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I'm thankful to God for...
02/05/05 08:10 PM
02/05/05 08:10 PM
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Joined: Jan 2005
Posts: 107
I have no problem starting this topic. I am so thankful to God for everything that He has given to me. Last year, in April, we were told at my job that they were downsizing. I worked in a rebate center that processed rebates for Sears. I'm assuming everyone has heard of Sears. Probably shouldn't but I am anyway. So, they tell us this. I am told by my supervisor that it would be a VERY good idea to start putting out feelers for other job opportunities in the area. Now, I live about 25 miles north of Berrien Springs, MI, USA. There aren't that many job opportunities around here. I stayed there, didn't actively pursue any jobs that were advertised, I figured God had something in mind for me and I would just be patient. Well, in early August, I heard that Whirlpool Corporation was hiring for customer service reps. Someone upstairs was nudging me. I mailed my resume to them. They lost it. I e-mailed it to them. They couldn't open it. I was getting frustrated. I FAXED my resume to them. I wasn't going to do anything else with it. If they didn't get it this time, that was it. I would get the hint. Well, they called me the next day. My daughter just happened to have been up all night sick, so I couldn't go to my job at the rebate center. I was the one who got up with her through the night. I didn't get much sleep. Whirlpool called and I went in for an interview that day. I thought it went very well. They said I would hear from them. I waited a day, didn't hear anything. Now, it's Thursday. I am getting antsy. They call me Thursday night, they want me to start working Monday. I haven't given 2 weeks notice yet! I asked her if there was any way that I could do this, she said they needed me Monday. I said ok. I gave my notice. I have been at Whirlpool for almost 6 months now. I started on a shift that was 12:15pm to 9pm. I was given the shift of 8am-4:45pm on Fridays. Their hours of operation were from 8am-9pm, M-F. That wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I started working there, but I just kept at it. It was hard at first to get used to only seeing my son for about an hour a day. In mid-December, we had a meeting, the whole department where I am. Kathy, who is the head of our department, said that she had a Christmas gift for us. (I still tear up when I think about this!) She said that starting January 1, 2005, their hours of operation were changing. They said 8am-6pm, M-F. I turned and looked at my friend, who also worked with me at the rebate center, and asked her to verify that they just said that. She said yes, they did say that. I cried and cried. I had been spending an hour A DAY with my son! I was finally going to be able to spend more time with him! One of my other friends, who also worked with me at the rebate center, was sitting in front of me. She turned around and gave me her full package of pocket tissues. Said she didn't want them back. I couldn't tell you what else was discussed in that meeting. I praise God for giving me that gift. And, here I sit, crying again. Thank you, Jesus, for all the gifts You give me everyday! You are awesome!
God bless you all! Hope to hear your stories too!
Re: I'm thankful to God for...
02/06/05 03:48 AM
02/06/05 03:48 AM
Dedicated Member
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 1,116
Angie, the Lord is so good to you. His gifts are so big and so overflowing! He knew exactly what your little mother-heart needed!!!
Thanks for sharing this experience. It has really encouraged me so much!
Re: I'm thankful to God for...
02/28/05 10:24 AM
02/28/05 10:24 AM
I thanked the Lord for the gift of Salvation, that He died on the Cross for me. I want to praise Him for His goodness that He extended it to my cousin Rose. Rose was suffering from breast cancer, although she was my first degree cousin but we are not that close because they refuse to mingle with us , as it is prohibited in their church(Church of Christ). They regard church members are their own family members, never attending our family reunion, but regarded as strangers. One year ago, her church members neglected her when she was diagnosed to have terminal stage breast cancer. She called me and asked help, yet never mentioned about religion as it is very sensitive issue to her, I just helped her financially, until one week ago, she called me again to ask me send her money, which I did, but telling her I will send an SDA pastor to give her Bible STudies whom she dont refused, I urged my SDA Pastor friend to give her Bible Study immediately fearing she will die very soon. Bible study was given, and she accepted Jesus as her personal Savior, and willing to be baptised, but because of her condition, the Pastor just anointed her, and after 4 days, (today) she died in Christ. That when the trumpet will sound at Christ command, she will see Jesus face and she will be with Him for eternity. I praise the Lord.
Re: I'm thankful to God for...
