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06/15/02 06:44 AM
06/15/02 06:44 AM
James Saptenno  Offline OP
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Dear Forum readers.

As I have presented lengthy posts of my “ideas” and may be made some confusion, I would like to post this conclusion for an easier reading to grasp and understand what I have presented. Please feel free to comment on it and better you have a good and solid Scriptural basic.

In His love

James S.

06/15/02 06:45 AM
06/15/02 06:45 AM
James Saptenno  Offline OP
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1. God didn’t create sinful men, and He is not the source of sin.
2. God create men in His image and after His likeness that means having the same character as He is, with love agape (love that seeks no self in it) in their hearts.
3. Sin enters the world through Adam, since he chose to live for self instead to live for God, to follow his own desire instead the will of God.
4. Sin is lawlessness (1 John 3:4), a state of being where men’s character after the fall comes short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Sin is a state of human heart that is absence from the “agape love” of God, substituted with the love for self since Adam’s fall.
5. Sin is also a transgression to the law of God; all deeds that break His commands since it came in effect.
6. Adam’s descendants is not responsible for the nature they were born with, because SIN entered the world through Adam multiplication and with this SIN came along the death as the wages of SIN.
7. Men didn’t deserve the death for the SIN they didn’t do (Adam’s sin), for this God must take an action to prove himself a just and righteous God, loving and merciful.
8. He did it by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to redeem men from SIN and it wages.
9. Christ death on the cross was an act of God that proved His great love and mercy and that He is a just and a righteous God that redeemed us from the sin which is not ours and it wages we didn’t deserve.
10. With this action, men got their life back as they were justified from the SIN they didn’t do through Christ redemption.
11. Justification that brings life to all men was God’s free gift in Jesus Christ, an objective salvation based on Christ imputed righteousness.
12. Justification that allow men to enter heaven and live there is God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ, a subjective salvation that is based on Christ imparted righteousness for those who has faith in him and that lives according to the Spirit.
13. Before the cross, men was lead by God’s law to introduce the SIN in them that might legally judge them for their sin and condemn them with death, thus arising the need for a Redeemer and Savior. Christ was pictured as a symbol in the sin offerings according to the Leviticus law.
14. At the cross, the ministry of the law came to an end and no longer binds upon Christ believers because it missions were accomplished.
15. Since the cross, after the redemption has taken place, Christ has reconciled men to God in His body. Those who believe and live by faith will remain in Him and He in them.
16. Men must live by faith and according to the Spirit for a change of character that will released them from the power of SIN, because even Christ has saved them and redeemed their SIN but it didn’t change their character as it will be the work of the Spirit.
17. Men’s obligation since the cross is the same as Adam’s obligation in Eden, which is to live for God and not for self. They face the same choice as Adam and Eve once have faced in Eden, a choice between to serve God or to serve their self, a choice between to stay with God’s will or to live in their own will. They were obliged to the same law as Adam was, to love their God and their fellow men.
18. When there is no law there is no transgression and sin is not imputed, this was the period of time since the fall till Moses. Nevertheless death reigned in the world because SIN was passed to men through Adam’s multiplication and death through SIN, because all men has sinned. A SIN that was in their nature, a character that falls short of the glory of God.
19. Since Moses till John, the law was in effect. It was made legally in order to judge men and legally condemn them for their sin.
20. After the cross, the law was no longer in effect, because Christ has justified all men with his death on the cross. If the law still exist, it will forever judges and condemns men with the curse of the law for their failure in continually keeping the law and fulfil it demands that was based on the principle of love that seeks no self. Since men’s fallen nature has the character of love for self, they would and could never be justified by the law and so remain under it condemnation. This will make Christ death meaningless, as he has justified all men once and for all, a justification that gives them a second life. The law condemnation and Christ justification cannot be in effect at the same time, one of it must go.
21. There must be no more laws that might legally judges and condemns men for their fallen nature of self-love character and for the deeds they made based on it. Otherwise all will be under the curse of the law and no one will live because no one could continually keep and obey the law and fulfils it demands. If the law is still in effect, Christ will die for nothing.
22. The only thing that left is men’s obligation to live for God and remain in Christ by faith. The Spirit then will work in those who live by faith to do “the willing and the doing of God”. If he remains in Christ by faith, he will have a change of character. The love of God imparted by the Spirit will be generated in his heart and replace the love for self. Now he is able to love his fellow men, now he has the character of heavenly beings, now he is FIT for heaven.
23. The standard of righteousness and fitness for heaven is no longer the legal law of God but His own character. Only those who has His love in their heart will enter heaven, will be FIT for heaven and welcome to live there.
24. And the only means to have this love is through a life led by the Spirit for those who has faith in Christ, because this “love” is fruit of the Spirit.
25. At the end, at the Day of Judgment, all men will be judge by their deeds based on God’s character “love that seeks no self”. Those who lived by faith and have the deeds of the Spirit will be justified by their faith, those who has not the law and never hear the Gospel will be judged by their deeds and those who were under the law will be judged by the law (in the latter case, who would be justified?).

