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Re: Mad Cow Disease Found in Washington State
01/20/04 12:22 AM
01/20/04 12:22 AM
Fish Fish Fish.......I just follow Ellen White's example...... All this talking about fish, has me salivating....Remembering an evening at Elliot’s, on Pier 57 on the Seattle waterfront, back in November. To be truthful it's considered one of the 10 best seafood places in the United States. Two day's later, I was up on Vancouver Island, BC. and the "Fish And Chips" at the Malahut Inn were simply out of this world. Then the next day, I attempted to get some seafood gumbo at the Front Street Ale House, in Friday Harbor, San Juan Islands Washington, it was closed till late evening so I had to go out to Roche Harbor for some good FISH!. Last time I was there at the Front Street Ale House, their Gumbo was simply out of this world, and I thought I'd died and gone to heaven! Anyway, with the apostle Peter and all his friends being fishermen. And Christ clearly eating their fish, even providing FISH to thousands of people through a miracle (one of several I can recall involving FISH). I just don't know about this extra-biblical call to not eat FISH. Indeed our Prophet, Ellen White specifically once wrote her daughter-in-law Mary, requesting Mary to purchase her "some boxes of good herring". (not to mention the OYSTERS she also requested in the same letter!) My only problem is that I live down here on the flatlands of W. Texas...where we simply can't get good FISH....I'd die for the opportunity to live on Puget Sound and east some fresh FISH....that's...hmmmm, almost as close as one can get to heaven, here on earth
Re: Mad Cow Disease Found in Washington State
01/20/04 12:47 AM
01/20/04 12:47 AM
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Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 47
I can sympathize with you J.R. I love to eat clean fish too, but have given up all meat. The fish in Jesus' day were not swimming in water loaded with pollutants. Like DDT, Mercury and other toxins which are all in the fish. I live near San Antonio and have gone to the Texas beaches quite a bit in my life but the coastal waters are not clean like they once were and the fish live in these pollutants and I just can't eat fish from polluted waters.
Re: Mad Cow Disease Found in Washington State
01/20/04 01:34 AM
01/20/04 01:34 AM
Counsels on Diet and Foods---- Flesh Meats (Proteins Continued)==-PG- 394 Fish Often Contaminated (1905) M.H. 314, 315 698.” In many places fish become so contaminated by the filth on which they feed as to be a cause of disease. This is especially the case where the fish come in contact with the sewage of large cities. The fish that are fed on the contents of the drains may pass into distant waters, and may be caught where the water is pure and fresh. Thus when used as food they bring disease and death on those who do not suspect the danger.”
Counsels on Diet and Foods--- Flesh Meats (Proteins Continued)----PG- 411 “Meat eating should not come into the prescription for any invalids from any physicians from among those who understand these things. Disease in cattle is making meat eating a dangerous matter. The Lord's curse is upon the earth, upon man, upon beasts, upon the fish in the sea; and as transgression becomes almost universal, the curse will be permitted to become as broad and as deep as the transgression. Disease is contracted by the use of meat. The diseased flesh of these dead carcasses is sold in the market places, and disease among men is the sure result.”
Re: Mad Cow Disease Found in Washington State
01/20/04 01:47 AM
01/20/04 01:47 AM
Counsels on Diet and Foods--CT- Flesh Meats -PG- 382 Perfecting Holiness-- [R. & H., MAY 27, 1902] C.H. 575, 576 Greater reforms should be seen among the people who claim to be looking for the soon appearing of Christ. Health reform is to do among our people a work which it has not yet done. There are those who ought to be awake to the danger of meat eating, who are still eating the flesh of animals, thus endangering the physical, mental, and spiritual health. Many who are now only half converted on the question of meat eating will go from God's people to walk no more with them.
Re: Mad Cow Disease Found in Washington State
01/20/04 03:11 AM
01/20/04 03:11 AM
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The news reported just in the last week about farmed salmon having such high amounts of mercury that the recommendation was to eat it only ONCE A MONTH!! And pregnant women are to stay way from it completely!!! The high amount of pesticides (I actually can't remember what it was called...PCB's?) would actually harm a growing baby.
Farmed salmon are a joke. The "wild" salmon live in their normal environment and become adult salmon in 2-4 years to migrate back to have their young. But the farmed salmon are fed huge amounts of hormones/antibiotics and even bits of fish.(They are cannibals too like the cows) These farmed salmon grow to adulthood in ONE year!! They are FORCED to grow faster. Their flesh is not the nice salmon pink color but ugly unappetizing gray so now they must use red dye to try to make it look like people would want to eat it. It is revolting!!
I have no problem with the stated quotes above to keep away from all meat! Praise the Lord for good delicious fruits and vegetables!! And praise the Lord that God, through Ellen G. White, gave us instruction on how to stay healthy.