03/09/05 03:28 AM
03/09/05 03:28 AM
Angie, you know all the blessings we have received. Every time I think to write about them, they all get jumbled in my mind...I'll try to write them down now, and hope they don't get jumbled... Two years ago, Davey, my son was diagnosed epileptic and put on meds. He went to the neurologist a couple weeks ago and the doctor said we can talk with his new doctor (after we move) about getting him off the meds. I am nervous about this, but I know that if he has seizures after getting off the meds, then he will be put back on them. I just don't like the idea of my son suffering thru a seizure! It's bad enough at any age, but really hard to handle a toddler/pre-schooler having this problem. But, I know that God doesn't give us more than we can handle! Which brings me to my next point. My husband was accepted at a school near Chicago. He is so worried that we won't have the money to live there and that He won't have the financial aid needed for school. I keep telling him..... EVERY DAY..... that if he is meant to go to this school, everything will work out. Don't worry about it...In the beginning, it was if you are meant to go here, you will be accepted.... a week later, he got his acceptance he is worried about the funds. I keep telling him it'll all work out according to God's plan. We have things all set for our move. We were accapted at an apartment complex. Everything is falling into place. I just think he doesn't like to wait! Angie, you know how "patient" he is!
Re: I'm thankful to God for...
03/08/05 04:06 PM
03/08/05 04:06 PM
I am thankful for the following promise that all those who love the Lord can claim: Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. No matter what is happening to us, if we love the Lord, then we can claim this promise.
Re: I'm thankful to God for...
03/09/05 10:22 PM
03/09/05 10:22 PM
Full Member
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 211
I am just so thankful for the blessed hope. Years ago, a member of my husband's family gave us a book - Planet in Rebellion by George Vandeman. He said he prayed about how to reach us and was impressed to say nothing, but just give us the book. I was the one holding back, because I was raised in another church. Within one week we began attending church and never looked back. Over the last decade tragedy has struck my husband's family in the form of an illness that has affected, so far, two generations. It is hard watching loved ones become afflicted, and eventually losing them, but the Lord has sustained us through all of this; I can't imagine how people can get through something like this without the blessed hope. It just shines through the grief you feel and banishes the feeling of finality. It really helps so much to know that God is in control, His plan is the best there could be, and he always keeps His promises.
Re: I'm thankful to God for...
03/12/05 07:59 PM
03/12/05 07:59 PM
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Joined: Jan 2005
Posts: 107
Isn't He amazing? I see every day in my family how He is working on our hearts. He has wonderful ways of reaching people when we normally wouldn't say or do anything. He impresses on us what we need to do or say. His love is amazing, and never fails. I think of the lyrics of a Contemporary Christian song I hear all the time on the Christian radio station here: I am a flower, quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow, a vapor in the wind, still You hear me when I'm calling, You catch me when I'm falling, I am Yours. We are all His, He just waits for us to say yes. I'm in one of those thoughtful moods today, we had FOUR people baptized in our church today. Praise God! I always get emotional about that. All of you have a blessed Sabbath and a great week!
Re: I'm thankful to God for...
05/27/05 11:03 AM
05/27/05 11:03 AM
Full Member
Joined: Jan 2005
Posts: 107
Well, here I am, again. I just want to praise God for my situation right now. I know He has a plan for me. I just recently was taken off assignment at Whirlpool. It may not seem like I should be happy about this, but I have been battling with depression over my job for a while. This removal from my assignment has been a positive thing for me. The reason is because, now, I can concentrate on finding just the job that God has for me. It has been a week since my last day of work. I used to come home with tension headaches every day. Those headaches are gone. I praise God for this. I know He has a plan for me, that obviously doesn't include working in the call center at Whirlpool.
Re: I'm thankful to God for...
05/27/05 07:20 PM
05/27/05 07:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by Angie Street: Well, here I am, again. I just want to praise God for my situation right now. I know He has a plan for me. I just recently was taken off assignment at Whirlpool. It may not seem like I should be happy about this, but I have been battling with depression over my job for a while. This removal from my assignment has been a positive thing for me. The reason is because, now, I can concentrate on finding just the job that God has for me. It has been a week since my last day of work. I used to come home with tension headaches every day. Those headaches are gone. I praise God for this. I know He has a plan for me, that obviously doesn't include working in the call center at Whirlpool.
its great you can see the meaning behind losing your job. I'd probably just start having more tension headaches being out of a job and not see the good in it
I'd like to thank God for helping me through a rough spot in my life recently with my "friends". Also for helping me sleep ^^
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