I followed your advice and reread the chapter on Nicodemus. I am going to try to list a few of the issues that I found in the chapter and would like you to review these thoughts and then comment on them. I also reread the chapter "The Sower Went Forth To Sow" and the chapter "First the Blade, then the Ear" in Christ's Object Lessons, and then the chapter "He Ordained Twelve." In DA. I don't want to make this too big of a study so I will narrow the material down to "Nicodemus." I will basically highlight the ideas that stood out to me.
1. "With others, he had been stirred by the teaching of Jesus. Though rich, learned, and honored, he had been strangely attracted by the humble Nazarene. The lessons that had fallen from the Saviour's lips had greatly impressed him, and he desired to learn more of these wonderful truths." DA 167. To me this section states that Nicodemus' heart was drawn to Jesus by the truths that were taught. Not converted but drawn.
2. "There were some (Nicodemus?) that feared to oppose One who was so evidently moved upon by the Spirit of God...Nicodemus shared these feelings." DA 167 Nicodemus was aware that the Holy Spirit was moving Jesus.
3."Since hearing Jesus, Nicodemus had anxiously studied the prophecies relating to the Messiah; and the more he searched, the stronger was his conviction that this was the One who was to come." Bible study, of the prophecies, had strengthened the conviction that Jesus was the Messiah. DA 168
4. "He was a witness of the scene when jesus drove out the buyers and the sellers; he beheld the wonderful manifestation of divine power; he saw the Saviour receiving the poor and healing the sick; he saw their looks of joy, and heard their words of praise; and he could not doubt that Jesus of Nazareth was the Sent of God." Miracles strengthened the conviction that Jesus was the Messiah. The Holy Spirit witnessing to him, the Scriptures witnessing to him, and the miracles were all convicting him of the truth. DA 168
5."His words were designed to express and to invite confidence; but they really expressed unbelief. he did not acknowledge jesus to be the Messiah, but only a teacher sent from God." Nicodemus under conviction but not ready for surrender. DA 168
6."In His infinite wisdom He saw before Him a seeker after truth. He knew the object of this visit, and with a desire to deepen the conviction already resting upon His listeners mind, He came directly to the point, saying solemnly, het kindly, "Verily verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:3" According to God Nicodemus was a seeker after truth, but needed to deepen the conviction until He was born again. DA 168
7. "He said to Nicodemus, It is not theoretical knowledge you need so much as spiritual regeneration. (New birth). You need not to have your curiosity satisfied, but to have a new heart. You must receive a new life from above, before you can appreciate heavenly things. Until this change takes place, making all things new, it will result in no saving good for you to discuss with Me My authority or My mission." Jesus says that all change prior to a new birth is fruitless and of no effect. DA 171
8."Nicodemus had heard the preaching of John the Baptist...He himself had felt that there was a lack of spirituality among the Jews...He had hoped for a better state of things at the Messiah's coming. Het the heart-searching message of the Baptist had failed to work in him conviction of sin...He was a strict Pharisee and prided himself on his good works...He felt secure of the favor of God. He was startled at the thought of a kingdom too pure for him to see in his present state." DA 171 Nicodemus had many works but he was not converted. The very good works even clouded his understanding of need.
9. "He felt that he needed no change. Hence his surprise at the Saviour's words. He was irritated by their close application to himself. The pride of the Pharisee was struggling against the honest desire of the seeker after truth..." DA 171 Pride was struggling against the desire of truth. DA 455
10. "Like many other when cutting truth is brought home to the conscience, he revealed the fact that the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God. There is in him nothing that responds to spiritual things; for spiritual things are spiritually discerned." Nicodemus still seeking after truth but not changed into a new man yet.
11. "He was convinced that he was in the presence of the One whom John the Baptist had foretold." The Holy Spirit bringing things home to the heart.
12. "The fountain of the heart mut be purified before the streams can become pure....The Christian's life is not a modification or improvement of the old, but a transformation of nature. There is a death to self and sin, and a new life altogether. This change can be brought about only the the effectual working of the Holy Spirit." No spiritual change can occur without the Holy Spirit drawing to that decision time.