Re: Mad Cow Disease Found in Washington State
01/20/04 03:28 AM
01/20/04 03:28 AM
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You will remember, J. R., that when Ellen White first became an SDA christian, she ate not just clean meat, but unclean meat. God showed her in time when it was better for her to leave off this kind of diet. And it benefitted her and she steadily went forward rather than backward in her spiritual experiences.
Also she didn't keep the Sabbath at first. You must remember that she was a person like you and me. She accepted truth as it came to her. She struggled with meat-eating too. It wasn't easy for her to give it up.
God expects us too to live up to the light we have. He doesn't care for our measly excuses. He won't force you or I to become vegetarian. I happen to like fish too and was raised eating clean meats. When I was 15 I knew God wanted me to give up all meat. It was not an easy thing for me to do because I liked it, especially chicken and fish. It was the substitute "meats" that God provided for me that helped me to get away from all meat. But I still had a problem with fish. I didn't eat it, but was tempted and a few times would buy it, only to throw it away as the Holy Spirit worked on my heart.
Then I married a fisherman.(God knew what He was doing!!) My husband is an Alaska commercial fisherman of wild salmon. He is also vegan. Seeing how the fish were canned in the packing houses settled the issue once and for all for me never to eat it again. Even in the pristine waters of Alaska, many of those salmon have small white worms throughout their flesh. These are all canned together...(need I say more?)
It reminds me of an important announcement I heard on the Paul Harvey Commentary News one day many many years ago. He was warning housewives (there were more of them in those days) to please be sure to cook their pork well. He even gave a certain temperature to cook it at so as to "kill the trichinosis worms" (excuse spelling please). And Mr. Harvey said it several times. At the time I remembered thinking, "I wonder if these housewives are THINKING women and realize he is telling them to eat cooked worms?" I heard this myself on his radio program.
J. R. don't you think it is time to give fish up?
Re: Mad Cow Disease Found in Washington State
01/20/04 06:15 AM
01/20/04 06:15 AM
Debbie RE; quote: You will remember, J. R., that when Ellen White first became an SDA christian, she ate not just clean meat, but unclean meat. God showed her in time when it was better for her to leave off this kind of diet. And it benefitted her and she steadily went forward rather than backward in her spiritual experiences.
Actually her request of her DIL Mary, for Herring and Oysters was a full 25 years AFTER her vision on "health Reform!" (1857) As far as God "showing her." it was a Roman Catholic woman who took her to task for eating the flesh of animals, in the 1890's before she FINALLY gave up flesh eating, long AFTER she told others to do so, and claimed to have done so! I simply think we need to keep certain claims in perspective and FACTUAL
As I've said before. It's clear that Christ ate FISH.....And it is ONLY extra biblical suggestions that it is unwise to eat FISH. I think that if we're to slyly suggest that those who eat fish, or red meat will not be in heaven, That words to that effect should come from the BIBLE, and not from elsewhere! And since the Bible makes absolutely NO SUGGESTION that FISH are somehow sinful to eat, leading to one's utter damnation in hell. Anyone "Judging" another, for eating "FISH", even by sly innuendo (or quote) had better review the verse about judging others!!!!!!
Frankly I'll stick with the FISH, although not the Oysters (ever liked them anyway!) that our prophet Mrs. Ellen White continued to eat a FULL 25 years AFTER receiving her vision on health! They are, BTW quite delicious...Fish that is
FWIW…I’ve thrown out wheat, rice, crackers and apples that ALSO were wormy…….Although it seems rather silly to suggest that since one finds WORMS in organic foodstuffs, we ought to cease eating that also! Perhaps we should also cease eating breakfast cereals too, as there have been cases of sever rodent infestations known in grain elevators. e.g. some of the anecdotal “stories” about contamination in various food factories doesn’t prove anything, other then that or this particular factory (INCLUDING GRAIN/BREAKFAST CEREALS) had a hygiene problem!
Frankly I’d be more then a little worried about eating only a soybean based diet
quote: FARGO - North Dakota State University's Foundation Seed-stocks Program has been contaminated with genetically modified crops and cannot be trusted to segregate GM and non-GM wheat seed, a group critical of genetically modified crops said.
Theresa Podoll, executive director of the Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society, sent out a news release Monday, saying NDSU's non-GM, Natto-type soybeans planted in 2002 may have been contaminated with GM beans.
Natto beans are specialty soybeans destined for premium food grade markets in Japan, typically unwelcoming to genetically modified products.
Podoll's group has been a strong opponent of commercialization of GM wheat, which also would have to be marketed to some countries and buyers who don't want it.
NDSU officials acknowledge a problem occurred but say it was properly handled. Rogue seeds
Two lots of non-GM Natto beans were found contaminated with Monsanto's Roundup Ready soybean genetics, Podoll said.
NDSU officials say that sufficient steps have been taken to minimize the problem and avoid repeating it.
