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Re: "Heaven and the Supposed lack of Marriage"
[Re: Davros]
09/21/19 09:54 AM
09/21/19 09:54 AM
SDA Active Member 2020
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The present systems of reproduction do NOT work in a world where nothing dies. Was the present system put in place before sin? Was it only an emergency system if sin came into the world? It sounds like God knew that man would sin, and is short order, so let's put in a reproductive system. WE DON'T KNOW how things will work. But that does not prevent you from specification, does it... All heaven took a deep and joyful interest in the creation of the world and of man. Human beings were a new and distinct order. They were made "in the image of God," and it was the Creator's design that they should populate the earth. They were to live in close communion with heaven, receiving power from the Source of all power. Upheld by God, they were to live sinless lives. {RH, February 11, 1902 par. 1} Satan determined to defeat God's plan. {RH, February 11, 1902 par. 2} That goes against idea that reproduction was just an emergency measure put in place because of the possibility of sin. No, as Dedication says, the absolute certainty of sin. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Mark 10:6 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him. Do you get that? We don't know what God has prepared, but it will be good!
Oh, that men might open their minds to know God as he is revealed in his Son! {ST, January 20, 1890}
Re: "Heaven and the Supposed lack of Marriage"
[Re: APL]
09/21/19 01:12 PM
09/21/19 01:12 PM
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The present systems of reproduction do NOT work in a world where nothing dies. Was the present system put in place before sin? Was it only an emergency system if sin came into the world? It sounds like God knew that man would sin, and is short order, so let's put in a reproductive system. WE DON'T KNOW how things will work. But that does not prevent you from specification, does it... All heaven took a deep and joyful interest in the creation of the world and of man. Human beings were a new and distinct order. They were made "in the image of God," and it was the Creator's design that they should populate the earth. They were to live in close communion with heaven, receiving power from the Source of all power. Upheld by God, they were to live sinless lives. {RH, February 11, 1902 par. 1} Satan determined to defeat God's plan. {RH, February 11, 1902 par. 2} That goes against idea that reproduction was just an emergency measure put in place because of the possibility of sin. No, as Dedication says, the absolute certainty of sin. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Mark 10:6 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him. Do you get that? We don't know what God has prepared, but it will be good! God himself gave the reason why human beings were made male and female: He said, "it is not good that adam should be the only human being on this earth" (see gen 2:18, it's written right there in indelible ink) so he, God, made a helper for adam to bring other human beings into the world: God made the woman who adam called eve, the mother of all human beings, as adam was the father of all. in short, the reproductive aspect of man was made for the express purpose of populating the earth. but after the number of children will have been reached, there will no longer be any need for reproduction, hence Jesus' word that in heaven there will be NO marriage. but sda love to have sex and express great disappointment concerning the future to the point of even asking of others and themselves whether they want to go to heaven after all.
Re: "Heaven and the Supposed lack of Marriage"
[Re: Davros]
09/21/19 10:31 PM
09/21/19 10:31 PM
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APL -- I think I already answered all your questions in previous posts -- so not sure how to read your post. Yes, I do associate the BIBLE TEXT that there is no marriage or giving in marriage in the eternity as elimination of the reproduction system -- BECAUSE -- because there is absolutely NOTHING in scripture or Spirit of Prophecy that says we won't know and love those we have known and loved here on earth. Those components of a relationship will continue, I fully expect to have my best friend and partner to be my special friend and partner in eternity. Those aspects we associate with family will continue. But marriage will not continue. (That's what scripture says-- those are the words of Jesus ) Do you believe them? So if love and companionship continues, what is it that will not continue?We can quote numerous passages that love and companionship will continue -- BUT marriage will not continue How was marriage ratified in Bible times? How is marriage "consummated"? it is a unity cemented sexually, in which in time offspring are produced and raised. So it isn't some wild speculation that by telling us there will be no marriage, it is this aspect that will end. but sda love to have sex and express great disappointment concerning the future to the point of even asking of others and themselves whether they want to go to heaven after all. I would definitely NOT limit that to SDA, it is rather universal (Muslims with their 40 virgins theory, Mormons with multiple wives to populate planets theory, etc etc the world in general has made sex an idol) , but the concern James expressed is true -- this whole thread trying to negate Christ's words that there will be no marriage or giving in marriage seems to be based on the sentiment that Christ MUST not take the sexual relationship away or they don't want to go to heaven. They don't trust that God has something better. None of APL's quotes negate Christ's words: And yes, God KNEW WITH CERTAINITY that sin would enter There is a big difference in GOD KNOWING what would happen, and God determining it would happen. God did NOT determine that sin would happen, He didn't want it to happen, He created mankind sinless and longed to keep them sinless, there was no reason for them to chose sin, sin didn't have to happen, , YET GOD KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN. Thus every provision was placed in the creation of this world to meet the crises. Rev. 13:8 the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. -- to be "made of a woman" Gal. 4:4 a human. PP 63 "The plan of salvation had been laid before the creation of the earth, for Christ is ?the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.?" FLB 76 "The covenant of mercy was made before the foundation of the world. It has existed from all eternity, and is called the everlasting covenant."
