The way I view the fact that
"If Samuel Alito is confirmed, this will give the Roman Catholics a 5-person majority on the Supreme Court. John Roberts (Chief Justice), Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas are Catholics already serving on the Court" that it probably wont make that much of a difference.
The reason that I think this is that in the Spirit of Prophecy it says that the Catholics have been surprised at just how much concessions the Protestants have made to them. And that was back in her day.
Also, we are also told that the more light we have, the greater darkness we go into if we disregard that light. The Protestants actually ought to know better than anybody about the errors of Catholicism.
I think Protestants who get involved in all of this will actually maybe be just as bad or maybe even worse than the Catholics in pushing their agenda.
Of course I could be wrong, but I dont know.