree with Daryl. I have several cousins that grew up much like you describe. Some of them follow the Lord and some do not. I pray for them all the time. Thanks you for sharing your stories. I have stories of how God has worked in my and my families life that I will share when I have more time.

Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196211
08/12/23 04:47 PM
08/12/23 04:47 PM
Garywk  Offline
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OK. I;ll tell some recent stories of what God is doing in my life.

The laptop from which I am posting is a miracle laptop. I'm getting blind in my old age as well as in the early stages of alzheimers and when we bought the laptop I messed up on the phone number that Windows requires for registration. So I had to disconnect the battery. In attempting to do that I inadvertently shorted out the motherboard. That completely killed the entire laptop. Both my wife and I prayed about it and God repaired it.

That's just one of many miracles that God has been working in my life in the last year or so. We are getting very close to the end of time and need to be seriously working on our relationships with God. That's the biggest miracle God has worked in my life lately. He's woken me up to my spiritual condition and gotten me to study and pray as I never have in my life.

Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196225
08/14/23 10:58 AM
08/14/23 10:58 AM
Garywk  Offline
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Here is another couple of miracles. They just happened last night. They aren't important other than to build the faith of my wife and I.

Two or three days ago our doorbell rang at around 4:30 am. I didn't get up to answer it as I couldn't figure out who would be ringing our doorbell at that time of day. Just before my wife left for work I had taken our little dog out to he could take a leak. When I did I found 3 young kittens. Within a couple of hours two more kittens had shown up and by evening a sixth and a momma cat had too. Things went well that first night but have gone down hill since then as neighbor cats have come by wanting to kill the kittens. Last night we were awoken early in the morning by a very short cat fight. The momma cat has been ambushing the cats trying to kill her babies and trying to teach them to leave her babies alone.

Well, that freaked my wife out as the night before one of the kittens had run so far in her fear that we couldn't find her. We found her through a Facebook post that someone had posted that one of m wife's granddaughters had sent my wife.So after getting awoken two nights in a row my wife brought them inside. We have a very jealous little dog and he made no fuss whatsoever about sharing our apartment with seven cats. He's always caused a big ruckus before if a cat even looked in our screen door.

The next miracle was just as important to us. Before I went back to bed I asked the Lord to keep all those kittens from making a mess or peeing inside. Not a single one caused a problem.

Like I said, they were small miracles but important to us. It goes to show God is interested in even the smallest of details in our lives. His love is beyond our comprehension.

Last edited by Garywk; 08/14/23 11:02 AM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196227
08/14/23 06:11 PM
08/14/23 06:11 PM
Garywk  Offline
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I posted this on Cheistian forums this morning and thought I'd copy and paste it here too.

I grew up being hated by my parent and my brothers from the time I entered grade school. I was physically. emotionally and sexually abused by family members. My older brother tried to kill me when I was in the eighth grade.

By the time I graduated from high school I had no self respect or even liking for myself and I wanted out of life completely. I took the cowards way out by using drugs as I knew they could destroy my mind and I wouldn't have to feel all that pain anymore.

Within seven years I was really burnt out. I couldn't even hold down a job pushing a broom. I began walking around early in the mornings looking up at the sky and asking if the God of Abraham. Isaac and Jacob was real. (I'd been raised in a religious home but unfortunately not a Christian home.) The winter after I started doing that I tore my ankle up really badly playing basketball and had no option but to go live with my parents. They were living in the very northwest corner of Montana 30 miles or so from the closest town. As I could barely walk I had lots of time to read. I'd soon read every secular book they owned and had to start reading their religious books.

I had always loved history si I started out reading a 5 book series on the history of the Bible and the history if sin. I got to the middle book in the series call The Desire of Ages on the life of Christ. By the time I had finished that book I had discovered that God loves me. That really shook me up as no one had ever told me they loved me before. Me, the one everyone loved to bully and make fun of. I just almost couldn't believe it but I did as the HS was working hard on me. I got rebaptised and recommitted my life to God. Not long after that I was lying on my bed looking outside at the clouds floating by under the light of a full moon. All of a sudden I was no longer in bed but was standing at one end of a long table. There were people standing facing away from me with long hooded black robes down both sides of the table. At the other end of the table was another guy facing away from me and looking into a massive river rock fireplace. He turned around, looked me in the eye, and crooked his index finger and told me, your mine, your mine. I levitated and began floating across the table towards him. I got right up to him and then realized who he was. I yelled out, no. and was immediately back in bed. I rolled over and began praying asking for God to protect me. I was completely covered with goose bumps and scared out of my gourd. I felt warm and cold wing tips on me as there were two angels fighting on top of me. They rolled over and over on top of me in their struggle. I don't know how long that lasted but finally it was over and I drifted off to sleep.

