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Intercessory Prayer #36691
05/29/01 03:14 PM
05/29/01 03:14 PM
Vincent E MacIsaac  Offline OP
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We are going to be talking about
Intercessory Prayer a little. Some thing that is often talked about in church circles but needs more practice.

What is Intercessory Prayer? Is it just praying for others? What is the Spiritual principle behind it?

Why do we need to have Intercessory Prayer? Does God really need our prayers in order to work? Is He bound by what we do or do not do? What role does our prayers on behalf of others play out in the end?

Is there a time in your life when somebody's prayer for you, or your prayers for somebody else have made a really impact and changed things? Tell us how. And tell us why you think God answered those prayers.

Are you in need of Intercessory prayer? How can we pray for you and your loved ones during this topic?

SDA-TODAY moderator

This restless world is just illusion
All at once, there’s a message from above
This senseless world of mass confusion ....
In the name of love
There’s a message from above ... (Sammy Hagar 2000)

Re: Intercessory Prayer #36692
05/29/01 10:24 PM
05/29/01 10:24 PM
Sarah Moss  Offline
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My brain is too tired to post a response about what intercessory prayer is, but I ask that you pray for me and my family at this time. The next week or so is the 3rd anniversary of my brother's suicide. This time of year is just difficult, some years are worse than others and this year is one of the more difficult years for some reason. Please pray for me. Thank you

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Re: Intercessory Prayer #36693
05/31/01 02:18 AM
05/31/01 02:18 AM
Daryl  Offline

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I believe that Intercessory Prayer is praying for the spiritual and material needs, not wants, of others.

If Christ requested Intercessory Prayer from his three sleeping disciples in the Garden of Gethesemane, then don't we need it also?

I believe that it isn't an option; it is a must!

In His Love, Mercy & Grace


Re: Intercessory Prayer #36694
05/30/01 03:47 PM
05/30/01 03:47 PM
Vincent E MacIsaac  Offline OP
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Originally posted by Mrs Sarah Moss:
This time of year is just difficult, some years are worse than others and this year is one of the more difficult years for some reason. Please pray for me.

You've got it!!! Already done, and i will continue to pray for your family.

SDA-TODAY moderator

This restless world is just illusion
All at once, there’s a message from above
This senseless world of mass confusion ....
In the name of love
There’s a message from above ... (Sammy Hagar 2000)

Re: Intercessory Prayer #36695
05/31/01 07:43 PM
05/31/01 07:43 PM
Vincent E MacIsaac  Offline OP
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He said to him, "What is written in the law
What is your reading of it?"

So he answered and said, ""You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,' and "your neighbor as yourself."'

And He said to him, "You have answered rightly; do this and you will live."
Luke 10:26-28 :: New King James Version (NKJV)

I think prayer is an important part of a successful Christian life. It is something talked about more often then done in some places. It is something we have talked about here before, and something I hope we keep to talk about for years to come. Better yet still, some thing we do!

Prayer can also be a reflector or indicator of ones relationship with God.

How? Well you can't really have a strong relationship with someone you don't talk to can you? The word relationship means how you relate, to someone. It is not a question of if we have time but rather a question as to if we make time, to be with someone. Time is short for us all, how we use it reflects our priorities in life. Where are your priorities?

I know when my Christian walk with the Lord is in struggle or not as pronounced as I would like it to be I can almost always trace it back to my Pray life. God wants us to love him with all our hearts, mind and soul. When I think about that it is awesome.... the word soul means "your whole being"!!! Thus what it means is to, love God with your whole heart, mind and complete being!

When we ask God to change our old heart of stone into a new heart with Love from Heaven, then it becomes easy to Pray and spend time with God. It will become our new heart's desire! And that new heart desire is a good thing to ask for in Prayer!

Now what about intercessory prayer??? Well that is where the Part about loving your brother as yourself comes into play. It can get real easy to get selfish in prayer life if your not asking God to keep you humble and true. God wants us to ask our hearts desire of Him and HE IS KIND, GOOD, AND LOVING, thus He will give it to us.

