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Re: Is Lifting Hands OK in Church? #34276
04/23/05 06:43 PM
04/23/05 06:43 PM
Redfog  Offline
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Many times in church we raise our hands, and it is nearly always for something good. During prayers the pastors will ask us to raise our hands to accept or recommit our lives to Christ. This morning we raised our hands to vote in a soon to be baptized young lady. We raise our hands to vote in new church leaders. Raising our hands never signifies evil that I can tell. So why would raising our hands in worship be wrong? In light of the texts presented it seem like a good thing. So far there has not been one quote from the Bible or SOP against the raising of hands, indeed the Biblical quotes support it.

Just because something has come out of something we consider evil does not make it evil. Days and Months are named after heathen gods but that does not make it wrong to use those terms. Our church has a cross on the steeple, when we first put it there some members were aghast, they said it was too Catholic. To Catholic? The cross? I was flabbergasted.

There is a danger in making our preferences the basis for what we consider right or wrong. I prefer Christian music from the 70's. That does not make music from the 90's or 50's somehow wrong, just different, and not what I care to listen to or sing.


Re: Is Lifting Hands OK in Church? #34277
04/23/05 07:25 PM
04/23/05 07:25 PM
vastergotland  Offline
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I give up. You have made up your mind that raising hands in church is evil and it is now obvious even to me that there is nothing I, the bible or anyone else could say to change this. If you can find something to quote that even remotely touches raised hands to be wrong, post it. If all you can come up with has about as much to do with the topic at hand as say the sermon on the mount has to do with Kellogs corn flakes, why even bother? If you choose not to raise your hands in church, fine, nothing good or bad about it. But to try to invent a case against it for some reason known only to you is but sad.


Re: Is Lifting Hands OK in Church? #34278
04/23/05 10:44 PM
04/23/05 10:44 PM
Chris Williams  Offline
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Apparently Mrs White had no problem with raising hands in prayer
How can you who repeat the Lord's prayer, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven," sit at ease in your homes without helping to carry the torch of truth to others? How can you lift up your hands before God and ask His blessing upon yourselves and your families, when you are doing so little to help others?--Historical Sketches, p. 288. {ChS 90.3}
It appears that lifting up our hands before the Lord to ask his blessing is not a problem. If it were wouldn't she have said so as she said it is wrong to lift up your hands when "you are doing so little to help others"?

Re: Is Lifting Hands OK in Church? #34279
04/23/05 11:55 PM
04/23/05 11:55 PM
Jeff  Offline
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I think it depends on what a person thinks raising hands does. For example, some people in the more charismatic churches seem to raise their hands in such a way as if they’re using their hands as antennas to tune in better reception of the Holy Spirit channel. But raising your hands as was done in several examples in the Bible is obviously not a problem.

Just because someone does something that resembles something that the—gasp—celebrationists do, doesn’t make it evil.


Re: Is Lifting Hands OK in Church? #34280
04/24/05 01:01 AM
04/24/05 01:01 AM
Davros  Offline
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"When you pray, don't be like the hypocrites. They love to stand in the synagogues and on the street corners and pray so people will see them. I tell you the truth, they already have their full reward.
Matthew 6:5 NCV

I guess if we are doing it to call attention to the fact we are praising God, and therfore bringing attention to ourselves, it could be a problem.

Re: Is Lifting Hands OK in Church? #34281
04/24/05 01:16 AM
04/24/05 01:16 AM
debbie  Offline
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Thomas, since there seems to be some confusion, let me make things more clear.

If you would go back and read my posts, I did NOT say ALL raising of hands is wrong. I mentioned the verse in the Bible that speaks of lifting holy hands.

What I am against and will be until the Lord comes is ONLY this: lifting hands with the sole purpose of getting in the "spirit" such as the Pentecostals do to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in unknown tongues. I am against this coming into our SDA Churches and will fight against it until my dying breath!!!

It is of the devil and you all know it.

Re: Is Lifting Hands OK in Church? #34282
04/24/05 03:25 AM
04/24/05 03:25 AM
Barry  Offline
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Bless your heart..........

Re: Is Lifting Hands OK in Church? #34283
04/24/05 05:28 AM
04/24/05 05:28 AM
Will  Offline
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lifting hands with the sole purpose of getting in the "spirit" such as the Pentecostals do to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in unknown tongues.