In the preceding years I had audibly told the devil I was his if he would work out an issue I had at the time/ He was coming to claim his own that night only God protected me as soon as I asked for help.

The point of this story is that I have a love for God that those who have never experienced what I have can understand. I owe Him everything I am and have. Thus I keep the Sabbath as no one else I know, It bothers my conscience to tell a secular joke on Sabbath and I know lots of Sabbath keepers whom it doesn't bother in the slightest.

That is only one of the miracles God has worked in my life. My guardian angel has spoken to me twice and has saved my life when I ran out in front of a car doing 35-40 mph. My life and all I have is His in a way you just cannot understand unless God has done the same for you. I don't even know how many miracles God has worked in my life. I'm sure if I tried to remember how many I'd leave some out. My life as always seemed to be struggle between good and evil since I was a little kid.

I didn't tell you all this to brag but to glorify God. His love for all of us is beyond our comprehension. I know it's beyond mine.


Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196259
08/17/23 09:02 PM
08/17/23 09:02 PM
Garywk  Offline
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Here is another miracle in my life. This happened the same winter as I got rebaptized. I was dating a gal that lived up in that tiny community and one Friday night we went with my old man and her dad to an evangelistic series in the closest town. On the way back home my girlfriend, Sue. and I were sitting in the back seat talking about spiritual things. My old man and her dad were talking about every day things. She said she wanted in in her life what I had in mine and asked me how to get it as she wanted what I had.

I told her it was really simple. Just close your eyes and ask Jesus into your heart. A few seconds later I could feel the presence of the HS fill the car. She opened her eyes and I said, congratulations. She looked at me with a startled look on her face and asked me how I knew knew had asked Jesus into her heart. I said, I could feel Him enter the car.

I had this same experience a little more than a year ago before my mother-in-law died from the complications of alzheimers. My wife and I had taken a Sabbath afternoon drive and stopped by her place on the way back home. It was sundown and she wanted to have sundown worship; So my brother-in-law read some scripture. we sang a few songs and had prayer. While we were singing I felt the HS again really strongly.

My wife had been abused by her parents too and this happened the summer before her mother died. So I've been able to give her some comfort that her mom had repented of her cruelty and been forgiven. And I was given the opportunity to help ease her grief.

God is soooo good. It will take an eternity to find out just how good and loving He is.His love is beyond our wildest imaginations as all we have ever known is sin.

Last edited by Garywk; 08/17/23 09:08 PM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196262
08/18/23 08:44 AM
08/18/23 08:44 AM
Garywk  Offline
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Repeat post

Last edited by Garywk; 08/18/23 08:52 AM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196263
08/18/23 10:21 AM
08/18/23 10:21 AM
Garywk  Offline
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I have another story of a miracle God worked in my life.

This one happened during the days of my active drug addiction and alcohol abuse. We had been drinking and smoking dope since about 10 or 11 in the morning as it was on a Sabbath or Sunday. At about 2 in the morning we picked up a couple of women and decided to go out in the country and smoke dope with them. My friend had a nice 1972 Torino GT with a 351 in it and he was trusting enough of me to let me drive his car when we were both loaded to the gills.

We headed out of town on a winding two lane road that followed a creek just wide enough for two cars to meet without one of them having to get onto the shoulder of the road. Two or three miles out out of town it came to a point where two old country roads had met. It was a 90 degree corner and I figured I would swing wide, hit the outside, inside and outside of the corner again. I was doing about 50 and when I got about halfway through the corner the car just let loose and lost all traction.