1. Christ imputed righteousness is our objective salvation, a free gift, and our ticket to heaven.
2. Christ imparted righteousness is our subjective salvation, the work of the Spirit in those who live by faith, our fitness for heaven.
3. Having both we will be justified by faith and passed God’s judgment.

The law, the Ten commandments, the Sabbath law etc was ended 2000 years ago and has no place in faith relationship with God. It will only judge and condemn men for their failure in continually keeping it and fulfil it demand. It will only make void the great sacrifice Christ has made on the cross that justifies all men and gives their life back. Also what is most important, making the law as an obedience to keep will only shows our unbelief in the works of the Spirit. Since the cross the ministry to the law ended and substituted with the ministry of the Spirit, it is the Spirit responsibility to make us have the “heaven character” in our heart if we trust him and gives our self under his leading. The Spirit cannot empower us to keep and obey the law because it is not His desire but our desire to live righteously and since our desires is based on self-love, all what we did is ‘evil” in God’s eye (all our righteousness is as filthy rags). What the Spirit desired is to release us from the power of sin in us, to release us from the desire of the flesh, to release us from our self-love character by imparting the love of God in our heart.

If through the Spirit we will have the love of God that was imparted in our hearts and enabling us to love one another, why should there be any law to keep and obey? Our character and deeds already fulfil the law demands in the letter and in the spirit even there is no law. The doctrine of to keep the law with faith in Christ is just the same as telling some one to drive a car and at the same time asking him to walk on the road. How could it be possible? Either you drive the car or walk on the road; it could not be done together.

Since the law was given to lead people to Christ by exposing the SIN in men and death as it rewards, once in Christ by faith the law comes to an end in it functions as a guide or school master to be continued with a life in faith according to the Spirit. In Christ, the law is behind and walking forward in the new road to heaven under the Spirit guidance.

May you all see the truth in this presentation with a humble heart under the Spirit guidance.

In His love

James S.

06/15/02 11:20 PM
06/15/02 11:20 PM
Ikan  Offline
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James:Well, I will make one more attempt. Since you have a Dutch surname, I'll try Dutch first.

Vriend James,
Ik ben bang dat jouw Engels voor mij te verwarrend is om je te beantwoorden of opmerkingen te geven. Je spreekt jezelf constant tegen. Anderen op dit forum begrijpen er ook weinig meer van. Misschien is het beter als je jouw ideeën vertelt aan een groep mensen die jouw taal wel kunnen spreken.

Now English:

Friend John: I am afraid your English is much too confusing for me to answer this or future remarks. You contradict yourself constantly. It certainly has left others on this forum quite confused too. Perhaps you should consider giving your ideas to a group in your native language.

06/19/02 12:44 PM
06/19/02 12:44 PM
James Saptenno  Offline OP
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Since no one comment, I believe that all have seen the truth in it. God bless you!

In His love

James S.