Yes, God KNEW -- and fully PREPARED. And yes, someday soon -- the redeemed of the human race will live sinless forever. WE DON'T KNOW how the eternal world will operate But we do know the cycles of life we now have, which balance death and life. quite frankly don't work in a world where nothing dies and in eternity NOTHING dies. but we have the promise that "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. Do you trust and believe Christ who said there would be no marriage or giving of marriage, yet what God has prepared will make the redeemed joyful ? Or is the sexual system an idol?
Re: "Heaven and the Supposed lack of Marriage"
[Re: Davros]
09/22/19 10:26 AM
09/22/19 10:26 AM
SDA Active Member 2020
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Yes, I do associate the BIBLE TEXT that there is no marriage or giving in marriage in the eternity as elimination of the reproduction system I agree that marriage as we know know it will not continue in the earth made new. But you do too far when you claim the reproductive system will be eliminated. You go too far when you say that there will not be male or female, which is based on reproductive systems. Male and female is the image of God. Your claim is that the reproductive system was only in place because SIN was going to happen. Does that mean that other worlds also have reproductive systems, because we know they also have trees of the knowledge of good and evil? Saying there won't be marriage in the new world is fine, but the rest of what you say is pure speculation. Why go beyond what scripture says?
Oh, that men might open their minds to know God as he is revealed in his Son! {ST, January 20, 1890}
Re: "Heaven and the Supposed lack of Marriage"
[Re: APL]
09/22/19 01:47 PM
09/22/19 01:47 PM
NON-SDA Active Member 2019
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Yes, I do associate the BIBLE TEXT that there is no marriage or giving in marriage in the eternity as elimination of the reproduction system I agree that marriage as we know know it will not continue in the earth made new. But you do too far when you claim the reproductive system will be eliminated. You go too far when you say that there will not be male or female, which is based on reproductive systems. Male and female is the image of God. Your claim is that the reproductive system was only in place because SIN was going to happen. Does that mean that other worlds also have reproductive systems, because we know they also have trees of the knowledge of good and evil? Saying there won't be marriage in the new world is fine, but the rest of what you say is pure speculation. Why go beyond what scripture says? but s/he is right. in any family, there are male and female children but their gender is ONLY for the express purpose of procreation to be held in check until that time. otherwise, they interact with each other and enjoy each other's company without any reference to gender. they do: 1. eat same food 2. sit at the same table 3. enjoy the same family recreations 4. laugh at the same jokes 5. worship together 6. talk about the things they encounter 7. live together there is no sex in the family ONLY AND EXCEPT for the father and mother in procreation, and its a privilege they enjoy because of their status. for the rest, they identify as male or female in anticipation of the day when they would also be given the privilege in marriage. gender differentiation is purely biological for this age. BUT the spirit for the next is neither here nor there. don't the members of the church not enjoy worshiping God without thinking this one is male and that one is female? we are all brethren and among brothers and sisters, the thought of sex is repugnant ... yet they love each other and enjoy each other's company. and that is the way it will be. what do you think of this interaction between Jesus and John? " Now there was leaning on Jesus bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. Simon Peter therefore motioned to him to ask who it was of whom He spoke. Then, leaning back on Jesus breast, he said to Him, Lord, who is it?" John 13:23-25
Re: "Heaven and the Supposed lack of Marriage"
[Re: James Peterson]
09/23/19 10:14 AM
09/23/19 10:14 AM
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there is no sex in the family ONLY AND EXCEPT for the father and mother in procreation Interesting.... (Emphasis NOT supplied)
Re: "Heaven and the Supposed lack of Marriage"
[Re: dedication]
09/23/19 10:43 AM
09/23/19 10:43 AM
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Yes, I do associate the BIBLE TEXT that there is no marriage or giving in marriage in the eternity as elimination of the reproduction system -- Dedication, not only do you associate marriage with reproduction, but also, and maybe more so, with sex. Interesting. You overlook that some things reproduce asexually. BECAUSE -- [I] because there is absolutely NOTHING in scripture or Spirit of Prophecy that says we won't know and love those we have known and loved here on earth. Those components of a relationship will continue, I fully expect to have my best friend and partner to be my special friend and partner in eternity.
