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"The Gospel Of The Kingdom" #7546
01/02/01 04:33 AM
01/02/01 04:33 AM
Anonymous OP

Good News of the Kingdom

"And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom. Matt. 4: 23."

Continuing on in Mat.4 & 5, we see that indeed, the "Gospel Of The Kingdom" is "Good News," but how about The Three Angel's Message?" Is it good news too?

Is there a difference between this "Gospel Of The Kingdom," and The Three Angel's Message?"

Please explain, with references.

Oh! And Happy New Year!

Soul winning is soul loving.
see 1 Thes.5:14-15).

Your brother in Christ

David T. Battler

Re: "The Gospel Of The Kingdom" #7547
01/01/01 07:26 PM
01/01/01 07:26 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Mike Lowe here:

Great question. The gospel is everything, so how can the 3AM's not be the gospel? Indeed, it's the "everlasting gospel" Rev 14:6. Amen.

What can be better news than "Jesus... shall save his people from their sins" Mat 1:21? "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure" Phil 2:13.

As I read it, the 3AM's announce the climax of the great controversy between Jesus and Satan over the law and government of God. The gospel good news is Jesus is willing and able (Jude 24) to empower us to overcome even as He overcame (Rev 3:21) unto the honor and glory of God Almighty. This beautiful and powerful demonstration of the love of God will convince fallen and unfallen beings that the law and government of God is holy, just and good, and it will also expose the futility of all other paths.

Nothing short of experiencing the full gospel of heaven - to cease from sin (1 Peter 4:1,2) and to flourish in the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22,23) - will bring the great controversy to an end. This heavenly display of power must not only be experienced individually, but it must also be experienced corporately (Eph 4:11-13).

May we surrender and submit to the agencies of God for the perfecting of the saints and the church. Let this gospel of kingdom glory make us more than conquerors in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom 8:37. And then come Lord Jesus to take us home to mansions of glory.

Re: "The Gospel Of The Kingdom" #7548
01/16/01 03:45 PM
01/16/01 03:45 PM
Anonymous OP

Thankyou for your comments Mike.

I find it interesting to note that Rev.14:6 actually calls the three angel's message: "the everlasting Gospel."

What is actually at the heart of this "gospel of the kingdom?" Or "the three angel's message?"

I would be really interested to see how everyone would sum this up into just 2 or 3 sentences.

I will post my summary asap!

Soul winning is soul loving.
see 1 Thes.5:14-15).

Your brother in Christ

David T. Battler

Re: "The Gospel Of The Kingdom" #7549
02/03/01 11:23 PM
02/03/01 11:23 PM
Anonymous OP

I had an interesting gospel of the kingdom experience this past week.

A very good friend died, and as I walked up to the casket for the first time; I felt a lot of strong feelings welling up...they weren't too positive.

During the service; I learned how this friend strived against impossible odds to bless others; and it came to me at this time that even after we die; the gospel that we lived, will carry on.

Jesus pitted Himself against impossible odds to bless us with the Gospel of the kingdom, or the everlasting gospel.

In what ways would the everlasting gospel of Rev. 14 be "the gospel of the kingdom?" Especially the parts about the fall of Babylon; mark of the beast, etc?

What kind of gospel will people see in us, after we die, and our loved ones file by our coffin?

Courage is fear that has
said it's prayers.
Therefore, the Bible
says: "Be of good

Re: "The Gospel Of The Kingdom" #7550
02/23/01 03:08 AM
02/23/01 03:08 AM
James Saptenno  Offline
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Brother David.

First what is the gospel of the Kingdom?
It is to preach to the world that Christ the Son of God has saved mankind by becoming our substitute and died on the cross to redeem us from the curse of the law. So that mankind who believe Him and accept His redemption works, will be saved by the IMPUTED RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST.

Second, what is the three angels message?
It is a message to the world that:
1st angel: To preach to the world the gospel of the Kingdom. And mean time a warning for the wicked, for unbelievers and for them that seeks to be justified by works that their judgement is at hand and that they must repent and begin to worship God in the right way.
2nd angel: A message to the world, that apostasy to the gospel of God has fallen, for centuries this apostasy has been working through their perverted gospel which teach that believers are saved by THE IMPARTED RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST.
3rd angel: A warning to the world that whoever received the doctrine of the apostate church and the sign of RIGHTEOUSNESS BY THE LAW will have the wrath of God upon them.