"In soybeans, we make every effort to prevent contamination and - if it occurs - we correct it," said M. Dale Williams, director of NDSU Foundation Seedstocks.
"Roundup Ready are two different animals," Williams said. "Roundup Ready soybeans are not regulated. Small amounts of it, or tolerances of amounts, are allowed in most markets.
It's not approached with the same amount of diligence as Roundup Ready wheat." The soybean contamination occurred in the winter of 2000 when the Natto beans were planted in Chile for seed increase.
The seeds then were harvested and shipped to North Dakota in 2001 and planted at
NDSU's Agronomy Seed Farm near Casselton, N.D. Those fields produced some off-type plants, but GMO was not suspected, Williams said. Soybeans contaminated
Re: Mad Cow Disease Found in Washington State
01/20/04 01:38 PM
01/20/04 01:38 PM
Posting New Member
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 47
quote: Originally posted by J. R. Layman:
RE; quote: Actually her request of her DIL Mary, for Herring and Oysters was a full 25 years AFTER her vision on "health Reform!" (1857) As far as God "showing her." it was a Roman Catholic woman who took her to task for eating the flesh of animals, in the 1890's before she FINALLY gave up flesh eating, long AFTER she told others to do so, and claimed to have done so! I simply think we need to keep certain claims in perspective and FACTUAL
J.R. Sounds like you have been reading the EGW Bashers propaganda. The above statement you made is untrue. I suggest you get her writings on CD-Rom and read things for yourself in context and not rely on the EGW hate sites to do your thinking for you.
Re: Mad Cow Disease Found in Washington State
01/20/04 02:03 PM
01/20/04 02:03 PM
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Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 47
These quotes from Sister White settled my question if it is ok just to only eat the clean meats.
The Course of Those Awaiting Christ's Coming.-- Among those who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, meat eating will eventually be done away; flesh will cease to form a part of their diet. We should ever keep this end in view and endeavor to work steadily toward it. I cannot think that in the practice of flesh eating we are in harmony with the light which God has been pleased to give us. {CG 383.2}
Many who are now only half converted on the question of meat eating will go from God's people, to walk no more with them.--RH May 27, 1902.
Those who are half converted? If you still eat clean meat you are only half converted on the meat eating issue.
What happens to those who are half converted? They will go from God's people, to walk no more with them. Strong words from Sister White we would do well to heed.
Re: Mad Cow Disease Found in Washington State
01/21/04 03:06 AM
01/21/04 03:06 AM
Gary When you state to someone that quote: The above statement you made is untrue
You are in effect calling them a LIAR
I would suggest that before you call me a "LIAR" that you get your duckies in order!
quote: Manuscript Release No. 852: The Development of Adventist Thinking on, page 2, paragraph 3 ONCE WHEN ELLEN WHITE WAS ILL, HER SON, W. C. WHITE, REPORTS THAT SHE WAS ENCOURAGED TO DRINK A LITTLE OYSTER BROTH TO SETTLE HER STOMACH. SHE IS SAID TO HAVE TRIED A SPOONFUL OR TWO, BUT THEN REFUSED THE REST. THERE IS HOWEVER, EVIDENCE THAT AT ONE POINT IN HER LIFE MRS. WHITE MOST LIKELY ATE SOME OYSTERS. IN 1882, WHEN SHE WAS LIVING AT HEALDSBURG, CALIFORNIA, SHE WROTE A LETTER TO HER DAUGHTER-IN-LAW, MARY KELSEY WHITE, IN OAKLAND, IN WHICH SHE MADE THE FOLLOWING REQUEST: ["Mary, if you can get me a good box of herrings, fresh ones, please do so. These last ones that Willie got are bitter and old. If you can buy cans, say, half a dozen cans, of good tomatoes, please do so. We shall need them. If you can get a few cans of good oysters, get them."]
Please note the SOURCE of the above statement is directly from The White Estate......producers of your CD....and hardly one of the "the EGW hate sites!"
Next time you choose to call someone a LIAR, be it in whatever manner, please get your FACTS right first!!!!!
You here who wish to judge others so willingly and consign them to hell, since some of us don't share your view on the eating of flesh foods. Might bear in mind another quote from Sister White! quote: In 1895 she noted, "I have never felt that it was my duty to say that no one should taste of meat under any circumstances. To say this . . . would be carrying matters to extremes I have never felt that it was my duty to make sweeping assertions. What I have said I have said under a sense of duty, but I have been guarded in my statements, because I did not want to give occasion for anyone to be conscience for another" (Counsels on Diet and Foods, pp.462, 463).
FWIW, the above ALSO was researched and sourced from the White Estate
Apparantly there are more then a few "EXTREMIST" around here, as according to the discription of our prophet! [ January 20, 2004, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: J. R. Layman ]
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