We see the news coming out..
"Senior US officials were practically triumphant Wednesday night: The United States and a large number of its allies had nailed down a proposal after days of feverish talks that would put in place a ceasefire across the Israel-Lebanon border.

In a hastily arranged call with reporters just moments after the release of a joint statement, top administration officials hailed the framework as "an important breakthrough." The 21-day pause in fighting that the nations were proposing would give time for diplomacy and could prevent a full-fledged war from breaking out between Israel and Hezbollah.

Those officials were clear: The question was not if Israel and Hezbollah would accept the ceasefire proposal, but precisely when. Both Israel and Hezbollah were "familiar with the text," one official said, and the US felt comfortable going public with the framework, with the understanding that both sides were ready to sign on."..https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/26/politics/israel-lebanon-hezbollah-ceasefire-us-plan/index.html

It is what we are hearing from the speakers at the UN, we can have 'Peace and Safety', if we only do this. We have the President bringing up a almost 20 year agreement to justify moving to institute a ceasefire, but the 2006 agreement was never followed by the same party attacking Israel today. They can claim they have a way to find peace, but prophecy gives us insight to what will happen.

1 Thessalonians 5:3
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

We see today what is clearly a world without fear of God, who is allowing every possible abomination to be done. But although the world rejects Him, God does not abandon us, He among His people. No matter how bad things appear, God's presence is here, and we can draw hope and have faith from knowing He is with His saints no matter what.

He is our refuge and strength, He is the source of lasting peace and security. Though the world is in turmoil, the people of God are safe, no matter the anger and turmoil we see. But as for the world, they can claim they have a path to peach but destruction awaits them...