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Re: About The Latter Rain
02/24/01 07:37 AM
02/24/01 07:37 AM
The continuation of "the movings of the Spirit of God in clear and unmistakable lines" (1SM130) through Elder A.T. Jones, at the 1893 General Conference at Minneapolis: PART 17 "'Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, so shall thy seed be. And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb: he staggered not at the promise of God though unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; and being fully persuaded, that what God has promised He is also able to perform. And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on Him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; who was delivered for our offenses, and was raised for our justification.' He was raised that we might be justified; raised for our justification. I am going to let Him accomplish what He was raised from the dead for. That is settled. He knows how to do it, and He can do it; and I am going to let Him. Now the fifth chapter of Romans--'Therefore being justified by faith.' What do you say? (Congregation: 'Amen.') Therefore being made righteous, being justified by faith, 'we have peace with God.' And I know it; don't you? We have peace with God. He syas so. Then it is so. Even though it were not so. Then it is so. Even though it were not so, it is so after He calls those things that be not as though they were. We cannot understand it; but we can know it. I know it; and that is all I care to do. 'Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: by whom also we have access into this grace.' How did we get into this grace? By faith. We have it, thank the Lord. 'Wherein we stand.' Do we stand there indeed? (Congregation: 'Yes.') He says so; it is so, isn't it? He says so, and it is so. He says we stand there; and we do, thank the Lord. 'Wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.' Don't we? He says we rejoice, and we do. Because when He says we do, He is right; and we say, 'Amen,' and then we are right. 'And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also.' Tribulations will come along as easy as can be; but they will not amount to anything against us. 'For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed'--not to us only but'--'in us,' which shall be a part of us. That is how we shall shine as the sun in the kingdom of our Father. Well, that is the righteousness of God; that is how Abraham received it. What is the blessing of Abraham, then? (Congregation: 'Righteousness by faith.') How did he get it? (Congregation: 'By faith') The blessing of Abraham is not received except by that man who has the faith of Abraham, is that so? (Congregation: 'Yes, sir.') 'Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.' Has He? He says He has; then He has. 'Being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree: that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ.' Why did Christ become a curse on the tree? That the blessing of Abraham might come on you and me. Why did He redeem us from the curse of the law? That the blessing of Abraham migt come on you and me. What is the blessing of Abraham? 'Righteousness by faith.' Christ died that you and I might be made righteous by faith. Brethren, insn't it awful when a man will rob Christ of the very thing for which He died, and want righteousness in some other way? Insn't it awful? Brethren, let us believe in Jesus Christ. 'That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ.' Now then we are redeemed from the curse of the law; Christ is made a curse for us, that the blessing of Abraham might come upon us. And what does that come upon us for? 'That we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.' Then, when we as a people, we as a body, we as a church, have received the blessing of Abraham, what then? (Congregation: 'The latter rain.') The outpouring of the Spirit. It is so with the individual. When the individual believes in Jesus Christ, and obtains the righteousness which is by faith, then the Holy Spirit, which is the circumcision of the heart, is received by him. And when the whole people, as a church, receive the righteousness of faith, the blessing of Abraham, then what is to hinder the church from receiving the Spirit of God? (Congregation: 'Nothing.') That is where we are. What is to hinder, then, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit? (Voice: 'Unbelief.') Our lack of the righteousness of God, which is by faith,--that is what holds it back; for when that is received, it is given in order that we may receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Then let us be sure we have the blessing of Abraham, and then ask and we shall receive." A.T. Jones, 1893 G.C. Bulletin, p.382,383. _________________________________ WE ARE MADE RIGHTEOUS BY BELIEVING JUST WHAT GOD SAYS THAT WE MIGHT RECEIVE THE PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT. [This message has been edited by adventbeliever (edited March 06, 2001).]