13. DA 172 last paragraph describes the subtle changes brought about the wooing of the Holy Spirit.
14. "So the work of the Spirit upon the soul will reveal itself in every act of him who has felt its saving power. When the Spirit of God takes possession of the heart, it transforms the life. (New Birth) Sinful thought are put away, evil deeds are renounced; love, humility, and peace take the place of anger, envy, and strife. Joy takes the place of sadness, and the coutenance reflects the light of heaven...The blessing comes when by faith the soul surrenders itself to God. The that power which no human eye can see creates a new being in the image of God." Power of the Holy Spirit woos and prepares the mind and the surrender of the soul to the Holy Spirit brings the change. Then more clear victories can take place.
15. "It is impossible for finete minds to comprehend the work of redemption. Its mystery exceeds human knowledge; yet he who passes from death to life realizes that it is a divine reality." Wisdom dictates that we not try too hard to identify every aspect of conversion for it is a mystery.
16. "While Jesus was speaking, some gleams of truth penetrated the rulers mind. The softening, subduing influence of the Holy Spirit impressed his heart. Het he did not fully understand the Saviour's words." DA 173 Nicodemus still struggling but needs more of the Holy Spirt's power.
17."Yet Christ spoke with such solemn dignity, and both look and tone expressed such earnest love, that Nicodemus was not offended as he realized his humiliating condition." DA 173 Still struggling but softening to truth.
18. "Nicodemus had read these scriptures with a clouded mind. He saw that the most rigid obedience to the mere letter of the law as applied to the outward life could entitle no man to enter the kingdom of heaven. In the estimation of men, his life had been just and honorable; but in the presence of Christ he felt that his heart was unclean, and his life unholy." DA 174 Nicodemus becoming clear that he had a problem and that he needed help.
19. "Nicodemus was being drawn to Christ. As the Saviour explained to him concerning the new birth, he longed to have this change wrought in himself. By what means could it be accomplished? Jesus answered the unspoken question..." DA 174 The heart cry is going out "What must I do to be saved? Look and live is the answer.
20. "Nicodemus recieved the lesson." DA 175 He chose to receive Jesus and converted.
21. "He searched the Scriptures in a new way,(he was converted) not for the discussion of a theory, but in order to receive life for the soul. He began to see the kingdom of heaven as he submitted himself to the leading of the Holy Spirit." DA 175 Now that he was converted he could begin to grow just like a plant or just like a child.
22. "Through faith we receive the grace of God; but faith is not our Saviour. It earns nothing. It is the hand by which we lay hold upon Christ, and appropriate His merits, the remedy for sin. And we cannot even repent without the aid of the Spirit of God." All good things come from God alone.
23. The light shining from the cross reveals the love of God. His love is drawing us to Himself. If we do not resist this drawing, we shall be led to the foot of the corss in repentance for the sins that have crucified the Saviour. Then the Spirit of God through faith produces a new life in the soul. The thoughts and desires are brought into obedience to the will of Christ. The heart, the mind, are created anew in the image of Him who works in us to subdue all things to Himself. Then the law of God is written in the mind and heart, and we can say with Christ, "I delight to do Thy will, O my God." Ps 40:8" DA 176
24. "Nicodemus hid the tuth in his heart, and for three years there was little apparent fruit." DA 176 Little visible fruit but the plant of faith had found good soil and was accomplishing God's purposes. Nicodemus was converted.
25. "But Jesus was acquainted with the soil (see COL 33-69) into which He cast the seed. The words spoken at night to one listener in the lonely mountain were not lost. For a time Nicodemus did not publicly acknowledge Christ, but he watched His life, and pondered His teachings. In the Sanhedrin council he repetedly thwarted the schemes of the priest to destroy Him. When at last Jesus was lifted up on the cross, Nicodemus remembered the teaching upon Olivet...The light from that secret interview illumined the corss upon Calvary, and Nicodemus saw in Jesus the world's Redeemer." DA 176-177 The babe was growing and developing in that three year period.
26. DA 177 Nicodemus producing abundant harvest of fruit at just the time the disciples needed it most.
27. DA 775-776 Describe Nicodemus final experience and confirmation of faith.
Thank you for the opportunity to share this story.