The question is what is the heart's desire? Well, that depends where you standing in Christ. Are you embracing Christ or Self? Do you not know you have two hearts, not one? You have a rotten heart of stone given to you at birth, and a NEW BORN AGAIN heart given to you a conversion. It is the seconds Heart's Desire God wants fill wishes from. The Old self must constantly be put to death, daily. Paul called it "Crucifying Self". The War of the Flesh and the Spirit. God can give us Victory over the old self when we ask (in prayer!).

To sum up my point here is when we turn to God and love him with our whole soul and He puts a new heart, a converted SELFLESS heart in us, and our old self is dead, then we WILL start to love our Brother as ourself! And instead of just being our selfish wants and desires in our hearts we will want to pray and ask things for all God's People.

Hmmm... How pleasing it must be to God, to see us turn from our polluted, messed up self and care for others and lifted them up to God in Prayer!

Intercessory prayer, is not just good for the one your praying for but indeed for yourself, as it moves your focus more on other people and how they need the Love of Jesus. It is pleasing to the Lord to see us display in His Power, a kind of selfless love that is rooted in him.

Does God need us to pray of people? I have seen this issue skirted around alot. Let me tell you straight... he needs somebody to ask, or accept. He can bend or break thorough free will. We ask God to do something for somebody else to things (perhaps more) happen. 1) We are asking God to intervene on somebodies behalf. 2) we are displaying God's kind of love reflecting in us from Him.

In short our prayers for others is a relationship issue with God and our fellow man which cuts to the heart of the matter in Luke 10:26-28 .

Looking forward to other peoples thoughts this week.

SDA-TODAY moderator

This restless world is just illusion
All at once, there’s a message from above
This senseless world of mass confusion ....
In the name of love
There’s a message from above ... (Sammy Hagar 2000)

Re: Intercessory Prayer #36696
06/01/01 01:12 AM
06/01/01 01:12 AM
Gerry Buck  Offline
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James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

We are told to pray for one another, it isn't a chore, it's a privelege we often neglect.

In Dec. of 1999, I had an experience with 'intercesory' prayer that has stayed with me.
The morning of the 29th, before I rolled out of bed, I prayed my usual prayer asking God to take over my plans and ideas for the day, but, I added something new, I asked Him to watch over my family, specifically my wife, my oldest and youngest daughter.
I ahd never done that before, and later that day, when they were on their way to Bay City, I prayed for them again, this was around 7pm or so, and named them along with my oldest daughters at the time fiance, now husband, and continued to pray for them off and on for about 15 minutes, then the urge to pray left.
Half an hour later, I got a call from my youngest that they had been in an accident, hit head on.
NO ONE was killed, all were injured, some worsew than others, but, all were alive.

I read somewhere that God will not force His way into anyones life, but, if He is invited, by the person or someone else, that gives Him the right to go into thwe individuals life and call them to repentance.
My $0.02

BTW, please remember me in prayer for the next few weeks especially, they are changing some of my meds and increasing others, my diabetes is not under control yet, and my arthritis is really kicking up lately.

Examine me, O LORD, and prove me: try my reins and my heart. Ps.26:2
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in men.Ps.118:8

Re: Intercessory Prayer #36697
06/05/01 03:59 PM
06/05/01 03:59 PM
Vincent E MacIsaac  Offline OP
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Another point about intercessary prayer i would like to make is it brings unity.

Let me give you an example. Last Friday i was out doing some things i needed to do. It was raining very hard and at one point before noticing it a had drove through some water that was deeper then i realized. When my car get too wet it has a hard time starting, untill it drys out. So my car would not start thus leaving me stranded over 50 miles from home on a firday afternoon. I did all i could to start the car and was unsure what more to do. I prayed and prayed and nothing happend. So i figured i'd have to get the car towed home. Before i did that i called my wife. And she prayed too. It was not until we had both prayed that it worked. There was unity in our request to the Lord.

And that is how prayer can be some times, Intercessary prayer shows God you are thinking for someone other then yourself and can often even help put you in unity with God's will. And that is something we all need.