Re: About The Latter Rain
02/24/01 11:24 AM
02/24/01 11:24 AM
Two things are obvious to me:1 - God works through an organization - For example, He worked through the nation of Israel, and now He is working through the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 2 - The Seventh-day Adventist Church is an organization that will go through to the second coming of Jesus Christ - The nation of Israel rejected Him, however, the wheat, not the tares, within the Seventh-day Adventist Church will awaken from their sleep and not reject Him. When persecution looms, the tares will leave and the wheat still not awake will awaken or also be shaken out. I haven't had a chance to read these posts in detail, however, I plan to do so later. __________________________ "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 Daryl
Re: About The Latter Rain
02/24/01 08:12 PM
02/24/01 08:12 PM
Amen, Daryl. Just over 10 years ago the pastor of a non-Adventist church group meeting in our building in Swan River was preaching word-for-word a series on the Latter Rain that Neal C. Wilson had penned for Ministry Magazine. I only read it after he told me about it. By the way, he said that he thought everything this "Ellen White person" said (as printed in the article) was "exactly right. ------------------ Cheer up ye pilgrims, Be joyful and sing. Jesus is Coming Again! Pastor Andrew
Re: About The Latter Rain
02/24/01 10:48 PM
02/24/01 10:48 PM
~It would be good to study the parable of Matt.22, the parable of the Wedding Garment. "It opens before us a lesson of the highest consequence." C.O.L.307. This parable was first fulfilled in the time of Christ. In the parable the Jews are said to be the "bidden ones" who rejected the first call, the gospel invitation, given by the twelve and the seventy. The rejection of this call was followed by the crucifixion of Jesus. After the crucifixion came the second call, which was also rejected. It began with Pentecost and ended in 34 AD when the Jewish nation sealed their final rejection of God's mercy by stoning Stephen. C.O.L.307-309. This parable, which was a prophecy, has a double application. The parable deals with the wedding garment which all must have in order to successfully pass the investigative judgment. "By the king's examination of the guests at the feast is represented a work of judgment." C.O.L.310. The second fulfillment of this parable began in 1844 when Jesus entered the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary above to begin the work of investigative judgment. "At the appointed time the Bridegroom came, not to the earth, as the people expected, but to the Ancient of Days in Heaven, TO THE MARRIAGE." G.C.427. But the marriage was not consummated in 1844 or shortly after. Because of unbelief, the work was not finished and the second coming was delayed. G.C.457.458. The first call of the parable came in 1888, that is, between 1888 and 1903. As we all know, just as the parable had predicted, the message was rejected. Jones and Waggoner were the servants who gave the first call. About 1903, Sister White said that we would have to remain in this world indefinitely because of unbelief. 1 SM 234,235. Between the first and the second calls of the parable, there is the crucifixion. Between 1955 and 1957, we crucified the messages of the three angels when we repudiated the central pillar of our faith in order to gain the approval of the other churches. 18 meetings were held with representants of the Evangelical churches which ended in compromising the pillars of our faith. This was the crucifixion as prophesied in the parable. 1 SM 204,205. After the crucifixion, "God's care and labor for the Jewish people had not lessened but increased." C.O.L.218. Likewise, though we have betrayed sacred trusts and declared that "We are one with our fellow denominational Christian groups in the fundamentals of the faith delivered to the saints," (Questions on Doctrine, p.32) "The Lord's care and labor for us have not lessened but increased." After the crucifixion of Christ, the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the second and final call to the professed people of God was given until the Jewish nation sealed her final rejection in 34 AD. Now, the second call is to be given to our church by men of God's own choosing just as it happened in the time of the first fulfillment of this parable. The message which is to be given is found in the 1893 General Conference Bulletin. Elder A.T. Jones gave that message "in demonstration of the Holy Spirit," (T.M.91) and in 1SM 130 Sister White identified the content of his lectures as "the workings of the Spirit of God in clear and unmistakable lines." It is the teaching of righteousness according to righteousness, according to God's idea of what constitutes righteousness. We are admonished to forget the human instrumentality. "The human agent is to be kept out of sight and God alone and His word are to be exalted." T.M.112. The parable tells us that the majority will reject the invitation as did the Jews between 31 and 34 AD. But those who accept the call will be forced to leave the church they love. The ministers and leading men will not tolerate them very long and they will have no other choice but to go to the Gentiles. In other words, there will be those in the Church who will rise up against this solemn message and "this is what will cause a shaking among God's people." E.W. 270. But "Persecution will spread the light." D.A.354. As the message is being proclaimed, "Men belonging to the different companies and revered by them will pass through, some with pleasing words, and others with wrathful looks and threatening gestures, and will fasten the cords which will be weakening. These men will be constantly saying, 'God is with us. We stand in the light. We have the truth.' I inquired who these men were, and was told that they were ministers and leading men who had rejected the light themselves and were unwilling that others should receive it." E.W.241. This will be a terrible ordeal but nevertheless it must take place. Which side will we be on? Personally, I have studied these very messages for years. This has not been brought to my attention as of late. These messages, and what I have posted in this thread are only a small fraction of what is there in that Bulletin, and I know that indeed, as Sister White has said, Elder Jones's messages were "the ministration of the Holy Spirit of God." We are to study these messages, accept them, and take them to our families and to our churches. I believe that with all my heart! History will be repeated. The work will be finished with men and women who are not too wise or too learned to believe just what God says. We must receive the righteousness of God as He gives it, as He gave it in 1893 which was 1888 "in special measure." 1893 G.C.Bulletin, p.494. God bless you all! [This message has been edited by adventbeliever (edited March 01, 2001).]