It was a four speed transmission and had a problem with the linkage so you couldn't downshift directly from fourth to third. Well I attempted to shift to third and couldn't . You had to stop the shift and move the shifter over to where you could hit 1st or 2nd and then go to third. I did and hit the gas making the tires spin in the gravel on the small shoulder of the road. That was all the farther we left the road. I stopped about a quarter mile down the road and I couldn't figure out what had happened.

Wonder of wonders by buddy wanted to drive. He said he never thought I would wreck his car. We turned around at the next intersection and went back. There was a plugged irrigation culvert under the driveway to the house right there and there was anywhere from a quarter to a half inch of water running across the road. It's no wonder the car had hydroplaned. My guardian angel had to have held the car on the road. If we had left the road we would have hit that ditch and rolled in those people's front yard and through a barb wire fence about four feet from the house..

God is really, really good. If we had rolled I would have most likely been facing manslaughter or murder charges for killing someone while driving recklessly. He takes care of His own even when they are living in rebellion against Him. To me His love is unfathomable.

Last edited by Garywk; 08/18/23 10:33 AM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196282
08/20/23 11:01 AM
08/20/23 11:01 AM
Garywk  Offline
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I have another story of a miracle from yesterday. My stepdaughter has been married to a very abusive guy since she was 17, She's now in her late 40's. He has absolutely destroyed life and done massive amounts of damage to her emotionally; He has also destroyed the lives of their six kids. He has caused my stepdaughter, Missy, to hate both me and her mother and done the same with his daughters. The level of antipathy they hold towards her and me is amazing.

Yesterday was the day they buried the ashes of my mother=in-law. I'd been praying for all of them for months and God impressed me that this was the day to start to break down the barriers. He did it too. A granddaughter who has hated me for years because of her father's abuse became friendly to me again. The same with my stepdaughter. God gave me the right words ro say at the right time and He reached her heart.

My wife was really mad that I wanted to go eat dinner with them as she thought my presence would infuriate them but I insisted and we finally went. She was yelling at me all the way to the airbnb house and I just kept telling her God was going to work miracles. I finally got her to agree that God is capable working huge miracles and then she calmed down a little. She didn't think they would even let us into the house, but we got there and just walked right in. It was tense but things became less so little by little and within two hours I had my stepdaughter smiling and chuckling about me gently teasing her about all her grand babies and kids.

God is really good. He loves us with an everlasting love and draws us with everlasting kindness.

Last edited by Garywk; 08/20/23 11:09 AM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196303
08/22/23 02:23 PM
08/22/23 02:23 PM
Garywk  Offline
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Is no one else going to post in this thread? I'm beginning to feel like the Lone Ranger. and it's not a comfortable feeling. We all have miracles to speak about or we wouldn't be here on this forum and we wouldn't be Christians as the greatest miracle God can perform is turn a sinner into a saint. By that I mean the greatest miracle of all, the turning of the human heart from rebellion against God into the friend of God.

Last edited by Garywk; 08/22/23 03:05 PM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196304
08/22/23 03:03 PM
08/22/23 03:03 PM
Garywk  Offline
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Colville, Wa
OK. I have another miracle of answered prayer from yesterday.

I woke up yesterday morning around 3:30 coughing. The smoke was so thick from our local forest fires that my sinus were plugged and my throat was burning from the smoke. I asked God to please make my throat stop burning and open up my sinuses. Then I realized that was a really selfish prayer as there are a lot of other people in this area with breathing problems. I have a brother-in-law who has lung cancer from getting vaccinated. The doctors have told him the tops of his lungs look like popcorn. He lives about 40 miles from us so I asked God to lift the smoke there too and said it would be a really good thing if we would get some rain. Within a few minutes I could smell fresh air and the smoke lifted all day long. We hadn't been able to see the sky for days. By mid afternoon I could see the sky. The greatest thing about about all this is we didn't even have a breeze. The air was still.

When my wife got home from work I asked her if she had talked to her brother and she said yes. I then asked her how he was doing with his breathing. She said he was doing good. Then I asked her about the wind down there and she said there wasn't any.

Oh, one more thing. I asked God for s good soaking rain to put out our local fires and it;s been raining since around 4 this morning. A good soaking rain. Not hard but steady.. Just what I asked for.