SDA-TODAY moderator

This restless world is just illusion
All at once, there’s a message from above
This senseless world of mass confusion ....
In the name of love
There’s a message from above ... (Sammy Hagar 2000)

Re: Intercessory Prayer #36698
06/06/01 12:13 AM
06/06/01 12:13 AM
Daryl  Offline

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Intercessory Prayer is praying for one another.

Can you find any better unity than that!

Psalms 119:165 "Great peace
have they which love thy law:
and nothing shall offend them."


Re: Intercessory Prayer #36699
06/07/01 06:08 PM
06/07/01 06:08 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Does God answer prayer? What about His own prayers? Do they get answered the way He wants? The God we pray to lost 1/3 of His angels, nearly the entire human race, and while a human on earth His own disciples deserted Him. Not too impressive, eh?

Don't take me wrong. I love God and believe He can and does answer prayer. But I also think it's important to remember His limitations. Yes, He's God. But He will not force anybody to do anything against their or His will.

I do not feel we should get all up tight about whether or not God can or will answer our prayers. Nor do I think we should feel like the answer to our prayers depends on how feeverishly we go through the motions of prayer. We should not think that by pestering God with our prayers that He will finally get sick of it and grant us our request.

Do know what I mean? What thinkest thou?

Re: Intercessory Prayer #36700
06/08/01 03:51 PM
06/08/01 03:51 PM
Vincent E MacIsaac  Offline OP
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Originally posted by Mike Lowe:
We should not think that by pestering God with our prayers that He will finally get sick of it and grant us our request.
Do know what I mean? What thinkest thou?

Luke 11

A Friend Comes at Midnight
5 And He said to them, "Which of you shall have a friend, and go to him at midnight and say to him, "Friend, lend me three loaves; 6for a friend of mine has come to me on his journey, and I have nothing to set before him'; 7and he will answer from within and say, "Do not trouble me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give to you'? 8I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs.

Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking
* 9 "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 10For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 11If a son asks for bread[1] from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? 12Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? 13If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!"

Matthew 7

* 7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 9Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? 11If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! 12Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.


SDA-TODAY moderator

This restless world is just illusion
All at once, there’s a message from above
This senseless world of mass confusion ....
In the name of love
There’s a message from above ... (Sammy Hagar 2000)

Re: Intercessory Prayer #36701
06/09/01 03:45 AM
06/09/01 03:45 AM
Mountain Man  Offline
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If I'm to understand those texts to mean that God expects me to beg and grovel before He'll stoop to hear my prayer then we're not getting the same thing out of those passages.

I believe God hears sincere prayers whether offered once or many times. The repetition doesn't change God's mind. He hears us the first time. I cannot imagine God standing up there with His arms crossed across His unwilling chest until I finally irritate Him enough to grant my petition.

Whatever repetition is supposed to accomplish in the scheme of things I'm certain it has nothing to with God's willingness to do what's best and right.

The idea that God cannot do something or that He has His hands tied until I or some other human prays is ridiculuos to me. Whatever is meant by that idea cannot be made to say God is helpless to save one of His dear children if I fail to pray. God has more than one way to save His people should I fail to pray.

What do you think?

Re: Intercessory Prayer #36702
06/11/01 05:07 PM
06/11/01 05:07 PM
Vincent E MacIsaac  Offline OP
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Originally posted by Mike Lowe:
If I'm to understand those texts to mean that God expects me to beg and grovel before He'll stoop to hear my prayer then we're not getting the same thing out of those passages.

The Texts mean 100% what they say, I didn't write them. But I can read them. It is the word of the Living God. "Thus says the Lord" is not ours to rationalize (I am not saying your doing that). The Word of God is What it says. It is that simple.

However the Texts above do not say you have to beg nor grovel for God to hear you. Perhaps ( I don't know) that is what your reading in to them. But they do say "yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs" and "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. " And we can't change that fact.