Re: About The Latter Rain
02/27/01 07:37 AM
02/27/01 07:37 AM
"One interest will prevail, one subject will swallow up every other, Christ and His righteousness." RH Dec.23,1890. [This message has been edited by adventbeliever (edited March 01, 2001).]
Re: About The Latter Rain
02/27/01 07:52 AM
02/27/01 07:52 AM
Why don't we respond more when the love of Jesus and His salvation are presented to us in demonstration of the Holy Spirit? "The only remedy is belief in the truth, acceptance of the light. Yet many have listened to the truth spoken in demonstration of the Spirit, and they have not only refused to accept the message, but they have hated the light. These men are parties to the ruin of souls. They have interposed themselves between the heaven-sent light and the people. They have trampled upon the word of God and are doing despite to His Holy Spirit. I call upon God's people to open their eyes." T.M.91. These words were penned regarding the message given by Elders Jones and Waggoner. These lectures are "the workings of the Spirit of God in clear and unmistakable lines." 1 SM 130. If we do not accept this message we are rejecting the latter rain! Its that simple. We need to have our ears and our eyes anointed by the Holy Spirit that we may be able to distinguish between the work of God and that of man! The Lord calls upon each one of us to take hold of this message and share it with our families first and then with our brothers and sisters in the Church. It will not be long before it spreads like fire in the stumble and the work will be a complete success for Christ's righteousness will accomplish everything! 1 SM 118; F.W.27. ________________________________________ ONE INTEREST WILL PREVAIL, ONE SUBJECT WILL SWALLOW UP EVERY OTHER, CHRIST AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS! r&h dec 23,1890
[This message has been edited by adventbeliever (edited March 06, 2001).]
Re: About The Latter Rain
02/27/01 07:59 AM
02/27/01 07:59 AM
The continuation of "the workings of the Spirit of God in clear and unmistakable lines" (1SM130) through Elder A.T. Jones at the 1893 General Conference: PART 18 "Some have said they cannot see how a man can acknowledge himself to be wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, and don't know it, and at the same time be rejoicing in the Lord. Well, I would like to know how any one else can. I would like to know how a man is going to rejoice in the Lord, when he thinks he is all right himself. Can you tell? I can't imagine. But when a man knows that he is what the Lord says he is, and acknowledges that, and then finds that the Lord is so good that he will take him just as he is, and fits him to stand in the presence of God through all eternity, then that man has something to rejoice for. He can't do anything else. Why, brethren, the Lord does not save us because we are so good, but because He is so good. Do not forget that. He does not save us, nor bless us in the work of God at all because we are so good, but becauwe He is so good and we are bad. And the blessedness of it is that He will bless us so much when we are so bad. And the rejoicing of the whole thing is that He saves us and makes us to relfect His own image, as bad as we are. That is where the rejoicing comes in. "He justifies the ungodly." Rom.4:5. Well, about understanding that; I cannot understand it, but I know it is so, and that is all I care for. It will take eternity to explain it so we can understand it; but as long as I know that it is so, I am not going to trouble myself and worry about HOW the Lord can do it, or whether I can understand it. Are you? (Congregation: 'No.') There is another point right here that we may bear in mind,--those who can't see that that it is so. Brethren, you tell the Lord over and over that it is so, and then you will see it. You will not understand it then, but you will see it. You can't see how it can be, but you see that it is a fact; and that is the only way you can. Can I see it as long I keep myself from it?--No. It is a thing that pertains to the heart, and you can't see it with your eyes; you must see it with your heart, and it is only the Spirit of God who gives the eye-salve that you can see it. Here is something that will--not explain it, but it will perhaps help you to get the idea a little better. In Testimony No.31, page 44, I read these words: 'Are you in Christ? Not if you do not acknowledge yourselves erring, helpless, condemned sinners." You are not in Christ unless you acknowledge yourself to be that. Now is that so? (Congregation: 'Yes.') Are you willing to stick to that now whether you understand how it is so or not? (Congregation: 'Yes.') That is what some of the brethren say they can't see. They say, 'I can't see how, if I am in Christ, I am to acknowledge myself a helpless, undone sinner; I thought if I was in Christ, then I could thank the Lord I was good.' Why no. He is. When you are in Christ, He is perfect, He is righteous, He is holy and never errs, and His holiness is imputed to you--is given to you. His faithfulness, His perfection is mine, but I am not that." A.T. Jones, 1893 G.C.Bulletin, p.178. _______________________________________ THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY ARE ERRING, HELPLESS, CONDEMNED SINNERS! What a beautiful Scriptural paradox! [This message has been edited by adventbeliever (edited March 06, 2001).]