Except sex. Those aspects we associate with family will continue.
Except sex. BUT marriage will not continue How was marriage ratified in Bible times? How is marriage "consummated"? it is a unity cemented sexually, in which in time offspring are produced and raised. So it isn't some wild speculation that by telling us there will be no marriage, it is this aspect that will end.
You're saying the purpose of marriage is to produce offspring. Hmmm... What advice do you have for Abram the 70 some years he failed? What comfort would you give him during that time? And yes, God KNEW WITH CERTAINITY that sin would enter There is a big difference in GOD KNOWING what would happen, and God determining it would happen. God did NOT determine that sin would happen, He didn't want it to happen, He created mankind sinless and longed to keep them sinless, there was no reason for them to chose sin, sin didn't have to happen, , YET GOD KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN.
Read that out loud to yourself and see if you don't go, what? Yes, God KNEW -- and fully PREPARED. And yes, someday soon -- the redeemed of the human race will live sinless forever.
WE DON'T KNOW how the eternal world will operate But we do know the cycles of life we now have, which balance death and life. quite frankly don't work in a world where nothing dies and in eternity NOTHING dies.
Dedication, what I hear you saying is that God invented sex as a precursor to sin. The only purpose of sex is to produce offspring, and if you do not or no longer desire offspring, you should not have sex. That sex was only an allowance, a stopgap measure for the pre-planned sinning. That sex is a lust of the flesh, and should be looked forward to, towards being eliminated in the new earth. And, regarding what APL said, if other worlds could sin, then one would suppose they were given sex as a precursor to sin. So at what point did they or will they have that sex taken away? Interesting indeed. From Sunday's lesson: In a similar way, enacting the ways of God?s kingdom offers glimpses of that eternal reality here and now and, as such, points to and is a foretaste of the final defeat of evil sin sex. For if we are looking forward to God's kingdom, to the new earth, we should be practicing for that time, looking forward to it, so we should stop sinning, stop having sex today, in that preparation. But one thing you lost among the tigers, is what about plant sex? They were created with seed in their fruit. Do you also see that as a precursor to sin? Will there be fruit in the new earth, and/or will it have seed in it? For what purpose? What purpose will there be for the flowers? Or will they be emasculated, without a stigma and anthers of pollen? Will there be no honeybees buzzing from flower to flower in the new earth?!
Re: "Heaven and the Supposed lack of Marriage"
[Re: Davros]
09/23/19 04:59 PM
09/23/19 04:59 PM
NON-SDA Active Member 2019
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sex is a lust of the flesh so is the desire for water, but as solomon says, for everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. in heaven there will be no desire to have sex (Jesus said there will be NO marriage there), but there will be the desire to eat (Jesus said he would drink of the fruit of the vine along with us).
Re: "Heaven and the Supposed lack of Marriage"
[Re: Davros]
09/23/19 05:26 PM
09/23/19 05:26 PM
There are men today who express their belief that there will be marriages and births in the new earth, but those who believe the Scriptures cannot accept such doctrines. The doctrine that children will be born in the new earth is not a part of the "sure word of prophecy." The words of Christ are too plain to be misunderstood. They should forever settle the question of marriages and births in the new earth. Neither those who shall be raised from the dead, nor those who shall be translated without seeing death, will marry or be given in marriage. They will be as the angels of God, members of the royal family. {Mar 369.2} The above quote should settle the matter.
Re: "Heaven and the Supposed lack of Marriage"
[Re: Davros]
09/23/19 05:39 PM
09/23/19 05:39 PM
SDA Active Member 2020
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Daryl, do you know the ORIGINAL source of the quote you gave above? Any you do know that marriage in the earth made new is not in question, you know that right??? You do know that nature of dedication's claims, right???
Oh, that men might open their minds to know God as he is revealed in his Son! {ST, January 20, 1890}
Here is the link to this week's Sabbath School Lesson Study and Discussion Material: Click Here