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Another Plague--"Go to the Ant, thou..." #42079
10/20/01 10:52 AM
10/20/01 10:52 AM
Andrew Marttinen  Offline OP
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Carleton Place, Ontario, Canad...
Australia invaded by 'invincible ant' that attacks everything in its path

By Kathy Marks in Sydney

20 October 2001

The South American fire ant, which packs a potentially lethal sting, will cause an environmental catastrophe if allowed to spread, Queensland state authorities in Australia warned yesterday.

The ants were first spotted in the Queensland capital, Brisbane, earlier this year and have already been found at 730 sites. They could colonise Australia in the next three decades. They already destroy £1bn of crops every year in the United States.

Scientists at the Department of Primary Industries, horrified by the discovery of a pest that they regard as worse than the infamous cane toad, have begun a £50m eradication programme nicknamed "the Big Nuke". Over the next three years, 500 volunteers will blanket the area with bait laced with a chemical that inhibits reproduction.

The tiny, reddish-brown ants, which are thought to have arrived in Brisbane on board a container ship, attack humans, livestock, pets, native animals and crops. An aggressive and resilient species, they sting repeatedly and in concert, causing pimple-like spots and an intense burning sensation – hence their name.

In rare cases, the sting provokes an allergic reaction that can kill. In the southern United States, infested since the 1930s, 84 people have died.

The ants represent a threat to Australia's outdoors way of life. Activities such as camping and barbecues are out of the question in affected areas; even sitting in the back garden with a book can be a painful experience. In some American states, schools, parks and sports fields have had to be closed.

Keith McCubbin, head of the eradication programme, said: "This ant is one of the meanest, most evil creatures that God ever put on Earth. It hates every other living thing, and pours out of its nest ready to fight. If it can't be stopped in Queensland, it will be in the backyards of Sydney and Melbourne in the near future.

"If that happens, there'll come a time when a lot of us won't be able to have barbecues and picnics, or garden, or mow the lawn. And we won't be wearing thongs [flip-flops] anymore," he added.

The fear is that the insects – whose Latin name is Solenopsis invicta, or invincible ant – will spread around the country by hitching lifts on vehicles transporting plants and soil. A nest was recently discovered in a truckload of palms sent to Victoria from an infected nursery in Brisbane.

The great ships are safe in the harbour, but that's not what they were built for.

Re: Another Plague--"Go to the Ant, thou..." #42080
10/20/01 07:06 PM
10/20/01 07:06 PM
Linda Sutton  Offline
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Now that's something. Running scared of fire ants. All you need is some boiling water and a 5lb bag of grits.
"If that happens, there'll come a time when a lot of us won't be able to have barbecues and picnics, or garden, or mow the lawn. And we won't be wearing thongs [flip-flops] anymore," he added.

Scarin' people like that. Makin' 'em think life is going to end because of fire ants! Goes to show how much they know about fire ants.

This is a case where I can truly say, "Been there, done that!" Having lived on the Gulf Coast for over 8 years, I know a thing or two about fire ants. And I can tell you that people still go camping, they definitely have picnics and barbeques and cookouts. I've got some plesant memories of those I've had.

Some folks even wear flip-flops. Hey, I've even seen some go barefoot! Oh, yeah, the grass definitely gets mowed. In fact you'd better believe it gets mowed! Keeping it cut is the only way to see where the nests are! I've mowed the lawn many times. Just have to develope a little finesse when mowing over those anthills.

Hmmmmm, I could write a whole essay about how to deal with fireants. But for all you Aussies, don't despair. Fire ants are no fun, but the bites heal. The real trick is learning how to avoid being bitten in the first place. Life goes on, and you learn how to work around the nasty little critters.

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Re: Another Plague--"Go to the Ant, thou..." #42081
10/20/01 09:32 PM
10/20/01 09:32 PM
Andrew Marttinen  Offline OP
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Carleton Place, Ontario, Canad...
The Romanian Christian Vlad the Impailer kept Islam out of Europe with tales of his horrific doings. (So we can thank Count Dracula for defending our faith).

Maybe the Aussies have such a nice country that they want to keep away an invasion of people by using these stories as scare tactics.

If you wondered about Canada, folks, everyone here has a blanket of nails in front of our doors and windows to keep Polar Bears from ravaging our homes. (They actually do that in Churchill, Manitoba, but our country is so vast...)

The great ships are safe in the harbour, but that's not what they were built for.

Re: Another Plague--"Go to the Ant, thou..." #42082
10/21/01 12:08 AM
10/21/01 12:08 AM
Daryl  Online Canadian

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Sounds like we ned to start a Canada thread again!

In His Love, Mercy & Grace


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