06/19/02 01:22 PM
06/19/02 01:22 PM
Ikan  Offline
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James: No one answers because everyone is tired of trying to decode your jumbled theology, not because they agree with you!
You reject God's most recent messenger, reject the 10 commandments, repeat "Just believe!".
Your English is too limited to explain your ideas about the Truth of the Gospel.
I repeat:
Nadat ik de honderden posts die je op dit forum heb geplaatst heb gelezen en nadat ik heb gezien dat slechts een persoon het deels met je eens is over wat hij denkt dat je probeert te zeggen, moet ik zeggen dat ik dit spelletje niet meespeel. Als je niet de moeite neemt om naar ze te luisteren, of nog belangrijker de dingen die Mrs White duidelijk heeft gezegd of om zonder oogkappen de bijbel te lezen, dan kan ik je zeker niet helpen. Ik zal voor je blijven bidden, maar ik zal geen onderdeel worden van je publiek. Het zou goed voor je zijn om te leren luisteren naar anderen en te begrijpen dat je Engels niet zo gevorderd is als je denkt. Ik denk dat dit liefde in. Dit is mijn laatste post naar jou.

06/20/02 03:29 AM
06/20/02 03:29 AM
Avalee  Offline
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Originally posted by James Saptenno:
Since no one comment, I believe that all have seen the truth in it. God bless you!

In His love

James S.

The law, the Ten commandments, the Sabbath law etc was ended 2000 years ago and has no place in faith relationship with God.
James, Ikan is right....some of us have not responed to you because there does not seem to be much more to say. Charlene, Ikan, John have done an excellant job for God to show you the error in your theology...what else is there to say? When I read the second quote of yours it made me so sad for Jesus sake. My Lord and Saviour came to this dark sinful world and died on the cross for me...how can anyone say that "the Ten commandments, the Sabbath law etc was ended 2000 years ago and has no place in faith relationship with God?" Please do not think I am attacking you but to me this is heresy(false doctrine). It would be a different story if you did not claim to be a Seventh-day Adventist; but to claim to be a Seventh-day Adventist as you have and say that the Sabbath law has no place in our relationship with God is to me most heartbreaking. James I will be praying for you and for those who read this type of words that they will not be deceived.

[ June 21, 2002, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: Avalee ]

06/20/02 03:44 AM
06/20/02 03:44 AM
Charlene Van Hook  Offline
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Do you really think that God has done away with His Sabbath. Are you forgetting that the last trials on this earth will be over our faithfulness and loyalty to our God/Creator or our loyalty to satan/destroyer? Do you know that this test involves the Sabbath. If it was done away with 2000 years ago, and has nothing to do with our faith relationship.....why is it important in the final test for God's people? This does not make any sense.

Are you aquainted with the "Three Angels Messages" of Rev. 14? Are you aware that the Seventh day Adventist people have been called to give this message and bring the people of God, around the world, the message of true Sabbath Keeping and pointing out to them that Satan has a counterfeit Sabbath that is false?

My dear James.......Please do some searching to get the right handle on this truth....Your salvation depends on it. Following Jesus is ACTIVE....a conscious choice....a deliberate action of love, obedience is a responce to God's love. Obedience to all His commands, and they are not grievious.

Revelation 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

[ June 19, 2002, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Charlene Van Hook ]

06/19/02 05:41 PM
06/19/02 05:41 PM
Charlene Van Hook  Offline
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The Last Deception of Satan

Satan is . . . constantly pressing in the spurious--to lead away from the truth. The very last deception of Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God. "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Prov. 29:18). Satan will work ingeniously, in different ways and through different agencies, to unsettle the confidence of God's remnant people in the true testimony.-- Letter 12, 1890.