Re: About The Latter Rain
02/27/01 08:05 AM
02/27/01 08:05 AM
Brethren, this was "the refreshing from the presence of the Lord." The Lord preserved these messages for us. It was written more for us than for them. This is PRESENT TRUTH! Praise Him for He is good and His mercy endures for ever! Ps.118:1.
Re: About The Latter Rain
03/01/01 09:16 AM
03/01/01 09:16 AM
The continuation of "the workings of the Spirit of God in clear and unmistakable lines" (1SM130) through Elder A.T. Jones at the 1893 General Conference: PART 19 "No man can receive the promise of the Spirit who has not the blessing of Abraham--the righteousness of God, which is by faith.' Then, the man who knows that he believes God can ask with perfect confidence for the Holy Spirit. Not the man who thinks that he believes God; a part of the time he does, a part of the time he does not; a part of the time he thinks de does, a part of the time he does not know whether he does or not. That is not believing God at all, but the Lord wants you and me to know that we believe God. He wants us to know that, and to have that thing as firmly settled and fixed as that we live. Then, I say that the man who knows that he believes God, can ask with perfect confidence for the Spirit of God, and receive it by faith, for 'if ye ask, ye shall receive.' He said so. But we must ask something according to His will. But it is not according to His will to give the Holy Spirit to anybody who has not the blessing of Abraham; and just as with the individual, so with the church: When the people of God reach that place where they KNOW that they believe God, they can ask with perfect confidence for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and wait in perfect confidence and faith that they shall receive it, and they will. That is a fact. Now let us study a little further to-night, how we may know the blessing of Abraham is our own, and how we may know that with perfect confidence we may ask the Lord to give us His Holy Spirit, and then just simply wait His own good time, and we receive it according to His own wish--we have no anxiety about whether we are going to receive it or not. We want to learn how all that anxiety as to whether we can receive the Holy Spirit or not--learn how that can be taken away from us, and then we can present our petitions to the Lord in faith, expecting nothing else, and simply waiting for Him to give it in His own good time, while we still ask and still seek Him that it may be so. I tell you, brethren, when we get into that place, it will not be difficult for us to be 'with one accord in one place.' Now, at this meeting, when we reach that condition--that place where we know that we believe God, and know that we may ask with perfect confidence for the Holy Spirit, it will be an easy thing for every one of us--and it will be so, too--to be with one accord in one place, every time there is a meeting. The fact of the matter is, each one will be afraid to be away; because, if he should be away from any of these meetings, and the promise of the Holy Spirit be fulfilled, he would miss it. Every one will be here waiting and watching for the Lord to do what He says, just when He gets ready. Don't you see how that will bring all with one accord into one place? It will do it. Of course, if the work of the Lord should call us away from some meeting in the order of our work and the order of the Lord, and the Holy Spirit should be poured out while we were away, we would get it anyhow, wherever we were. But it will not be so with those who are away from the meeting from their own inclinations. I am afraid to be away from any of these morning meetings. For I can't tell at what meeting the Spirit may be poured out upon us, I cannot risk being absent. Now let us take up the Scriptures and read just how the Lord has led us, and will lead every one right through to that place to-night, if you will go. If you will start where I begin to read, the Lord will lead you and me right straight through." A.T. Jones, 1893 G.C.Bulletin, p.399,400. _____________________________________ THE MAN WHO KNOWS THAT HE BELIEVES GOD CAN ASK WITH PERFECT CONFIDENCE FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT. [This message has been edited by adventbeliever (edited March 06, 2001).]
Re: About The Latter Rain
03/01/01 08:24 PM
03/01/01 08:24 PM
SDA Charter Member Active Member 2019
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Dear AB, Would you say that righteousness by faith is righteousness by faith? When we accept Jesus as our personal Saviour He empowers us to crucify the old man character habits of sin and to receive the sinless seed of the new man, which enables us to recognize and resist sin, self, and Satan unto the honor and glory of God and to reproduce the lovely character of Christ Jesus our Lord. That is what happens to us individually. But what God is waiting for is for it to happen to us corporately, right? See COL 69. And I got the impression that you believe, like Robert Weiland (who I used to work for when a student at Weimar), that God cannot or will not bless the SDA Church with the latter rain until she corporately repents for rejecting the message of Jones and Wagoner back in 1888 and since then. And I'm not so sure God is punishing us today for whatever wrongs the Church may have been guilty of back then. The little yellow book - SDA Believe - I think represents righteousness by faith very well. And that thing back in the 50's was bad, but not near as bad as some make it out to be. Mike
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