I must say first of all that I appreciate the tone found on this forum. I get pretty frustrated with the constant attacks on the church and EGW found on some other forums. I suppose that's O.K. in its place, but it's good to sort of just take them for a base-line and chat without having to defend your references constantly.
But...I have noticed that threads tend to die off here before they have recieved adequate discussion. This is my primary forum, and I usually check this for responses before going to the other forums. Granted it doesn't have the volume of members, threads, etc., but I also like that. (You may have guessed that I'm the kind of guy whose perfect evening is to sit in a corner and read a good book.) But I do think that there are enough of us here that we can keep a good thread going, and I find it such a joy to discuss these things in an atmosphere of SDA Christianity.
What do you think?
ps. I have also posted this message at Bible Study, because I really didn't know where to put it.