The way it has worked in my life is, God won't Cross my free will. I have to really in my heart want something. Many times I ask people and God for things My heart does not really want. I ask from guilt or because it "seems" like the right thing to ask for. God knows our heart. Sometimes in the prayer closet, over time, I relate to Jacob's Wrestle and it is amidst that struggle God really shows me the desire of my heart and how to fix that in Him. Again in my life, and I assume others, I know God hears me and is ready to answer my first prayer, still more often then not I am not ready to receive, so He works with me as I seek, ask, knock and look for His will.

I hope that helps.

SDA-TODAY moderator

This restless world is just illusion
All at once, there’s a message from above
This senseless world of mass confusion ....
In the name of love
There’s a message from above ... (Sammy Hagar 2000)

Re: Intercessory Prayer #36703
06/11/01 07:32 PM
06/11/01 07:32 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Thank you for those thoughts. Am I getting the wrong idea here or do you feel it's your job to educate me? Sometimes I feel like you're teaching me rather than carrying on a discussion. Alot of what you write comes across very authoritative and less conversational. Do you know what I mean?

Even what you said about the Bible leaves very little room for discussion. But is the Bible really all that black and white? Isn't it possible for a passage to mean more than just one thing? And yet all those things be truth? Personally I try not to corner a passage into one meaning, but rather I try to keep an open mind and learn as much from it as I possibly can. Is that what you do?

On the matter of importunate praying. Whatever repetitious prayers are supposed to accomplish I'm certain it has nothing to with God's willingness to do what's best and right. As I see it He is always able to do what is good. Is that too far off base?

The idea that God cannot do something or that He has His hands tied until I or some other human prays is ridiculuos to me. Whatever is meant by that idea cannot be made to say God is helpless to save one of His dear children if I fail to pray. God has more than one way to save His people should I fail to pray.

What do you think?

Re: Intercessory Prayer #36704
06/11/01 09:17 PM
06/11/01 09:17 PM
Vincent E MacIsaac  Offline OP
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Not all of this is on topic at all. But I will respond to it here because I feel it is ok. In future for personal correspondence I can be reached at SDA-TODAY@nc.rr.com

Originally posted by Mike Lowe:
Thank you for those thoughts. Am I getting the wrong idea here or do you feel it's your job to educate me?

Nope not at all. In fact your thoughts have gave me occasion to back up my beliefs on the subject.

Originally posted by Mike Lowe:
Sometimes I feel like you're teaching me rather than carrying on a discussion.

This is hard to respond to, because I can"t change how you feel.

I am open to be taught by anyone who teaches truth, that is why I am here, I hope that is the case for all. I know my faith is made more strong in these forums

Originally posted by Mike Lowe:
Alot of what you write comes across very authoritative and less conversational. Do you know what I mean?

YES, I do know what you mean. I am an expressive and passionate person. I notice those same qualities in you too. It is because we both seek, that we report our findings with such passion. I don't mean to step one anybodies fingers, but the study of God excites me, And the love and understanding He shows me makes me want express it.

Originally posted by Mike Lowe:
Even what you said about the Bible leaves very little room for discussion. But is the Bible really all that black and white? Isn't it possible for a passage to mean more than just one thing?
And yet all those things be truth?

I agree in full. As we study together more you will see, I believe there can be more then one meaning to a text. However my point was we can't through out what a text clearly says either.

Originally posted by Mike Lowe:
Personally I try not to corner a passage into one meaning, but rather I try to keep an open mind and learn as much from it as I possibly can. Is that what you do?

Yes. But I never deny the clear meaning of a text either (I am not implying you do that just putting my answer in context).

Originally posted by Mike Lowe:
On the matter of importunate praying. Whatever repetitious prayers are supposed to accomplish I'm certain it has nothing to with God's willingness to do what's best and right. As I see it He is always able to do what is good. Is that too far off base?

Not at all.

Originally posted by Mike Lowe:
The idea that God cannot do something or that He has His hands tied until I or some other human prays is ridiculuos to me. Whatever is meant by that idea cannot be made to say God is helpless to save one of His dear children if I fail to pray. God has more than one way to save His people should I fail to pray.
What do you think?

That is not what I think or am suggesting. I hope I am not misunderstood. All I am saying is consider the free will issue and that Often we are not ready for what we ask as we continue to seek God shows us that. That is all part of the seeking process I had found in my life.

