The Baptists are a people of the bible. They have no prophet like the SDA. They believe all the answers to their beliefs and doctrines are found in scripture alone. I was associated with the Baptists for near 20 years. They are one of the largest denominations in the United States. They are NOT Protestant. For they did not originate from Luther or John Calvin. Baptists hold to baptism by immersion, for believers only.

There are many TYPES of Baptists, from regular, Independent,free will, Seventh Day and American. The largest segment is the Southern Baptist division.It has been asked, how do Baptists view the ten commandments?

Baptists as a rule do not see the ten commandments as their guide. Where they must obey this commandment and that one. Rather Baptists place their faith in Christ and live by his guidance through the inner workings of the Holy Spirit. Baptists believe you are saved by FAITH ALONE without the keeping of the law. Not that they ignore the ten commandments, but unlike Adventists they believe their salvation solely lies in the work and person of Jesus Christ. Baptists as a whole, do not observe the Sabbath because they can find no commandment in the New Testament for the Christian church to do so.

Baptists have a rather simple faith. They simply trust in Jesus for their entire salvation, read their bible, attend church, observe the Lord's supper and baptize believers. They're a mixed bag on prophecy. Most are futurists and all pretty much hold to Christ reigning on a literal millennium ON EARTH.