God is soooo god, His love for us is beyond our wildest imagination. At least it's beyond mine.

Last edited by Garywk; 08/22/23 03:03 PM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196365
08/28/23 07:54 PM
08/28/23 07:54 PM
Garywk  Offline
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Colville, Wa
Here are another couple of miracles.

A couple of weeks ago the forest fire smoke around here was really thick. I woke up before daylight coughing, with my sinuses plugged and my throat burning. I was lying there miserable and got to thinking about what Ellen White says about God is pleased when His people make large demands upon Him. At first I had asked Him to make the smoke stop bothering me. I got to thinking about that and started thing about all the other people in the area and though that was a really selfish prayer, So I asked God to lif the smoke so other people could breathe too. Then I asked for rain to damp down the local fires so the smoke would stay down for a while.

Within 15 minutes or so I could smell fresh air as if it was raining. There was no breeze to speak of and it rained for hours. A steady soaking rain.

Then this weekend the smoke was back and I woke up with the same symptoms. I prayed the same prayed and God answered it the same way although I didn't ask for rain and it didn't rain..

God is really good to us, to all of us, His friends as well as His enemies.

Last edited by Garywk; 08/28/23 07:56 PM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196425
09/03/23 08:52 AM
09/03/23 08:52 AM
Garywk  Offline
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This story of a miracle is not about me. It's the story of a miracle for the people of Maui.

I have mentioned Eric West and his videos on the Maui thread. This miracle includes him but is not specifically about him. A California Christian woman was watching the devastation and heartbreak of what happened there and was impressed by God she needed to help as so many people have been killed and so many put out of work on the west end of Maui. So she went to her church and told them what she wanted to do. They agreed and provided money for travel expenses and lodging. On her way to Maui she received a link to a video by West from a friend of hers but didn't watch it at the time. She watched it after she got to Maui

When she got to Maui she had no idea as to who to contact so she was driving around looking for dome place to start. She saw a man out mowing the grass and was impressed to stop. He turned out to be a community leader and he thought her idea of coming to help and fund raise was an excellent idea. The talked for a e while and then she left. The next day she was out driving again and was again impressed to stop even though the same guy wasn't there. She turned around and wen't back and found out the guy was the son of the guy she had talked to the day before.

It turns out Eric West was there shooting a video with the son She saw him and was delighted. He ended up doing two interviews that day. It helped her get started fundraising.

The cost there for a funeral there are incredible. It's $8 to $10 thousand minimum. So you can see why people who have lost everything can't afford to bury their dead. The only mortuary there is a corporate one and refuses to negotiate on the costs. So these people need all the help they can get. West has set up a site on which people can donate and all the money except for some costs for an auditor and a bookkeeper go to the victims of the fires.. Here is the link.


This turns out to be an account set up by one of West's sons.

Last edited by Garywk; 09/03/23 09:13 AM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196467
09/05/23 12:09 PM
09/05/23 12:09 PM
Garywk  Offline
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I have a story today from back in the late 70s. It's about my miracle dog, Toby. I had gone down to the MiltonFreewater, Or. church to play softball that day as there was quite a bunch of us who did once a week. We had been playing for quite a while and decided to take a break.

Toby was a fetch dog. In fact he was a fetching fool. He absolutely loved playing fetch. He'd chase a stick, a frisbee, or a ball until your arm would fall off. One of the guys who showed up every week came over and asked me if he could hit the ball rather than throw it as he could hit farther than he could throw. Without any thought I said yes. Well, he tossed the ball up and as soon as he did Toby jumped to catch it. The guy hit him in the head with a full swing of an aluminum bat. Toby went out like light. I could see he was alive because I could see him breathing. It took him quite a while to come around, but before he did I got to thinking that he would never be the same again after that kind of injury and I decided I would put him out of his misery before he woke up.

I had borrowed a friend's .44 magnum pistol the day before as someone woke me up two nights before pounding on the wall of my bedroom with a club. I had figured I would go outside if they came back and put a hole in their engine block. So I had that pistol in my pickup. I went and got it and attempted to cock it as it was a single action revolver. I couldn't cock that pistol for the life of me, and I tried hard.

