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Love Your Enemies?
11/14/00 12:57 PM
11/14/00 12:57 PM
As a result of reading some of the posts in David's topic about a relationship with Jesus, I have been impressed to begin this new topic. Matthew 5:43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. This obviously means that we are to love our enemies, however, in what way? The same way as we are to love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ? Please back up your replies, wherever possible, with other references. __________________________ In His Love, Mercy & Grace Daryl
Re: Love Your Enemies?
11/15/00 03:01 AM
11/15/00 03:01 AM
No.. I don't want to. ------------------ "We are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets; Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone!" (Eph.2:20). Your brother in Christ David T. Battler
Re: Love Your Enemies?
11/14/00 04:32 PM
11/14/00 04:32 PM
David, What do you mean by, "No.. I don't want to."? Please explain. __________________________ In His Love, Mercy & Grace Daryl
Re: Love Your Enemies?
11/15/00 01:17 AM
11/15/00 01:17 AM
Daryl I am replying to the verses you quoted above. Only to portray more dramatically how we so often react to these verses. ------------------ "We are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets; Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone!" (Eph.2:20). Your brother in Christ David T. Battler
Re: Love Your Enemies?
11/15/00 01:34 AM
11/15/00 01:34 AM
Hi David and others, That is all so sadly true what you posted. I know a person who was wronged by somebody in the church and actually hated that person for a whole year before going to that person. Now they are friends again. The funny thing about it is that this person was not even aware of the hate being thrown in her direction. It was the person doing the hating that suffered the whole time. __________________________ In His Love, Mercy & Grace Daryl [This message has been edited by Daryl Fawcett (edited November 14, 2000).]
Re: Love Your Enemies?
11/15/00 06:29 PM
11/15/00 06:29 PM
I think that is, unfortunately, all too true. When we harbour ill-will towards our "neighbours", it affects us more than it affects them. There are those who don't know they are being harboured ill-will against, and others don't care and actually thrive in that sort of an atmosphere. I believe this is why we are admonished to "love our enemies and do good to those who hate us". When we treat someone who we don't like the same way we treat a friend, we are showing our Christian spirit and it makes people wonder what we have that they are missing. ------------------ Sarah Moss *Prayer Changes Things!*
Re: Love Your Enemies?
11/15/00 06:35 PM
11/15/00 06:35 PM
Amen, Sister Sarah! __________________________ In His Love, Mercy & Grace Daryl
Re: Love Your Enemies?
11/22/00 03:49 AM
11/22/00 03:49 AM
Senior Member
Joined: Jul 2000
Posts: 449
Well Idont have any references right now but I can give a few observations about this subject at least... First of all, when jesus said that about loving your enemies, He had said that we should be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect... giving rain to the undeserving. That tells me that loving someone who doesnt love you must be the most difficult thing there is to do... above every other thing. If to do so means to make us perfect as God is perfect. Its easy to love those who are nice to us. Secondly, I think the way to really do this, at least one way, that is- is to do like Sister White said that Jesus did with Mary. In Desire of Ages it says people just saw Mary as a great sinner, but Jesus saw what she COULD be. If we realize that every person COULD be a lovable person, a real Christian, ... then we would see them differently and treat them differently. If they did something mean to us or said something mean... we would think of how they could be some day when Jesus was through with them. Then we'd not be looking at the immediate moment or the present hurt they are causing us. We'd realize that if we react kindly to them, we are helping them on the way to becoming that wonderful Christian person. Ministry of healing says that when someone says hurtful things, dont tell them just what you think they deserve. They expect that. Be kind and by doing so, they become ashamed of their behavior and may repent. You'll do this if you realize what they COULD become, instead of thinking of the present hurtful thing that are doing to you. In answer to what Daryl asked, this is why I think we should love everyone the same, no matter if they are our Brothers and Sisters in Christ or not. They are someone God created and Jesus died for and all someone who could one day turn from being a Saul into a Paul. Claudia
Re: Love Your Enemies?
11/22/00 05:49 AM
11/22/00 05:49 AM
Here I am. I got my dynamite all set...Just have to find those fuses... I don't think these verses Daryl quoted are real! Does anyone have a real life example/testimony of when and how they "loved their enemy." Was it fun? Was it easy? What were the results? (If you know them). I don't like those verses; and I want to know why God is telling us to do something I cannot do. How do we love the guy who slashed the throat of a fellow teenager at a Calgary High School earlier today, in front of all his friends, and killed him? It's easy to love God; but how do we love a real enemy? Especially when that "enemy" is in our own home? Or in our church? How about the guy I know who, in a drunken rage, beat in his wife's head with a baseball bat, and then shot her several times at point blank range, in the face, in front of the kids? How do I love that guy? Is loving your enemy just something that looks good on paper; or is it real? ------------------ "We are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets; Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone!" (Eph.2:20). Your brother in Christ David T. Battler
Re: Love Your Enemies?
11/22/00 06:24 AM
11/22/00 06:24 AM
Senior Member
Joined: Jul 2000
Posts: 449
well David, God doesnt ask us to do something we cant do. Thats why Jesus came here and took on our human nature and overcame all sin, to show us we can do the same. (Romans 8:3) If He could love the people nailing Him to a tree then Im sure we can do the same. No its not easy. If you can only love those who are lovable by human estimation, then what you have isnt love, its selfishness. You are just loving someone who you think you are getting something from. Just think of it this way... if your own child grew up and went astray and did something like what you described, would you stop loving them? God doesnt stop loving us ... because we are His children. Well, once you realize He's your Father then you know everyone He created is your brother and sister. They are all a child of God and you dont stop loving them. Dont you realize YOU put Jesus on the cross? Your sins did. You killed God, how much worse of a thing could you do, and He loves you still. Well, Him loving us though we did that is what draws us to Him. "We love Him because He first loved us". People out there who are sinners are drawn to that. I hope you were only kidding, do you always act this way? LOL! :P []-------- BONK!! -whopping you over the head (in Christian love, of course) Claudia
Here is the link to this week's Sabbath School Lesson Study and Discussion Material: Click Here