Amen Debbie! Every time a benign "change" is not challenged it makes it that much easier for more things to come into the church.
When we worhip God we must worhip Him in Truth and in Spirit. We don't need to do any physical activities to conjure up the Holy Spirit, and in fact we all know that God gives the Holy Spirit to those who obey (Acts 5:32).
God Bless,

Re: Is Lifting Hands OK in Church? #34284
04/24/05 07:32 AM
04/24/05 07:32 AM
vastergotland  Offline
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Thomas, since there seems to be some confusion, let me make things more clear.

If you would go back and read my posts, I did NOT say ALL raising of hands is wrong. I mentioned the verse in the Bible that speaks of lifting holy hands.

As far as this particular thread is conserned, this statement above is only true in the sence that you didnt write that acctual sentence anywhere. In this thread you wrote:
We are speaking about lifting up of hands in a church setting. If you want to do this in your SDA church, then DO NOT call it an SDA Church.
There are a few things you wrote in the clapping thread:
The bible speaks of "lifting up holy hands without wrath or doubting" in prayer. But it does not say it is to be done as a whole group during the worship services to invoke the Holy Spirit power to come on them so they can speak in false tongues. (I'm not saying you said this Daniel--I'm just making a point!)

To me, "holy hands" would be a privilege of the wise spiritual leader, Evangelist or Pastor, not the congregation. How many congregations can say they are "holy?"

The connotation of the lifting up of hands today is in a Pentecostal sense--inviting a false spirit to take control. We are told to stay away from such things, even if they are good (such as the lifting up of hands), if they bring a wrong influence to others. Very few SDA's today will use this method of prayer in our congregations.


If a person wants to dance, jump, wave hands in the air and basically follow penticostalism, they are free to join a Sunday keeping penticostal church and will be welcome with open arms. But don't bring "unholy" and "common" things into the SDA Church that professes to preach and teach and believe the truth!


I still believe that lifting up holy hands is not something we should pursue in our churches simply because of the huge pentecostal "speaking in tongues" connection which is very big in the USA.

I have seen some pray for others and as they pray, one hand is lifted up to God. I see nothing amiss in this type of prayer but personally I do not do it or care for it. When my husband was in India, a Pastors wife, in praying with the people there, lifted up ONE hand to God while the other was either on the persons head or shoulder while she prayed. This seems reverent but it does not appeal to me personally.

The last piece here was the only one not negative towards the concept of raising ones hand/s in worship, and even that one wasnt positive towards it. If you have another post that would better demonstrate what you wrote in your last post, youll have to point me to it.

Then you wrote:

What I am against and will be until the Lord comes is ONLY this: lifting hands with the sole purpose of getting in the "spirit" such as the Pentecostals do to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in unknown tongues. I am against this coming into our SDA Churches and will fight against it until my dying breath!!!

It is of the devil and you all know it.

Which would all be well if it hadnt been for one little objection. Its in the wrong thread. This should be in a thread called "beware of superficial religion" or "practises the pentecostals got wrong". To bring it into a thread based squarely on the bible (as shown above) about a biblical concept of how one can worship can be called none less than Confusing! This thread is about true worship of God as described in the bible. Your argument is against ritual religion, what you still have to explain is why you go trough such efforts to mix these two together.


Re: Is Lifting Hands OK in Church? #34285
04/24/05 11:04 AM
04/24/05 11:04 AM
D R  Offline
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Wow Dave I AGREE WITH YOU! [Smile]
This could also be said of "going to church"! If it is done to draw attention to oneself, that they are "going to church" and drawing attention upon themself!

-raising hands as an antena??? (words removed by moderator) CENSORSHIP ALIVE AND WELL !!!

-any time I raise my hands it is towards the Lord.! Not so "man" can see me! This thread is really weird (Debbie do you have any quotes against this topic?) because if we are to say that "raised hands" are "taboo" then what about "folded hands" what about "sitting on our hands" (that is going to church from 9am-12noon, then going back home and DOING NOTHING to spread the Word)

[ April 24, 2005, 07:55 PM: Message edited by: Dan on the Beach ]

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