God knew I needed my buddy as I had no close friends. You can't when you're abused the way I was as you're positive you're so worthless nobody would like you if they really knew you. I've known the guy ever since high school and that gun has never not worked again. God worked a miracle to save Toby's life as He knew I needed him. It brings tears to my eyes as I write this thinking of how much God loves a sinful human being like me.

Last edited by Garywk; 09/05/23 12:16 PM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196528
09/11/23 09:09 AM
09/11/23 09:09 AM
Garywk  Offline
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I have another story of God working in my life. I don't think this qualifies as a miracle but it definitely shows God's leading.

I post a lot on Christian forums. I was posting yesterday and things just kept coming to mind as I was typing that fit with what I was going to say, but were much better than my original thought and I didn't even have to modify the sentence I was typing. To me that shows God is leading me in a very special way right now as I've never had this happen before. and I've been posting on a lot of forums for a couple of decades.

Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #196553
09/14/23 01:39 PM
09/14/23 01:39 PM
Garywk  Offline
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I have another miracle to report. It happened right here on this forum,. I posted a link to Eric West's video on directed energy weapons and the link works. Those of you who have tried posting links to you tube videos know it just doesn't work with this software.

All I can say is God is working miracles today to help people, all people, so people understand what is coming upon this world. Someone here really needed to see that video whether they are a member here or just lurk God worked that miracle for whoever it is, not for me.

Last edited by Garywk; 09/14/23 03:08 PM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #197017
11/17/23 09:44 AM
11/17/23 09:44 AM
Garywk  Offline
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I have another story for you. This is a story about the power of prayer.

One of my brother in laws has a son that has not been a Christian for a long time. He's single, over 40, and been a heavy drug user and dealer in drugs up to as couple of months ago. My wife and I both put him on our prayer lists at that time. In the last couple of months his act has completely changed. He's no longer using drugs, speed as he used to stay awake for a couple of days at a time and was a thief so he could support his addiction, and is now thinking about coming back to church.

His character transformation is astounding as he has been a people user a manipulator for a looong time. Yesterday he came into town and dropped off our food box from the church and stood and talked for a while. He's never done anything like that and has been a thoroughly unlikeable person for a couple of decades.

God is working miracles on a regular basis.

Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Garywk] #197018
11/17/23 09:58 AM
11/17/23 09:58 AM
Garywk  Offline
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Colville, Wa
Here is another story on answered prayer.

We have a neighbor who has issues. She's nice but is raising her son to be extremely spoiled. I put her on my prayer list about three months ago. She used to leave for work in the mornings with her hair uncombed and she dressed sloppily. She was really depressed. The first change was she stated going back to church with her parents who are Mormons. Then she cleaned up her act. She started combing her hair and started dressing better.

A few weeks ago the SDA junior academy here in town had a fall festival and she and her son went to that. I asked her later how she liked it and she said she and her son stayed for three hours. The church is right across the road and I told her we went to that church. She said, that's cool, and sounded happy for us.

God is really working in peoples lives so the end is very near.

Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #197062
11/27/23 01:27 PM
11/27/23 01:27 PM
Garywk  Offline
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Colville, Wa
I have another short story of a miracle.

Last week I washed clothes and put them in the dryer. I ran them through a long cycle and when I went to take them out of the dryer they were cold and wet. WE couldn't afford a service call and the cost of an element so I bowed my head and asked God to repair it. He did. He is so good to us it's beyond my ability to express. All I can do is say thank you to our Father in heaven and rededicate myself to Him.

Last edited by Garywk; 11/27/23 04:13 PM.
Re: God Works In Our LIves [Re: Gregory] #197079
11/30/23 12:15 PM
11/30/23 12:15 PM
Garywk  Offline
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I have another story or two about the people God has brought into our lives since we have been taking care of our little great grand baby.

My wife's boss who is notoriously cheap gave her $100 to buy a swing for her. Other customers have purchased big bags of diapers, a lot of clothes, and one guy she'd never met carried the car seat and baby up to the third floor for her and then said he was going to buy us a bassinet. God is really working in the hearts of people. He's opening up the windows of heaven so there isn't room enough to receive it.

Last edited by Garywk; 11/30/23 12:16 PM.
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