Thus, to answer your question, the first is the good news the second is the warnings of apostasy against the good news.

In His love

James S.

Re: "The Gospel Of The Kingdom" #7551
02/23/01 07:05 PM
02/23/01 07:05 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Dear David,

Thank you sharing that heart warming testimony. I too want to be so connected to Jesus that others are attracted to Him. And wouldn't that be a wonderful way for Jesus to populate the kingdom of heaven?

Dear James,

Thank you sharing your thoughts too. My name is Mike. I haven't met you online yet. So, welcome.

I like what you said about the gospel and jusification. Indeed, we are saved by the righteousness of Christ and not by anything we are able to generate about from Him. I don't want to spend eternity wearing filthy rags.

But I have a question for you. I hope you don't mind. Do you see danger in comparing and contrasting the imputed and imparted righteousness of Christ? Do you think it can lead someone to believe that they can have one without the other?

Please don't feel threatened by my question. I ask it in all sincerity.


Re: "The Gospel Of The Kingdom" #7552
02/23/01 07:10 PM
02/23/01 07:10 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Dear David,

You asked how we can proclaim the good news of the gospel during the enforcement of the mark of beast. And how this would be preceived as good news when it seems to involve a rebuke and a warning?

Good question. Wouldn't it depend on the listener? It would seem like good news to those are willing to embrace and experience it, but bad news to those who reject it.

What do the rest of you think?


Re: "The Gospel Of The Kingdom" #7553
02/23/01 07:33 PM
02/23/01 07:33 PM
Sarah Moss  Offline
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Doesn't everything pertain to the Good News? Is it not all connected to the King of Kings? I think that it is, because without Christ we would not have any Good News and He is the embodiment of everything. We are admonished to leave Babylon/the beast and cling to Christ. There will come a time when Christ will not be able to do anything for the people who have chosen to not follow Him and they will be left to the devices of Satan. All blessing, curses, etc. in the Bible are a direct result of the plan of salvation. It is all Good News. Even the ceremonies the Jews obey(ed) and that we obey today are direct results of the Good News and point to Christ - to His first coming and His second. At this time, I cannot think of any other Good News that Christ has come and will come again. Therefore, to me the Three Angels message is as much the Gospel as the Gospel because the Three Angels message confirms and repeats the Gospel. Without it, there would be no message.

I have to agree with Mike here, the Three Angels Message is good news, but not all will perceive it as such.

The heart of everything is Christ. Whom will you serve? Without Christ it is all bad news and I praise Him that we have the Good News to look to and contemplate.

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Re: "The Gospel Of The Kingdom" #7554
02/24/01 07:14 AM
02/24/01 07:14 AM
Anonymous OP

Hello Brother James

I have missed hearing from you here @ MSDAOL. It was really good to hear from you!

To everyone else. I have really enjoyed reading the posts here, and tomorrow, after church, while I am out hiking with my two sons; I will be thinking about my "two or three sentences." Look for the answer tomorrow night.

Courage is fear that has
said it's prayers.
Therefore, the Bible
says: "Be of good

Re: "The Gospel Of The Kingdom" #7555
02/24/01 09:18 AM
02/24/01 09:18 AM
James Saptenno  Offline
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Brother Mike.

To my limited knowledge of the word of God, what saved us is “the imputed righteousness of Christ” which is part of grace, a free gift. Salvation is then wholly by Christ and accepted by faith only. Not of works.

But if we believe that with the help of the Holy Spirit that dwelt in us we are able to keep His law and be righteous, isn’t it that we can boast in our self (works) and thanks to the HS, we can be fit for heaven. We made the HS our Savior instead of Christ. Why? Because, we can obtain righteousness of the law with the help of the HS, but the bible said “Christ become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. I do not frustrate the grace of God; for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.” (Galatians 5:4; 2:21).

Christ imparted righteousness or what he did in us through the Spirit is what the fruits of the Spirit all about because we abide in Him through faith (Galatians 5:22,23; John 15:1-5). It is not a single work of us. But this is not what saved us, it is the fruit of our salvation. It is the fruit of receiving Christ imputed righteousness.

What we can do from our own (mind), is the lust of the flesh, as our mind is override with the law of sin (Romans 7: 14-24).

No one can have Christ imparted righteousness without having His imputed righteousness, and no one can received Christ imputed righteousness if he doesn’t believe and accept Christ complete and finished works on the cross for salvation.

In His love

James S.

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