SDA-TODAY MINISTRIES (c) after five years as an active Lay Ministry would like to announce to the world Church at large the next phase in our approach to do our part in reaching the world with the EVERLASTING GOSPEL found in the Three Angel' s Message! (Rev 14:6-12)
We have become more then an Email discussion list. Starting with our big kick off entitled, "SDA-TODAY BORN AGAIN" We will unveil an all new Website Tuesday Sept 4th 2001, at We hope to continue to bring our users a progressive dynamitic new website and ministry that will remain "cutting edge" in it's methods of spreading, supporting and encouraging the unique Adventist message to both the those in the church and outside of the church.
We will be offering a number of forums, discussion list, audio and video streamlining, notable guest speakers from all over Adventist world church, a current news section, progressive and interactive services and ministries. We will continue on this path and keep growing in grace as we await of the Lord's soon return!
We would also like to proudly announce at this time that Phil Hinton of the Durham Five Oaks Church will be joining our team as Co-Director of Ministries along with SDA-TODAY Founder Vince MacIsaac.
We humbly ask the Church for prayers and God's guidance as we embark on this new direction edify and promote God's Word and message in this late hour of earth’s history.
Please make sure to drop by our site at on Tuesday September the 4th to check us out and sign up for all our exciting ministries. Please Spread the word!
SDA-TODAY moderator
The Spirit is constantly seeking to draw the attention of men to the great offering that was made on the cross of Calvary, to unfold to the world the love of God, and to open to the convicted soul the precious things of the Scriptures. {AA 52.4}