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Re: Lesson Study #2 - Judgment Must BEGIN
07/05/06 12:43 AM
07/05/06 12:43 AM
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Joined: Mar 2006
Posts: 149
What do you mean we cannot use 1 John 5:7? It is in my KJV and does not say supplied text. It is not in italics. Where do you get that? Also, do you think that the Great Controversy that we have is not a correct version or something? What specifically in it do you not agree with? Like could you give page and paragraph....and maybe compare it to what is in your book? What makes you think that we cannot use the Conflict of the Ages series?? This is very distressing to me because if we cannot use the KJV and the Ellen White books that we have...what is there left? I would like some concrete evidence that there is something wrong with these books before I am going to stop believing what she has written! I grew up in reading her writings and I have not seen that there is a problem with them so far.
The quote 1 John 5:7 is a supplied text by the people who translated the KJV. You will notice many-supplied text in the Bible. In many cases there is no problem with these supplied words for they do not change the meaning of the verse, or verses that proceed or those that come before the supplied words in a given text. However, in this case the entire verse is supplied, it may be in your KJV but as stated in my prior post in the Received Text it is in ( ), which is the same as the “italics in or translation and this shows that it is supplied. To compare the verses you would need to purchase a copy of the Received Text. It is called the “Interlinear Bible” Both the old and New Testaments in Hebrew, Greek and English. Some of the larger Bible stores should carry it. I know that the ABC in Collegedale TN use to carry them.
Do not miss understand me, we can and should use the KJV it is the best version that we have. The Holy Spirit used this Bible to bring up this church did it not?
All that I am saying is that it is not prefect. You should note that the founders did not use this verse to support the “trinity” doctrine. Also as I noted if one reads it they can easily see that all three God, Son and Holy Spirit work in unity towards the great plan of Salvation. This text in conjunction with the few that I lead out cannot nor does it prove the “trinity” theory, in fact it is just the opposite. Please also note that Sister White and the founders at times pointed out the “italicized” words as not being correct.
What is it that I disagree with? Read my other post where I posted the 1872 “Fundamental Principles”. The Founders did not believe in the “trinity” in fact they spoke very plainly against it as being a purely “catholic” doctrine. Also, the “catholic church” states that this doctrine of the “trinity” is the “FOUNDATION” of all their dogmas. You can find in it the thread about the 28 fundamental beliefs.
Sister White used the KJV for more that 90% of her quotes, as her son W. C. White stated Sister White before using the RV to quote from she would spend hours comparing the RV to the KJV and if there was no way that it changed the meaning she would use it.
Use the KJV I do. In fact I use both but I preach from the KJV.
Have you ever noticed the old writings where Sister White or others used the term little “companies” or the “ones”? It comes from the Interlinear (Received Text) Revelation 14:12 “Here is the patients of the Saints, here are the ones keeping the Commands of God and the Faith of Jesus”
Peace and Grace
The greatest want of the world is the want of men-- men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.
Re: Lesson Study #2 - Judgment Must BEGIN
07/08/06 12:32 PM
07/08/06 12:32 PM
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Joined: Dec 2005
Posts: 104
So, do we believe in the Word as God apart from another God which the Word was with Him since the beginning?
With this view, does we transgress the 1st commandment?
If yes, no wonder, considering if it is really originated to a Catholic doctrine, which by following their doctrines we would transgressed also the 2nd and 4th commandments.
In His love
James S
Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, kept all the ten commandments including the 1st, 2nd, and 4th and left us an example to follow. Which God did Jesus Christ worship? 1) God the Father who Jesus says is the only true God? 2) God the Son as defined by the General Conference SDA church? 3) God the Holy Spirit as defined by the General Conference SDA church? 4) A unity of three co-eternal persons as defined in the 28 fundamental beliefs of the General Conference Seventh-day Adventist Church? Who is the God of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the living God?
Re: Lesson Study #2 - Judgment Must BEGIN
07/08/06 01:14 PM
07/08/06 01:14 PM
Full Member
Joined: Mar 2006
Posts: 149
Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, kept all the ten commandments including the 1st, 2nd, and 4th and left us an example to follow. Which God did Jesus Christ worship? 1) God the Father who Jesus says is the only true God? 2) God the Son as defined by the General Conference SDA church? 3) God the Holy Spirit as defined by the General Conference SDA church? 4) A unity of three co-eternal persons as defined in the 28 fundamental beliefs of the General Conference Seventh-day Adventist Church? Who is the God of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the living God?
-------------------- grw
I like your questions.
I do not know how many people have studied Proverbs chapter 8:22-32. If someone has then how does the “trinity” apply?
In Revelation 2:12 who is the God of Christ? If Christ is God then why does he have a God? In Revelation 5:1 who is sitting on the Throne? If it is the “triune god” then, who takes the book from “him (singular not triune)”who sits on the throne? Thought, how many arms does this chair have 2 or 6?
In the Ministry Magazine 10/1993 we find that the founders cannot be members of the SDA church today because they cannot hold to the 2, 4 and 5 of the 27 (then it was 27) fundamental beliefs? Why is this? Could there be a difference in, which is taught today? We know that the Holy Spirit brought this church up and taught the founders. So what changed?
As Paul taught, as did Christ there is only one God and that is the Father, the Father of the only begotten Son.
That text John 1:1-2 is held on to by many “triune god” believers along with 1 John 5:7, as the bases for the “triune god” theory. While they over look John 14 and John 17 and a host of other texts that point to there being One God the Father. Maybe they have a bad understanding of these verses.
They think that since God said let “us” make man in our image that means that there is more than one God. Cannot Christ be in the image of His father? And if so then would not the Father be correct in saying “ let us make man in our image”? And then it goes on to say that God made man in His image and the “Him” is very singular is it not?
One other point, the “triune god” destroys the Father and Son relationship that exists between God and His Son and puts them as the same person some how in these three gods in one.
To anyone; where in the Bible (KJV) does it ever teach us that the Holy Spirit is God or that we are to pray to the Holy Spirit? One text that it states it is God or one text were we are to pray to it. If there is more than one text that is good also. But find one text at least.
That’s all for now.
Peace and Grace
The greatest want of the world is the want of men-- men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.