There will be a hatred kindled against the testimonies which is satanic. The workings of Satan will be to unsettle the faith of the churches in them, for this reason: Satan cannot have so clear a track to bring in his deceptions and bind up souls in his delusions if the warnings and reproofs and counsels of the Spirit of God are heeded.-- Letter 40, 1890. {1SM 48.4}

06/20/02 02:52 AM
06/20/02 02:52 AM
Mountain Man  Offline
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James, I have tried to agree with you concerning the relationship between faith and works (law and grace), but you're summary above gives the impression that you believe living in harmony with the law is no longer necesary this side of the cross.

If you believe this way, then we are not in agreement. But if you don't believe this way, then please seek advice from an English speaking person who can help you convey your thoughts accurately.

We are not condemned to death based on Adam's sin. Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, we inherit Adam's sinful flesh nature, but we do not inherit his guilt and condemnation. And because we are conceived and born with a sinful flesh nature we automatically sin. We are condemned and guilty based on our own commission of sin.

And neither do we inherit salvation. We must choose Jesus to be saved. Salvation is by choice, not by birth. Condemnation is by choice, not by birth. Please consider these truths.

06/20/02 02:13 PM
06/20/02 02:13 PM
James Saptenno  Offline OP
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As usual you always give something to think about, I appreciate that.

James, I have tried to agree with you concerning the relationship between faith and works (law and grace), but you're summary above gives the impression that you believe living in harmony with the law is no longer necesary this side of the cross

Please don’t hesitate to take a conclusion.
I never say or mean that living in harmony with the law is no longer necessary this side of the cross. On the contrary I repeat it many times that a believer must have the principle of the law that is “love – agape (love that seeks no self in it)”, which is the principle of the kingdom of God in his heart to be FIT for heaven. When a believer has this “love” he is able to love his fellow men and live in harmony with the law since love is the fulfillment of the law.

Since this “love” is ‘fruit of the Spirit”, a character that we could not generate from within our self but solely done by the Spirit, I didn’t see any needs for the Ten Commandments to stand as a legal law that required my obedience, because if I have the fruit of the Spirit I already fulfilled the law demands which I could never satisfy through obedience.

Conclusion: Living in harmony with the principle of the law (love) is my fitness for heaven, but it didn’t need the letter of the law as a legal law that requires my obedience and put me under it authority, judgment and condemnation. Christ has set me free from it in order I might live by the Spirit.

If you believe this way, then we are not in agreement. But if you don't believe this way, then please seek advice from an English speaking person who can help you convey your thoughts accurately

I ask your help to clarify my thoughts as you had already done.

We are not condemned to death based on Adam's sin. Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, we inherit Adam's sinful flesh nature, but we do not inherit his guilt and condemnation. And because we are conceived and born with a sinful flesh nature we automatically sin. We are condemned and guilty based on our own commission of sin.

And neither do we inherit salvation. We must choose Jesus to be saved. Salvation is by choice, not by birth. Condemnation is by choice, not by birth. Please consider these truths.

I think because we are conceived and born with a sinful flesh nature we automatically sin, God must redeemed us from this SIN because it is not our fault to have this nature as it was Adam’s guilt that we born in this condition. God had created Adam in his image after his likeness, but we were born in this sinful flesh nature, so he must fix this problem. The sins we committed was rooted to our sinful flesh nature, the SIN that Paul said was the SIN in the flesh and dominate us so that whatever we do is not “good” enough to satisfy the demands of God holy law.

If men were guilty based on their own commission of sin, then when Christ redeemed all men from their sins, those who never hear about him, who never know about the Scripture, who has not the law, all will go to heaven no matter they were killers or a thief or living for the flesh their whole life. Think about it!

If salvation was based on a choice in choosing Jesus, all men who lives according to the principle of heaven but never hear about Jesus will die eternally (read Romans 2: ), and if condemnation is by choice and not by birth then all who choose to be saved but never hear the gospel will die eternally even though their life is in accordance with the principle of heaven. Think about it!

Christ redemption is universal, it covers all men from all ages no matter he ever hear the gospel or not or he has the law or not. Your reasoning only limited salvation to they who has the knowledge of the Scripture or who know Jesus, and I believe it is not correct. Please advice me if I’m wrong.

In His love

James S.

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