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Re: Clapping in church
04/27/05 02:38 AM
04/27/05 02:38 AM
Do people here actually think that you need to raise your hands and/or clap your hands in order to receive the Holy Spirit, or as a result of receiving the Holy Spirit?
Re: Clapping in church
04/26/05 03:04 PM
04/26/05 03:04 PM
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BC, Canada
I hope that is not the case Daryl. God Bless, Will
Re: Clapping in church
04/26/05 03:10 PM
04/26/05 03:10 PM
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Re: Clapping in church
04/26/05 03:42 PM
04/26/05 03:42 PM
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Debbie, since you asked, Ill post this... quote: As the others knelt for prayer, I bowed with them, trembling, and after a few had prayed, my voice arose in prayer before I was aware of it. In that moment the promises of God appeared to me like so many precious pearls that were to be received only for the asking. As I prayed, the burden and agony of soul that I had so long endured, left me, and the blessing of the Lord descended upon me like the gentle dew. I praised God from the depths of my heart. Everything seemed shut out from me but Jesus and His glory, and I lost consciousness of what was passing around me. {LS 38.1}
The Spirit of God rested upon me with such power that I was unable to go home that night. When I awakened to realization, I found myself cared for in the house of my uncle, where we had assembled for the prayer meeting. Neither my uncle nor my aunt enjoyed religion, although the former had once made a profession, but had since backslidden. I was told that he had been greatly disturbed while the power of God rested upon me in so special a manner, and had walked the floor, sorely troubled and distressed in his mind. {LS 38.2}
When I was first struck down, some of those present were greatly alarmed, and were about to run for a physician, thinking that some sudden and dangerous indisposition had attacked me; but my mother bade them let me alone, for it was plain to her, and to the other experienced Christians, that it was the wondrous power of God that had prostrated me. When I did return home, on the following day, a great change had taken place in my mind. It seemed to me that I could hardly be the same person that left my father's 39 house the previous evening. This passage was continually in my thoughts: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." Ps. 23:1. My heart was full of happiness as I softly repeated these words. {LS 38.3}
quote: We all knelt in earnest prayer to God in her behalf. We claimed the promise, "Ask, and ye shall receive," John 16:24. The blessing of God attended our prayers, and we had the assurance that God was willing to heal the afflicted one. One of the brethren present cried out, "Is there a sister here who has the faith to go and take her by the hand, and bid her arise in the name of the Lord?" {LS 74.2}
Sister Frances was lying in the chamber above, and before he ceased speaking Sister Curtis was on her way to the stairs. She entered the sickroom with the Spirit of God upon her, and taking the invalid by the hand, said, "Sister Frances, in the name of the Lord arise, and be whole." New life shot through the veins of the sick girl, a holy faith took possession of her, and obeying its impulse, she rose from her bed, stood upon her feet, and walked the room, praising God for her recovery. She was soon dressed, and came down into the room where we were assembled, 75 her countenance lighted up with unspeakable joy and gratitude. {LS 74.3}
Its not much of a study, more like an observation. And we have covered this ground before in other threads and can continue to do so in the same threads.
Re: Clapping in church
04/26/05 06:43 PM
04/26/05 06:43 PM
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Those are beautiful quotes Thomas, I really appreciate you posting them.
I believe we can safely say that in the SOP there are not any quotes that say applause/clapping is okay on the Sabbath but there are several that say applause is not appropriate, especially if the applause is for the Pastor.
This thread has overlapped with the raising of hands issue that is discussed on another thread. The "raising of hands" is not quite as clear as the clapping issue and probably should be discussed more over there.
Thomas, I have another request. I like the quotes you presented. Would you be willing to start another thread with them listed first? I think it would be good to find out just how the Holy Spirit works in our lives. This can be in connection with the "raising of hands" but the "raising of hands" is sort of a side-issue somewhat to the issue of the qualities of the Holy Spirit in the life, or how the Holy Spirit affects our lives.
If we study this issue out, I think the "raising of hands" issue might be resolved.
Re: Clapping in church
04/26/05 08:19 PM
04/26/05 08:19 PM
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In the first passage, we learn that an experienced christian will know the acts that God does even when the nonbeliever is left confused and scared. The secound passage is about great faith, for you got to have faith in God and know His will before you do such an act.
I wont call posting them a study for I looked at no other passages, and likely wont have time to do such a study in the following weeks either. I dont know about the works of EW but the foundation for clapping in worship in the bible is not the strongest. The issue of lifiting hands is quite contrary much more clear than that of clapping for we have 9 examples in favour of it and none against. Whatever is unclear of that says none about the bible but some about the oppinions of people.
As for starting a new thread about the Holy Spirits works in our lives, if it is for me to start it, I would found it on scripture alone. The raising of hands question is only in doubt due to your insistance of mixing it with "recieving the holy spirit". The two are never (directly) connected in the bible and therefore it ought not be here either. The Holy Spirit is given in prayer. Maybe an indirect connection could be claimed if lifting hands in prayer was the standard way to pray in those days. I do not know...
I will also say that I am a bit supprised at the reaction here. Lifting hands in prayer souldnt be done becourse its too pentecostal even though its strong biblical prcedence, while being struck down by the Holy Spirit in such a way that relatives wants to call the doctors is not? I clearly do not know what pentecostalism is all about yet...
Re: Clapping in church
04/26/05 08:56 PM
04/26/05 08:56 PM
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Thomas, you don't have to start a new thread, it was only a suggestion. I thought everyone might want to study this issue more by contributing Bible and SOP so that we might gain a balanced picture of the truth.
From my own limited study the Holy Spirit chooses where He will come and go. We do not direct the Holy Spirit, He does the directing regardless of what we might desire.
My husband and son just spent three weeks helping with evangelistic meetings in India. Of the six simultaneous meetings going on (with many Bible workers working months before and still working today) there was a wonderful reaping of over 33,000 souls baptized!!
Churches are being built over there right now. I believe we are seeing the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in a mighty way, even the latter rain being poured out in India. It is happening right now and more plans are being made to hold even more evangelistic meetings in that Country.
The harvest is ripe!! The Holy Spirit is working in a mighty way.
Re: Clapping in church
06/05/05 12:26 PM
06/05/05 12:26 PM
Re: Clapping in church
06/05/05 04:24 PM
06/05/05 04:24 PM
Excellent piece John, thanks for the link.
Re: Clapping in church
06/05/05 08:34 PM
06/05/05 08:34 PM
Sure thing. I sent that link out to some local folks too, and got this interesting response from a fellow who's from Zambia (Africa) -- quote: Thanks for the article, actually in Zambia hand clapping in church is unknown, we respond by saying "amen!" after a song or message. It is here [in the U.S.] where I have come to experience some of these pentecostal tendencies.
I wrote back and told him that's not so surprising, really -- it seems to be the so-called "advanced" nations where we see a lot of these erroneous things being brought into the church. The U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, etc.
Here is the link to this week's Sabbath School Lesson Study and Discussion Material: Click Here