And Veith said in many of his videos referring to such time the same as you did: Not definite, but COULD happen, is interesting.
I just think some are criticizing Veith for that much in the same way as some are criticizing Vine.
I agree! Veith did not set a date, and those who who respect and appreciate his research and insights did not see it as date setting. Yet he focused that one study on a specific year enough to give his antagonists something to jump on him and by expanding on what he said, and assuming more than what he said, try to discredit his ministry.
It is the same as the issue with Vine -- people look for a hook to rope and throw these speakers. They found a hook in a short paragraph in Vine's speech, and pushed it to it's limits, context and reason as to why it was said, not really considered. The swiftness to discredit him was astounding. And now even the pastor of the Village church!
I guess that's human nature, people want "all is well" sermons, not sermons like Veith and Vine often preach.
Even Jesus, who was preaching unadulterated truth suffered from the same antagonistic tactics.
Jewish leaders were constantly listening to Jesus, not to learn, but to find a hook so they could condemn him. The hook they found and used, was Jesus statement "destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up again."