Again, as I said here before some place, we are not going to always agree here. That is ok, we don't need to feel as if we have to make the other person accept what we are saying. Learning from each other Starts with tolerance and respecting each other. People will come to this forum from all over the Globe, with all kinds of experiences and backgrounds it may take a while to get to see where we are all coming from.

As for myself I can say, I know I am expressive and full of passion for the Lord, and that spills out rather boldly at times. When I believe something with all my heart seek to "PROVE ALL THINGS".

When I post something here that disagrees with anybody else, it is not personal. I am only reporting what my findings are.You don't have too accept them, and they are not in opposition to anything others write they are expressions of my beliefs and how they may differ.

Bottom line: Your input has provided thought inspiring discussion, even if we don't always see eye to eye.


Re: Intercessory Prayer #36705
06/12/01 05:34 AM
06/12/01 05:34 AM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Vince, thank you for those kind and encouraging words. I think I can better understand where you're coming from. Thank you. Indeed, the Bible is at times too plain to be misunderstood, while at other times the meaning can be ever so elusive, at least for me.

I believe in intercessory prayer, but I certainly don't understand everything about it. In fact, I understand very little about it, except for that it works. And for now that's good enough for me. For reasons that may never make sense to me this side of gloryland I recognize that there is virtue in importunate praying. And so I pray...

Re: Intercessory Prayer #36706
06/12/01 06:03 AM
06/12/01 06:03 AM
Vincent E MacIsaac  Offline OP
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Originally posted by Mike Lowe:

I believe in intercessory prayer, but I certainly don't understand everything about it. In fact, I understand very little about it, except for that it works. And for now that's good enough for me.

Well Put! May God guide us into deeper understanding when it is his will to do so...

SDA-TODAY moderator

The Spirit is constantly seeking to draw the attention of men to the great offering that was made on the cross of Calvary, to unfold to the world the love of God, and to open to the convicted soul the precious things of the Scriptures. {AA 52.4}

Re: Intercessory Prayer #36707
09/03/01 12:02 PM
09/03/01 12:02 PM
Gerry Buck  Offline
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Sorry I came so late to this thread, the summer has been especially busy, for the doctors, I was the center of their attention.

I read a story once, that seems to be on track with this discussion.
It involved a man that was prayed for for over 50 years, and with no apparent success.

One day as his wife was preparing supper, he fell asleep in his chair, later his wife heard him sobbing in the living room.

going in, she found him on his knees by his chair, tears flowing like water over a waterfall.
After he had calmed down, she asked him what was wrong, he told her of a dream he had just had..

I was sitting in my chair, watching the ball game, when Jesus walked through the door.
He stood there for a few seconds, with a look of pity that drove me to the depths of despair.
He slowly shook his head and said top me," My son, my sonm, what am I going to do with you?"
Not understanding, I asked Him what He meant, He told me that He was concerned about where my life was going, and that it would one day be over, and He was wondering what He was going to do about all the prayers that had been said for me.
He asked me if I hadn't heard Him calling to me all these years, I told Him yes.
He asked why I hadn't answered, I had no answer.
Then He told me how it would break His heart if I wasn't with Him for eternity, and asked me what I was going to do about it.

At this point his wife asked just exactly what he was going to do?

To make a long story a little shorter, he told her he didn't know and she offered to help.
He did come around.

By interceeding on anothers behalf, we open the door sogod can go in, as He will never force His way in.
It makes it legal for Him to enter the life of another as He has been invited.
He will never force the will of the one prayed for, but He can woo them and draw them.

We have the privilege of being a part of this.

Isn't it great?

Examine me, O LORD, and prove me: try my reins and my heart. Ps.26:2
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in men.Ps.118:8

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Dr Conrad Vine Banned
by Daryl. 01/29/25 01:47 PM
Has the Catholic Church Changed?
by kland. 01/13/25 01:28 PM
1888-Ellen White and the Church Leaders
by dedication. 01/09/25 08:49 PM
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"And He saith unto them, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matt. 4:19
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